
您所在的位置:网站首页 昆明航空免费退票 昆明航空有限公司旅客、行李国际运输总条件


2024-07-14 12:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




目 录

第一条  定义

第二条  适用范围

第三条  客票

第四条  票价和费用

第五条  定座

第六条  购票

第七条  乘机

第八条  行政手续

第九条  限制运输和拒绝运输

第十条  行李运输

第十一条  班期时刻、航班取消及变更

第十二条  客票变更与签转

第十三条  退票

第十四条  航班超售

第十五条  旅客服务

第十六条  飞机上行为

第十七条  连续承运人

第十八条  损失责任及赔偿限额

第十九条  索赔和诉讼时效

第二十条  顾客意见受理

第二十一条  生效与修改








第一条 定义

昆明航空有限公司旅客、行李国际运输总条件(以下简称“条件”)中的下列用语,除具体条款中有其他要求或另有明确规定外,含义如下 :




1.4“昆明航”是昆明航空有限公司的简称(英文名称:KUNMING AIRLINES,国际航空运输协会IATA成员代码:KY)。













































第二条 适用范围

2.1 一般规定


2.2 包机


2.3 与法律不相抵触


2.4 本条件对承运人规定的约束效力


第三条 客票

3.1  一般规定




3.2  客票的有效期

3.2.1 除特别约定外,如果客票部分未使用,客票有效期自首段旅行开始之日起,一年内有效;如果客票全部未使用,则从填开客票之日起,一年内有效;

3.2.2 除特别约定外,客票有效期的计算,从旅行开始或填开客票之日的次日零时(含)起至有效期满之日的次日零时止。

3.2.3 客票的使用








第四条 票价和费用

4.1 票价




4.2 儿童、婴儿票价






4.4 税款和费用结算


4.5 货币


第五条 定座





5.2 个人资料



5.3 定座优先权


5.4 机上座位安排


   5.5 座位再确认


   5.6 对未使用座位的规定  


第六条 购票





第七条 乘机





7.2 乘机前,旅客及其行李必须经过安全检查。





7.4 漏乘





第八条  行政手续





















第九条 限制运输和拒绝运输


9.1.1无成人陪伴儿童、婴儿、病患旅客、残障旅客、孕妇、犯罪嫌疑人、罪犯等由于其身体或精神状况在旅途中需要特殊照顾或在一定条件下才能运输的旅客,须事先向昆明航提出, 经昆明航同意并在必要时做出相应安排后,方可予以承运。























9.3 对被拒绝运输旅客的安排


9.3.1属本条件(1)项情形的旅客,已购客票按本条件 “非自愿退票”的规定办理;





第十条 行李运输


























(4)担架旅客计件制航线普通行李免费额为3件,每件不得超过23千克(50磅),每件普通行李的三边之和不得超过158厘米(62 英寸)。






















































10.6.3用于狩猎和体育运动的枪支弹药可凭枪支运输许可证和国务院体育行政部门的批准说明作为托运行李运输,但不得作为随身携带的非托运行李带入客舱。枪支必须卸下子弹和扣上保险并妥善包装。弹药的运输应当符合危险物品运输的有关规定。弹药的运输应当按ICAO和IATA的规定及我国适用的法律、法规及昆明航的规定办理。并且此类物品的重量不计算 在免费行李额内,按逾重行李收取相应费用;















1)  能防止小动物破坏、逃逸和将身体某一部位伸出容器以外损伤人、行李、货物或飞机;

2)  能容小动物站立和适当活动,保证空气流通,不致使小动物窒息;

3)  能防止粪便渗溢、污染飞机、机上设备及其他物品。

















第十一条  班期时刻、航班取消及变更



11.1.2 昆明航对《班期时刻表》或其它公布的班期时刻中的差错或遗漏不承担责任,除非损失是由于昆明航的故意或明知可能造成损失而轻率地作为或不作为所造成的。昆明航对其代表、雇员或代理人就始发或到达时间、日期或航班飞行所作的任何解释也不承担责任。

11.1.3 昆明航将采取一切可合理要求的措施来避免旅客以及行李延误。如昆明航已经采取了一切可合理要求的措施或不可能采取该措施的,昆明航不承担责任。

11.2 航班取消与变更





11.3 由于11.2项的原因之一,昆明航取消航班,未能合理地按照航班时刻飞行,未能向旅客提供已定妥的座位(包括舱位等级),或未能在旅客的中途分程地点或目的地点停留,或造成旅客错失已定妥座位的衔接航班(仅限于在昆明航购买连续承运客票的旅客),昆明航应当考虑旅客的合理需求并采取下列措施之一:




第十二条  客票变更与签转

12.1 旅客购买昆明航客票后,若需要客票变更或签转,按如下规定办理(昆明航特别声明的特种票价客票、团体旅客客票除外):

12.1.1 旅客自愿变更或签转客票










12.2.1 因昆明航原因(因工程机务、航班计划、运输服务、机组人员)造成航班延误、取消或不能提供原定座位,昆明航为旅客安排有可利用座位的临近航班,票款的差额由昆明航承担。

12.2.2 因非昆明航原因(天气、突发事件、空中交通管制、安检及旅客等)造成航班延误、取消,昆明航为旅客安排可利用座位的临近航班,票款的差额由旅客承担。

12.2.3 非自愿变更或签转按昆明航相关业务规定处理。

第十三条  退票

13.1 昆明航将根据昆明航适用的票价规定或者运价规则退还旅客全部或尚未使用航段客票的票款,并遵守下列规定:

13.1.1 除本条另有规定外,昆明航既可向旅客本人退款,也可以向能够出示充分付款证据和身份证明的付款人退款。

13.1.2 如果旅客不是客票的付款人,并且客票上标注了退票限制条件,昆明航以原支付方式将票款退给该客票的付款人或者其指定人。

13.1.3 旅客须将《航空运输电子客票行程单》交还给昆明航后,方可办理退票。

13.2 自愿退票

13.2.1 如果旅客客票的票价使用条件允许退款,且不属于本条件非自愿退票规定范围的退票,退款金额按下列规定办理:




13.3 非自愿退票

13.3.1 由于昆明航自身或不可抗力因素(包括天气、突发事件、空中交通管制、安检等因素)导致昆明航航班未能在合理的时间内按照班期时刻离站、旅客生病或死亡导致旅客不能按客票列明时间乘机。则退票按下列规定办理:



13.3.2 非自愿退票的特殊情况----旅客因病或死亡退票










13.4 若旅客要求退票,请在客票有效期内提出,过期将不予办理。

13.5 电子客票行程单遗失后旅客退票。


13.6 退票对象、所需文件及责任免除。

13.6.1 昆明航向客票上载明姓名的人或者获得授权的人办理退款。

13.6.2 旅客退票时,须持本人有效身份证件原件在昆明航指定地点办理。

13.6.3 如果申请退票人不是客票上载明姓名的旅客本人,申请退票人必须在出具其有效身份证件的同时,提供该客票上载明姓名的旅客的有效身份证件原件及复印件和其退票授权书。

13.6.4 除客票或电子客票行程单遗失的情况外,申请退票人应向昆明航提供有效身份证件、电子客票行程单方能办理退票。

13.6.5 昆明航将票款退给持有客票未使用的电子客票行程单,并符合本条13.6.1、13.6.2、13.6.3款规定的人,被视为正当退款,昆明航应解除责任。

13.7 拒绝退款权

13.7.1 按照适用运价及昆明航有关规定不能办理退票的,昆明航有权拒绝退票。


第十四条 航班超售

14.1 为满足更多旅客出行需求,昆明航可能在部分容易出现座位虚耗的航班上采取适当超售的方法,以保证更多的旅客搭乘理想的航班。

14.2 如果航班发生超售,昆明航会在机场首先征询自愿搭乘晚一些航班或者自愿取消行程的旅客。在没有足够的自愿者情况下,昆明航可拒绝部分旅客登机。


第十五条 旅客服务

15.1 一般服务

15.1.1 昆明航不负责为旅客提供机场地区内、机场与机场或机场与市区之间的地面运输。对于此项地面运输服务提供者的行为或疏忽,或授权销售代理人为旅客取得此项地面运输服务给与的任何帮助,昆明航不承担责任。

15.1.2 旅客在联程航班衔接地点的地面食宿费用,应由旅客自理,另有约定的除外。

15.1.3 除另有规定外,空中飞行过程中,机上供应的饮料或餐食由昆明航提供,但昆明航不提供超过规定品种和数量的餐食服务。

15.2 不正常航班的服务

15.2.1 航班动态信息通知


15.2.2 因工程机务、航班计划、运输服务、机组人员等昆明航原因,造成航班在始发地延误或取消,航班延误超过 2小时,正值正餐时间,昆明航将向旅客提供餐饮服务。航班延误超过 4 小时,昆明航将根据实际需要免费提供住宿休息。

15.2.3 由于天气、突发事件、空中交通管制、安检及旅客等非昆明航原因,造成航班在始发地延误或取消,昆明航将协助旅客安排餐食和住宿,费用由旅客自理。

15.2.4 航班在经停地点延误或者取消,或者航班发生备降,无论何种原因,昆明航将向旅客提供餐食或者住宿服务。

15.2.5 在航班出港延误或者取消时,昆明航将优先为残疾人、老年人、孕妇、无成人陪伴儿童等需特别照料的旅客提供服务。

15.2.6 航班延误补偿



15.2.7 代码共享航班不正常航班的服务


第十六条 飞机上行为












第十七条 连续承运人


第十八条 损失责任及赔偿限额















第十九条 索赔和诉讼时效





第二十条 顾客意见受理





昆明航空微信公众号: “昆明航空”“会员.服务”栏中”投诉与建议”。


第二十一条 生效与修改




Kunming Airlines Company Limited

General Conditions of International Carriage for Passenger and Baggage

(With effect from Apr. 25, 2020)


