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2024-07-15 03:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




编号 方法 描述 1 Public Overrides Sub Close 它关闭StreamReader对象和底层流,并释放与阅读器相关的所有系统资源。 2 Public Overrides Function Peek As Integer 返回下一个可用字符,但不会消耗它。 3 Public Overrides Function Read As Integer 从输入流中读取下一个字符,并将字符位置前进一个字符。 示例

以下示例演示如何读取名为 test.txt 的文本文件。该文件读取:

Down the way where the nights are gay And the sun shines daily on the mountain top I took a trip on a sailing ship And when I reached Jamaica I made a stop

文件:fileProg.vb -

Imports System.IO Module fileProg Sub Main() Try ' Create an instance of StreamReader to read from a file. ' ' The using statement also closes the StreamReader. ' Using sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader("e:/jamaica.txt") Dim line As String ' Read and display lines from the file until the end of ' ' the file is reached. ' line = sr.ReadLine() While (line Nothing) Console.WriteLine(line) line = sr.ReadLine() End While End Using Catch e As Exception ' Let the user know what went wrong.' Console.WriteLine("The file could not be read:") Console.WriteLine(e.Message) End Try Console.ReadKey() End Sub End Module

编译和运行程序时显示的结果如下 -

F:\worksp\vb.net\filehandle>vbc fileProg.vb Microsoft (R) Visual Basic Compiler version 14.0.1038 for Visual Basic 2012 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ... ... F:\worksp\vb.net\filehandle>fileProg.exe Down the way where the nights are gay And the sun shines daily on the mountain top I took a trip on a sailing ship And when I reached Jamaica I made a stop StreamWriter类



编号 方法 描述 1 Public Overrides Sub Close 关闭当前StreamWriter对象和基础流。 2 Public Overrides Sub Flush 清除当前写入器的所有缓冲区,并将所有缓冲的数据写入基础流。 3 Public Overridable Sub Write (value As Boolean) 将布尔值的文本表示形式写入文本字符串或流(从TextWriter继承。) 4 Public Overrides Sub Write (value As Char) 将一个字符写入流中。 5 Public Overridable Sub Write (value As Decimal) 将十进制值的文本表示形式写入文本字符串或流。 6 Public Overridable Sub Write (value As Double) 将8字节浮点值的文本表示形式写入文本字符串或流。 7 Public Overridable Sub Write (value As Integer) 将4字节有符号整数的文本表示形式写入文本字符串或流。 8 Public Overrides Sub Write (value As String) 将一个字符串写入流。 9 Public Overridable Sub WriteLine 写一个行结束符到文本字符串或流。

以上列表并不详尽。 有关完整的方法列表,请访问Microsoft的文档



Imports System.IO Module writeFile Sub Main() Dim names As String() = New String() {"Hakou Ali", "Nacy Lee", "Amir Wong", "Marry Amlan"} Dim s As String Using sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter("names.txt") For Each s In names sw.WriteLine(s) Next s End Using ' Read and show each line from the file. ' Dim line As String Using sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader("names.txt") line = sr.ReadLine() While (line Nothing) Console.WriteLine(line) line = sr.ReadLine() End While End Using Console.ReadKey() End Sub End Module

执行上面示例代码,得到以下结果 -

F:\worksp\vb.net\filehandle>vbc writeFile.vb Microsoft (R) Visual Basic Compiler version 14.0.1038 for Visual Basic 2012 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ...... F:\worksp\vb.net\filehandle>writeFile.exe Hakou Ali Nacy Lee Amir Wong Marry Amlan


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