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2024-01-13 14:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”创新改变生活“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Innovation changes life。以下是关于创新改变生活四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Innovation changes life

Some people would rather do the same thing all their lives and avoid change. Others think that change is always a good thing. Discuss these o views and give yo own opinion.

In the past half centy, the rate of change in human life has exceeded o wildest expectations. This is a technolo dven scientific breakthugh that is changing the way we observe the world almost ry day It means that change is not always a personal choice, but an inevitable fact in life. We need to constantly adapt to keep up with those who beli that they have gained a certain sense of secity by doing so.

Familiar things live in denial. Even if people beli that they are resisting change, they can't stop the world nd them fm changing sooner or later. They will find it familiar The conclusion that change is inevitable is not the same as the assumption that change is always good, and that the pmotion of new things is not always becse they have a good impact on most people.

A lot of innovation is to make money for a few people. This is becse the ch and powerful people in o society can change (such as working conditions or real estate dlopment) in short, I would like to say that when individuals psue change, change can motivate and motivate individuals, but all changes, including those imposed on people, do not necessaly lead to good results.




My fute life in the fute society, the dlopment of science and technolo is higher than today. On the street, we can use modern cars instead of buses, which are fast and don't damage the envinment at home. You can use the art comr to do what you want to do.

For example, if you want to eat something new, you can choose a lot of information about them by pressing a special key. When you are tired of the heavy housework, you can buy a Robert to with it. My fute life is full of happiness.

I am grateful ry day.




In the fute, o life will change greatly. In the fute, ry family will have at least one comr. We can shop online without going out.

It's amazing. Moreover, ry family will use bots, they can do a lot of housework, so family members will have free time together in the fute, children will no longer need to go to school, ry family has Internet access, children can learn by themselves. O life will change a lot in the fute.

In the fute, ry family will have at least one comr. We can shop online without going out. This is great.

Every family will use bots. They can do a lot of housework. So family members will have free time to get together in the fute.

Children will no longer need to go to school. Every family has Internet access and children can learn by themselves.




标签: 初一  新学期 




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