社交网络Social Network

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社交网络Social Network

2024-07-13 14:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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社交网络Social Network-英语作文(精选9篇)

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社交网络Social Network-英语作文(精选9篇)

  社交网络Social Network-英语作文 篇1

  Social Networks are groups of people who share interests and who interact in a variety of ways via software on websites Social network sites are usually free to join.

  We define social network sites as web-based services that allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system.

  The Importance of Social Networking:

  Social networking can help a business gain contacts, clients, and increased public awareness.

  To make the most of social networking, its important to fully understand the concept of social networking and how it can be applied in ways that will help you grow your business In fact, it is progressing so fast, it is leaving the news media in the dust.

  社交网络Social Network-英语作文 篇2

  On the Internet, there are many unique languages that have become a feature of the Internet. What are these languages made of? Only people who surf the Internet often know about them, and online newcomers only listen to the "foreigner" conversation.

  Some of these online languages are represented by several English letters, such as "GG" and "MM", which refer to men and women respectively. There are some homonym, such as "886" means "bye-bye", "94" means "yes", etc. Some use pictures to represent their mood or their expressions, such as ":" to express their happiness. There are other things, such as "table", which means "don't", "newbie" means a beginner... This is a strange thing.

  The rise of online language is conducive to the convenience of information transmission. Because of the simplification of the language symbols, for those who typed unfamiliar, the benefits were not shallow.

  However, young people don't understand the meaning of network language, is that they have the language barrier, and even make them unable to communicate, and has part of the network language is a vulgar language, such as "BT" refers to "abnormal" and so on, in one clean and pure heart, wipe off the black spot. Therefore, there are also bad aspects of online language.

  Now is the Internet age, the emergence of network language and frequent use have become the trend, is inevitable. These convenient languages have become a bridge for people to communicate online. Therefore, we can only make the best of it: the relevant departments make relevant laws and regulations; Using computer technology, it is forbidden to "say" foul language; We should, of course, observe the conventions of Internet civilization.

  I believe, as long as through people's efforts, this rich characteristic language must return to have a pure sky!

  社交网络Social Network-英语作文 篇3

  With the development of science and technology, we use computers more and more widely. Almost every family has a computer.

  In this class meeting, we need to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet, and talk about the good and bad of the network.

  Shang yi contained the first statement: "the Internet is a good helper for us to learn. Once, the teacher asked for the Spring Festival information, a little baidu, come out a lot! Therefore, I often use computer to check data." When the students listened, they couldn't help but start to nod their heads.

  "And," he said, standing up without raising his hand, "there are many games on the Internet. Like the kingdom of rock, the vengeance, The Three Kingdoms and so on I will play, the net friend also praised me is the game master, the game master!" "No wonder you don't work hard every day. You can't do your homework. You're playing games every day!" "Said liang jie, a member of the study committee. The dragon court heard these words, ashamed of the underground head.

  "I have heard reports that one child is particularly good at studying, and when he was in the fifth grade, he became addicted to playing online games. The first thing he did after school was to play games in the Internet cafe. To this end, his parents often advised him not to go online to play games, but he didn't listen, and said that he would not leave his home on the Internet, and his parents were devastated. The result of this kid, is not because the total net play the net game?" Zhang zhuan told an online game example.

  Finally, Mr. Wang concluded, "the network has both advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to use the right way to become a good helper." The students listen to, all in the heart swear: do not take the bad things as usual, want the network to be the best partner of their study.

  社交网络Social Network-英语作文 篇4

  The Internet is indispensable in real life, it has become a part of people's life. The Internet has both advantages and disadvantages, so let me say it.

  In terms of interest, one: broaden your horizons. It also enriches the brain. 2: it is possible to communicate with each other, and one of the shortcomings of students is that they lack confidence and can overcome obstacles on the Internet. Third, it can promote the development of adolescent personality. Can reduce the pressure of homework. Talk to your friends about your worries. Four: can exercise writing pen, can have a sense of achievement. Five: can grasp the new education dynamic, the online test paper has everything, the student can choose freely. Teachers can also learn about new teaching methods.