Article 1         Definitions

Article 2         Scope of Application

Article 3         Ticket

Article 4         Fares, Taxes, Fees and Charges

Article 5         Reservation

Article 6         Buy ticket

Article 7         Boarding

Article 8         Administrative Formalities

Article 9         Limitation and Refusal of Carriage

Article 10       Carriage of Baggage

Article 11       Schedules, Cancellation and Change of 

Article 12       Change and Endorsement of Ticket

Article 13       Refund

Article 14       Overbooking

Article 15       Passenger Services

Article 16       Conduct onboard Aircraft

Article 17       Successive Carrier

Article 18       Liability for Damage and Limits of Compensation

Article 19       Time Limitation on Claims and Action

Article 20       Adoption of Passenger’s feedback

Article 21       Effectiveness and Modification



Article 1 Definitions

As used in Kunming Airlines Co., Ltd. General Conditions of International Carriage for Passenger and Baggage(hereinafter referred to as Conditions), unless where the context otherwise requires or where it is otherwise expressly provided, the following expressions shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them as below:

1.1    “Convention” means whichever of the following instruments that is applicable to the contract of carriage: the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air, signed at Warsaw on October 12th, 1929; the Warsaw Convention as amended at Hague on September 28th, 1955; the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air signed at Montreal on May 28th, 1999.

1.2    “International Air Transportation” means transportation in which, according to the contract of carriage , one or more places of departure, destination and agreed stopping place is/are situated outside the People’s Republic of China .

1.3    “Domestic Portion of International Carriage” means both domestic and international portion are included in the same carriage contract, in which the domestic retention time shall not exceed 24 hours. The domestic portion is called the Domestic Portion of International Carriage.

1.4    “Kunming Airlines” means Kunming Airlines Company Limited (IATA code: KY).

1.5    “Carrier” means the air carrier issuing the ticket and all air carriers that carry or undertake to carry the passenger and/or his/her Baggage thereunder.

1.6    “Carrier Regulations” means provisions, other than the General Conditions, published by carrier and in effect on the date of ticket issuance, governing carriage of passengers and/or baggage and shall include applicable fares and tariffs in force.

1.7    “Other Carrier Regulations” means provisions, other than the General Conditions, published by other carriers and in effect on the date of ticket issuance, governing carriage of passengers and/or baggage and shall include applicable fares and tariffs in force.

1.8    “Airline Designator Code” means the two characters which are used to identify particular air carriers.

1.9    “Sales Service Agent” refers to an enterprise engaged in sales agency for civil air transportation.

1.10  “Authorized Sales Service Agent” refers to a sales agent authorized by the carrier and to represent the carrier in the sale of air transportation services.

1.11  “Ground Services Agent” refers to an enterprise engaged in ground services agency for civil air transportation.

1.12  “Authorized Ground service Agent” refers to a ground services agent authorized by the carrier to provide ground services for its flights.

1.13  “Passenger” means any person, except the members of the crew, carried or to be carried in an aircraft with the consent of Kunming Airlines.

1.14  “Child” means any person who is over the age of two (2) but under the age of twelve (12) on the date of travel.

1.15  “Infant” means any person who is at least fourteen (14) days old and is under the age of two (2) on the date of travel.

1.16  A special passenger refers to a passenger who requires special care during the journey due to its identity, behavior, age, physical conditions, etc. It includes but isn’t limited to the important passengers, infants, children (including unaccompanied minors), pregnant and lying-in women, old-age passengers, sick and disabled passengers, passengers with service dogs, wheelchair & stretcher passengers, passengers with donated organs, inadmissible passengers, deportees, convicts & suspects, drunken passengers, passengers with special meal requirements, extra seat passengers and disabled soldiers (police and fire & rescue personnel).

1.17  “Reservation” means reservation made for the seat, class of travel and the weight and volume of baggage.

1.18  “Flight” means an act of flying performed by Carrier along a specific air route at a specific time on a specific date.

1.19  “Codeshare Flights” refers to a flight operated by one carrier on which another carrier can uses its airline code or likewise through an agreement, or a flight on which two or more carriers use their flight numbers respectively.

1.20  “Ticket” means either the Electronic Ticket or the transportation document which is entitled “Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check”, in each case issued by carrier or Authorized Sales Service Agent on carrier behalf, and which includes the conditions of contract, notices and coupons.

1.21  “Electronic Ticket” is the electronic form of paper ticket. It is a substitute to the traditional paper ticket and achieved ticket paper-free storage. Booking, ticket issuance, check-in, boarding, financial settlement can all be processed in electronic form.

1.22  “Itinerary/Receipt of E-Ticket for Air Transportation” is the document records itinerary and tariff of the electronic ticket, which is supervised by State Administration of Taxation, jointly dispatched to approve by Civil Aviation Administration of China(CAAC). It is the receipt for reimbursement other than to pass airport security check and boarding the aircraft.

1.23  “Connection Ticket” means a Ticket on the services of two or more flights.

1.24  “Round-Trip Ticket” means a ticket with which the passenger departs from one place for another and then returns back to the point of origin.

1.25  “Scheduled Ticket” means a ticket on which flight number and date are specified and a reservation is held.

1.26  “Open Ticket” means a ticket on which flight number and date are not specified or a reservation is not held.

1.27  “Ticket Coupon” means both a paper flight coupon and an electronic coupon, each of which entitle the named passenger to travel on the particular flight identified on the coupon.

1.28  “Electronic Coupon” means an electronic flight coupon or other valued document held in Kunming Airlines computer database.

1.29  “Flight Coupon” means that portion of the ticket which is issued by Kunming Airlines or by its Authorized Sales Service Agent on behalf, bears the notation “Good for Passage”, or in the case of an electronic ticket, the Electronic Coupon, and indicates the particular places between which passenger is entitled to be carried.

1.30  “Tariff” means the fares, charges and/or related conditions of use published by an airline, subject to the approval from appropriate authorities where required.

1.31  “Stopping places” means those places, except the place of departure and the place of destination, set out in the ticket or shown in timetables as scheduled stopping places on passenger’s route.

1.32  “Stopover” means a stop on the passenger’s journey at a point between the place of departure and the place of destination for over 24 hours, which is at the passenger’s discretion and subject to carrier’s prior consent.

1.33  “Force Majeure” means an unusual and unforeseeable circumstance beyond control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised.

1.34  “Check-in Deadline” means the latest time specified by each airport by which passenger must have completed check-in formalities and received boarding pass prior to boarding the aircraft.

1.35  “Ticket Endorsement” is the written authorization of one carrier transfer its ticket to another carrier.

1.36  “Change of Ticket” means changes made by the carrier to the passenger’s unused ticket on flight, departure time and class, due to voluntarily or un-voluntarily reason from the passenger.

1.37  “Free Carriage” means Kunming Airlines carries certain passengers and baggage by aircraft and free of charge on international flights, including but not limited to free carriage provided by Kunming Airlines for benefits, marketing, private or business travel for employees, and frequent flyer rewards.

1.38  “Overbooking” means a condition which exists when more seats have been booked on a flight than seats available for sale.

1.39  “Baggage” means the necessary, and an appropriate quantity of, personal articles that the passenger wears and uses for convenience and comfort during the travel. Unless otherwise specified, it consists of both the checked Baggage and unchecked baggage of the passenger.

1.40  “Checked Baggage” means the baggage which you hand over to Kunming Airlines for carriage and for which Kunming Airlines issues the Baggage Identification Tag.

1.41  “Unchecked Baggage” means any of passenger’s baggage, other than Checked Baggage, which are to be taken care of by passenger as agreed by carrier, including carry-on baggage and baggage that occupies an extra seat.

1.42  “Carry-on Baggage” refers to belongings which are approved by carrier and carried and taken care of by the passenger, of which the type, quantity, weight and size have been regulated.

1.43  “Baggage Identification Tag” means a document issued for identification of checked baggage and a voucher to collect the checked baggage by passenger.

1.44  “Excess Baggage Ticket” means a credential issued by carrier for charging excess baggage fees.

1.45  “Declared Value” means the value declared for checked baggage which exceeds the limit of carrier’s compensation.

1.46  “Departure Time” means the time after passengers have boarded on the aircraft and all cabin doors have been closed.

1.47  “Damage” means loss arising out of or in connection with carriage or other services incidental thereto performed by carrier, including death, wounding, delay,loss, partial loss or other damage.

1.48  “Day” means calendar days, it is counted 7 days a week. Provided that, for the purpose of notification, the day upon which notice is dispatched shall not be counted; and provided further that for purpose of determining duration of validity of a Ticket, the day upon which the Ticket is issued, or the day upon which the flight commenced, shall not be counted.

Article 2 Scope of Application

2.1   General rules

Except for those specified in Article 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4, these Conditions apply to all international carriage by air of passengers and baggage performed by Kunming Airlines for reward. These conditions also apply to carriage under gratuitous fares and free fares, unless otherwise prescribed in Kunming Airlines regulations, relevant contracts or tickets.

2.2   Charter operations

If carriage is performed pursuant to a charter agreement, these conditions of carriage apply only to the extent they are incorporated by reference or otherwise, in the charter agreement or the ticket.

2.3   Overriding law

To the extent that any provision contained or referred to herein is contrary to anything contained in the Convention where applicable and in any applicable laws, government regulations, orders or requirements, such provision shall not apply. The invalidity of any provision shall not affect the validity of any other provision of these Conditions.

