双语新闻播报(February 20)

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双语新闻播报(February 20)

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双语新闻播报(February 20)

chinadaily.com.cn 2023-02-20 18:06

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> Beijing to boost museum, park construction in 2023北京年内“上新”一批博物馆、文化公园

Visitors look at items exhibited at the Capital Museum of China in Beijing, on May 1, 2020. [Photo by Zou Hong/chinadaily.com.cn]

A batch of museums and parks will be built or opened in Beijing this year, the Beijing Municipal Cultural Heritage Bureau said Sunday. 北京市文物局近日表示,今年年内一批博物馆、文化公园将新建或开放。

Construction of a branch of the Capital Museum, featuring the ancient Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, is scheduled to be completed in Tongzhou District, Beijing's sub-center, and will open to the public by the end of this year.北京大运河博物馆(首都博物馆东馆)今年将完成所有建设工程,并于年底向公众开放。该博物馆位于北京城市副中心通州区。

A demonstration area for the protection and utilization of the national historical and cultural heritage sites of the "Three Hills and Five Gardens," will also be completed. “三山五园”国家文物保护利用示范区也将在今年完成创建。

The sites include many historical cultural sites, including royal gardens from the Qing Dynasty.“三山五园”包括许多历史文化遗址,比如清朝皇家园林。

A museum reconstruction project will be implemented at the Dabaotai tomb site, dating to the Western Han Dynasty, while construction of the Liulihe national archaeological park will be launched this year. 北京还将推动实施大葆台西汉墓遗址保护及博物馆改建工程,琉璃河国家考古遗址公园建设也将于今年启动。

Chen Mingjie, director of the Beijing Municipal Cultural Heritage Bureau, said that the capital has 215 registered museums, with nearly 500 exhibitions and activities held throughout last year.北京市文物局局长陈名杰介绍,截至2022年底,北京地区备案博物馆已达215座,全年共举办展览和活动近500项。

> Recovery of outbound tourism boosts global confidence in Chinese economy出境游有序恢复提振全球对中国经济的信心与期待


After a three-year hiatus caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, China's outbound group tour has pressed the "restart button," and the first batch of Chinese tourists have arrived in, among others, Thailand, Cambodia and the United Arab Emirates.受新冠疫情影响中断三年后,中国出境团队游按下了“重启键”,首批中国游客已经抵达泰国、柬埔寨和阿联酋等地。

Starting Feb 6, travel agencies and online tourism service providers in China have been permitted to provide group tours in 20 countries, and relevant airline ticket and hotel booking services have been resumed as well. 2月6日起,中国试点恢复全国旅行社及在线旅游企业经营中国公民赴20个国家出境团队旅游和“机票+酒店”预订业务。

With the optimization of epidemic control measures, China's economic growth potential has been further released, injecting more confidence into the global economic recovery.随着防疫政策的优化,中国经济增长潜力进一步释放,为全球经济复苏注入更多信心。

At this year's ASEAN Tourism Forum, ASEAN countries were eagerly looking forward to the return of Chinese tourists. 在今年的东盟旅游论坛上,东盟各国热切期待中国游客的回归。

Indonesian Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno said that after China restarts outbound travel, the tourism industry in ASEAN will recover strongly.印度尼西亚旅游和创意经济部长桑迪亚加•乌诺表示,中国恢复出境游后,东盟旅游业将强劲复苏。

The World Tourism Organization projected that international tourist arrivals could reach 80 to 95 percent of pre-pandemic levels in 2023 (compared with 63 percent in 2022), despite lingering global headwinds.世界旅游组织预计,尽管全球逆风持续,2023年国际游客人数将达到疫情前水平的80%至95%(2022年为63%)。

In an update to its World Economic Outlook report released late January, IMF projected China's economy would grow by 5.2 percent in 2023, 0.8 percentage points higher than the October 2022 forecast, driven by a rebound in private consumption.国际货币基金组织在1月底发布的《世界经济展望》报告中预测,受私人消费复苏的推动,2023年中国经济增长将达到5.2%,比2022年10月的预测高0.8个百分点。

Thomas Helbling, deputy director of IMF's Asia and Pacific Department, said that China's higher growth in the next two years will "make a big difference" in services, tourism and aviation, among other sectors of the global economy.国际货币基金组织亚太部副主任托马斯•赫尔布林表示,中国未来两年的高速增长将在服务业、旅游业和航空业以及全球经济的其他领域“产生巨大影响”。

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