  There are three reasons for this. One: the Internet is just a virtual world. There are many pitfalls. For example, some unhealthy websites, high school students are not very good, only harm themselves. 2: the Internet is full of aggression, abuse and lying. We can say what we want, without any responsibility! It's immoral not to think about other people's feelings at all. 3: according to the law, under the age of 18 years of age is not allowed to enter net bar!

  Every new thing comes with a variety of worries, from films in the 1920s to the popular music video games. The focus of concern is violence, pornography, decadence and so on. There is a thin line between good and bad. Often "a miss is as good as a mile." The same goes for the Internet. The boundary between profits and profits is a disadvantage.

  As a student, I am for myself on the Internet. We need not only to relieve the pressure of study, but also to replenish our food supply. Admittedly, most of us surf the Internet for better learning. In this sense, the net is the advantages and disadvantages.

  The network is illusory, it is progress. The Internet is good for the bad, it's up to you.

  社交网络Social Network-英语作文 篇5

  From the ancient merchants carrying the burden all over the streets, Shouting and selling, to the supermarket before the dazzling, complete, to the computer Taobao, and now can be seen everywhere two-dimensional code. There's been a sea change in the way people shop. With the emergence and development of the Internet, intelligent tools and the refinement of social division of labor, our way of life is gradually fragmented, and jumping from one kind of information to another sets our normal state. Among them, the change of shopping is extremely obvious.

  Fragmented shopping is the liberation of space and time. The so-called liberation is the shortening of people's shopping path. Instead of having to wade through the holiday crowds and scramble for sales, you can browse on your phone from the comfort of your bed, shop around, read reviews, get a coupon, and finally pick the product you want. Instead of being busy and worrying about not having time to buy fuel, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, you can place your order on the bus or subway through the Internet. You don't even have to carry a wallet. You can just scan through an electronic payment app and buy something without holding change or worrying about dishonest merchants.

  Fragmented shopping is more selective. With the development of the network and the integration of information, some shopping software can be based on the user's personal preferences, commodity nature, pick out the goods it thinks suitable for you, make shopping more convenient. Compared to traditional shopping, it has already sifted through and narrowed down the scope for you in advance. At the same time, it also makes you feel a warm, but also lamented the development of science and technology.

  Fragmented shopping makes good use of human relationships. You can share the link to the product you want to buy with friends who need it, participate in the group purchase, or let everyone help you give ideas and make decisions. Such fragmented shopping makes this event no longer a matter of one person, but an activity that everyone can participate in, making this event more interesting and more life-like.

  Although fragmented shopping brings many conveniences to our lives, it also has some disadvantages. You may not be able to accurately experience some properties of goods online, lack of realism, such as buying clothes may not be sure of the size of the clothes, feel. You may also buy a lot of unnecessary and unnecessary stuff because of the activities that the store does and ignore the use of these products in your daily life. These problems are both big and small. I believe that in this world of horse-drawn carriages, someone will solve these problems.

  Fragmentation has undergone constant metamorphosis, making our life colorful. It has advantages and disadvantages, which will bring us convenience, but also make our thinking mode become superficial, unable to think deeply. It remains to be seen how fragmented life will be, and to what extent it will change human life.

  社交网络Social Network-英语作文 篇6

  Loneliness is a deep feeling that has nothing to do with the number or frequency of connections, but the quality and meaning of them. You may feel profoundly alone in the midst of the noise of the crowd. Marriage will alleviate a person's loneliness, but only if your marriage is happy, and faith will also alleviate a person's loneliness if your God is an abstract, warm being.

  Technology tends to simplify everything complicated in life. Human relationships are rich, complex and require skill, energy and patience to manage. But in the Internet age, what we lack most is patience, and what we lack most is attention. Breaking up couples can make each other disappear from their world with a simple click of 'Delete' on their homepage. Can you have a heart-to-heart with your followers?

  The mindset of a person waiting for a response on a social networking site is much like a child trying to get attention from an adult. Children always overestimate other people's interest in them, so they invent imaginary audiences. People are constantly updating their status on Facebook and Twitter as if the world is listening.

