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2024-06-30 13:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”运动会的新闻报道“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:News coverage of the sports meeting。以下是关于运动会的新闻报道的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:News coverage of the sports meeting

A page of Sally's diary last week we held a school sports meeting on the playground of our school. All the students took an active part in it. Sometimes we watch sports games.

Sometimes we cheered loudly that sports member John took part in the rice race. He was the fastest runner in the race and got the first high jump Lisa wasn't good at, so we said, come on, cheer her up. As soon as I heard the pain at the beginning, I took part in the meter race.

I tried to run faster than others when I was running. I heard my classmates cheer on. It gave me a lot of strength, and in the end I was the first to get to the finish line.

As a result, my class won and won the first place in the sports meeting. It was really an exciting October day. It was a brilliant October day.

It was a brilliant October harvest. With the wind and cold, our autumn sports meeting was sunny. In the opening day, we saw, orderly pace, listening, colorful applause Under the blue sky, the white clouds are particularly conspicuous.

Although many games are officially started, the little hero students of men's MII class also participated in a game that only listened to "bang". He held his head high, and his arm swing was so rhythmic. The rhythm was flexible, so there was no need to worry about being reckless.

It seemed that he was waiting for the best chance to surpass. When others were around, they should not fiddle with it, After a few athletes, although sweating, panting, but the second lap can still clench his teeth, the little hero is still energetic speed, not only not slow, but also faster and faster behind a few players, behind the red eye, is a pair of wings, play catch and the end of the cheerleading team, higher and higher, provide a cover more than one, only the last meter, the accident happened, only There is a sports event to speed up the pace, turn on the general, and more than a hero, only to maintain the final of more than meters, who in this moment, followed by the mouth seems to be sealed by tape, shouting that the students are in my mouth, the judges also finally round their eyes, the little boy out of the meter track in a second, m, this is not only strength, but also no watch Work is not only a medal, but also a cry.






I want to be a volunteer for the Beijing Olympic Games. I realize that I have to study English very hard because English is very useful and important. It is good for me to be a volunteer for the Olympic Games.

I can make some friends from different countries and learn more sports knowledge about the Olympic Games. But the first thing I have to do is to study hard. I am confident that I can become an Olympic volunteer As an excellent volunteer, I will show the world: our country, our city is so perfect in this world.

We have been waiting for a long time. The 10th Olympic Games will be held in our great country. This is not only a time to show how powerful our country is, but also a precious opportunity to show how beautiful and prosperous our country is In junior high school students, so we must do something for the Olympic Games, we can pay attention to protect our environment or do some other things to contribute to this famous event.

I hope the 10th Olympic Games can be held successfully..




Every October or so, my school has a sports meeting. I am very excited. I can watch wonderful games without class.

My school sports meeting lasts for three days. The course is suspended. All the students go to the playground to watch the game.

I am very nervous and shout out. Come on, my classmates. I am proud of them.

My favorite part is relay race, It was so exciting that all the students yelled and the athletes chased after each other until the last minute of the Games brought so many good memories that no one could be sure who was the champion.



标签: 运动会 初中 格式 满分 范文




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