Big Smoke

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Big Smoke

#Big Smoke | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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类型 人物 梅尔文·哈里斯 最终版 原版 BigSmoke-GTASAde BigSmoke-GTASA 生平信息 全名 梅尔文·哈里斯 国籍 Flag of the United States 美国人 现状 死亡 出生地 Flag of the United States 圣安地列斯州洛圣都 死亡日期 1993年 居住地 Flag of the United States 圣安地列斯州洛圣都甘顿(前)艾德伍德的房子(前)东洛圣都 亲属 姓名不明的父母姓名不明的姑妈该人物已死亡姓名不明的堂兄弟 主要联系 巴勒帮格罗夫街家族帮 (前)反街头暴力部弗兰克·坦佩尼该人物已死亡斯威特·约翰逊 (前)卡尔·约翰逊 (前)莱德该人物已死亡OG 洛克熊仔 (前)小 B维戈斯帮俄罗斯黑手党火蚁帮狂人帮 武器 棒球棍手枪Tec-9微型冲锋枪AK-47战斗霰弹枪 专属载具 黑色常青(已被摧毁)青色格伦戴尔 资产 毒品交易 物理描述 性别 男性 游戏信息 出现于 《侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯》 配音演员 Clifton Powell 翻译差异 官方简体 大烟哥 官方繁体 大煙槍 3DM汉化 大斯莫克 无名汉化组 斯莫克大叔

本条目介绍人物。如想查看圣安地列斯中的同名任务,请参阅Big Smoke (任务)

“斯威特,尊重是靠自己挣来的,就像挣钱一样。” ——大烟哥

梅尔文·哈里斯(英文:Melvin Harris),又名大烟哥(英文:Big Smoke)或者抽烟(英文:Smoke),是《侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯》中的一名主要人物兼次要反派。

目录 1 载具 2 Development 3 出现的任务 3.1 《侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯》 4 语录 5 图集 5.1 艺术作品 5.2 游戏中 6 琐事 7 参考资料 8 导航 载具[] CustomLicense-GTASA-A2TMFK

Big Smoke's license plate A2TMFK.

Big Smoke drives a blue Glendale with a white roof, which has the license plate A2TMFK. Opinions on the meaning of this are varied: Some believe it to be an acronym for "a two-timing motherfucker", a reference to his betrayal of the Grove Street Families. Some believe it to be an acronym for "a two-ton motherfucker", a reference to his weight, and some believe it to be a reference to the Cypress Hill song "A to the motherfucking K", which was released in 1993 (one year after the events of GTA San Andreas). Big Smoke previously drove a black Perennial, until it was destroyed by the Ballas in a drive-by shooting. Development[]

The beta version of Big Smoke is shown wearing a white Los Santos Saints jersey and black trousers, with Smoke having a bald head, which can be seen on the statue of Smoke in the drug manufacturing factory in East Los Santos. Or on the back of the PS2 case (Top, Middle) and also Sweet, and Ryder without his hat and his sunglasses.[1]

