
您所在的位置:网站首页 新风系统设计图纸 XX市某宾馆空调系统设计【设计说明书+CAD图纸】


2024-07-10 20:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


本课题题目为XX市某宾馆空调系统设计。所设计的建筑是重庆一幢三层高的宾馆,地下室为职工活动室,层高为3.6米;其余三层为客房,层高为3.6米;建筑物总高度约为14.4米,总建筑面积约为3900平方米。此次设计的主要内容包括:对建筑功能的划分和使用要求,对储藏室、客房的通风设计。由概算结果确定各建筑功能房间的设计标准和设计方案,查找当地各种设计参数和设计标准,通过计算分析,咨询讨论,综合经济、性能、施工难度等等因素,确定最优方案。 本设计计算部分从整栋楼的冷负荷计算开始, 在了解建筑物概况及设计参数、冷负荷的情况下,对系统方案进行初步确定:由于该宾馆层数较少,使用人员不多,制冷负荷较低,我选择半集中式中央空调系统。为了更好,更经济的对房间承担冷负荷及湿负荷,选取空气水系统的设计方案。具体设计按送风参数的数量,送风量恒定与否,所使用空气来源和房间的控制要求设定。通过计算,系统总的制冷量为350kw,制冷机组采用风冷式单螺杆冷水制冷机两台,型号PFS-110.1,制冷量为377.1kW,根据房间的功能,全楼采用一次回风系统和风机盘管加独立新风系统,房间的排风采用自然排风方式,特别是风机盘管加独立新风系统的新风处理到室内状态点的等焓线上,直接送到室内,不承担室内负荷。在水系统设计上,我参考了国内外多个实例,根据本宾馆建筑冷负荷较小,面积中等以及当地气候条件等决定采用异程闭式系统,并在系统最高点设置膨胀水箱。根据设计的过程及计算结果运用CAD绘制标准层空调系统平面图,水系统图,风系统图,轴测图。



Abstract this project is a hotel air conditioning system design in Chongqing City. The building designed in Congaing is a seven-stores hotel. The basement for the worker function room,the height of witch is 3.6 m. The remaining there are the guestrooms, the height of witch is 3.6 m. Buildings total approximately 14.4 meters in height, with a total floor area of approximately 3900 square meters. The main contents of the design include: requirements of the building function. The ventilation design of the storage room, and guestroom .Budget for the results to determine design criteria and design of the building function rooms, Find a local variety of design parameters and design standards, determine the optimum solution through calculation and analysis, consultation and discussion, The computational part of this design begins from the whole building cooling load calculation. In order to be able to have a comprehensive understanding of the cooling load, the design uses the method of calculation. In order to arrive at a reasonable cooling load we start from a systematic and rational selection of appropriate energy loss, and analysis the hotel room of every type. Initially identify the system program after understanding the building profile and design parameters and

the cooling load: For the reason of the hotel's low-rise, the use of the cooling load is low, we chose a semi-centralized central air conditioning system. In order to be more economical commitment to the room cooling load and the moisture load, select the design of the air-water system. Specific design of air the number of parameters, the air flow constant, the use of air source and room control requirements set. By calculating, the total cooling capacity is 350KW, apply a refrigeration unit with cold water chillers, air-cooled one-screw Model PFS-110.1, whose cooling capacity of 377.1kW,According to the function of the room, the whole building and a return air system and fan coil plus an independent air system. Room ventilation is natural ventilation, especially the new air handling coil unit plus an independent air system to the indoor state point enthrall online, directly to the indoors, do not bear the indoor load. Water system design: we refer to multiple instances of domestic and foreign, according to the present hotel building cooling load is smaller, the area of secondary and local climatic conditions decided to adopt a closed system with the process, and set the highest point in the system expansion tank. After the completion of the program is determined, the calculation of resistance of the air system and water system should be started. In the calculation process, the comprehensive economic factors, quality factors to determine the pipe to determine the path of the duct hose pipe to draw the most unfavorable path of resistance, combined with the cooling load, air supply, select the corresponding end of the air-conditioning products as well as auxiliary equipment. According to the design

process and calculation results, use the CAD to draw standard layer of air-conditioning system plan, water system, wind system diagram,

Trigonometry: Keywords: Hotel air conditioning system; Twin-screw cold water refrigerator; Fan coil; Fresh air system

目 录

1.绪论 1

1.1 建筑概况 1

1.2 冷热源分析 1

1.2.1 初步拟定冷源方案 2

1.2.2 冷源系统方案对比 2

1.3 空调系统方案的比较与选择 3

1.4 空调风系统的比较与选择 4

1.5 空调水系统方案的选择 5

2.设计依据及原始资料 6

2.1设计范围 6

2.2 设计依据 7

2.3 设计参数 7

2.4 室内设计参数 6

3.空调负荷计算 7

3.1 空调系统计算 7

3.1.1 冷负荷主要计算公式 8

3.1.2 外墙和屋面冷负荷 8

3.1.3 内围护结构的传热冷负荷 8

3.1.4 外窗的温差传热冷负荷 9

3.1.5 外窗的太阳辐射冷负荷 9

3.1.6 人体显热冷负荷

3.1.7 照明散热冷负荷

3.1.8 其他室内散热量

3.2 湿负荷计算 1

3.2.1 房间湿负荷的构成 1

       3.2.2 湿负荷的计算

3.3 新风负荷计算

3.3.1 空调系统的新风量依据

3.3.2 空调新风冷负荷的计算 2

4.空气热湿处理计算及空调设备选型 18

4.1 半集中式系统空气处理 18

4.1.1 空气处理过程及计算 18

4.2 半集中式系统的设备选型 19

4.2.1 风机盘管选型 24

4.2.2 新风机选型 24

5.气流组织计算 26

   5.1 侧送气流组织的计算 26

   5.2侧送风口选择计算 26

6.空调冷热源设备选型 28

6.1 冷源的确定 28

6.2 冷水机组设备选型 28

7.空调风道设计计算与布置 28

7.1 风管水力计算 28

7.1.1 风管计算步骤 28

7.1.2 风管水力计算公式 28

7.1.3 新风管的布置 31

8.空调水系统管路设计 32

8.1 冷水水力计算 32

8.1.1 冷水管的计算步骤 32

8.1.2 冷水管的计算公式 35

8.1.3 冷水水管的布置 35

8.1.4 冷凝水水管的布置 35

9.空调水系统设备选型 36

9.1 冷冻水泵的选型 37

       9.1.1 冷冻水泵的选型原则 37

9.1.2 确定冷冻水泵的扬程 37

9.1.3 确定冷冻水循环水量 37

9.1.4 冷冻水泵的选型 37

9.2 冷却水泵的选型 38

9.2.1 冷却水泵选型的原则 38

9.2.2 冷却水泵的扬程 38

9.2.3 确定冷却水循环水量 39

9.2.4 冷却水泵选型 39

9.3 冷却塔的选型 39

9.4 膨胀水箱的选型 40

9.5 集水器和分水器 40

9.6 除污器和水过滤器 40

9.7 排气阀 40

10.管道的消声与防振 42

10.1 空调系统的消声 42

10.2 空调系统的防振 42

11.空调系统的保温、保冷与防腐 44

11.1 空调系统的保温与保冷 44

11.1.1 冷冻水管的保温层设计 45

11.1.2 冷凝水管的保温层设计 45

11.2 空调系统的防腐 45

12.冷水机组节能管理 44

12.1 冷冻水系统的操作 44

12.2 冷却水系统的操作 44

12.3 冷却塔系统的操作 45

12.4 管理节能的问题 45

参考文献 46

附录 47

致谢 52






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