
您所在的位置:网站首页 旅游爱好者英语翻译怎么说 “特种兵式旅游”是什么梗?用英语怎么说?


2024-07-08 13:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Watching the flag-raising ceremony at Tian'anmen Square, visiting the 720,000 square meters Palace Museum, trotting through old hutongs in the heartland of the Chinese capital, offering incense at the very "efficacious" Yonghe Lama Temple, rowing a boat in past emperors' garden of Summer Palace, trying out local snacks and roast duck and even taking a glimpse into the National Museum of China where relics discovered across the country are preserved and exhibited …

It seems to be a typical week-long itinerary to Beijing, except some people decided to "punch in" all the spots within 48 hours, because they are not ordinary travelers, but "tourist special troops."



所谓“特种兵式旅游”, 主要是指当代年轻人由于旅行时间和预算有限,在旅行周期内安排密集的行程,高强度的运动,以完成旅行计划。


践行这种旅行方式的年轻人,奉行以较少的时间和金钱打卡尽量多的景点。更让人佩服的是,他们旅行结束后,甚至不设置缓冲时间,立马投身日常学习和工作中。总之, 主打的就是效率。


On platforms like Xiaohongshu and Douyin, some young people, usually college students are on a really tight budget, spend the night at 24-hour restaurants like McDonalds' and Haidilao hotpot rather than booking a hotel room to save money. Some also use nighttime to transport and the daytime for sightseeing spots.

On platforms like Xiaohongshu and Douyin, some young people, usually college students are on a really tight budget, spend the night at 24-hour restaurants like McDonalds' and Haidilao hotpot rather than booking a hotel room to save money. Some also use nighttime to transport and the daytime for sightseeing spots.


"I walked 35,000 steps on Saturday but the usual number on campus is fewer than 8,000."

"I walked 35,000 steps on Saturday but the usual number on campus is fewer than 8,000."


"Last time I felt so exhausted was after the military training. It was crazy but also of much fun."

"Last time I felt so exhausted was after the military training. It was crazy but also of much fun."


According to the online travel service Trip.com, the travel squads prefer places where tourist resorts are concentrated in the city and urban transportation is convenient. During the one-day Qingming holiday, 62 percent of the post-2000 travelers took overnight transportation to travel while more than 30 percent of the group visited more than four tourist spots in a day.

According to the online travel service Trip.com, the travel squads prefer places where tourist resorts are concentrated in the city and urban transportation is convenient. During the one-day Qingming holiday, 62 percent of the post-2000 travelers took overnight transportation to travel while more than 30 percent of the group visited more than four tourist spots in a day.



一位网友的旅行规划 图源:微博




当下快节奏的生活累积的工作压力下,不少年轻人由于荷包紧、闲暇时间有限,很难有机会度过悠长假期,相比之下, 这种快闪式出游成为越来越多人的选择。


一位大学生表示,“我可能没有一个充裕的Gap Year去旅行,但至少我可以在周末安排一次充实的旅行。”

"I may not have a luxurious gap year to travel around, but at least I can squeeze fulfilling trips into weekends."

"I may not have a luxurious gap year to travel around, but at least I can squeeze fulfilling trips into weekends."


“我们花了很多时间查看景点和路线,阅读别人的旅行笔记,浏览在线评分,以制定量身定制的行程,并在到达时感受这个地方。”一位“特种兵”认为,在旅行中, “身体可能很累,但看到新鲜事物的喜悦超越了身体的疲惫”。

"We spend a lot of time checking the spots and routes, reading others' travel notes and browsing online ratings to make a tailored itinerary and get immersed into the place when we arrive."

"My body could be tired, but the delight of seeing fresh things transcends physical exhaustion."

"We spend a lot of time checking the spots and routes, reading others' travel notes and browsing online ratings to make a tailored itinerary and get immersed into the place when we arrive."

"My body could be tired, but the delight of seeing fresh things transcends physical exhaustion."






来源:The Global Times 光明日报 人民日报数字传播





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