出现的任务[] 《侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯》[] 介绍短片 大烟哥 斯威特与坎德尔 地盘标记 清理街区 得来速 9毫米手枪和AK 驾车射击 OG 洛克(任务给予人) 忠诚走狗(任务给予人) 追击火车(任务给予人) 在商言商(任务给予人) 合家团聚 绿色军刀(背叛) 大结局(被杀害) 语录[] "You picked the wrong house, fool!" - Big Smoke mistaking Carl for a burglar in Big Smoke. "The streets is cold, Dog. Like it says in the book, we are blessed and cursed." - Big Smoke to Carl in Big Smoke. "I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda." - Big Smoke when ordering meals in Drive-Thru, one of the other most memorable lines in the entire GTA series. "I can't stand cold food. Unlike you, I ain't never ate from a trash can." - Big Smoke to others in Drive-Thru. "Hey, kill that asshole! Shit, this is a great sandwich!" - Big Smoke to others as he continues eating in Drive-Thru. "Man, if you can eat your food, while everyone else is losing theirs and blaming you, you straight, homie!" - Big Smoke on the way back to his house in Drive-Thru. "I admire you, Carl. You're a leader, a visionary. Remember me when you get to the top." - Big Smoke to Carl on their way to Emmet's in Nines and AKs. "Cap your ass! And your ass! You want some too? Ice cold, baby! I knew I was the chosen one!" - Big Smoke when shooting at beer bottles in Nines and AKs. "Damn, you a killer baby, ice cold! But remember something, real strength comes from within, my brother." - Big Smoke to Carl Johnson after shooting practice in Nines and AKs.. "People have to open their eyes, and their hearts, CJ... I'm talking about the choices all men face, brother. Sometimes, they seem real, but other times there's no choice at all." - Big Smoke to Carl on their way back in Nines and AKs. "Everybody is my cousin!" - Big Smoke to Carl Johnson in Running Dog. "Coughio up el weedo, before I blow your brains out all over the patio!" - Big Smoke to other Vagos members in Running Dog. "The wise sheep does what he says, and only eats the greenest grass, while the foolish sheep gets eaten alive by the heathens." - Big Smoke to Carl Johnson on their way to Unity Station in Wrong Side of the Tracks. The line was omitted from the final game. "All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!" - Big Smoke to Carl Johnson if Wrong Side of the Tracks is failed, perhaps one of the most memorable lines throughout the entire GTA series. "Yo, eh eh, don't ask a wise man, friend. Ask a fool." - Big Smoke to Carl Johnson after killing the Vagos members in Wrong Side of the Tracks. "Shit! That's gonna be a hell of a story to tell when we passin' the blunt!" - Big Smoke to others after their narrow escape in Reuniting the Families. "Man fuck Tenpenny and fuck his Polish lap dog, and fuck the police, man. All that's old shit. Look at you, you got the whole world. I ain't got no regrets, man. I made it, CJ! I'm a success. I can't be touched! I don't give a fuck, fuck the whole world." - Big Smoke to Carl Johnson in End of the Line, before getting involved in a shootout with him. "I got caught up in the money, the power... I don't give a shit. Oh fuck, man... I had no choice... I had to do it... I just see the opportunity. When I'm gone, everyone gonna remember my name... Big Smoke!" - Big Smoke to Carl in End of the Line after the shootout, before drawing his last breath. 