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2024-07-14 09:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

出处:贴吧,影视科幻生物斗兽吧 作者:伍尔夫·尤拉伦

High tech worlds where the new magnepulse custom ordnance have been tested showed an immediate cessation of hostile and rebellious activity. A magnetic bombard delivered above cities or technological installations can send a civilization literally back into its dark ages.These weapons take two forms, both delivering a magnetic pulse that shorts out most technological equipment,computers, communication units, and droids. The first method delivers the pulse via a cannon blast delivered by a ship of medium cruiser level or above. This blast,however, can be reflected back on the firer,causing the attacking vessel to "blink out" and become a desolate, powerless hulk. The second method delivers its pulse via a cluster bomb,but these bombs can be destroyed before they reach detonation.Now being designed to include shields and evasive computers, the magnepulse bomb is gaining acceptance within the Empire. It is a clean weapon that simply prevents a world from retaliating with modern weaponry. The bombs can be carried by any vessel capable of supporting TIE bays, as these weapons are approximately the size of a fighter when the thrusters,evasive computers, shield generator, and power cells are in place.The sophisticated technology that goes into creating a magnepulse bomb, and its one-shot delivery, make this ordnance very mission expensive. For now, DMR has chosen to spend the extra credits to obtain maximum flexibility. But new technologies, like interchangeable cannonmounted weapons, might see this change in the near future.Remember, these weapons do nothing against planets without a level of technology that includes computers and electromagnetic communications. But as most worlds the Empire wishes to pacify fall into this category, the use of magnepulse ordnance may increase as the civil war rages on.——出自《Magnetic Bombard》


The Interplanetary Ion Cannon was able to target planets at interstellar ranges, and its ion beams could vaporize a terrestrial planet's atmosphere.——出自《Death Star Designer》


No one is sure how or why, but fleets bombarded rival worlds from orbit, destroying whole planets.——出自《Dark Empire Sourcebook》










死星主炮甚至还有更夸张的描述:The superlaser was composed of several exotic matter beams accelerated and amplified by gigantic focusing magnetic lenses and coils, producing a single powerful beam. Unlike turbolasers, it pulled energy from a massive hypermatter core, converting the energy present in hyperspace into highly unstable particles that were tremendously destructive in normal space. The energy delivered into a target was so great that it could cause the target's atoms to split into matter/antimatter pairs and annihilate themselves, creating hundreds of miniature singularities while generating a powerful surge capable of rupturing the barrier between normal space and hyperspace.——引用自WP





When the powerful superlaser was fired at the planet, it met Alderaan's powerful planetary shield. However, the shield was unable to withstand the incredible power of the superlaser, and was destroyed within milliseconds. At full power, the hypermatter reactor had given a superluminal boost to the beam, which upon contact with the planet pushed a large portion of Alderaan's mass into hyperspace, destroying the planet in the process.——引用自WP


The Farkiller was a unique weapon that belonged to the Jedi Oo'ob the Apostate, and was created by his fellow Jedi Var-Whill. A magnification attenuator, it used lightsaber technology inside a sniper rifle, which allowed its user to take out targets from a hundred kilometers away. The very existence of such a weapon earned Oo'ob and Var-Whill an excommunication. For a time, the Farkiller was kept on Red Mist, a Slinani Migration Shrine located in the Outer Rim Territories, until it was stolen by the rogue archaeologist Chelli Aphra, who stole it and put it up for sale on the Shadow Market.——引用自WP


——出自《Doctor Aphra》 (2016)



The most important advancement in the Eclipse is its main weapon, a spine-mounted superlaser modeled on the main weapon of the Death Star itself. The Death Star's prime weapon was composed of eight individual lasers that could focus together, generating enough power to destroy an entire planet. By comparison, the Eclipse carries only a single laser, but recent focusing and generator advances make this ray much more powerful than the units used on the Death Star. The beam packs enough destructive power to shatter the most powerful planetary shields and sear whole continents in a flash.——出自《Dark Empire Sourcebook》




——出自《The Essential Atlas》

















The sun that had the planets Hosnian, Hosnian Prime, Cardota, Raysho, and Courtsilius was a star located in the Hosnian system. Like the five planets that orbited it, Hosnian's sun was destroyed by the First Order in 34 ABY.——引用自WP



Each Moff had a military sector group under his command to secure the hundreds of star systems within his sector.——出自《Complete Encyclopedia》Being responsible for hundreds of systems, Moffs take personal interest only in a handful of worlds.——出自《 Imperial Sourcebook》(2nd edition)


The civilization of the Galactic Empire spans billions of stars, from Coruscant - the heart of the Empire - to remote Outer Rim worlds like Tatooine and Gall.——出自《Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook》


