每日新闻播报(April 27)

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每日新闻播报(April 27)

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每日新闻播报(April 27)

chinadaily.com.cn 2022-04-27 17:33

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>China to further tap consumption potential国办发文力促消费持续恢复

China on Monday unveiled guidelines to further tap the country's consumption potential, with detailed measures to tackle short-term bottlenecks and boost longer-term consumption vitality. 国务院办公厅4月25日印发《关于进一步释放消费潜力促进消费持续恢复的意见》,提出一系列解决短期消费瓶颈和增强长期消费活力的具体措施。

The country plans to build a batch of warehouses in the suburbs of large and medium cities to ensure the supply of daily necessities in case of emergencies, according to the guidelines released by the General Office of the State Council. 意见提出,在各大中城市规划建设一批城郊大仓基地,确保应急状况下及时就近调运生活物资。

The guidelines also required financial institutions to further support the real economy through measures such as lowering lending rates and cutting fees, to help cope with the impact of COVID-19.推动金融系统通过降低利率、减少收费等多种措施,向实体经济让利。意见还明确了应对新冠肺炎疫情影响、促进消费复苏的其他措施。


A bank staff member counts RMB and US dollar notes in Nantong, Jiangsu province. [Photo/Sipa]

>China to cut RRR for foreign currency deposits央行决定下调外汇存款准备金率

China's central bank announced Monday that it will cut the reserve requirement ratio for foreign currency deposits by 1 percentage point from the current 9 percent to 8 percent, starting from May 15. The move aims to strengthen the management of foreign currencies in financial institutions, the People's Bank of China said in an online statement. 据央行网站消息,为提升金融机构外汇资金运用能力,中国人民银行决定,自2022年5月15日起,下调金融机构外汇存款准备金率1个百分点,即外汇存款准备金率由现行的9%下调至8%。


Students in Chengnan Experimental primary school learn about space by making an astrovehicle during an event in Haian, Jiangsu province, on Sunday, which was China's annual Space Day. ZHAI HUIYONG/FOR CHINA DAILY

>China mulls building defense system against near-Earth asteroids我国拟组建近地小行星防御系统

China is set to build monitoring and defense systems protecting the planet from the dangers of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs). 我国将着手组建近地小行星监测和防御系统,以应对近地小行星撞击的威胁。

Wu Yanhua, deputy director of the China National Space Administration (CNSA), told China's CCTV News recently that China will start building an Earth-based and space-based NEA monitoring and warning system, in order to ensure the safe, stable and orderly operation of spacecraft. 国家航天局副局长吴艳华近日在接受央视采访时表示,我国要开始完善建立地基天基对小行星的监测预警系统,以确保太空中的航天器安全稳定有序运行。

China plans to set up an NEA defense system, map out an NEA defense blueprint, and develop virtual software to simulate NEA-derived risk scenarios.我国将着手组建近地小行星防御系统,组织编制近地小行星防御发展规划,开发近地小天体防御仿真推演软件并组织开展基本流程推演。


A US 5 dollar note is seen in this illustration photo June 1, 2017. [Photo/Agencies]

>Goldman Sachs sees some risk US economy will stumble高盛:未来两年美国经济衰退几率为35%

There is a real chance that the US economy is going to suffer a recession or “hard landing” in the next two years, according to the economic team at Goldman Sachs. 美国高盛集团经济团队表示,未来两年,美国经济很有可能陷入衰退或“硬着陆”。

The bank’s economists see the odds of a recession at about 15% in the next 12 months, with the odds rising to 35% over the next 24 months. 该投资银行经济学家认为,未来一年美国经济衰退的可能性约为15%,而在未来两年美国经济衰退的可能性将上升至35%。

With inflation above 8% for the first time in 40 years, Fed officials say they are laser-focused on getting interest rates up. 由于美国通货膨胀率40年来首次超过8%,美联储官员表示正在加息对抗通胀。

The Fed wants to try to engineer a soft landing, raising rates enough to cool inflation but not so much as to damage the labor market.美联储希望设法实现经济软着陆,加息实现通胀降温,但又不至于破坏劳动力市场。

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