2.4   Conditions prevail over regulations

Except as provided herein, in the event of inconsistency between these Conditions and Kunming Airlines’ regulations, these conditions shall prevail.

Article 3 Ticket

3.1   General rules

3.1.1     The ticket is registered and may be used only by the passenger whose name is listed on the ticket and this must match the passenger’s ID information.

3.1.2     For electronic ticket, air carrier will provide carriage only to the passenger who provides a valid electronic ticket that has been duly issued with his/her name indicated on it and valid ID at the same time.

3.1.3     A Ticket is not transferable. A transferred ticket is invalid and non-refundable. If a ticket is presented by someone other than the person to whom it was issued for carriage or for a refund, Kunming Airlines shall not be liable to the original ticket holder if in good faith it provides carriage or makes a refund to the person presenting the ticket.

3.2   Period of validity

3.2.1     A ticket shall be valid for a one-year period, unless otherwise prescribed, from the commencement date of the first carriage, or from the issuance date of the Ticket if the ticket has not been used.

3.2.2     Unless otherwise prescribed, the validity period of ticket begins from 00:00 (included) of the next day of commencement of travel or the next date of issuing the ticket to 00:00 on the day of the next date of validity expiration.

3.2.3     Use of tickets

(1)   Passenger must present valid ID and tickets when they request for boarding.(2) Passengers shall only hold their valid IDs for use of electronic tickets. Meanwhile, the status of electronic ticket in reservation system and departure system shall be available or valid.

(2)   The booking class shall be indicated in valid electronic ticket. Kunming Airlines only accepts the boarding after the seat and the commence date of the flight are confirmed. For flight coupon or valid electronic ticket with seats unconfirmed, Kunming Airlines will make reservations for the passengers, upon their application, based on the applicable fares and available seats on the flight.

(3)   The Passenger shall finish all the itineraries indicated on the ticket within the duration of validity of the ticket.

(4)   Passengers shall travel according to the sequence of segments listed on the ticket, and shall not terminate the trip prior to completing all segments without the approval of Kunming Airlines.

(5)   The valid electronic ticket for domestic segments contained in international interline ticket may be used directly, without being exchanged into domestic ticket.

(6)   If a passenger purchases domestic air tickets, issued as an international ticket, outside of China , the ticket can be used only after being exchanged into domestic ticket in China .

(7)   Fixed ticket is only applicable to the carrier, flight date, flight number and class of service specified on the ticket; an open ticket may be used only after a seat has been successfully confirmed.

Article 4 Fares, Taxes, Fees and Charges

4.1    Fares, Taxes and Charges

4.1.1 Fares apply only to the carriage from the airport at the point of origin to the airport at the point of destination, unless otherwise expressly provided for. Fares do not include ground transportation fee between airports or between airport and downtown, or any additional charges.

4.1.2 Passenger’s ticket price is the price applied in the day they purchase the ticket. If Kunming Airlines make any adjustments to its tariff after the ticket is issued for passenger, the fare he/she has paid will not be changed.

4.1.3 The passenger paying for discount fares shall abide by the conditions applicable to such discount fares.

4.2     Child and infant fares

Fares are subjected to tariff rules indicated when making class reservation in booking system.

4.3    Payment of fares

4.3.1 Fares shall be paid by passengers in the currency of the country of ticket issuance and subject to the payment method provided. Unless otherwise agreed by Kunming Airlines and the Passenger, fares shall be paid in cash.

4.3.2 In the case that fares received by Kunming Airlines are out of line with the applicable fare or are mistakenly calculated, the deficiency of fares shall be supplemented by passengers or the overcharge thereof shall be returned by Kunming Airlines.

4.3.3 Fares will be calculated in 10 yuan, RMB. All other fees charged or paid by Kunming Airlines will be calculated in yuan, RMB, and the number is rounded up.

4.4    Taxes and Charges

Applicable taxes, fees and charges imposed by government or other authorities, or by the operator of an airport, shall be payable by passenger. At the time passengers purchase tickets, passengers will be advised of taxes, fees and charges not included in the fare, most of which will normally be shown separately on the ticket.

4.5    Currency

Fares, taxes and charges shall be paid with the currency of the country of ticket issuance, unless Kunming Airlines or its authorized sales service agents specify another currency when or before passenger makes payment. Kunming Airlines can specify of its own accord other currencies for payment if the local currency cannot be converted or for other reasons.

Article 5 Reservation

5.1    Reservation Requirements

5.1.1 A Reservation will be confirmed and valid only if the Passenger makes payment within the ticketing time limit according to the formalities specified by Kunming Airlines, and got confirmation from Kunming Airlines or its authorized sales agency. Reservations are not confirmed until recorded as accepted by Kunming Airlines or its authorized agent.

5.1.2 As provided in Kunming Airlines provisions, certain discount fares may have conditions which limit or exclude the passenger's right to change, endorse, refund and cancel reservations.

5.1.3 Reservation of contracted enterprise: contracted enterprise shall make reservation according to contract.

5.2    Personal information

5.2.1 The passenger acknowledges that accurate personal information (e.g. ID, address, mobile number) must be submitted to Kunming Airlines for the purposes of making a reservation for carriage and for obtaining ancillary services. Passenger recognize that personal information has been given to Kunming Airlines in connection with his/her travel for the purposes of making a reservation, purchasing a ticket, obtaining ancillary services, developing and providing services, facilitating immigration and entry procedures, and making available such information to government agencies. For these purposes, passenger agree that Kunming Airlines retain and use such information and to transmit it to related government agencies, authorized sales service Agents, authorized ground services agents, other carriers or the providers of the above-mentioned services. Kunming Airlines will properly keep confidential the personal information passenger provides.

5.2.2 Passenger shall take responsibilities of all consequences from failing to board due to wrong personal information is submitted.

5.3    Reservation Priority

Passenger who involuntarily changes itinerary may enjoy reservation priority provided that certain seats are available on the flight.

5.4   Arrangement of seat on board

Kunming Airlines will accommodate passengers with seats according to confirmed flights and class. However, Kunming Airlines cannot guarantee to provide any specific seat to passenger. For operational, safety or security reasons, Kunming Airlines reserves the right to assign or reassign seats at any time, even after boarding of the aircraft.

5.5   Reconfirmation on Reservation

Passenger does not need to reconfirm the confirmed seats on domestic connection flight or return flight of Kunming Airlines. However, in an interline or return carriage, if a passenger fails to reconfirm the seats on an onward or return flight as required by any carrier other than Kunming Airlines, such carrier is entitled to cancel the reservations on such interline or return flights made by the passenger.

5.6   Regulations on unused seat

If passenger does not use his/her reserved seat without advising related department of Kunming Airlines, Kunming Airlines shall be entitled to cancel passenger return or onward reservations shown in his/her ticket. However, if passenger has informed related department of Kunming Airlines in advance, Kunming Airlines will not cancel reservation on the subsequent flight subject to use condition of the ticket.

Article 6 Buy ticket

6.1    Passengers can purchase ticket through Kunming Airlines’ ticketing place or Kunming Airlines authorized agent. Kunming Airlines will not liable for ticket purchase at agent not authorized by Kunming Airlines.

6.2    Passenger must produce his/her valid ID at the time of ticket purchase. Regarding to E-Ticket purchase, the valid ID passenger uses at the time of ticket purchase must be the same as that used at the time of check-in.

6.3   Ticketing Time Limits

Passenger should pay for his/her ticket within the ticketing time limit specified by Kunming Airlines or its Authorized Sales Service Agents. Otherwise, Kunming Airlines will cancel passenger’s reservation.

Article 7 Boarding

7.1   General rules

7.1.1     Check-in deadlines differ according to airports and if passengers take Kunming Airlines’ flight, Kunming Airlines shall notify passengers check-in deadlines. For check in deadline of other carrier in passenger’s journey, please inquiry relevant carrier. To ensure that passenger can travel as planned, passenger should leave ample time to meet the check-in deadline.

7.1.2     Passengers must arrive at the airport within the time limit and go through formalities of verifying the ticket, checking baggage and obtaining the boarding pass with valid identification certificates which present when the reservation was made.

7.1.3     If the passenger fails to arrive in time at Kunming Airlines check-in counter or boarding gate or appears improperly ID or boarding pass, or does not go through check-in procedures in time, Kunming Airlines may cancel the seat reserved for the passenger and will not delay the flight. Kunming Airlines is not liable to the passenger for loss or expense due to the passenger's failure to comply with the provisions of this paragraph.

7.2   Passenger along with baggage must pass the security check before boarding.

7.3   No-show

7.3.1     In case of passenger no show, if the passenger requires changing carrier, conducting according to “voluntary refund” of the conditions.

7.3.2     After passenger no show, if refund or change is required, conduct according to “voluntary refund” or “voluntary change” of the conditions.

7.3.3     In case that group passengers miss the flight, the tickets become invalid and nonrefundable.

7.4   Missing a flight

7.4.1     For a passenger who misses a flight due to his/her own action, the ticket will be handled in accordance with the rules of no-show.

7.4.2     For passengers who miss a flight due to Kunming Airlines, Kunming Airlines will arrange the passengers to travel on the earliest subsequent flight. If a passenger requests a refund, it will be processed according to the rules of involuntary refund.

7.5   Wrong boarding

If a passenger boards a wrong flight, Kunming Airlines will arrange such passenger to travel on the subsequent flight to the destination specified on the ticket as soon as possible with no overcharge to be returned or deficiency to be charged.

Article 8 Administrative Formalities

8.1    General rules

8.1.1 The passenger shall be solely responsible for complying with all laws, regulations, orders, demands and travel requirements of countries to be flown from, to or over.

