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中国日报网 2018-02-15 10:00

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During the New Year Festival season (from the 1st to 15th of the Lunar New Year) the following taboos apply:在春节期间(正月初一到正月十五)要遵循以下禁忌:

The cry of a child is believed to bring bad luck to the family, so parents do their best to keep children from crying by whatever means possible.据说孩子的哭哭啼啼会给全家带来霉运,所以父母竭尽所能不让孩子哭闹。

Breaking tools or other equipment during this period is associated with a loss of wealth for the coming year; therefore tradesmen and business people in general take great precautions to prevent it.春节期间打破工具或者其他器具,意味着接下来的一年会破财,因此生意人和企业家通常会尽量防止此事发生。

A visit to the hospital during this period is believed to bring illness to the person in question for the duration of coming year; therefore visits to the hospital are avoided, except in cases of extreme emergency.据说过年去医院的人来年会疾病缠身,因此除非有紧急情况,否则不要去医院。

Hair must not be washed on the first day of the lunar year. In Chinese language, hair (发) has the same pronunciation (and indeed is the same character) as fa in facai (发财), which means “to become wealthy”. Therefore, it is seen as not a good thing to “wash one’s fortune away” at the beginning of the New Year.大年初一不能洗头发,因为“发”在中文里和发财的“发”同音同字。所以在新年伊始把“财运洗走”是不吉利的。

Theft: Do not let other people take objects, including money, from your pocket during the Spring Festival, and take care not to have your pocket picked, as this is believed to portend your whole wealth in the coming year being stolen.盗窃:春节期间最好别让他人从你的口袋偷走财物,也要当心别把口袋翻出来,因为据说这样做预示着来年你的钱财会被偷光。

Debt: Money should not be lent on New Year’s Day, and all debts have to be paid by New Year’s Eve, and, if someone who owes you money, do not go to his or her home to demand it. Anyone who does so it is said will be unlucky all the year.债务:新年第一天不要借钱给别人,而且所有的债务要在除夕夜之前结清。如果别人欠了你的钱,不要在新年第一天去别人家里催债。据说,如果这样做,来年则会诸事不顺。

The rice jar should not be allowed to become empty. This causes grave anxiety, as the cessation of cooking during the New Year period is an ill omen.过年期间米缸不能空,这种情况会让人非常焦虑,因为春节断炊是一种不祥之兆。

Damaged clothes: Do not wear new clothes that are damaged. If kids especially wear such clothes in the first lunar month, it is said to bring bad luck.衣服破损:不要穿有破损的新衣服。特别是孩子们在正月里不能穿这样的衣服,否则会招来霉运。

No killing: Killing in the Spring Festival should be avoided as blood is considered an ill omen, which will cause misfortunes such as a bloody disaster.不要杀生:春节期间不能杀生因为见血也是一个不祥的预兆,可能会带来血光之灾。

Do not wear white or black clothes as these two colors are associated with mourning traditionally.不要穿白色或者黑色的衣服,因为这两种颜色通常和传统丧服联系在一起。







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