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2024-07-14 07:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1. “增开旅客列车、增加运营里程”怎么说?

2. “旅游人次”有哪些表达?

3. 怎样描述热门旅游景点的特点?




每逢假期来临,铁路部门就适时增开旅客列车来满足骤增的出行需求。去年清明节期间,为了保障5300万人次的旅客出行,来看看China Daily上是怎么说的:

原文:It added additional runs to meet the surge. China Railway's Beijing branch plans to add 170 runs during the four-day period on popular routes, including those linking Beijing with Shanghai and Guangzhou.


1. meet the surge就是meet the surge in demand,也可以说meet the surging demand,其中surging也可以说soaring,rocketing,如经济学人例句:

In emerging economies, where there is plenty of sunshine and soaring demand for electricity, the prospects are brighter.


2. Run这里是名词,“增开列车”就可以用add additional runs来表达,如果具体到多少列,则用“add+数字+runs”的结构,注意runs要用复数形式。

launch more runs也表示“增开列车”,可以作为add additional runs的同义替换。如China Daily上这句:Other branches of the railway system have also launched more runs to handle the increase of holiday passengers. 中国铁路其他分局也增开了旅客列车,以应对游客的增加。


所以这里branch表分局,China Railway's Beijing branch表示中国铁路北京局。


新增高速铁路运营里程4100公里,新建改建高速公路6000多公里、农村公路30多万公里。Another 4,100 kilometers of high-speed railways opened to traffic, and over 6,000 kilometers of expressways and more than 300,000 kilometers of rural roads were built or improved.

open to traffic的本意是“通车”,而增加运营里程其实就是开通更多线路,所以也可以这样表达。“新建改建”翻译为were built or improved或were built or upgraded.


这句有好几种译法,我在18年CATTI和MTI全年班详细讲过,其中一个译文是:The length of China’s in-operation high-speed railways has increased from over 9,000 to 25,000 kilometers, accounting for two thirds of the world’s total. Our expressways have grown from 96,000 to 136,000 kilometers.




我在这篇CATTI 真题中“人次”怎么翻译? | 技巧篇详细讲过这个:

1. 行业/地方+receive/host+数字+tourists/visitors

1997年,中国海洋旅游共接待境外游客超过1000万人次。In 1997 marine tourism received/ hosted more than 10 million overseas tourists.

2. 数字+tourists/visitors+visit+地方

中国赴岛国游客年均超过10万人次。Over 100,000 Chinese tourists visit Pacific island countries each year.

3. tourists/visitors+made+数字+ trips/visits

2015年,国内居民出境12786万人次,其中因私出境12172万人次。In 2015, Chinese residents made 127.86 million outbound trips, including 121.72 million private trips.

中国旅游研究院的数据显示,中国游客到“一带一路”沿线国家的旅游人次从2013年的1550万人次增加到2017年的2740万人次。Trips made by Chinese travelers to countries involved in the BRI increased to 27.4 million in 2017 from 15.5 million in 2013, according to the China Tourism Academy. 





1. 描写东南亚国家:those countries have abundant sunshine and beaches.这些国家有充足的阳光和沙滩。

一说到阳光和沙滩,人们便会联想到《外婆的澎湖湾》:“有我许多的童年幻想,阳光、沙滩、海浪、仙人掌,还有一位老船长”。以后如果要描写充足的阳光和沙滩,就可以用have abundant sunshine and beaches!

2. 描写武夷山:Further north, the hill station of Wuyishan offers year-round hiking opportunities and a memorable river cruise on bamboo rafts. 再往北一点,武夷山全年都适合人们去徒步旅行,那儿还可以乘坐竹筏游览河上风光,令人难以忘怀。——《孤独星球》

“小小竹排江中游,巍巍青山两岸走”,泛舟河上也别有一番滋味。cruise作为名词是“航行;乘船游览”的意思,乘坐竹筏游览也就是a river cruise on bamboo rafts,再加上修饰词memorable表示“令人难忘的”,表达简洁又清晰。


3. 描写克里特岛:The largest of the Greek islands, Crete is a spacious land of pleasing contrasts where landscapes range from stunning coastline to rugged mountains and rolling countryside dotted with olive trees. 克里特岛是希腊最大的岛屿,土地广阔,这里有着令人心旷神怡的风景反差。从美丽的海岸线到崎岖的山脉,再到点缀着橄榄树的绵延起伏的村庄。——China Daily

A. stunning的意思是“极有魅力的;绝妙的;给人以深刻印象的;令人惊奇万分的”,学会了这个词以后就不用再张口闭口amazing了。rugged表示“崎岖的;凹凸不平的”,常用来描述群山峻岭,比如经典纪录片《美丽中国》描写云南的这句:

Yunnan's mountains are remote, rugged and inaccessible. Here the air is thin and temperatures can drop below minus 40 degrees. 云南的山区偏远、崎岖、难以接近。这里空气稀薄,温度能降到零下40度以下。

还比如2015年5月CATTI二级笔译英译汉真题中这句:NOORDWIJK, the Netherlands — Along a rugged, wide North Sea beach here on a recent day, children formed teams of eight to 10, taking their places beside mounds of sand carefully cordoned by candy-cane striped tape. 荷兰诺德惠克——近日,在崎岖而又宽广的北海沙滩上,孩子们分成组,每组8到10人,在红白相间条纹带精心围起来的沙堆旁各就各位。

B. rolling表示“起伏的”,也常常用于描绘自然风景,比如《美丽中国》描写长白山的这句:Heading west from Changbai Mountain, the forests give way to rolling grasslands. 长白山森林往西,取而代之的是起伏的草原。

C. dotted with表示“点缀着;散布着”,描写克里特岛的这句说的是村庄里长着橄榄树,如果要说某片地区的村庄星罗棋布,也可以用这个表达:

Its dense forests and rugged mountains are furrowed by powerful rivers and dotted with traditional villages, many featuring grand stone houses dating from the late eighteenth century. 扎戈里森林茂密,山峦崎岖,河流滔滔,传统村落星罗棋布,有许多建于十八世纪晚期的宏伟石屋。——China Daily













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