8.1.2 Kunming Airlines shall not be liable for any aid or information given by any agent or employee of Kunming Airlines to any passenger in connection with obtaining necessary documents or visas or complying with such laws, regulations, orders, demands and requirements, whether given in writing or otherwise; or for the consequences to any passenger resulting from his/her failure to obtain such documents or visas or to comply with such laws, regulation, orders, demands, requirements, rules or instructions.

8.1.3 Kunming Airlines shall not be liable for the consequences to any passenger resulting from his/her failure to obtain such documents or visas or to comply with such laws, regulations, orders, demands, requirements, rules or instructions.

8.2    Travel documents

8.2.1 Passenger must present all exit, entry, health and other documents required by the laws, regulations or orders of the countries or regions concerned. Passenger shall permit Kunming Airlines to take and retain copies thereof.

8.2.2 Kunming Airlines reserves the right to refuse carriage if passenger has not complied with relevant laws, regulations of the countries concerned, or travel documents do not appear to be in order or do not permit Kunming Airlines to take and retain copies thereof.

8.3    Refusal of transit or entry

8.3.1 Subject to applicable laws and regulations, the passenger agrees to pay the applicable fare whenever Kunming Airlines, on government order, is required to return a passenger to his/her point of origin or elsewhere, owing to the passenger's inadmissibility into a country, whether of transit or of entry.

8.3.2 Kunming Airlines may apply to the payment of such fare any funds paid to Kunming Airlines for unused carriage, or any funds of the passenger in the possession of Kunming Airlines.

8.3.3 The fare collected for carriage to the point of refusal of entry or deportation will not be refunded by Kunming Airlines.

8.4    Passenger responsible for fines, etc.

8.4.1 If Kunming Airlines is required to pay fines or penalties or incur expenditures because passenger fails to comply with the laws, regulations, orders, demands or other travel requirements of the country or region concerned or fail to present the required documents, passenger shall reimburse Kunming Airlines for all amounts so paid or expenditure so incurred.

8.4.2 Kunming Airlines may apply to the payment of such fare any funds paid to Kunming Airlines for unused carriage, or any funds of the passenger in the possession of Kunming Airlines.

8.4.3 To avoid loss, passenger should keep himself/herself informed of the regulations of each country or region intends to travel to, from or through before travel.

8.5    Customs inspection

8.5.1 If required, the passenger shall attend inspection of baggage, checked or unchecked, by customs or other government officials.

8.5.2 Kunming Airlines is not liable to the passenger for any loss or damage suffered by the passenger through failure to comply with these requirements.

8.6    Security check

Passenger shall accept any security check which is required or which needs to be performed by government officials or airport staff. Kunming Airlines will not be responsible to passenger for any physical harm or loss of or damage to personal articles in the course of such inspection, unless such harm, loss or damage is caused by Kunming Airlines’ fault.

Article 9 Limitation and Refusal of Carriage

9.1    Limitation of carriage

9.1.1 Unaccompanied minors, infant, person with illness, disabled person, pregnant woman, criminal suspect, convict or other types of passenger who need special assistance or can only be transported under certain circumstances can be accepted for carriage, provided Kunming Airlines are informed in advance, and give prior consent and make arrangements in advance.

9.1.2 Number of passengers to whom carriage (services) is limited: For security reasons, Kunming Airlines may limit the number of passengers to whom carriage (services) is limited on each flight.

9.1.3 Passengers can consult Kunming Airlines of detailed carriage information for special passenger services.

9.1.4 According to CAAC regulations, Kunming Airlines shall abide by relevant method and laws or regulations of air carriage for disabled, to provide air carriage to qualified disabled passenger.

9.2    Refusal of Carriage

Kunming Airlines may refuse carriage of any passenger and passenger's baggage, for reasons of safety or if, in the exercise of its reasonable discretion,

(1)    The carriage is in violation of any applicable laws, regulations, orders or other normative documents of the country;

(2)    The mental or physical state, including passenger impairment from alcohol or drugs and with infectious disease, presents a hazard or risk to himself/herself, other passengers, crew members, or property;

(3)    The carriage of any baggage or articles requested by people whom passenger do not know of.

(4)    Passenger does not comply with regulation of Kunming Airlines;

(5)    Passenger fails to observe Kunming Airlines’ instructions with respect to safety or security;

①    Passenger fails to observe the rules for non-smoking on board Kunming Airlines aircraft or the use of electronic equipment on board Kunming Airlines aircraft;

②    Passenger fails or refuses to obey the instructions of crew members.

(6)    Passenger refuse to submit to a security check;

(7)    Passenger fails to pay for the ticket, taxes or applicable charges, or the Passenger fails to comply with the credit payment arrangements between Kunming Airlines or corresponding carrier;

(8)    Any passenger fails to present valid certificate specified by national laws, rules, governmental regulations or other normative documents, or required by travel condition;

(9)    The person who presents the ticket fails to prove that he/she is the person named in the "Name of Passenger" on the ticket;

(10)  The ticket presented by the passenger is illegally obtained or purchased from anywhere other than Kunming Airlines or its authorized sales agents, or has been reported lost or being stolen, or is a counterfeit, or the flight coupon has been modified by anyone other than Kunming Airlines or its authorized sales agents, or the flight coupon has been tampered after inspection;

(11)  Passenger fails to comply with the requirements set forth in Article 3.2.3 above concerning use, or presents a ticket which is mutilated;

(12)  Infants under 14-day age (excluding the date of birth), premature infants under 90-day age (excluding the date of birth) and unaccompanied infants;

(13)  Women whose pregnancy exceeds 35 weeks (inclusive)/women whose delivery date is within 4 weeks (inclusive)/women who are with delivery symptoms/whose delivery date is approaching but has not been accurately determined, and it is known that there will be multiple births or delivery complications.

(14)  Puerpera in 7 days post labor.

(15)  Passengers who are delirious or affected by alcohol, kaif or other drugs and under narcosis and may make other passengers unpleasant;

9.3  Arrangements for passengers who are refused for carriage

As for the passenger who is refused for carriage, Kunming Airlines will make a refund in accordance with regulations specified below:

9.3.1 For reasons of article 7.2.(1),Kunming Airlines will make a refund in accordance with regulations specified in “Involuntary refund”;

9.3.2 For reasons of article 7.2(2), 7.2(3), 7.2.(4),7.2.(5),7.2.(9),7.2.(10),7.2.(11),7.2.(12),7.2.(13),7.2.(14),7.2.(15), Kunming Airlines will make a refund in accordance with regulations specified in “Voluntary refund”;

9.3.3 For reasons of article 7.2.(7), Kunming Airlines will accept for carriage after the passenger paid up the fare and charge difference, or make a refund in accordance with regulations specified in “Involuntary refund”;

9.3.4 For reasons of article 7.2.(8), 7.2.(9), 7.2. (10) Kunming Airlines reserves the right to retain passenger’s ticket, and report to competent department to dispose when necessary.

Article 10     Carriage of Baggage

10.1  Restrictions on the packing, volume and weight of baggage

10.1.1    Checked baggage

Checked baggage should be packed, locked and bundled properly and securely enough to sustain pressure for safe handling and carriage under normal conditions. And shall meet the following requirements:

(1)    Suitcase, travelling bag and handbag must be locked;

(2)    It is not allowed to bundle more than two pieces of baggage into one piece;

(3)    It is not allowed to attach other items to baggage;

(4)    Bamboo baskets, net bags, grass bags, grass bags, plastic bags etc., are not allowed to be used as packing materials;

(5)    Passenger’s name, detailed address and telephone number shall be written on baggage;

(6)   In the rules of baggage checked by piece , the maximum weight of each piece of normal checked baggage shall not exceed 32 kg (70 pounds). Otherwise it needs to be checked as two pieces. Baggage fees for overweight and extra pieces of baggage will be charged according to Rules of Free Baggage Allowance and Overweight Baggage Charging Standard for International Flights of Kunming Airlines. The sum of length, width and height  of each checked normal baggage (including the suitcase wheel and handle where applicable) shall not be no more than  203 cm (80 inches)  but no less than 60 cm (24 inches). Piece limit: the maximum pieces of checked baggage for each passenger = free baggage allowance on the itinerary and receipt + membership allowance + six pieces with extra charge (including normal and special baggage). The seventh and above baggage with extra charge shall be carried as cargo.

10.1.2    Carry-on baggage

(1)    Each First Class/Business Class passenger can take up to 2 pieces of carry-on baggage on board the aircraft and each of them shall not weight over 8 kg. Other class passenger can take up to only one piece of carry-on baggage. For each carry-on baggage, the maximum weight shall not exceed 5 kilograms and the maximum dimensions shall not exceed 20 x 40 x 55 centimeters in size. Ensure that the carry-on baggage can be stowed in the closed overhead compartment or fit under the  seat in front with baggage lever (Emergency exit seats are excluded).Any baggage that cannot be stowed as above mentioned, or baggage that is overweight or oversized or baggage that Kunming Airlines consider could jeopardize safety should be carried as checked baggage.

(2)    Lighter and matches are not allowed to carried on Kunming Airlines flight.

(3)    Liquid items are prohibited from carriage in carry-on baggage on domestic flights but can be placed in checked baggage. A small quantity of cosmetics and personal care products is allowed in carry-on baggage. For each type of cosmetics and personal care products, only one piece is allowed and its container cannot exceed 100 ml in volume. All items must be placed in separate bags for inspection.

(4)    Passenger aboard international or regional flights departures from domestic airport can bring items of liquids with maximum capacity of 100ml each, and the containers of liquids should be fitted within a re-sealable transparent plastic bag of a maximum capacity not exceeding 1 liter. Each passenger is allowed to bring one transparent plastic bag at a time.

