播下爱的种子用英语怎么说 播下爱的种子英语翻译

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播下爱的种子用英语怎么说 播下爱的种子英语翻译

2023-03-14 06:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



1. soweth

2. sowced

3. Sow the seeds

播下爱的种子翻译为Sow the seeds。

示例:- Yeah, to sow the seeds of chaos. Wver tosses a coin in a wishing well, makes a wish, it turns on the well.to sow the seeds of chaos. 池就会被激活 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}It turns on the well.


4. sowled


1. Sow the seeds( 播种;播下种子;同本义)

2. sowced( 播下)

3. sowdy( 播下)

4. soweth( 播下)

5. sowled( 播下)


1. Where did you get these seeds?


2. You see like that, and it just plants seeds... makes you think it's possible, even easy.

译文:你不相信,那却播下... 让你信以为真的种子...。

3. i sowed the seeds... and watched them grow.

译文:我播下种 看着它们发芽成长。

4. if you think about it, our species evolved to think ahead, to chart the stars, dream of the afterlife, sow seeds for later harvest.

译文:想想看,我们这个 种族进化到能够提前计划, 绘制星系图, 幻想来世, 播下种子,以供未来收获。

5. And in order to solve one public health problem, the agency is sowing the seeds of another.

译文:为了解决一个公共卫生问题, 这个机构就为另一个问题 播下了种子。

6. Such an incurable romantic.


7. And it was this idea that we could build machines that could travel into the heavens, that would plant its seed in minds across the generations.

译文:正是我们能够建造 可以遨游天际的机器 这一思想在世世代代的人心中 播下了种子。

8. Oh! A seed. i need a seed.


9. You've planted the seeds, but in order to reap their harvest, you have to clear the rot of the past.

译文:你已播下了种子 但为了日后的收获 你必须清理过去的腐根。

10. What's your question? The price of seeds for gray-ash plants?

译文:Grey Ash种子的价格。

11. Just some seeds, for you know, the garden out there.


12. Tonight, we just have to plant the right seeds, and for that, we need help.

译文:今晚我们只需要播下正确的种子 为此我们需要帮助。

13. Some say a summer civilization did colonize the galaxy and seeded Earth with life ...

译文:有人认为,夏季文明确实统治了银河系, 并给地球播下了生命的种子。

14. i'll plant the seed as soon as Joffrey and i are married.


15. She planted a vile seed of doubt in your mind against me.






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