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关于善良的英语作文 字典 |

2017-01-03 15:23




【 liuxue86.com - 初三作文 】



  Last Monday,we had a school meeting and our headmaster spoke highly of a kind boy,whose name is LiHua.The boy is a Junior high school student.we all respect him very much because of his kindness.

  One day, LiHua went to school by bus as usual. when he was ready to get on the bus,he saw a thief stealing a woman's wallet,and there is a knife in his hand. LiHua was afraid that the thief would hurt other people on the bus. Suddenly, a good idea came to his mind. He walked to the woman and said" Mum,I want to use your mobilphone''. Soon, the woman realized what happened and replied,"ok, I will give it to you". The driver noticed the thief. He drived the bus to the police station. At last, the thief was under control. Later, the woman sent a letter to our school to express her thanks to Li Hua.

  Though I am a senior high school student, I cant do as well as LiHua. His kindness touched me,including all of you. As we all know, a kind heart is important for everyone. Kindness can make the world more beautiful and more lovable. In other words, if the world is a cup,kindness is like cofee, which makes the world meaningful.


  We should be kindhearted and generous.

  "If you have much, give your wealth. If you have little, give you heart". It is a famous proverb that speaks the truth. It is always nice to be with your family, watching TV shows together, and drink hot chocolate. However, there are many homeless people, or even children out there that are abandoned, or have no where to go. They deserve happiness and love as much as we do. We should be kindhearted and generous, and help them out.

  There are simple things we can do to make our society better, such us, A smile, a handshake, a hug, or even saying "Hello" to the less fortunate people. We have to express our love to them, to show that they are cared. In that case, we can make the world a better place to live in for one and for all!


  After school,I walked on the way home.Suddenly,I saw the corner at an intersection,a group of curious onlookers standing there pointing,there were many discussions.So,I ran past.

  A hair messy,dirty clothes women holding about two or three year-old child.Women kneel on the cold wet floor,always looked down,eyes might have been filled with tears.What makes the woman on the street?Maybe because of the family chores for her troubles,perhaps because of her husband's betrayal let her tears,perhaps because her son was begging on the street.......Don't be paranoid,just a love of the people to save the women's misfortune.

  Special gas rich young people,families in middle-aged man,plain and neat women,in successive years old man took out his little purse to the unfortunate woman.

  People with a good heart to give people comfort by begging.


  From young, our parents have reminded us again and again that we should never,ever tell a lie. But as we grow up, we have witnessed or encountered circumstances by which we are forced to lie.

  For instance, when one of our relatives have contrated a fatal disease and you know that if you tell him the truth about his illness, he will spend the rest of his days sullenly, in devastation and die with sadness and grief, do you tell him the truth or not?

  From the above example, we can see that sometimes a lie is actually for a person's or for another's own good. In such situations, I advise we tell a white lie, if it is trully because we feel it is for the better. However, in most cases, when we have done something wrong, we should still tell the truth


  Victor Hugo said: “The most important quality for a man is kindness.” Why kindness is important?

  There are many news about how people unfilial, hurt others maliciously, corrupted and many other immorality. Besides of they are lack of conscience, more important, they had no kindness. Kindness is to understand each other, care about others. A kind people would like to help others, he will accept the faults in a person. He would not hurt others, and always choose the right to do.

  Kindness is important for not only people but also important to the country and the world. If countries have a kind heart, there won’t be wars, and the whole world can be in harmony which will benefit everyone.







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