
您所在的位置:网站首页 未来战争有多可怕 自杀式无人机在乌克兰战争中有多可怕?网友认为它们对士兵构成了巨大的心理威慑,关键是好用不贵,让囊中羞涩的国家也可以进行有效的反击


2024-07-14 09:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

@kitharrison8799 FPVs are utterly terrifying. There's a lot of quality combat footage from Ukraine in which you can see the carnage they cause on both sides. They can't be seen, they're almost impossible to shoot down and the signature high-pitched whining and buzzing is a devastating psychological weapon. Eventually I think that laser countermeasures will level the playing field, once the technology is ready. FPV无人机太可怕了。在许多清晰的乌克兰战斗视频中,你可以看到FPV无人机给双方造成了重大伤亡。它们来无影去无踪,几乎不可能被击落,其独有的尖锐啸叫与嗡嗡声是一种极具破坏力的心理武器。我认为一旦激光反制技术可供使用,将最终与之抗衡。 @phillip4307 The anti drone laser helmet will change the game 反制无人机的激光头盔将改变局面。 @user-py1yk9po9g Weapons and counter measures always go through this leap in sophistication during war, makes you wonder how long they want to see this one go on. 在战争中,武器和反制技术往往取得迅速进步,这使人好奇他们希望这次进步持续多久。 @NeilStansbury This isn't StarWars. DEW's like lasers are a dead end unless you're the Navy. The electrical power requirements are huge, so any armoured vehicles will have to have massive power banks and need to be able to recharge them constantly - so the engine effectively needs to stay on or you need rapid start high power generators too, and that's aside from the requirement to aim them on target for multiple seconds in all weathers. They are also far from man portable. 这不是星球大战。除非是海军,否则激光这种定向能武器没有前途。它的电力需求巨大,因此装甲车辆必须配备大型移动电源,并且能够不停地充电。因此,你需要让发动机始终保持运转,或者配备快速启动的高功率发电机。此外,它们需要全天候瞄准目标数秒,也远远不具备便携性。 @bergssprangare ONly a drone can kill a drone..THe sky will be owned by intelligent machines 只有无人机才能消灭无人机,天空将由智能武器来主宰。 @dexterplameras3249 A mavic is cheaper than a artillery shell in Europe. €2000 Euros for a Mavic. €8000 for an artillery shell. Its no wonder the skies are flooded with drones. 在欧洲,“大疆御”无人机(mavic)比炮弹还便宜。“大疆御”无人机售价2000 欧元,一枚炮弹售价8000欧元,难怪天空中无人机泛滥。 @zbeast Oh, it's cheaper than that... most of the systems they are flying only cost about $300 to $1000.00 it's just off-the-shelf build-it-yourself drones. 没那么贵,他们使用的大多数无人机价格仅为300-1000美元,完全是现成的自助组装式无人机。 @server1ok He's referring to a Mavic + the rebuilt cost and the time cost + the effective explosive power of 20 kg of TNT or ( precisely ) it's derivative in small grenades. As they say, time is money. You need to militarize the drone. 他指的是“大疆御”无人机 + 改装成本和时间成本 + 20公斤的TNT炸药或(准确地说)小型手榴弹衍生品的有效爆炸威力。正如他们所说,时间就是金钱,你需要对无人机进行军事化改装。 @N4CR5 a mavic doesn't carry 20kg of HE. It is completely different use to an artillery shell (which can be laser guided also at higher cost). “大疆御”无人机并不携带20公斤的高能炸药,它与炮弹的用途完全不同(后者可以由激光制导,造价更高)。原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@user-jq4ej7pf9o Drones can't do damage by themselves, they must have a payload 无人机本身无法造成破坏,它们必须携带一定量的炸药。 @karizma8175 TNT is a measure of modern explosives. It's not carrying 20 kgs, just the modern equivalent in a 500gm package TNT当量是衡量现代炸药威力的标准,并不是携带20公斤TNT炸药,这只是500克现代炸药包的当量。 @WhyRequirePleaseAcquire FPV style DIY drones. I remember wanting to build one for drone racing a couple years back, crazy how useful its become for armies in this age. FPV类型的自助组装式无人机。我记得自己多年前想组装一架参加比赛,如今这东西的军事用途变得这么大,真是不可思议。 @Aaron565 the drone is still grossly overpriced. so is the shell. there is nothing proprietary about the drone design that can’t be manufactured elsewhere. artificial scarcity. 无人机的价格仍然过高,炮弹也是如此。无人机设计根本不存在专利,无论在哪里都可以制造,它的稀缺性是人为造成的。 @TheSilentpigs100 scary how fast technology advances during war 可怕的是,战争期间技术进步得多么快。 @ataksnajpera War was always a catalist for innovation. WWII is a great example. V1 , V2 rockets , me262 jet plane 战争始终是创新的催化剂,二战就是很好的例子,V-1、V-2导弹、Me-262战斗机。 @doresearchstopwhining Honestly IMO it is scary how so much of the US military tech is now relatively obsolete and how they seemingly had to watch this war in ukraine to see the obvious disruption they would bring. Makes pulling out of afghanistan look dumb when these things could have held down that country pretty easily 说实在的,现在美国的许多军事技术相对落后了,他们好像只有通过观察乌克兰战争才见识了无人机的显著破坏力,我认为这很可怕。当初利用无人机本可以轻而易举地控制阿富汗的局势,所以美军撤离阿富汗显得很愚蠢。 @ataksnajpera What is obsolote? HIMARS? REAPERS? BRADLEYS? F-35? Do not be naive. You won't win war with just some drones. Rocket artilery and air dominance is more important. 哪个过时了?海马斯火箭炮?死神无人机?布雷德利步兵战车?F-35战机?别那么天真,仅靠一些无人机是打不赢战争的,火箭炮和制空权更重要。 @skywillfindyou Don't be naive yourself. Now you won't win modern without too. HIMARS aren't obsolete, but you won't have much of success outside of lonely hits here and their when most of it got shot down when dealing with opponent like Russia, where you won't achieve air superiority with their AA tech. Game goes to the ground again. And you don't have much shots with weapon's cost like that. So cheaper but relatively more effective solutions gain their role. 是你别太天真了。要想打赢现代战争,两者缺一不可。“海马斯”火箭炮并没有过时,但你单靠它四处攻击不会取得多大战果,因为在与俄罗斯这样的对手交战时,大部分火箭弹会被击落,你不能用它的防空技术来夺取俄罗斯制空权,再次失败。而且武器成本这么高,你无法进行频繁射击,所以低廉而比较有效的解决方案能发挥作用。 @doresearchstopwhining Yeah because we all saw how effective "HIMARS? REAPERS? BRADLEYS? F-35" were in Iraq and Afghanistan.... All these expensive weapons the US has are great but can't stop these cheap drones from getting through and in a war of attrition / prolonged occupation, these drones are what will make all the difference. 没错,因为在伊拉克和阿富汗战争中,我们见识了海马斯火箭炮、死神无人机、布雷德利步兵战车、F-35战机的威力,美国这些昂贵的武器都很厉害,但它们无法阻止廉价无人机突破防线。在消耗战和长期占领中,无人机将发挥重大作用。 @JoeRogansForehead we’ve been using more high tech drones since 2001 bro. Ones that launch missles on a dime . Relax with that. We don’t need a million small drones when 1 reaper squadron can cover the whole front line and bomb it . We also have tiny drones and weapons systems like guided artillery and don’t know , airstrikes maybe , that we’d use instead of tiny drones with Artillery shells duct taped to them 兄弟,从2001年开始,我们就在使用更多的高科技无人机了,就是迅速发射导弹的那种。别激动,我们不需要一百万架小型无人机,因为一个“死神”无人机中队可以覆盖整个前线进行轰炸。我们也有小型无人机,但我们使用制导炮弹等武器系统,也可能发动空袭,但不会用与炮弹捆绑的小型无人机。 @JoshuaShope Imagine what we haven't released yet and have up our leave.. These drones weren't as widely used until we supplied Ukraine switchblade drones in the early war. After that, makeshift kamikaze drones became widespread on both sides of the war. 想象一下我们尚未亮相的撒手锏武器吧,我们在战争初期向乌克兰提供弹簧刀无人机之后,它们得到了广泛应用,后来临时的自杀式无人机被战争双方广泛使用。 @GeorgeGzirishvili the Internet was a military project at first (ARPANET), and so was the GPS. They're now in every consumer phone. ​ 互联网最初是一个军事项目(美国国防部高级研究计划署网络),GPS也是如此,现在每一部消费者手机都应用了这些技术。原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@JkDibine Seconds and hours matter in every war for defenders, and they have no choice but to stay ahead of the enemy 每一场战争的防守方都会争分夺秒,他们别无选择,只有领先敌人才行。 @ataksnajpera problem with cheap drones is that they are loud , slow and GPS signal can be easil jammed. IT is nothing like troll weapon. 廉价无人机的问题是噪音大、速度慢、GPS信号容易被干扰,根本不是强大的武器。 @moocorp4574 Drones are only important if you let it become a trench war. With NATO air power it cannot become a trench war, it's simply impossible. I mean, how are an enemy going to move forward below NATO air power? The only thing that can stop NATO military power is nuclear war. NATO basically practices SEAD missions every single exercise as well, and has sensor fusion on both F-35, F-22 and Gripen E/F. 只有在堑壕战中,无人机才能发挥重要作用。由于北约的空中力量,战争中不会出现堑壕战,根本不可能。我的意思是,敌人在北约的空中力量下如何进攻?唯一能够遏止北约军事力量的是核战争,北约在每次演习中基本都会执行“对敌防空压制”任务,他们的F-35、F-22、鹰狮E/F战机都采用了多传感器数据融合技术。 @doresearchstopwhining 100% agree with all you said but that really applies to well equipped military fighting on an open battlefield. What I am mainly speaking about though is what happens after. I can't imagine how russia would occupy all of ukraine when you can fly drones from a basement which also extends to china and taiwan. Just seems like drones are just another detterent just like nuclear bombs are to starting a war. Taiwan is watching and I'm sure are more prepared than anyone being the electronics capital of the world and all.... 我完全赞同你的观点,但这只适用于开放战场上装备精良的战斗。我主要说的是战后的情况。我无法想象俄罗斯如何占领乌克兰全境,因为乌克兰人可以从地下掩体发射无人机,中国和台湾之间也是如此。无人机看来是又一种威慑手段,就像核武器慑止战争一样。台湾正在注视着,我相信它作为世界电子之都已经做了最充分的准备。 @doresearchstopwhining Then in all honesty since you sound like you know what you are talking about, why wasn't the US able to use these effectively in afghanistan? I understand, different war dynamics, but only footage I have seen from the US are using million dollar drones which is to me not the same thing at all as what we are seeing with the FPV drones. Its like russia using a lancet (a weapon they can't afford to deploy en masse just like the US) less effectively than a fpv drone that costs 2.5%. Early drones were cute. These new drone swarms are terrifying 说实在的,你似乎知道自己在说什么,那为什么美国没能在阿富汗有效地使用这些武器?我明白战争瞬息万变,但我从视频中只看过美国使用价值数百万美元的无人机,与我们看到的FPV无人机的作战效果完全不同。正如俄罗斯使用柳叶刀(就像美国一样,他们负担不起大规模部署这种武器)的作战效果不如造价2.5%的FPV无人机。早期的无人机很可爱,新的无人机群很可怕。 @karizma8175 Put simply - They werent considered cause they had a budget that allowed them to think they had better tech , and they had no desire to win. Just suppress, for the stupid to think it was worth the money. The Afghan war was, at best, a training exercise. Expensive, but justified by the propaganda we got fed.The question that needs to be asked, "What did the all-powerful learn?" 