图集[] 艺术作品[] 大烟哥的艺术作品大烟哥的艺术作品另外一副大烟哥的艺术作品,描绘的是游戏中未使用的模型另外一副大烟哥的艺术作品,描绘的是游戏中未使用的模型大烟哥、斯威特和莱德的艺术作品大烟哥、斯威特和莱德的艺术作品大烟哥、莱德和斯威特驾车射击的艺术作品大烟哥、莱德和斯威特驾车射击的艺术作品大烟哥、莱德和斯威特向巴勒帮攻击的艺术作品大烟哥、莱德和斯威特向巴勒帮攻击的艺术作品 游戏中[] Beta版中的大烟哥Beta版中的大烟哥大烟哥的雕像,描绘的仍是大烟哥的Beta版形象大烟哥的雕像,描绘的仍是大烟哥的Beta版形象雕像近身图雕像近身图大烟哥的房子大烟哥的房子《侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯 - 最终版》截图中的大烟哥《侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯 - 最终版》截图中的大烟哥任务“大结局”大烟哥在玩游戏任务“大结局”大烟哥在玩游戏大烟哥死前的最后一刻大烟哥死前的最后一刻 琐事[] Sometimes, after Carl receives a haircut from Old Reece at Reece's Hair & Facial Studio, Reece can sometimes be heard asking Carl to "tell Big Smoke he needs a cut", despite the ironic fact that Smoke is bald; hence the reason he hasn't came for one. However, during the second mission "Ryder", it is implied by Ryder that Old Reece has Alzheimer's disease. Big Smoke is shown to have two large bullet holes in his armour following the shootout during End of the Line, regardless of how he is killed. During his discussion of building an orphanage on WCTR, Smoke mentions that he is an orphan himself. Whether this is true or not is unknown. 参考资料[] ↑ Official Playstation 2 Magazine AU July 2004 Ryderwithouthatglasses 导航[] 查 • 论 • 编《侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯》中的人物标注方框代表此人物已于游戏主线剧情中或于其发生前后死亡, 斜体 代表此人物的现状由玩家自行决定。主角卡尔·约翰逊核心人物塞恩·"斯威特" 约翰逊 | 坎德尔·约翰逊 | 弗兰克·坦佩尼 | 大烟哥 | 塞萨尔·维尔潘多 |莱德主要人物穆吴梓 | 真理者 | 卡塔琳娜 | 萨瓦托雷·里奥尼 | 疯狗 | 肯特·保罗 | 艾迪·普拉斯基 | 肯·罗森贝格 | 麦克·托雷诺 | | 吉斯·B | OG 洛克 | 丁骨门德斯 | 格皮 | 基罗 | 麦卡 | 吉米·埃尔南德斯 | 李然法 | 小 B | 三合会头目次要人物安德烈 |本尼 | 贝蒂娜 | 伯克利 | 大老爹 | 克劳德 | 建筑项目工头 | 艾伦·克劳福德 | 艾伦的女伴 | 德里克 | 地方检察官 | 德瓦恩 | 艾默特 | 弗雷迪 | 菲尔伯格上校 | 盖尔 | 哈泽尔 | 赌场职工 | 杰斯罗 | 维戈斯帮成员 (忠诚走狗) | 凯恩 | 玛莉亚·拉托雷 | 便利店盗贼 | 小比尔 | 小狮子 | 小鼬鼠 | 麦克(黑手党) | Su Xi Mu | 拉尔夫·潘德布里 | 马可·佛雷力 | 老里斯 | 吉米·希夫曼 | 约翰尼·森达科 | 蛇头 | 桑尼 | 大熊仔(巴里·桑恩) | 黑手党鹦鹉 | 惠特克先生 | 牧师 | 档案保管者 | 告密者 | 新闻记者1 | 新闻记者2 | 比萨餐厅职员 | Jizzy的警卫女友丹妮丝·罗宾逊 | 米莉·珀金斯 | 海伦娜 | 凯蒂 | 米歇尔 | 芭芭拉电台 DJRichard Burns | 比利·德克斯特 | Lianne Forget | Forth Right MC | The Funktipus | Julio G | 约翰尼·劳顿 | 雷兹罗·琼斯 | Christy MacIntyre | Maurice | Mary-Beth Maybell | Phillip Michaels | Hans Oberlander | 约翰尼·帕金森 | James Pedeaston | 马绍尔·彼得斯 | 玛丽·菲利普 | Peyton Phillips | Sage | 汤米·史密斯 | Derrick Thackery | Marvin Trill电台嘉宾OG 洛克 | 大韦恩 | Darius Fontaine | Jenna Forbes | 克里斯·佛米奇 | 杰克·霍威瑟 | 吉米 | 费尔南多·马丁内斯 | Tim | Reed Tucker被提及的人物玛丽·亚利桑德 | 麦克·安德鲁斯 | 大恶魔 | Bobby | CM Pink | 乔伊·里奥尼 | 汤米·维尔切蒂 | Mary Ellen | Herbie | Ho Chi | 比佛利·约翰逊 | 布莱恩·约翰逊 | 约翰逊先生 | Ah Ah Kung | LB | 小恶魔 | 米奇 | General Mills | Pabsy | 托尼 | 杰兹·托伦特 | Avrindar其他人物Morgan August | G.M. Berlotti | Big Smilky | Dr. Diablo | Gern Blanston | John Craig | Mary Fortune | Hammerfist | Philip K. Jones | Ed Karson | Turk Martin | Cluck Norris | Jane Pole | Brontosaurus Rex | Rochell'le | Jeremy Smith | Brian Van Ginsberg被删除的人物卡弗警官 | 拉里 | 潘桥




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