(5)    In accordance with the Technical Details on the Safe Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Air released by International Civil Aviation Organization, the portable electronic devices brought by passengers and crewmembers for personal use that contain lithium battery or lithium ion battery cell, including watch, calculator, camera, mobile phone, laptop and portable video camera and the likes should be taken onboard as carry-on baggage. Charge pal shall be only carried in carry-on baggage or carried by himself or herself and can not be carried in checked baggage. It is not allowed to charge electronic devices during the flight. As to mobile power banks with a starting control, they shall remain powered off during the whole flight.

10.1.3    Extra seat baggage

If a passenger’s baggage is not suitable to be carried in aircraft cargo hold and does not meet transport requirements for checked or hand baggage, he/she must notify Kunming Airlines in advance and obtain approval of Kunming Airlines before such baggage can be taken into cabin as seat baggage under the conditions that such baggage per seat does not exceed 75 Kg with its depth, width and height not exceeding 100 cm, 60 cm and 40 cm respectively. Passenger shall pay for such baggage separately and take custody of such baggage by himself/herself.

10.2  Free baggage allowance and excess baggage charges

10.2.1    Free baggage allowance

(1)    First class/Business class

First Class/Business Class adult and child passengers can have two items of free checked baggage. Each piece shall not weigh over 32 kg (70 pounds) and the sum of length, width and height of each piece should not exceed 158 cm (62 inches).

(2)    Economic class

Economic Class adult and child passengers can have one piece of free checked baggage which shall not weigh over 23 kg (50 pounds) and whose sum of length, width and height shall not exceed 158 cm (62 inches).

(3)    Infant Ticket

Passengers with infant tickets (regardless of class of service) can have one piece of free baggage whose weight shall not exceed 23 kg (50 pounds) and sum of length, width and height shall not exceed 115 cm (45 inches). In addition, a foldable baby stroller or cradle can be checked for free.

(4)    Stretcher passengers, on routes where the rules of baggage checked by piece  apply, can have three pieces of free checked baggage. Each piece shall not weigh over 23 kg (50 pounds) and the sum of length, width and height of each piece shall not exceed 158 cm (62 inches).

(5)    For two or more passengers who take the same flight to the same destination, if they proceed with the baggage check formality at the same time and same location, their free baggage allowances may be calculated as one integrity in accordance with their respective cabin-class standards where they have purchased.

(6)    If passenger change the class of service of his/her ticket involuntarily, the free baggage allowance shall be calculated based on the original class of service he/she has paid for.

(7)    For the domestic segment of an international travel, the free baggage allowance for each passenger on international/regional routes applies.

(8)    Free baggage allowance for extra seat passenger shall be determined by the class of service of ticket and number of seats occupied.

(9)    Golf equipment, ski/water skiing equipment (not including snow sledge/water skiing sledge), bowling equipment, bicycles, roller skating/skateboard appliances, sleeping bags, backpacks, diving equipment, archery equipment, hockey gear, camping gear, parachutes (including paragliding gear), tennis equipment, mountain climbing gear, fishing gear, musical instruments, auxiliary equipment (wheelchair checked for carriage by healthy passenger), collapsible cot (baby bed), collapsible stroller or cradle can be included in the free baggage allowance, Excess baggage fee is collected based on the actual part in excess.

10.2.2    Excess baggage charge

(1)    If passenger’s baggage is not in compliance with free baggage allowance policies or exceeds the maximum limits on weight, size and number of pieces, passenger need to pay the excess baggage fee or special baggage fee. Fee for exceeds weight, size and number of pieces shall be calculated based on checked baggage’s originating place and destination.

(2)    Rules of baggage checked by piece shall apply to excess baggage fee for Kunming Airlines’ international flights. Non-US dollars sales units outside China should collect the excess baggage fees based on the going exchange rates of the day of transaction between US dollars and the local currencies when collecting.

10.2.3    Other principles

(1)    If passenger change the class of service of his/her ticket involuntarily, the free baggage allowance shall be calculated based on the original class of service he/she has paid for.

(2)    Extra seat passenger

Free baggage allowance for extra seat passenger shall be determined by the class of service of ticket and number of seats occupied. Extra seat baggage does not have free baggage allowance. The baggage occupying each seat shall weigh no more than 75 kilos and exceed the 100 cm in length, 60 cm in width and 40 cm in height.

(3)    Charter transportation will follow the rules set in charter agreement.

10.3  Baggage Acceptance

10.3.1    Right to refuse carriage

(1)    Kunming Airlines will refuse to carry as baggage the items described in Article 10.4  a and may refuse further carriage of any such items upon discovery.

(2)    In case any item listed in paragraph 10.5.1 of these Conditions is part of or is included in the baggage, Kunming Airlines reserves the right to refuse to accept the baggage as checked baggage;

(3)    In case any item listed in article 10.6 of these Conditions carried by passengers fails to satisfy Kunming Airlines’ limitation of carriage, Kunming Airlines reserves the right to refuse to carry the baggage;

(4)    Kunming Airlines hold its right to refuse to carry as baggage any item considered to be unsuitable for carriage because of its size, shape, weight, content, character, or for safety or operational reasons, or for the comfort and convenience of other passengers, to which passenger is unable or refuse to improve..

(5)    Kunming Airlines holds its right to refuse to carriage if passenger is unwilling to accept security check to his/her baggage.

10.3.2    Right to search

For reasons of safety and security, relevant authorities or Kunming Airlines may request a search of passenger’s baggage, during which the passenger shall be on the spot. Kunming Airlines will not be liable for any damage attributable to the passenger’s absence after being notified of the baggage check.

10.3.3    Baggage acceptance

(1)    A passenger shall check baggage with a valid ticket on the date of flight departure;

(2)    After the baggage is checked, a baggage identification tag will be given to the passenger as evidence for baggage claim;

(3)    If any checked baggage is likely to give rise to any dispute on carriage liability, Kunming Airlines should explain applicable regulations and attach a baggage tag with a disclaimer to such checked baggage with the passenger’s written consent. Kunming Airlines will not be liable for any damage caused to such baggage during carriage. If not, Kunming Airlines may refuse the carriage of such baggage.

10.3.4    Baggage Carriage

(1)    Checked Baggage will be carried on the same aircraft as the passenger, unless special circumstance occurs, under which Kunming Airlines will explain the situation to the passenger and will carry it on a subsequent flight if the space on that flight is available;

(2)    Passenger’s excess baggage shall be carried on the same aircraft as the passenger when space is available. Kunming Airlines reserves the right to refuse to carry the excess baggage if the space is not available and the passenger does not agree to allow his/her baggage to be carried on subsequent flights of Kunming Airlines.

10.3.5    Collection and delivery of checked baggage

(1)    A passenger shall promptly claim his/her Baggage by producing the identification/claim baggage tag at the airport upon the flight arrival. The ticket shall be presented and checked if necessary;

(2)    Kunming Airlines will deliver Baggage according to the identification baggage tag, and shall not be liable for whether the person claiming the baggage is the passenger him/herself, or for any loss or expense arising from releasing passengers’ baggage to the holder of a valid baggage identification tag;

(3)    If a passenger submits no discrepancy in writing when claiming baggage, it shall be prima facie evidence that the baggage is considered to have been completely delivered according to the contract of carriage;

(4)    Passenger shall report the loss of baggage identification tags to Kunming Airlines immediately. Passenger shall provide documents showing proof of identity and issue a receipt when claiming baggage if he/she wishes to claim baggage without proper baggage identification tags. Kunming Airlines shall not be liable for any baggage losses that result from baggage claim occurring before the passenger reports the loss of the baggage identification tag;

(5)    If baggage is not claimed immediately, Kunming Airlines reserves the right to dispose of any perishables included in the baggage 24 hours after arrival.

(6)    Passenger’s checked baggage will be carried on the same flight as he/she to the largest extent possible, except the situation it has to be carried on a different flight for reasons of operations, safety and security. If passenger’s checked baggage is put onto a subsequent flight due to reasons on Kunming Airlines part, Kunming Airlines will be responsible for delivering the baggage to passenger.Kunming Airlines will not collect any baggage safekeeping fee from passenger if baggage is delayed due to reasons mentioned above.

10.3.6    Baggage Irregularities

(1)    If transported baggage is missing, delayed, lost or damaged, passenger shall follow the appropriate procedures with Kunming Airlines or its authorized ground service agents at the place where the problem occurred;

(2)    Kunming Airlines shall compensate passengers RMB 100 as one-off compensation for the inconvenience caused if checked baggage fails to arrive on the same aircraft due to reasons caused by Kunming Airlines.

10.4  Items unacceptable as baggage

Passenger must not include in his/her baggage, whether as checked baggage or unchecked baggage:

10.4.1    Items which are likely to endanger the aircraft or persons or property on board the aircraft, such as those specified in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (ICAO-TI) and in the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations (IATA-DGR), and in Kunming Airlines regulations, in particular, items that are prohibited from being carried, including explosives, gases (including combustible, non-combustible and non-toxic gases, toxic gases, compressed gases), combustible substances (including combustible liquids, combustible solids like lighters and matches), substances that could ignite by themselves or could ignite when meeting water, oxidant and organic peroxides, poisonous substances, infectious substances, radioactive or magnetized materials, corrosive substances, and threatening or irritating substances.

