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2024-07-09 06:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



  After tons of hype, NASA-like secrecy and several elusive trailers, Interstellar, English-American director and producer Christopher Nolan’s latest sci-fi project, blasts off to infinity and beyond, along with this year’s award season hype.


  In Interstellar, Nolan takes this idea to the extreme. Big, bold and beautiful, Interstellar is a visually and audibly stunning film, with vast expanses of space, huge planets and tiny spaceships floating by to an incredible score from German composer Hans Zimmer.


  In the near future Earth has been devastated by drought and famine, and humanity is facing extinction. A group of explorers embark on an interstellar voyage into the unknown in search of a planet that can sustain life. Cooper (Matthew McConaughey), the pilot of the crew, must decide between seeing his children again and the future of the human race.

  (影片中)近未来的地球饱受干旱与饥荒,人类濒临灭绝。一组探险人员因此开始星际航行,希望在未知的宇宙中找到一颗能让人类继续生存的星球。飞行员库珀(马修??麦康纳 饰)必须做出艰难抉择:是拯救人类的未来,还是与孩子们再相见。

  So, as you might have guessed, the story is divided into two parts — one that takes place on Earth and another that takes place in space. Much of the outer space photography brings to mind Mexican director Alfonso Cuaron’s Gravity — spectral and spectacular — and even gives you a little bit of cinematic revelation from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. Of course, everything looks so familiar that it feels a bit emulated and lacking in variation.


  The film is at its strongest when it remains Earthbound (however ironic that may sound for a film about interstellar travel). When the focus is on tragedy — a loving father potentially leaving his children forever with no guarantee that his sacrifice won’t be in vain — Interstellar shows an emotional heft. Even when the film throws out typical sci-fi tropes (the nature of time and space, the place of humanity in the universe) for viewers to think about, Nolan explores these ideas in human terms.


  “We’ve forgotten who we are. Explorers, pioneers — not caretakers,” says McConaughey’s Cooper in Interstellar. That could be Nolan’s perspective about movies in this timid age of old genres endlessly repeating themselves. He’s the rare filmmaker with the ambition to make such bold statements, and even rarer one with the vision, skill and guts to realize them.



  Every work of Christopher Nolan will puzzled theaudience too much, for instance, his previous filmInception. I don`t know my conclusion is correct ornot although I`ve seen the film for 4 times. TheInterstellar is no exception. The famous physicistKip Thorne is one creator of the team, and theproduction of this flim has a solid scientific theoryfoundation which is definitely obscure andabstract.

  诺兰大神Christopher Nolan的作品每一次会让观众烧脑,上一部《盗梦空间》Inception看了四遍,最后也不知道自己得出的结论是否正确。这次的《星际穿越》也不例外。这部电影的主创团队中有真实的物理学家基普·索恩Kip Thorne,有着坚实的理论基础,而这些理论知识确实有些深奥抽象。

  1、Murphy`s law


  The leading man`s daughter in the flim called Murphy, and she is always complaining about therelationship between her name and the unlucky Murphy`s law.


  Murphy`s law is usually thought to be named after Captain Edward Murphy, a developmentengineer with the United States Air Force in the middle of the last century.Murphy`s law is anadage or epigram that is typically stated as: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.


  The plots of the film have embodied the correctness of murphy`s law for many times. It canlead tasks to a right direction except messing things up. The hero saved all the human beingswith the action of Murphy`s law. We can see from this perspective that the Murphy`s law is akind of interpretation of probability, and it doesn`t mean bless, good luck or disasters itself.


  2、Relativity、Relative Theory


  The theory of relativity, or simply relativity in physics, usually encompasses two theories byAlbert Einstein: special relativity and general relativity.




  Lazarus is the subject of a prominent miracle attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of John, inwhich Jesus restores him to life four days after his death. The name Lazarus is often usedtoconnote apparent restoration to life.




  A wormhole, officially known as an Einstein–Rosen bridge, is a hypothetical topological featureof spacetime that would fundamentally be a shortcut through spacetime.


  5、Black Hole


  A black hole is a region of spacetime from which gravity prevents anything, including light, fromescaping. In many ways a black hole acts like an ideal black body, as it reflects no light. Thetheory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass will deform spacetime toform a black hole.




  Hyperspace refers to reaching the other end of the universe fast through the multi-dimensional space(we live in 4-dimensional space). Hyperspace refers to the dimensionalspace which is more than four dimensions. String theory (M theory ) predicts that there shouldbe 11 hyperspatial dimensions.


  7、The Slingshot Effect


  The slingshot effect is used to accelerate a spacecraft in a planetary flyby。NASA calls this agravity assist, and exploits it to save fuel in missions to outer planets such as Jupiter andSaturn.
















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