  What we do on social networks is simply to be "seen". In the eyes of others, to confirm the existence of self, to receive understanding, attention and love. In order to get affirmation and confirmation, we show our best self everywhere. Existence has become a performance -- basking in happiness, basking in love, basking in luxury cars and mansions... All kinds of performances, once did not get a response, into a great loss or anxiety.

  Not long ago, Sherry Turk, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab, spoke about the time she walked into a nursing home and saw a woman who had lost a child talking to a robot shaped like a baby seal. The robot appeared to be looking into her eyes and could understand her, and many people praised the technology. It was a robot developed in her own lab and meant to accompany and soothe the loneliness of the elderly. But she thought it was the most complicated, tangled, unpleasant moment in her 15 years of work -- a human being trying to make herself understood by a machine that had no sense of the human path. The robot just put on a great show. It doesn't have to face death, and it doesn't know life at all.

  It's not the first time we've seen a frightening desolation behind the technology boom.

  When Descartes says, "I think, therefore I am," solitude and meditation are the search for the self in order to attain its wholeness. The value of the Internet age is "I share, therefore I am" -- we don't want to be close to someone in a truly intimate sense, but when we disconnect, when we disconnect from sharing, the ego disappears.

  社交网络Social Network-英语作文 篇7

  As a post-80s generation, I am impressed by the fashionable online social networking methods of the former people. It seems that I think it is very convenient and it seems that it has long been unpopular in the circle of friends. From the rise of Weibo and wechat, WiFi is everywhere today. I also from the beginning did not catch a cold, to today have to sigh that I have Out. Looking at the old woman in the barber shop asking whether there was WiFi, I really had a dreamlike feeling. I just closed my eyes and thought about the situation of our online social communication in the past ten years.

  I remember when computer networks began to creep into our lives about 2,000 years ago, it was pretty cool that any family had a computer with Internet access. From then to now, in just ten years, the Internet has profoundly affected the way of social communication of Chinese people and changed the traditional social habits. With the development of society, network social communication has gradually become the mainstream form of interpersonal communication.

  It's hard to say whether the Internet brings people closer or farther apart. It's hard to say whether the Internet makes our communication more convenient or makes our life more complicated. It's hard to say whether the Internet has made our world bigger or smaller.

  The DEEPEST INFLUENCE TO THE NETWORK IS: OUR ICQ MADE red one of us 70 after, 80 after the spiritual tutor - RUffian CAI. At that time, Ruffian culture has become the main food of the spirit of young boys and girls, and we take this more culture soaring, can be said to be the biggest beneficiary of The Times, don't know Tencent company should give ruffian CAI an honorary chairman position? The new terms such as "private chat", "Dongdong", "newbies", "shrimp", "mud", "light death", "dinosaur" and "frog" are all the rage and have been passed down to this day. In those days, "first intimate contact" was a hot topic of discussion among netizens. Every day, online chat rooms were filled with bacteria men and mildew women, eager for their own "intimate contact". Then a variety of forums began to rise, Posting, irrigation, board brick and other new words jumped out. Then micro blog came, I feel that there is not much change in the form, as if it is almost the same as space, my friend told me that this thing is two things, oh, it is not a system, really Out.

  The rapid expansion of Weibo can be described as spreading. "Like a night of fans, thousands of people opened Weibo." That's how Yan Feng, a Weibo user and editor-in-chief of Discovery magazine, described it in Social Times. Mr. Yan detailed his frustration at a dinner when Sina Weibo had just launched and everyone around the table was talking about one thing: microblogs. At that time Yan Feng did not open a microblog, the audience almost nothing to talk about. Immediately after the dinner, Yan Feng opened his micro blog and became a micro blog addict for a long time. That's why so many people open microblogs. Unfortunately, I was years late with the news.

  Missed the microblogging era, of course, also catch up with the wechat era. Nowadays, in the network world, it is no longer fashionable to call mobile phones as mobile phones, and called mobile terminals. Of course, mobile phones are only one of them. Tablets are also mobile terminals. At present, the most popular communication tool of mobile terminal is wechat, which can send text, voice and pictures to friends by logging in with the number and mobile phone number. With its precise location and extensive connectivity, wechat is a good way to keep your friends close at all times.