10.4.2    Guns or their major spare parts (including guns for military, civil and public affairs uses; pistols, rifles, submachine guns, machine guns, anti-riot guns, air guns, anesthesia injection guns, gun samples, gun props, steel ball guns, tear gas guns, stun guns, etc.); ammunitions; ordnances, police instruments and their major spare parts (police batons, military or police daggers and bayonets, etc.), implements prohibited by the government (implements with electric shocks and implements that can serve defensive purposes); knives and other items highly controlled by the government (crossbows, daggers, triangular knives, triangular cutters for machining purchases, knives with self-locking devices, single-edged knives shaped like but longer than dagger, double-edged knives, triangular sharp knives, etc.), other similar items or replicas of the above items. But firearms and ammunitions for hunting and sporting purposes can be accepted as checked baggage, subject to the requirements set forth in Article 9.6.3.

10.4.3    Items which do not meet the requirements specified in the definition of “Baggage” in 1.39 of these Conditions of Carriage, or the following items which are prohibited from carriage: items which are dangerous and unsafe, items which are unacceptable for carriage because of their weight, size, packaging, shape or nature, other items prohibited by the government, live animals (excluding small animals and guide, hearing and service/emotional support dogs listed in 10.6.9); breakable, fragile and perishable items and items emitting unmistakable pungent odors (like seafood and durian), anaesthetizing and offensive substances or items of similar nature.

10.4.4    Items the carriage of which is prohibited by the applicable laws, regulations or orders of China ;

10.5  Items prohibited from carriage as or in checked baggage:

10.5.1    Lithium batteries and lithium battery mobile power packs (like Charger Pal) are prohibited from carriage as or in checked baggage.

10.5.2    It is recommended not to include in passenger’s checked baggage important documents and materials, valuable items like securities, cash, bank draft,jewelry, valuable metal and metalwork, curio, calligraphy and paintings, breakable, fragile and perishable items,samples, travel documents which requires special taken care of and prescribed medicine to be taken regularly. The above items will be treated as ordinary checked baggage if Kunming Airlines is to be held responsible for the loss of or damage to them.

10.5.3    If Passenger includes in his/her baggage the items specified in Article 14.4 and 14.5.1 which are prohibited from inclusion in baggage or carriage, Kunming Airlines will not be held responsible for the loss of or damage to such items or confiscation of such items by government units, airport authorities or security check authorities which perform any actions with respect to the baggage check of such baggage.

10.6  Items restricted to carriage

Items described below can be accepted for carriage only when they are arranged in a way that meets Kunming Airlines Conditions of Carriage and when Kunming Airlines gives its consent.

10.6.1    Precision instruments and electric devices should be carried as cargo. If they are carried as checked baggage, they must be properly packed and meet Kunming Airlines requirements on packing, volume and weight. Their weight is not factored into the free baggage allowance, and baggage fee must be paid for such baggage separately based on the standards on excess baggage fee collection.

10.6.2    If passenger’s baggage, like delicate musical instruments, is not suitable for carriage inside the cargo compartment and is not in compliance with the regulations specified in 10.1.2, passenger shall inform Kunming Airlines in advance and take his/her baggage into the cabin as extra seat baggage subject to Kunming Airlines consent, and go through the required formalities pursuant. Passenger shall pay for such baggage separately and take custody of such baggage by himself/herself.

10.6.3    Firearms and ammunition for hunting and sporting purpose may be carried as checked baggage with the firearms carriage license or the approval issued by competent sport authorities of the State Council, but may not be carried into the cabin as unchecked baggage or carry-on items. Firearms must be unloaded with the safety catch on, and suitably packed. The carriage of ammunition shall be dealt with pursuant to relevant regulations on dangerous goods transportation. Carriage of ammunitions is subject to the regulations of ICAO and IATA or the applicable laws and the regulations of China and Kunming Airlines regulations. Such items do not count in the free checked baggage allowance but are subject to excess baggage fees separately.

10.6.4    Diplomatic pouches and confidential document

Diplomatic pouches shall be carried by the diplomatic courier in his custody. Upon request of the diplomatic courier, Kunming Airlines may handle diplomatic pouches as checked baggage, but will only be liable to the extent of common checked baggage. Diplomatic pouches and baggage carried by diplomatic couriers may be calculated by weight, and any excess over the free baggage allowance shall be charged in accordance with the provisions for excess baggage.

Passengers must inform Kunming Airlines when booking a flight of any diplomatic pouches that may need to occupy a seat. Such diplomatic pouches may be carried only with prior approval by Kunming Airlines and relevant carriers. Diplomatic pouches that occupy a seat shall not exceed the maximum weight of 75 kilograms and the maximum dimensions of 100 x 60 x 40 centimeters. Diplomatic pouches that occupy a seat are not entitled to an additional free baggage allowance, and fees for carriage are calculated according to one of the following methods, whichever is greater:

(1)    Fees for carriage are calculated at the rate of excess baggage according to the actual weight of diplomatic pouches occupying a seat;

(2)    Fees for carriage are calculated as equivalent to the value of the ticket for the seat class of the diplomatic courier's ticket from the station of departure to the station of destination according to the number of seats occupied by diplomatic pouches.

Confidential documents carried by confidential liaisons shall be carried according to this paragraph.

10.6.5    Foldaway or electronic wheelchair used by the passenger during the journey;

10.6.6    Children restrain equipment;

10.6.7    Sharp tools and blunt tools, such as kitchen knives, fruit knives, meal knives, knife for handicraft production, bistouries, scissors, steel files, iron pricks, axes, clubs and hammers, except knives and other items that are highly regulated by the government, should be carried in checked baggage.

10.6.8    Dry Ice;

10.6.9    Small animals;

(1)    Small animals are domesticated pet dogs and pet cats. Animals with strange form or may harm people like snake do not fall into the category of small animals

(2)    Passengers shall inform Kunming Airlines if he/she wishes to carry small animals when making flight reservation and he/she must provide an animal quarantine certificate. Small animals can only be checked in with the approval of Kunming Airlines. Passengers shall bring their small animals to the airport to be checked at the time specified by Kunming Airlines on the date of check-in. If an operator transports live animal cargo shipments on an international flight, the operator shall have valid certificates for live animal entering, transiting and exiting from the countries involved in the process of the transportation.

(3)    The following regulations on the container of the small animal apply:

1)     The container shall prevent the small animal from destroying, escaping and pulling out part of its body to damage any person, baggage, goods or the airplane.

2)     The container should be large enough for the small animal to move freely in and be properly ventilated for the small animal to avoid asphyxia

3)     The container shall prevent feces from leaking and contaminating airplane, onboard equipment and other goods.

(4)    Small animals carried by passengers must be transported in the cargo hold. If accepted as baggage, a small animal, together with its container and food, shall constitute excess baggage, for which passengers shall pay the excess baggage charges. A value cannot be declared for the small animals accepted for carriage. Passenger shall be fully responsible for small animals checked. Kunming Airlines shall not be liable for any sickness, injury or death attributed to the carriage for any reason other than that directly caused by Kunming Airlines.

(5)    It applies to the transport of guide, hearing and service/emotional support dogs. Passengers who are with visual or hearing disorders or who are mentally disabled may bring their guide, hearing and service/emotional support dogs into the cabin provided that transport conditions of Kunming Airlines are met. Guide/hearing and service/emotional support dogs together with their crates and food may be transported freely and aren’t included in the free baggage allowance. Any damages or injuries caused by the guide/hearing and service/emotional support dogs to other passengers or Kunming Airlines should be borne by the passengers themselves.

10.7  Declaration of baggage value

10.7.1    Passenger may declare a value for Checked Baggage in excess of RMB 100 per kilogram.

10.7.2    The declared value of the checked baggage shall not exceed the actual value of such baggage. The maximum declared value of baggage for each passenger is RMB 8,000.Kunming Airlines may refuse the acceptance and carriage of the baggage if Kunming Airlines disagrees with the declared value or the passenger refuses to accept to be checked.

10.7.3    Kunming Airlines will introduce a surcharge for the declared value of Baggage of 5‰ of the amount in excess of the limitation provided in Article 10.7.1 with the baggage declared value. Such surcharge shall be denominated in Renminbi (Yuan), the decimal places of which shall be rounded.

10.8  Illegal Baggage

Checked and carry-on baggage which contains prohibited, restricted or dangerous items as stipulated by the Chinese government is considered illegal baggage, which Kunming Airlines shall deal with according to the following provisions:

10.8.1    Refuse to accept illegal baggage submitted for check-in at the departure airport, cancel or suspend carriage of illegal baggage already carried and require the passenger to immediately remove the illegal baggage. Any excess baggage fee charged the passenger will not be refunded.

10.8.2    In cases where illegal baggage is found at a stopping place, Kunming Airlines will terminate the carriage immediately. Any excess baggage fee charged the passenger will not be refunded.

10.8.3    Turn over any prohibited, restricted or dangerous items stipulated by the Chinese government that are included in checked and carry-on baggage to relevant authorities.

10.9  Return of Baggage

10.9.1    If passenger request return of baggage at the departure airport, he/she must make the request before the baggage is loaded onto the flight. Passenger who requests refunds must have his/her checked baggage returned as well. Any excess baggage charges collected under these circumstances will be refunded.

10.9.2    Passenger may request return of baggage at stopping places unless there is not enough time between connecting flights to process the request. In this case, any excess baggage charges collected for unused segments of the flight will not be refunded.

10.9.3    In the case of return of baggage with declared value, the excess value charge collected will be refunded at the departure airport but the excess value charge collected will not be refunded at stopping places.

10.9.4    Passengers who make involuntary changes in flights due to reasons caused by Kunming Airlines will have their baggage appropriately carried according to the change. Kunming Airlines will refund any overcharge in excess baggage charges but passengers will not be charged additional fees for any short falls. The excess value charge collected will not be refunded.