简而言之,美国当时没考虑使用这些武器,因为军费预算让他们认为可以用更好的技术,而且他们没打算赢得胜利,只是进行压制,傻子才会认为值得花钱。阿富汗战争顶多是一场军事演习,花钱很多,但我们被灌输的宣传证明这样做是对的,问题是“无所不能的美国从中学到什么了?” @whitebeauty759 Not the biggest country will win this war, but the most cleverest and creative. 这场战争的胜利方将是最聪明、最有创造力的国家,而不是最大的国家。 @jamiew.2718 I know more than one person who is getting out of the front line military due to the use of drones in conventional warfare, I can only imagine the fear they induce when they are overhead 我认识不止一个人因为常规战争中使用无人机而离开了前线,我只能想象无人机飞过头顶时引起的恐惧。 @goldbullet50 If they ever get caught in a war by the opposing side, I can only imagine the horrors they will be put through. 一旦他们在战争中被敌军俘虏,我只能想象他们将要经历的恐怖。 @Eleriol84 The sound of drones is going to trigger alot of veterans PTSD once this war is finnaly over 当这场战争结束后,无人机的声音将引发许多退伍军人出现创伤后应激障碍。 @jaymesnin I heard somewhere there is literally 10,000 flying over Ukraine at 1 time. That's insane 我听说曾有1万架无人机同时飞过乌克兰上空,不可思议! @cristianboldisor1175 The era of the "classic" drones is about to end due to the intense EW jamming. To be successful, a drone needs one of the 2 pre-conditions - either to be able to fly fully autonomous, without the need of being controlled from the ground or, to be operated by an army having the means to suppress the EW enemy equipment . 由于强烈的电子干扰,“经典”的无人机时代即将结束了。无人机的成功作战需要满足两个先决条件之一:要么能够完全自主飞行,无需地面人员控制;要么由有能力压制敌方电子战设备的军事人员进行控制。 @cristianboldisor1175 True but these are not cheap drones (you cannot do this with a cheap, toy like, drone similar to the ones Ukraine used to use) 确实如此,但这些不是廉价无人机(你用乌克兰曾经使用的玩具似的廉价无人机是做不到的)。 @majestic._ recently photos of russian wire guided quadcopters have appeared. these are impervious to EW jamming. I also do believe that autonomous drones are the future aswell, which is only more terrifying. considering the current pace of technology its only a matter of time before those become cheap enough too 最近出现了俄罗斯线导式四轴飞行器的照片,它们不受电子干扰的影响。我也坚信自主无人机是未来的趋势,它们只会更可怕。考虑到当前的技术发展速度,它们变得足够便宜也只是时间问题。 @karizma8175 Do you know how many frequencies these are able to operate on? Commercially, it's 2.4 and 5.8 Ghz, and almost any where on the Mhz spectrum. To trully knock these out of the sky you'd need an EMP pulse, which would destroy all communication within range. The workaround will, and is, preprogramming a flight path. This will only work on stationary targets. You could also fly analogue, tethered, for close range. That type of weaponry will eliminate close range fighting in weeks. Power source and flight control from the ground. 你知道无人机能够在多少频段上使用吗?商业上是 2.4和5.8吉赫(GHz),几乎能够在所有的兆赫(MHz)频段上使用。你需要使用电磁脉冲来击落无人机,冲击范围内的所有通信都会被阻断,破解之道是预先编程一条飞行路径,这种办法只适用于固定目标。在近距离的情况下,你也可以使用线导式无人机,这种武器可在数周内避免近距离作战,其电源和飞行控制来自于地面。 @beyondfossil Intense broadband EW jamming lights up the transmitter location like the NY Rockefeller Christmas tree. The jammer will be knocked out by conventional aircraft, artillery or special built "wild weasel" drones for the task. Also, keeping the broadband jammer active all the time jams your own friendly operations in the area. It’s not so simple. 