双语新闻播报(April 19)

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双语新闻播报(April 19)

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双语新闻播报(April 19)

中国日报网 2024-04-19 16:11

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>There is a “magical” course at Peking University but it’s only open to students with a BMI over 25北大有门“神奇课”,但选课要求是……



A unique course at Peking University is helping students get into shape in a big way. Titled "Physical Fitness Enhancement: Exercise and Nutrition," the class is only open to students with a body mass index over 25 — meaning they are overweight or obese.在北大,有一门神奇的课程,上了这门课的学生瘦身塑形效果明显。这门“体能提升:运动与膳食”课程却有要求,只有身体质量指数(BMI)超过25,也就是说,属于超重或肥胖的学生才能选。

The intensive 30-hour program combines theory on weight loss principles, healthy eating and exercise plans with practical training sessions guided by specialized instructors. Activities include running, strength training and designing personalized weight loss programs with food and exercise logging.这门30学时的课程结合了理论讲授、健康饮食和运动训练,并由专业教练指导实践训练。课程包含了跑步、力量训练以及个性化定制的减肥计划,其中涉及饮食和运动记录。

"The goal is for students to develop a healthy lifestyle, master scientific weight loss methods, and form regular exercise and balanced diet habits," explained Zhang Xiaoyuan, the assistant professor who teaches the course. Her research focuses on exercise, nutrition and health promotion, especially for overweight and obese populations.“这门课程是我一直想做的主题,超重和肥胖大学生的运动与营养干预。”主讲教师是北大助理教授张晓圆。她的研究方向就是运动、营养与健康促进,特别是超重和肥胖人群相关的研究。

The selective admission requirements attracted many students to enter the lottery for the limited class slots. Those who made it in have seen impressive results, with the highest weight loss being around 15 kilograms over the semester.据悉,该课程吸引了大批学生,大家需要靠“抢”才能选上课。如愿选中的同学经过一个学期的系统学习,各有收获,减重最多的学生一共减了15公斤。

On the final day, students share their achievements, with many reporting feeling lighter, improved moods and better sleep, taking up new athletic hobbies like rock climbing and finding workout buddies.每个学期的最后一堂课,同学们都会分享自己的成果,交流经验与心得。不少学生说自己的情绪和睡眠都改善了很多,有了攀岩等新的运动爱好,还找到了一起锻炼的“运动搭子”。

>Community fitness center's viral ascent to fame as 'Chengdu Disney'居民楼下健身器材区火爆出圈变“成都迪士尼”


Many were perplexed, having only heard of Shanghai and Hong Kong Disneyland, questioning if Chengdu would be the next city to host the magical kingdom.不少人都感到疑惑,疑问他们只听说过上海和香港的迪士尼乐园,难道成都也要建迪士尼了吗?

However, the talk was not about a new theme park, but rather a surprising turn of events involving Yu Lin seventh alley, a modest community fitness area in Chengdu's Wuhou district that became a viral phenomenon courtesy of a music video by rapper Nuomi.不过其实,大家口中所说的并不是新的主题乐园,而是成都武侯区玉林七巷一居民区楼下的健身器材区,因为说唱歌手诺米的一首音乐MV而走红。

A netizen posted a video of people gathered around the fitness equipment, taking turns posing and snapping photos. Some even replicated the song's lyrics while using the equipment.有网友此前晒出一条视频,视频中不少人围在一处健身器材旁排队拍照打卡,还有人一边拉起健身器材一边唱诺米的这首歌。

Many visitors said that the viral videos drew them to the area. Some visitors made special trips before leaving Chengdu, anxious to share their experience on social media and stay current with the trendy topic.许多游客表示,,大家基本上都是在网上看到视频,觉得热度高,慕名前来。有几位来成都旅游的游客说,他们专门挤出行程,赶到这里打卡。

However, the influx of young visitors perplexed the community's elderly residents. They found it unusual and annoying that so many people would line up to ride a see-saw machine.然而,大量年轻游客蜂拥至此让社区的老年居民多了不少抱怨,他们觉得那么多人排着队等待玩跷跷板很奇怪,也给人带来不少困扰。

On April 5, according to a Jiupai News article, Nuomi appealed to his supporters on social media to be respectful and not disturb the residents. He added that this is only where he shot the video.据九派新闻报道,4月5日,当事人“诺米么lodmemo”发视频呼吁粉丝保持克制,不要影响小区老人休息。他表示,那里只是拍摄MV的地方。

On April 6, staff had been arranged to limit the flow and maintain order. The officers said that they had received dozens of complaints from locals and planned to continue restricting entry to maintain community peace.4月6日,现场已经安排了工作人员进行限流。工作人员表示,他们接到几十位居民的投诉,未来一段时间会继续限流,以免给小区居民造成困扰。

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