Article 11     Schedules, Cancellation and Change of Flights

11.1 Flight time

11.1.1   Kunming Airlines undertakes to use its best efforts to carry the passenger and his/her baggage with reasonable dispatch and to adhere to the schedule in effect on the date of travel. However, timetables or flight times shown at other places are only for reference, which will not constitute as part of the contract of carriage entered into between Kunming Airlines and the passengers.

11.1.2   Except in the case of damage caused by Kunming Airlines imprudent act or omission attributable to Kunming Airlines intention or full awareness of such damage, Kunming Airlines will not be liable for any mistake or omission in the flight timetable or any other published schedules. Also Kunming Airlines will not be liable for any interpretation on time or date of departure or arrival, or carriage of any flight adopted by its employees, agents or representatives.

11.1.3   Kunming Airlines will take every necessary measure to avoid any delay in carrying a passenger and the passenger’s baggage. Kunming Airlines will not be liable if Kunming Airlines has taken every necessary measure or it is not possible for Kunming Airlines to take such measures to avoid such delay.

11.2 Cancellation and change of flights

When circumstances so require, Kunming Airlines may, without prior notice, change aircraft type or divert routes, cancel, terminate, postpone, or delay any flight:

(1)   In order to comply with laws, administrative regulations, orders and requirements of relevant countries.

(2)   In order to ensure safe operation of a flight;

(3)   Circumstances beyond the control or prediction of Kunming Airlines.

11.3 Due to any reason prescribed in Article 11.2, if Kunming Airlines cancels a flight or fails/delays to operate reasonably according to schedules, fails to provide passengers with the reserved seats (including the classes), or fails to stop at the passenger’s stopping place or destination, or causes a passenger to miss a connecting flight(limited to passenger who purchase connection flight ticket at Kunming Airlines) on which the passenger has a confirmed seat, Kunming Airlines shall, considering the Passenger’s reasonable requests, take any of the following measures:

(1)     Kunming Airlines will arrange the subsequent flights with available seats for the passenger;

(2)     The passenger will be endorsed to other carriers after agreed by the passenger and the endorsed carrier;

(3)     Kunming Airlines will make a change in the flight shown on the original ticket and arrange other Kunming Airlines or other carriers’ flights to carry the passenger to the destination or stopping place, any overcharge for the ticket, excess baggage fee or other service fee will be returned but any deficiency thereof shall not be supplemented.

Article 12     Change and Endorsement of Ticket

12.1 If passenger needs to change or endorse ticket after purchasing from Kunming Airlines, one of the following rules applies (Special fare ticket, group passengers ticket are excluded )

12.1.1   Voluntary change or endorsement of ticket  

Kunming Airlines shall process in case seats are available and time is sufficient, and shall charge service fee according to tariff.

(1)   Unused ticket shall be re-calculated based on fare on the date of ticket change. Partial used ticket shall be re-calculated based on fare on the original date of ticket issuance. New fare must be equal or higher than the old one.

(2)   Child ticket will be charged according to applicable discount rate.

(3)   Infant ticket without occupying a seat is charge free.

(4)   The balance between different fares and corresponding service fee shall be both charged

(5)   Based on the changed fares calculate group, the higher rate shall be charged;

(6)   Applicable service fee should be charged every time.

(7)   Change of tickets must be made within the period of validity of the ticket.

12.2   Involuntary change and endorsement of ticket

12.2.1     If departure flight is delayed or canceled or reserved seat is not available due to reasons on Kunming Airlines part (aircraft maintenance, flight rescheduling, carriage service and crew), Kunming Airlines shall locate passenger to subsequent flight with seats available, and shall pay for the balance of fares.

12.2.2     If departure flight is delayed or canceled due to reasons not on Kunming Airlines part (weather, unexpected event, air traffic control, security check and passenger), Kunming Airlines shall locate passenger to subsequent flight with seats available, and shall pay for the balance of fares.

12.2.3     For involuntary change and endorsement of ticket, handle according to relevant operation regulation of Kunming Airlines.

Article 13     Refund

13.1 Kunming Airlines will refund a ticket or any unused portion of a ticket, in accordance with applicable rules on fares or tariff, subject to the following regulations:

13.1.1   Except as otherwise provided for in this Article, Kunming Airlines can make a refund either to passenger or to the person who has paid for the ticket, upon presentation of satisfactory proof of such payment and satisfactory ID.

13.1.2   If passenger are not the person who paid for the ticket and the restrictions on refund are specified on the ticket, Kunming Airlines will make the refund to the person who paid for the ticket or the appointee of the person who paid for the ticket in the original way the payment was made.

13.1.3   Passenger can get refund only after he/she returns the “Itinerary/Receipt of Electronic Ticket for Air Transport” to Kunming Airlines.

13.2 Voluntary Refund

13.2.1   If refund on passenger ticket is allowed based on the conditions of use of his/her ticket and the reasons for refund are not those set out in Article 12.3 Involuntary Refund, the amount of the refund will be subject to the following regulations:

(1)   Voluntary Refund application shall be processed at the original ticketing place of the ticket.

(2)   If no portion of the ticket has been used, an amount equal to the fare paid, less any reasonable service charges or cancellation fees;

(3)   If a portion of the ticket has been used, the refund will be an amount equal to the difference between the fare paid and the applicable fare for travel between the points for which the ticket has been used, less any reasonable service charges or cancellation fees.

13.3 Involuntary Refund

13.3.1   If Kunming Airlines flight is delayed or canceled in the city of origin due to Kunming Airlines itself or force majeure ( weather, unexpected event, air traffic control, security check), or passenger’s sickness or death result in passenger’s incapability to board according to the time specified on the ticket, refund shall be applied as follows:

(1)   Involuntary refund can only be applied at the original ticketing place.

(2)   Passengers requesting an involuntary refund may receive a full refund of the ticket fare at the place of flight departure; or a full refund of unused segments of the ticket(i.e. normal fare from stopping place to destination listed on the passenger’s ticket multiplied  by discount offered when purchasing the ticket) at the specified stopping place(alternating place), but in no instance can the amount of the refund exceed the amount paid for the original fare. No refund service fee is charged in either case.

13.3.2   Special circumstances on involuntary refunds ---- illness or death of passenger

(1)   Refund proof

Refund applied after purchasing due to sickness, passenger should provide original copy of certificate of diagnosis signed by attending doctor and medicine invoice from medical unit above country level(included). Time of these proof should be between the date of ticket purchasing and the date of departure (included). Person who request refund for dead passenger should provide the death certificate.

If sickness suffered accidentally at the airport (after the check-in is closed), or at the flight stopping place(alternating place), refund shall be applied with certificate of diagnosis issued by airport medical center.

For passenger who is incapable of providing above proof, Kunming Airlines and its authorized sales agent hold the right to process the case as voluntary refund without free of charge.

(2)   Refund principles

Refund due to sickness shall be applied at the original ticketing place of the ticket.

Passengers may receive a full refund of the ticket fare at the place of flight departure; or a full refund of unused segments of the ticket(i.e. normal fare from stopping place to destination listed on the passenger’s ticket multiplied  by discount offered when purchasing the ticket) at the specified stopping place(alternating place), but in no instance can the amount of the refund exceed the amount paid for the original fare. No refund service fee is charged in either case.

If passenger cannot apply the refund in person due to serve illness, his/her authorized person must apply the refund with the passenger’s valid ID, authorization letter and the authorized person’s valid ID.

Refund application for companions of sick passenger shall be submitted concurrently with the sick passenger’s application. Exemption on refund service fee is limited to 2 companions, the rest people shall be charged as voluntary refund.

13.4 Refund shall not be processed if the ticket is invalid.

13.5 Refund for passenger who lost electronic ticket.

Passenger has to fill Kunming Airlines’ Lost Ticket Application Form at the place of refund if itinerary of e-ticket is lost. After confirmation from place of refund, procedures will be handled within period of validity of the ticket.

13.6 Refund object,required documents and exclusion of liability

13.6.1   Kunming Airlines shall refund to the person with his/her name printed on the ticket or authorized.

13.6.2   Passenger is required to present personal valid ID at designated place to apply refund.

13.6.3   If the person who applies refund is not the same passenger as listed on the ticket, besides his/her own valid ID, the applicant must provide original ID of the passenger, a copy of the ID and refund authorization letter from him/her.

13.6.4   Valid personal ID and electronic ticket must be presented to Kunming Airlines to apply refund, unless ticket or electronic ticket is lost.

13.6.5   Kunming Airlines shall refund the money to applicant who presents unused electronic ticket and in comply with Article 13.6.1, 13.6.2 and 13.6.3. This shall be regarded as legitimate refund, and Kunming Airlines shall be excluded from liability.

13.7 Right to refuse Refund

13.7.1   Kunming Airlines shall refuse to refund due to reasons on applicable fares and Kunming Airlines regulations.

13.7.2   Kunming Airlines shall refuse request for refund after the validity period of ticket has expired.

Article 14     Overbooking

14.1  Kunming Airlines tend to overbook flights on which, historically, seats go empty in order that more passengers can have easier access to the flights they desire.

14.2  When overbooking occurs, Kunming Airlines will, at the airport, look for volunteers who are willing to take a later flight or cancel their journey. In case there are not enough volunteers, Kunming Airlines can deny boarding to some passengers.

14.3   In case passenger is unable to travel on his/her booked flight due to overbooking, Kunming Airlines will either put he/she onto the next earliest available flight or offer a refund free of charge, and at the same time provide with reasonable compensation.

Article 15   Passenger Services

15.1  Common Services

15.1.1    Kunming Airlines will not liable for the fares to include ground transport service within airport, between airports and between airports and town centers. Kunming Airlines will not liable for the conduct or negligence in such ground transport service or any help provided by a authorized sales agent to the passenger in such ground transport service.