  With the popularization of smart phones and the promotion of 3G, does the new social era already come? Will you ever walk down the street and see everyone shaking their smartphones looking for a friend? Will I have no circle of friends if I only know how to use it? Amitabha, you have to buy a mobile terminal, the ticket in this pocket already belongs to the network business.

  社交网络Social Network-英语作文 篇8

  When mankind entered the 21st century, high technology continued to develop and the Internet spread all over the world. Everything is evolving at such a rapid pace that sometimes the pressure is overwhelming. For example, is the APP on the mobile phone updated frequently? The endless products make you dazzled and swaying. People who love the new and hate the old can't keep up with the pace of this era. I just bought Apple six yesterday, and apple seven came out in less than six months. If we are not careful, we will be out of this era!

  In the Internet era, there are more and more netizens and countless social software. Take China for example, QQ and wechat, which dominate the Chinese social giants, are household names and familiar applications. If you have a mobile phone, you will definitely install these two social apps. Indeed, micro QQ and wechat not only bring convenience and fun to our communication, but also bring convenience to our daily needs, such as phone bills, water and electricity bills, movie tickets, shopping, sending red envelopes, sending documents and so on. Presumably many people cannot leave QQ and wechat now. Whenever I have time, I will take out my mobile phone to chat and do shopping. QQ and wechat are online 24 hours a day. So in such a simple, convenient and interesting social, I want to ask this network social really good?

  I came across a piece of material, which is very up-to-date and related to the topic we are discussing today. ! QQ and wechat often appear such a message: "My child is participating in the competition today, please vote" such a message many? A lot! I think it's a "commercial" with a coat on. Similar to how many points like, there will be some beautiful small gifts for free. Many classmates, colleagues, relatives and friends especially hate such information and requirements, but they have to do things they don't like because it is meaningless and meaningless. Even though it's just something you can lift a finger at, it's just a finger lift. But why do most people get bored with such questions? It's a boring and pointless thing to do, but it's a waste of your time.

  Many people love social networking and are even obsessed with the online world, which makes it easy for scammers to take advantage of it. A lot of people use you TO BE CONVINCED TO THE NETWORK and depend on, set layer upon layer ZhA cheat level for you! Cheat money cheat color cheat feelings of all kinds of fraud, since the network has been sent, there have been a lot of people by the network liar poison. Therefore, I think network social communication is a double-edged sword, which has advantages and disadvantages. In contrast, we should make use of the good aspects of online social communication to solve our needs in life. On the other hand, always keep a vigilant heart, do not rely on the network to set up, to learn to distinguish the true and false, to avoid being cheated!

  Nothing in the world is absolute, it has good and bad sides. Is social networking really good? The key is in your personal mastery of social networking and a vigilant mind!

  社交网络Social Network-英语作文 篇9

  Since ancient times, we Chinese have the tradition of giving New Year's money, just as the name implies that in the New Year's Day, the whole family get together to have a family reunion dinner, happy and happy, the elders will also prepare a red envelope to the younger generation, to express the deep affection and good wishes.

  However, with the development of science and technology and the popularity of the Internet, many people are no longer used to saying good wishes to each other face to face like before, instead, they are more likely to send messages or even online red envelopes through wechat group. Although this form embodies the convenience brought by technology and achieves the purpose of blessing each other, I think there is still something missing. So what's missing? I think it is the sincere feelings and the inheritance of our traditional culture.

  Affection is very rare, very precious, if the lack of affection, love and friendship in this world, I think the world is terrible. Human beings are social creatures, and human beings are social beings. Emotion is a bridge of communication between people, which can make the relationship between each other more harmonious and closer. Although the technology is now developed, such blessing, red envelopes are more convenient, but the network is virtual, and our life is real, we can not indulge in the network, to face the reality, in real life to actively enhance each other's interaction and communication.

  No matter how far the physical distance is, the distance between two hearts can also be very close. This is the contemporary social culture brought to us by high technology. There is nothing wrong with this, but even so, we still can't break the tradition or even forget the excellent traditional culture.

  I hope that science and technology can be more developed and advanced, but our feelings will always be traditional and real existence, so as to create a better future, human society can develop more harmoniously.

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