强烈的宽带电子干扰会暴露干扰机的位置,就像纽约洛克菲勒中心的圣诞树一样明显。干扰机会被常规飞机、火炮、专门用于执行此类任务的“野鼬”无人机所摧毁。此外,如果让宽带干扰机始终处在开启状态,该区域的友军行动也会受到干扰,所以事情没那么简单。原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@vincegedeon6583 A War like no one has ever seen these drones are absolutely terrifying for both sides! 这似乎是一场前所未见的战争,这些无人机对双方来说绝对是可怕的! @SeanStrongman It's crazy to even think, what's going to happen, when AI will be heavily incorporated in this kind of warfare. 如果人工智被大量应用于这种战争,会产生什么后果,想想都不可思议。 @MDC2020 Never would have thought that drones would force Army's back into trench warfare as fast as the tank stopped it. 没想到无人机会迫使陆军陷入堑壕战,就像坦克阻止陆军行进一样立竿见影。原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@bdb543 In the beginning they show a clip of a Russian running around a burned-up tank with a drone chasing him but stops before the conclusions. And I understand why. Because when he makes it around the next corner of the tank the drone catches him. It flies straight into his mid back and immediately turns him into pink mist. Mostly anyways. 他们一开始展示了这样的镜头:一名俄罗斯人绕着一辆烧毁的坦克奔跑,身后被一架无人机追杀,但在生命垂危之际停了下来。我知道为什么,因为当他跑到坦克的下一个角落时,无人机已经追上他了,径直冲向他的背中间,瞬间让他见红毙命了,情况大致如此。 He shouldn't be there and has earned whatever happens. Doesn't change the fact that being chased by an artillery shell with a brain has to be one of the most terrifying things that could happen. We live in a time where a group of men can chase you around with drones while watching from 10 miles away. It's insane. We're in the future. 他不应该去那里,这是他的报应。但无法改变的事实是,遭受一枚智能炮弹的追杀肯定是最可怕的事情之一。在当今这个时代,一群人可以利用无人机追杀你,并在10英里之外的地方同步观看这一切。这太疯狂了,我们活在未来。 @jasonvoorhees5518 This war is one of the worst and I don't wanna bring the other wars in discredit but can you imagine constantly having to worry about something in the air that you can’t see? Awful. 这是最糟糕的战争之一,我不想抹黑其他战争,但你能想象始终对空中看不见的东西担惊受怕吗?太可怕了。 @cruisinguy6024 Psychologically I have no idea which is worse but I do know the sound of HUNDREDS of allied heavy bombers flying over your city in WW2 brought sheer terror to those on the ground. In Vietnam formations of high altitude B-52s would drop hundreds of bombs along miles of the Ho Chi Minh trail that would dexe dozens of acres of jungle, and they had no clue the bombers were there until the bombs started going off. 从心理层面来说,我不知道哪种战争更糟糕,但在二战期间,当数百架盟军的重型轰炸机飞越你的城市时,那声音让地面上的人们感到极度恐惧。在越南,高空中的B-52轰炸机编队会沿着数英里的胡志明小道投掷数百枚炸弹,使数十英亩丛林化为灰烬,在炸弹开始爆炸之前,人们根本不知道轰炸机来了。 I can imagine the soft buzzing sound off a small drone will probably become the most common PTSD trigger for millions of people from this war, much like the sound of fireworks often sets off old veterans - but think about how many things these days make a soft buzzing sound? As you said, just awful. 我能够想象,对于参与这场战争的数百万人来说,小型无人机发出的柔和嗡嗡声可能成为他们罹患创伤后应激障碍的最常见诱因,例如,烟花爆竹的声音会经常诱发退伍老兵犯病,但你想想当今有多少东西会发出柔和的嗡嗡声?正如你所说的,太可怕了。




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