15.1.2    Passenger responsible for ground accommodation fees paid for food and housing (accommodation) in the process of a connecting flight. Unless otherwise specified.

15.1.3    Unless otherwise specified, during flight, onboard beverage or meals are provided by Kunming Airlines. However, Kunming Airlines does not provide catering services which exceed specified variety and quantity.

15.2  Service in Flight Irregularities

15.2.1   Flight status notification

Kunming Airlines will promptly distribute Flight delay and cancellation information to passengers in one or several ways simultaneously through official internet website, call center, SMS, phone calls and broadcasting.

15.2.2    If departure flight is delayed or canceled in the city of origin due to reasons on Kunming Airlines part related to aircraft maintenance, flight rescheduling, carriage service and crew, providing the actual length of delay is two (2) hours or more and it’s lunch/dinner time, Kunming Airlines will provide meals service. If the actual length of delay is four (4) hours or more, Kunming Airlines will provide accommodations service if necessary.

15.2.3    If departure flight is delayed or canceled in the city of origin due to reasons related to which are outside Kunming Airlines control, Kunming Airlines will assists in arranging meals and accommodations for passenger, and passenger shall be responsible for all related expenses incurred.

15.2.4    Kunming Airlines will provide meals or accommodations to passenger if, for any reasons, flight is delayed or canceled in the agreed stopping place or domestic flight is diverted.

15.2.5    If flight is delayed or cancelled, Kunming Airlines shall provide relevant service prior to passengers who needs special attention like disabled, elders, pregnant women and unaccompanied minors.

15.2.6    Compensation for Flight Delay

If domestic flight is delayed due to reasons on Kunming Airlines part related to aircraft maintenance, flight rescheduling, carriage service and crew, Kunming Airlines will provide compensation based on the actual situations of delay. If the actual length of delay is four(4) hours or more, but less than eight(8) hours, the compensation for each passenger is RMB 200. If the actual length of delay is eight(8) hours or above, the compensation for each passenger is RMB 400.

Flight delay happens due to various factors or combined, compensation from Kunming Airlines is based on accumulated delay time caused only by Kunming Airlines.

15.2.7    Service for irregular code share flight.

Code share flight is a service Kunming Airlines could provide more flight and time for passenger to choose. In case a passenger purchased Kunming Airlines ticket and onboard an aircraft operated by another carrier which apply code share with Kunming Airlines. Kunming Airlines shall provide change, endorsement and refund of ticket service to passenger, while ground service, cabin service, flight delay, irregular flight compensation service are provided by the actual carrier.

Article 16     Conduct onboard Aircraft

16.1  General rules

If, in Kunming Airlines’ judgment, passenger conduct himself/herself aboard the aircraft so as to endanger the aircraft or any person or property on board, or obstruct the crew in the performance of their duties, or fail to comply with any instructions of the crew including but not limited to those with respect to smoking, alcohol or drug consumption, or behave in a manner which causes or threatens to cause discomfort, inconvenience, damage or injury to other passengers or the crew, Kunming Airlines may take such measures as we deem reasonably necessary to prevent continuation of such conduct, including restraint during flight or removal from the aircraft prior to departure or on arrival. Passenger may be disembarked and refused onward carriage at any point and may be prosecuted by local authorities for offences committed on board the aircraft.

16.2  Electronic devices and other types of device

For safety reasons, Kunming Airlines forbid or limit the use onboard the aircraft of any electronic devices, including, but not limited to, mobile phones, laptop computers, portable recorders, portable radios, CD players, electronic game players or transmitting devices like radio controlled toys and walkie-talkies. However, the use of hearing aid and cardiac pacemaker is allowed.

16.3  Non-smoking Flight

All Kunming Airlines flights are non-smoking flights. Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the aircraft.

16.4  Seat Belt

While in his/her seat on board the aircraft, passenger has the obligation to fasten his/her seat belt during the entire flight.

16.5  Arrangements for additional services

If Kunming Airlines makes arrangements for passengers with any third party to provide any services other than carriage by air, or if Kunming Airlines issues a ticket or voucher relating to transportation or services (other than carriage by air) provided by a third party, such as ground transportation, hotel reservations or car rental, Kunming Airlines does so only as passengers’ and/or the third party’s agent and will not be responsible for delivery or quality of the service. Terms and conditions of the third party service provider shall apply.

If ground transportation service is provided by Kunming Airlines, these terms shall not apply.

Article 17     Successive Carrier

Carriage to be performed by several carriers together continuously under one ticket, or a conjunction ticket,is regarded as a single operation for the purposes of the Convention. Details are described in Article 18.2.3.

Article 18     Liability for Damage and Limits of Compensation

18.1  General rules

18.1.1    International carriage herein conducted by Kunming Airlines is subject to the rules and limitations relating to liability established by the Convention unless such carriage is international carriage to which the Convention does not apply.

18.1.2    International carriage conducted by Kunming Airlines is subject to Civil Aviation Law of the People’s Republic of China and applicable laws and regulations.

18.2  Liability

18.2.1    Kunming Airlines liability for damage to passenger is subject to its conditions of carriage. The liability to passenger of another carrier involved in his/her journey is subject to the conditions of carriage of that carrier in question.

18.2.2    Kunming Airlines will be liable for only the damage caused during the carriage by air as the operating carrier. If Kunming Airlines issue a ticket or check baggage for carriage on another carrier only as an agent for the other carrier, damage during the carriage will not be liable.

18.2.3    Kunming Airlines is not liable for any damage caused to passenger arising from its compliance with applicable laws or government rules and regulations, or from passenger’s failure to comply with the same.

18.2.4    For international carriage defined in the applicable international Conventions, Kunming Airlines liability for any damage to passengers and baggage carried is subject to such international Conventions. For international carriage other than those defined in the applicable international Conventions, Kunming Airlines liability for any damage to passengers and baggage carried is subject to the provisions of the Convention.

18.2.5    The liability of Kunming Airlines shall not exceed the amount of proven actual damage. Kunming Airlines is not liable for any indirect or consequential losses.

18.2.6    Any damage to passenger himself/herself or his/her baggage due to personal fault, act or omission, based on the extent, Kunming Airlines shall be exempted or lessened from liability for damage or the liability for damage should be reduced. In the event that passenger’s personal fault, act or omission causes physical or property damage to any other persons, such passenger shall compensate Kunming Airlines for any and all losses caused thereby and any and all costs so incurred by Kunming Airlines.

18.2.7    Kunming Airlines shall not be liable for damage to fragile or perishable articles, money, jewelry, valuable metal, gold and silver ornament, negotiable papers, securities, or other valuables, business documents, passports and other identification documents, or samples, which are included in the passenger’s checked baggage.

18.2.8    If a passenger is carried whose age or mental or physical condition is such as to involve any hazard or risk to himself/herself, Kunming Airlines shall not be liable for any illness, injury or disability, including death, attributable to such condition or for the aggravation of such condition.

18.2.9    Any exclusion or limitation of liability of Kunming Airlines shall apply to and be for the benefit of agents, servants and representatives of Kunming Airlines and any person whose aircraft is used by Kunming Airlines and such person’s agent, servants and representatives. The aggregate amount recoverable from Kunming Airlines and from such agents, servants, representatives and person shall not exceed the amount of Kunming Airlines limit of liability.

18.2.10  Unless otherwise expressly specified by applicable laws, nothing in these Conditions of Carriage shall waive any exclusion or limitation of our liability under the Convention or applicable law unless expressly so stated.

Article 19     Time Limitation on Claims and Action

19.1  Time limit for Complaint

If passenger’s checked baggage is damaged, passenger must complain in writing to Kunming Airlines immediately upon discovery of the damage and at the latest, within seven (7) days from the date on which his/her checked baggage is delivered. If passenger’s checked baggage is delayed, passenger must submit claim to Kunming Airlines in writing within twenty-one (21) days after checked baggage is delivered. Complaint must be in written form, and shall be submitted within the time limit specified above. If no complaint is made within the time specified above, no action shall lie against Kunming Airlines.

19.2  Time limit for action

Any action for damages with respect to passenger or baggage shall be filed within two years, from the date on which the aircraft ought to have arrived, or from the date of arrival at the destination, or from the date on which the carriage stopped.

Article 20     Adoption of Passenger’s feedback

20.1  Passenger’s feedback

Kunming Airlines consider Passenger’s opinion, suggestion, question, idea or praise as the most valuable asset and shall be important guidance to elevate service standard. For this purpose, Kunming Airlines operates a 24 hour passenger’s feedback hot line, to settle passengers issues which are not handled promptly and properly, and to accept commend and compliant from passengers. Normal compliant shall be responded within 5 working days.

Kunming Airlines passenger’s feedback hot line:0871-96598, then press “7”

Email: Tousu.airkunming.com

Kunming Airlines WeChat Pulic Number: “Complaint and Suggestion” in “Kunming Airlines member. service”.

Post Mail:Innovative Service Office, Base Building, Kunming Airlines, Kunming Changshui  Airport

Article 21     Effectiveness and Modification

21.1  These Conditions of Carriage will become effective from April 25, 2020.The Kunming Airlines General Conditions of International Carriage for Passenger and Baggage published before are rescinded at the same time.

21.2  Kunming Airlines have the right to modify these Conditions of Carriage, regulations of carriage, tariffs and charges without prior notice. But modifications do not apply to carriage that has already begun before such modifications are made.

21.3  No staff, authorized sales agent, authorized ground services agent or employee of Kunming Airlines has authority to alter, modify or waive any provision of these Conditions of Carriage.






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