Sectors are grouped together into larger territorial entities called regions. The Empire has countless regions, which can contain from as few as three to upwards of thousands of sectors. The establishment of a region depends not only upon galactic geography, but also upon wealth, influence, historic "sentimentalities," economic diversity and the level of direct control exerted by the Empire. Regions are governed by Grand Moffs (the title "regional governor" is commonly used). Some well known regions include the Outer Rim Territories (a vast expanse of space with many frontier colonies), the Galactic Core (historic "birthplace" of theRepublic,containingCoruscant, the capital of the Empire, as well as several other vital systems), the Deep Core (a restricted area of space—essentially a giant "preserve" in the heart of the Empire), the Colonies, and the Inner Rim.——出自《 Imperial Sourcebook》


以下是外网对帝国拥有星区数量的数据计算:Which if we calc it, using 9 billion star systems, and 200 star systems per sector for a high end, we get 45 million sectors overall.With the lower end spectrum with 9 billion star systems and 900 star systems per sector to be 10 million sectors overall.Of course, if for the lower end world count interpretation we got something along the line of 2 billion star systems with 900 star systems per sector which gives us a total of around 2,222,222 sectors.And for the calc that uses the 100 star systems low-end spectrum for 200 star systems per sector, which gives us a total of 5 million sectors overall.


And with the AT-STs array of viewports and view-screens providing a complete 360 view, the only insertion angle that offered her any chance was directly above her target. Climbing into the sky, Mara leveled off; and as she caught up with the AT-ST she rolled the Z-10 over into a nosedive directly above it and started down.She was lining up the auto blaster's crossmarks on the AT-ST's entry hatch when she saw the light blaster cannon turret riding the command module's left side swivel around to point upward at her. Instantly she swung the control yoke over, wrenching out of her dive and trying to pitch over to the AT-ST's right side where that particular weapons cluster couldn't target her.

But the Z-10's systems hadn't been designed for such a tight maneuver. She was a fatal half second too slow; an instant later the ship bucked beneath her as the engine section took a direct hit.

She was going down.——出自《Allegieance》



"We had the Battle of Gormen won, until the AT-ATs arrived. They came out of the fog and ripped apart the front lines. The locals ran in terror, but the experienced soldiers surrendered. We knew that you can't outrun an AT-AT."― Major Bren Derlin, Rebel Alliance Field Commander——出自《新载具与飞船必备指南》




ATAT的移动速度甚至还有更夸张的描写:Warton shouted, "Run everyone! Get away from the dwellings. They will target them first."The refugees from Eol Sha waded across the tall grasses as Imperial walkers plodded forward. The AT-AT'S covered more distance with each step than a human could run in half a minute.——出自《Dark Apprentice》


The Candorian plague was a very contagious and deadly disease caused by the Blue Shadow Virus. It was known to have triggered epidemics that decimated entire planets.

However, the Candorian plague was later cultivated by the Galactic Empire for use against rebellious planets. It was used by the Empire against the planet Dentaal in 0 ABY, which had just expelled Governor Taliff and declared independence. It killed hundreds of thousands in the capital of Calif City within the first few hours of its appearance; within two days, it had killed ten billion people, sweeping over the entire Kindelian continent. The entire planet was depopulated within two months, and the Empire claimed that the plague was a Rebel plot.The storm commandos, led at the time by Crix Madine, were the ones directly responsible for unleashing the plague on the planet under the Emperor's orders, which acted as the final straw leading to Madine's defection shortly thereafter, although he was still wracked with guilt for his involvement.——引用自WP


"Yes, it will be entertaining. This vial contains more destructive power than the Death Star—than even the Sun Crusher. Selective destruction."―Nolaa Tarkona

The Emperor's Plague was a mutagenic plague developed by Evir Derricote that only killed Humans. It was more deadly than the Krytos virus which killed millions of aliens on the planet Coruscant following the New Republic capture of Coruscant in 6 ABY. It was said to be so horrible that even Emperor Palpatine feared to deploy it.——引用自WP


As individual units grow larger, the battle squadron splits into smaller and smaller groups. Theoretically, a single Devastator could eventually become large enough to strip a planet unaided in a few weeks or even days. Neither Umak Leth nor his technicians have any idea what the upper limit to a Devastator's growth is.——出自《Dark Empire sourcebook》


the machines continue to tear apart at a planet, stripping away layer after layer until there is nothing left to consume. A small fleet of world devastators can completely consume a planet in just a few months.——出自《The Essential Guide to Warfare》


