Faculty of Law 

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Faculty of Law 

2024-03-31 23:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

About the Faculty of Law Legal Profession Course

Sophia University established the Legal Profession Course starting in the 2020 academic year. This course is an integrated five-year course for law students who aim to become legal professionals by graduating with the bachelor’s program early in three years and completing a master’s degree in two years, then taking the bar examination. This course not only offers classes under the cooperative agreement with the Graduate School of Law, but also provides support programs other than the regular course, such as seminars, self-study support, and practice sessions with about ten attorneys who have completed the course. In addition, students are entitled to a tuition waiver for the Sophia Graduate School of Law when entering through the integrated five-year course.

AQUILA, English Special Course

AQUILA, a special program established in the Department of International Legal Studies, offers classes taught in English. Through the acquisition of advanced language skills supported by a high level of academic expertise, the course strives to develop people who will contribute to a multicultural society. Students will be certified as having completed the course upon passing the prescribed number of credits and other requirements.

Short-term Study-Abroad Programs through the Faculty of Law 研修先:The University of Western Australia(オーストラリア) Location: The University of Western Australia, Australia

The program is designed to offer students an opportunity to participate casually during long vacations and to study local jurisprudence and legal culture in a foreign language on a short-term, intensive basis. This program can also be used as a step toward long-term study abroad.




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