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2024-07-12 04:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


The relationship between words and their meaning is a fascinating one, and linguists have spent countless years deconstructing it, taking it apart letter by letter, and trying to figure out why there are so many feelings and ideas that we cannot even put words to.单词与意义之间的关系非常奇妙,语言学家耗费多年精力将单词解构、一个字母一个字母地拆开,试图弄懂为什么有些感觉和思想没法用单词表述出来。

We've illustrated 11 of these wonderful, elusive, words - which have no single word within the English language that could be considered a direct translation. We will definitely be trying to incorporate a few of them into our everyday conversations, and hope that you enjoy recognising a feeling or two of your own among them.我们列出了11个奇妙而意义模糊的单词,在英语中无法用一个单词直接将其翻译过来。当然,我们将尽力把这些单词融汇在日常对话中,希望你也会对其中的一两个单词有自己的感觉方法。

1. German: Waldeinsamkeit 德语:Waldeinsamkeit

A feeling of solitude, being alone in the woods and a connectedness to nature. Ralph Waldo Emerson even wrote a whole poem about it.这是形容一种孤独之感,一人独自在树林中与大自然相近相通。拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生甚至还为此写过一首诗。


2. Italian: Culaccino 意大利语:Culaccino

The mark left on a table by a cold glass. Who knew condensation could sound so poetic.指的是冷杯子在桌上留下的痕迹。没想到冷凝的水汽也能听上去如此浪漫。


3.  Inuit: Iktsuarpok 因纽特语:Iktsuarpok

The feeling of anticipation that leads you to go outside and check if anyone is coming, and probably also indicates an element of impatience.是一种迫使你出门看看是不是有人来了的预感,也可能在指焦躁的情绪。


4. Japanese: Komorebi日语:Komorebi

This is the word the Japanese have for when sunlight filters through the trees - the interplay between the light and the leaves.日本人用这个词形容从树叶的缝隙中漏下来的阳光——是光和叶子相互作用的结果。


5. Russian: Pochemuchka俄语:Pochemuchka

Someone who asks a lot of questions. In fact, probably too many questions. We all know a few of these.这个词指那些总是问问题的人。事实上,他们的问题可能都不必要。我们大家总会遇到几个这样的人。


6. Spanish: Sobremesa西班牙语:Sobremesa

Spaniards tend to be a sociable bunch, and this word describes the period of time after a meal when you have food-induced conversations with the people you have shared the meal with.西班牙人似乎都很擅于交际,这个词讲的就是同一桌吃饭的人在酒足饭饱后开始闲聊的情形。


7. Indonesian: Jayus 印度尼西亚语:Jayus

Their slang for someone who tells a joke so badly, that is so unfunny you cannot help but laugh out loud.当有不善于讲笑话的人讲了个一点也不好笑的事情,而你却又不得哈哈大笑时,就可以用这个当地俚语来形容。


8. Hawaiian: Pana Poʻo 夏威夷语:Pana Poʻo

You know when you forget where you've put the keys, and you scratch your head because it somehow seems to help your remember? This is the word for it.当你忘记把钥匙放在哪里时会不自主地挠挠头,然后不知怎么回事儿就能回忆起来了。这个场景很熟悉吧?Pana Poʻo指的就是这种情况。


9. French: Dépaysement 法语:Dépaysement

The feeling that comes from not being in one’s home country - of being a foreigner, or an immigrant, of being somewhat displaced from your origin.这个词讲的是身处异国他乡的感觉——作为外国人或移民者,从本国文化中被抽离之后的无根飘零之感。


10. Urdu: Goya 乌尔都语:Goya

Urdu is the national language of Pakistan, but is also an official language in 5 of the Indian states. This particular Urdu word conveys a contemplative 'as-if' that nonetheless feels like reality, and describes the suspension of disbelief that can occur, often through good storytelling.乌尔都语是巴基斯坦的国家正式用语,也是印度5个联邦的官方用语。这个词指那些感觉原本是真实存在,但深思冥想后又觉得“貌似”存在实为虚幻的事物。通常见于优秀故事中,形容发生过一些不可思议之事时使用。


11. Swedish: Mångata 瑞典语:Mångata

The word for the glimmering, roadlike reflection that the moon creates on water.这个词指的是月亮倒映在水面上闪闪发光,形成小路一样的倒影。




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