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2023-08-04 13:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”我想参加音乐俱乐部“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:I want to join the music club。以下是关于我想参加音乐俱乐部的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I want to join the music club

Music was a part of my life when I was a child. I sang a lot of songs just because it made me happy. But now, I think music is like a mirror of my soul.

I always choose music to express my feelings. It can also be a good medicine for my thoughts. When I am upset, I occasionally hear a song that encourages me to be strong, so I like to join the music club with different people Shoulder to shoulder, exchange our friendship music.




I want to join the music club. Do your friends want to join the chess club? The little girl plays the piano very well. We all speak very well.

She often helps me with my math. The teacher gets along well with his students. I want to learn some art.

He can speak English. Only one little Mike often sings some English songs with him. Piano let us paint the table white.

You can speak English. The little boy can't sing Good. School music clubs need musicians.

Our rock band needs good musicians.




1. I want to join the music club. Your friend wants to join the chess club.

This little girl plays the piano very well. We all speak English very well. She often helps me with my math.

The teacher gets along well with his students. I want to learn some knowledge about art. His English is a bit like singing some English songs with him.

The pianist paints the table white. Can you speak English This little boy can't sing good songs. School music clubs need musicians.

Rock bands need good musicians.



本文网址: https://www.baobaoyingyu.cn/zuowen/e7n3307o.html





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