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2023-05-22 20:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”聊天软件“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:chatting software。以下是关于聊天软件的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:chatting software

I think the Internet is a very advanced information network. Once you master the language, you can simplify the task of collecting information. I think learning how to use the Internet takes too much time almost every week.

There will be some new things in the Internet world, and the information must be transmitted to the brain, just like a new language. In addition to the language constantly adding new terms and deleting the old, it is something that needs to be maintained, otherwise you will fall behind the network world as a community, I believe We should work together to help the older generation learn the concept and advantages of the Internet, so that more computer courses and network information centers should be open to people, because the Internet seems to be a major part of people's lives. At present, I can't see the future, but it seems that the cyberspace community will be expanded to include everyone.




(online English chat) I am very interested in chatting online, especially in English. I still remember the first time I log on Lenovo website and met a girl named "orange". We talked about some interesting topics.

I think this can improve my English.




Due to a lot of negative news about the Internet reported in the newspaper, people think that online chatting is so dangerous that people never tell their real information when talking with strangers recently. It is said that people are more willing to tell their real information online. I think it is true, but we still need to protect ourselves, people are willing to provide real information, because In order to become real people and seek comfort for them, people living in a fast-paced city are under great pressure.

They need to protect their real selves so that they can live better when chatting online. They will not bring burden to strangers. So what they say is the real situation, to be real themselves, to release their pressure, and to chat online seems to be even more Sincere online chat provides a way for bad people to do criminal things.

Some bad people will use the Internet to do immoral transactions or cheat young boys and girls. So people need to be careful not to divulge too much real information and never meet strangers alone.




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