第431期:out of office 当你不在办公室时......

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第431期:out of office 当你不在办公室时......

2024-07-16 15:43| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

以上5项内容是一个专业的OOO auto-reply应该包含的基本信息。下面我来重点讲一下第三和第四项。

Will you monitor your mailbox? 你真的会查邮件吗?

有时候,你在休假时会时不时在手机上收一下公司邮件,而有时候,你干脆从头到尾都不收一次。如果这样的话,佛老的建议是:if you do, say so in your auto-reply. If you won’t, don’t give people false hope. 如果你会收邮件,在auto-reply里注明这一点也可以,例如 I will check emails from time to time。如果你休假时压根儿不打算收邮件,最好在auto-reply里写清楚”I won’t be able to receive emails.” 这就是我说的不给别人false hope的意思。

佛老本人的做法是:休假时绝不收公司邮件,绝不。No, never ever.

The reason for absence – 你不在办公室/公司的原因

Ok, 来了,这是最tricky的一点。你的OOO auto-reply当然需要告诉别人你不在办公室或公司,或不能及时回复邮件的原因,但注意不要写太具体。一般来说,让别人知道你是“休假 – on vacation”还是“出差 – on business trip”就可以了,没必要说太多。例如,I will be on vacation in Japan. 就很不妥:没必要告诉别人你去哪儿休假。太多细节显得不专业。此外,避免在这个自动回复邮件中透露过多你的行程也是出于个人安全保护的考虑。很多跨国公司的OOO auto-reply模板是严格要求大家不要放详细信息的。不信你去看看你公司的格式。

我曾经看到过一个最奇葩的OOO auto-reply,是我的一个前同事设置的。她去德国出差一星期,然后连着个人休假一星期。她的自动回复邮件中完整列出了她每天的行程和目的地……这种做法不仅违反公司规定,不专业,而且对自己不安全。

下面我们来看几个常见的OOO auto-reply。

1. 万能通用模板

Hello, I am truly sorry, but you have just missed me – I’ll be back soon, by {Date}. During my absence, feel free to contact {Name} at {E-mail}. He/She will be able to assist you with any issue or question you might have. Best,

2. 休假时用

Thank you for contacting me, but unfortunately, I am on vacation. I will return on {Date} and will be happy to assist you with any issue you might have. If you require immediate assistance, please contact the Customer Service [email protected].

3. 公共假期用

Dear reader, Thank you for your email, but our company is out of office, celebrating {holiday}. Unfortunately, it means we will not be able to send you any reply until {Date}. We apologize for the delay but wish you a wonderful holiday season. Best regards,

4. 出差或外出参加培训用

Dear recipient, I am currently attending a training session. As a result, my reply might take a bit longer than usual. I apologize for that. I will be able to respond in a more timely manner starting from {Date}.



Dear recipient, I am out of office from {Date} to {Date} due to {reason}. Sorry about that. I will be sure to reply to you as soon as I come back. In the meantime you can contact: [email protected] for sales inquiries, [email protected] if you need technical assistance.





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