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2024-06-30 13:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

 《New Bao Qingtian's Butterfly Kill》 introduce

After the Butterfly Demon incident, the martial arts world remained tense. The situation in Fusang was chaotic, and the worried and ambitious members of the Holy Emperor colluded with the powerful officials of the Song Dynasty to jointly restore the two countries. Therefore, they dispatched Bao Zheng to continue investigating the case. Wangyan Gate was suddenly attacked by the Ice Demon, and Ling Tianchuan and his disciples were killed one after another, causing another bloody scene in the martial arts world. Bao Zheng believes that this case is similar to the Butterfly Demon incident, but it is even more complex and bizarre. In order to avenge his father's murder, Ling Xiao had to continue to rely on Bao Zheng's efforts to obtain the truth. The news of Ling Tianchuan's death has caused quite a stir among the other two major forces, Xuanhuo Sect and Miying Alliance, and they have also begun to plan how to compete for the position of alliance leader.

 《新包青天之蝶殺》 繁體簡介

蝶妖事件之後,江湖依舊緊繃。 扶桑時局紛亂,聖上憂心野心份子勾結大宋權貴,聯手顛覆兩國,遂派遣包拯繼續查清案情。 罔烟門突遭冰魔襲擊,淩天川及眾弟子接連遇害,江湖再次掀起血雨腥風。 包拯認為此案與蝶妖事件如出一轍,卻更複雜離奇。 為複殺父之仇,淩瀟只得繼續依靠包拯之力求得真相。 淩天川的死訊讓另外兩大勢力玄火宗和迷影盟頗為震動,也開始各自盤算如何爭奪盟主寶座。

 《新包青天之蝶杀》电影播出信息公元 2023年,由 陈世龙 等老师负责剧本编写,曾庆杰导演负责制作,陈键锋,郭雪芙,戴春荣,范鸿轩,佳妮 等明星实力参演的 剧情片《新包青天之蝶杀》,此影片于2023-01-18上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!奈飞中文祝您观影愉快!奈飞中文于 2023-02-04 16:25:02整理收录此片,并在 2024-04-13 05:34:53再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《新包青天之蝶杀》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:新包青天之蝶杀,新包青天之蝶杀在线观看,新包青天之蝶杀免费观看,新包青天之蝶杀百度云,新包青天之蝶杀下载 等。




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