双语新闻播报(October 10)

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双语新闻播报(October 10)

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双语新闻播报(October 10)

chinadaily.com.cn 2022-10-10 17:55

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> Atlanta seeks to fine residents for barking dogs 美国城市拟立法限制宠物"吵闹",狗叫扰民主人或被处千元罚款


The Atlanta City Council is asking the mayor to sign a new law that would punish pet owners if their animals are too noisy for too long. 亚特兰大市议会要求市长签署一项新法令,规定如果宠物长时间过分吵闹,将对其主人进行罚款。

If the new law is approved, pets will have their grace period of making noise cut in half. 如果该法令获得批准,允许宠物持续制造噪音的时间将减半。

Currently, pets can make noise for 20 minutes with "individual interruptions of less than 20 seconds" before their owners face any kind of penalty. 根据目前法规,如果宠物持续发出噪音的时间超过20分钟("每次中断时间不足20秒"),则其主人就会面临处罚。

Pet owners will face a $150 fine for a first offense, and the fines will grow if pets are repeat offenders. 宠物第一次违规,其主人将面临150美元的罚款,如宠物再次违规,罚款将增加。

However, pets won’t be taken away from families unless it appears they are in danger. 不过只有在宠物看起来具备危险性时才会将其带走。

Dogs might be the most likely offenders of the new noise ordinance, but the rule applies to cats, birds and other animals, too.新噪音条例也适用于猫、鸟和其他动物,但狗似乎是最有可能违反该条例的宠物。

> Chinese scientists design face mask that detects viruses in 10 minutes中国科学家开发口罩"黑科技" 可检测空气中病毒

A man wearing a face mask walks in front of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France, July 8, 2022. [Photo/Xinhua]

A group of Chinese scientists have developed a face mask that can detect viral exposure. 中国的科学家团队研发出一款口罩,可以检测空气中的呼吸道病毒。

Respiratory pathogens that cause COVID-19 and influenza spread through small droplets and aerosols released by infected people when they talk, cough, or sneeze. 诱发新冠肺炎和流感的呼吸道病原体,可通过受感染者说话、咳嗽和打喷嚏时释放的小飞沫和气溶胶传播。

The wearable bioelectronic mask designed by researchers from Tongji University can detect common respiratory viruses, including influenza and the coronavirus, in the air in droplets or aerosols, and then alert the wearers via their mobile devices. 这款可穿戴生物电子口罩由同济大学的研究人员设计,可以检测空气中飞沫或气溶胶中含有的常见呼吸道病毒,包括流感病毒和冠状病毒,然后通过移动设备提醒佩戴者。

The highly sensitive face mask is capable of measuring trace-level liquid samples of 0.3 microliters and gaseous samples at an ultra-low concentration of 0.1 femtograms per milliliter, according to the study published this week in the journal, Matter.根据本周发表在期刊《Matter》上的一项研究,这款高灵敏度的口罩能对0.3微升的含有病毒蛋白质的液体做出反应,该口罩还能检出超低浓度(0.1fg/ml,即1ml空气中的1000万亿分之一克)的气体介质样本。


>Study: Cats not bothered if owners are treated badly 研究发现:猫根本懒得理会主人是否被欺负



A study in Japan suggests there may be something after all to the old stereotype that pet cats are generally aloof and indifferent toward their owners, while dogs are fiercely protective and loyal. 日本的一份研究表明,宠物猫通常对其主人疏远又冷淡,而狗则具有强烈的保护性和忠诚度,这种古老的刻板印象可能毕竟是有的。

Researchers from Kyoto University and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science wanted to understand how cats behave when their owners are being given a hard time. The same experiments using dogs seven years ago were referenced to gauge behavioral differences between the two species. 京都大学与日本学术振兴会的研究人员想要了解猫在其主人陷于困境时的行为反应,7年前对狗做过的相同实验被当作参考,以衡量这两种生物之间的行为差异。

Team members concluded that cats do not seem to care how people treat their owners, while dogs keep their distance from those who give their owners the cold shoulder.研究团队得出的结论是,猫看似并不关心人们如何对待其主人,狗则会与那些冷落怠慢其主人的人保持距离。

> Pet perks tempt staff back into the office为吸引员工返岗 英国公司允许带狗上班

IT manager Toby Griffin now takes his two dogs into the office with him. (Credit: Rise at Seven)

Like millions of other people, Mr Griffin, who is head of IT for marketing agency Rise at Seven, got his dogs during the pandemic. 和数百万其他人一样,营销机构Rise at Seven的格里芬在疫情期间开始养狗。

With most of us working from home at the time as a result of lockdowns, there was a huge surge in pet ownership as people wanted increased companionship. 前一段时间由于疫情封锁措施,大多数人在家办公,渴望陪伴的心理让养宠物的人数大增。

Fast-forward to bosses requiring staff to return to the office at least a few days a week, and having a pet dog can become a problem. 后来,老板们要求员工每周至少有几天必须返岗上班,养宠物狗就成了问题。

You have to see if a friend or relative can look after it, or pay for expensive doggie day care, or even potentially try to get a new job that allows you to continue to work from home all the time. 你得找朋友或亲戚来照看狗狗,或者将狗送到费用昂贵的狗狗日托所,甚至试着找一份可以继续天天在家办公的新工作。

It was to help employees such as Mr Griffin more easily return to the office after the pandemic that Rise's bosses decided to let everyone bring in their dogs. 正是为了帮助格里芬这样的员工在疫情结束后轻松返岗,Rise at Seven公司的老板决定允许所有人带狗上班。

Mia King, one of the firm's executives, says that rather than being a distraction, having dogs at work has actually made staff work harder because they make everyone happy, and cheery staff are more productive.该公司的高管之一米娅•金说,带狗上班不仅不会让人分心,而且还会让员工更加努力工作,因为狗狗让大家都心情愉悦,开心的员工工作效率更高。


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