以下是外网对毁世者的不断制造新的毁世者数量的极端数据计算:And I think you don't quite understand the scope of the World Devastators power which is borderline retarded in level.They are supposed to be able to consume an entire planets in "months." To err on the conservative side of things, let us make that 12 months to consume an Earth sized planet.An Earth sized planet has a diameter of 12,756 kilometers, or a radius of 6,328. Volume of a sphere is 4/3pi(rad)^3 meaning it consumes a volume of 1,061,421,843,097.4 cubic kilometers of matter annually. Now, for the sake of conservatism, let us assume that the references that talk about this were referring to the fleet, which we will number at a hundred. So each would consume 10,614,218,430.974 cubic meters annually.From there, let us assume that .1% of what it consumes is usable for construction and the rest goes to powering the World Devastators, leaving us with 10,614,218.430974 annually. Now, let us divide this by the the number of days in a year which leaves us with 2908.0050495726 cubic kilometers per day. Divide that up into seconds 86400 then divide that by daily consumption and you have one cubic kilometer of construction material every 29.711090086552 seconds.Assuming for a second all World Devastators are as large as the Silencer 7, which they aren't, it was the largest, which if it were a solid block filling in for the unknown dimension (3.2x1.6x3.2) would come out to be about 16.384 cubic kilometers, which is way high because there is no way in hell the missing side was 3.2 kilometers. Anyhow, moving along, multiply that size times the amount of time needed to process that much material, (16.384x29.711090086552=486.78649997807 seconds) So you have A new world devastator every 487 seconds, or a little over eight minutes. Rounding up to ten for the sake of calculation simplicity, and for travel to new planets to consume we then figure out after a year how many of the little bastards we have.From every machine we get one every ten minutes, six every hour, 144 every day, or 52560 every year. And that is just cycles, every new cycle we double in number if we set the World Devastator to create more World Devastators. This translates in mathematical terms to 2^52560 which."2" "x^y" "52560" being the correct key sequence.Now, a year later, We have ten planetoids capable of producing a total of twenty over the next year, or we have 5x2^52560 capable of producing 5x2^105120 over the next year. Which of these figures is more insane?Oh, also, given that world devastators are as small as they are and still capable of removing the entire mass of the planet in that time, we must also assume production to be nearly instantaneous as if they didn't do anything with it it would just build up on the planet again and thus defeat the point of eating it.Edit: And for the sake of clarity as to just how large that number is, the number of electrons in the universe is only roughly 10^130. The World Devastators can multiply at impossibly fast rates.




弑星者基地与“定局者号”相差无几,意在使银河系的平民想起帝国的力量,特别是那两颗死星。虽然弑星者基地和两颗死星都是行星毁灭者,但建设弑星者基地的目的在于,为第一秩序夺取银河系的政治权力,而不是为银河帝国维持一个已经建立的政府。与两颗死星不同,弑星者基地的任务包括在广大范围内消灭敌人,特别是新共和国和抵抗组织。新共和国是银河系的首要政府,因此,与其用弑星者基地威慑或展示弑星者基地的潜力,不如直接用弑星者基地击败新共和国。因此整个霍斯尼亚星系(Hosnian System)都被瞄准并摧毁了,新共和国现任政府所在地被清除殆尽。第一秩序的目光很快盯上了位于德卡(D'Qar)的抵抗组织基地,这表明如果弑星者基地没有被摧毁的话,这个设施很有可能继续摧毁新共和国的星球和抵抗组织的藏身处,直到获胜。——出自《恐怖的科技:银河帝国与第一秩序的超级武器》


What was known for a while as "the Doom Star" became Starkiller Base, a glacial planet that's been weaponised by Supreme Leader Snoke. "We thought, 'What would a Death Star look like with 30 years of extra technology?'" says concept artist Doug Chiang. "Terraforming has been talked about in the scientific community for a long time, and we decided to magnify that idea." Fun facts that aren't revealed in the film: 1) the First Order chose this planet because of its minerals, and 2) yes, it can move, since it has rocket ports on its far side.——出自《Star Wars: The Force Awakens on DVD: 10 things we’ve learned》


尽管没有直接设定表明弑星者基地具备超空间驱动器,但有暗示弑星者基地可以进行超光速移动:"Looks like there was a system here, but there's no star."―Poe Dameron

"Somehow, this system's sun has disappeared."―Poe Dameron

The Dassal system was a star system located in Sector Epsilon 51-3 of the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. The system contained several planets and planetoids, including one planet, Najra-Va, which had an inhabited moon. Upon investigating First Order activity in the system, Kazuda Xiono and Poe Dameron learned that the sun of the star system had disappeared and its planets had been cored out.

The sun of the Unknown Regions' Dassal system was orbited by several celestial bodies, including the planet Najra-Va, which had an inhabited moon. At some point by 34 ABY, the First Order moved its Starkiller Base superweapon into the system. The weapon was charged up by draining all energy from the star, and subsequently it performed test shots that cored the other objects in the system. The star's disappearance was eventually discovered by the Resistance operatives Poe Dameron and Kazuda Xiono.

At some point, the First Order moved the Starkiller Base, its mobile superweapon built into the planet Ilum, to the Dassal system. With the system being used as testing grounds, the weapon was charged up by draining the energy from the star,completely extinguishing the latter. Several of the smaller celestial bodies within the system were then cored by test shots of the superweapon,with the system becoming strewn with planetary debris as a result. When the Resistance operatives Poe Dameron and Kazuda Xiono arrived in the Dassal system in 34 ABY in order to investigate First Order activity, Dameron immediately pointed out to Xiono the disappearance of the system's star.——引用自WP


——出自《Star Wars Galaxy Map》





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