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2023-04-05 15:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The rules for using numbers in academic writing vary among academic disciplines. The conventions described here are for NON-TECHNICAL academic prose where numbers are not a significant focus. Scientific and technical writing will have their own conventions and students should consult a manual dedicated to those standards. The main rules about the use of numbers in standard academic writing are about:学术写作中,不同的科目对数字书写的要求不同。本文所指规则主要适用于一般的非技术性文章,此类文章中,数字本身并非重点。科技写作自有一套标准,读者在书写此类文章时,应当查阅专门的手册。一般地,标准学术写作中数字的应用要求是:

1. When to write numbers in words一、知道何时使用英文字母书写数字;2. How to avoid confusion with numbers in a sentence二、知道如何避免数字导致的表意不清;3. When to use digits for numbers三、知道何时使用阿拉伯数字;4. How to write numbers correctly四、知道如何正确书写数字。

GRAMMAR CHECKERS will not help you with the acceptable presentation of numbers in academic writing. You need to know and use the conventions for writing numbers correctly when you are writing and proofreading your work.注:“拼写检查”类软件不会检测学术文章中数字的书写是否规范,因此在写作和校对时,作者应当知晓此类规范,并在写作中加以注意。

1. When to write numbers in words一、使用英文字母书写数字

• Write in words one or two-word numbers, rounded numbers and ordinal numbers(一)一到两个单词的数、取整的数、序数For general academic writing, you need to write these numbers in words: all numbers under one hundred (e.g. ninety-nine) rounded numbers (e.g. four hundred, two thousand, six million) and ordinal numbers (e.g. third, twenty-fifth). Exceptions: See 3. When to use digits for numbers在常规的学术写作中,以下情况中的数字需要用英文字母书写:100以下的数(如:九十五)、取整的数(如:四百、两千、六百万)、序数(如:第三、第二十五)。例外情况:请见“三、使用阿拉伯数字”

Examples如:-- The country had been at war for twenty-five years. (number under 100)1.这个国家已经打了二十五年的仗。(100以下的数)-- Over four hundred soldiers were sent to the war zone. (rounded numbers)2.超过四百名士兵被送上了战场。(取整的数)-- The thirty-eighth battalion was sent to the war zone for the fourth time. (ordinal numbers)3.第三十八营已经是第四次被送上战场。(序数)

Write in words numbers beginning a sentence(二)数字位于句首Either write the number in words or if that’s awkward, then rewrite the sentence to avoid beginning the sentence with a numeral. Exception: You can begin a sentence with a date.数字位于句首时,应当用英文字母书写,否则应当改写句子,使数字位于句中。例外情况:句首的日期可以用阿拉伯数字书写

Examples如:-- 130 student volunteers joined the university peace mission.1.130名学生志愿者加入了“和平大学”计划。(错误)-- One hundred and thirty student volunteers joined the university peace mission.1.一百三十名学生志愿者加入了“和平大学”计划。(正确)-- 75 percent of the rental properties were occupied by students.2.75%的出租屋由学生租赁。(错误)-- Students occupied 75 percent of the rental properties in the town. (rewrite)2.学生租赁了75%的出租屋。(改写)(正确)-- 2008 was a good year to commence university studies. (beginning with a date)3.2008年是开始大学学习的好年头。(日期位于句首)(正确)

Write in words approximate numbers and some times of the day(三)近似值与部分表示时间的数In non-technical academic writing, write in words the number for approximate figures (including fractions) and for full, half and quarter hour times.在非技术性的学术文章中,近似值(包括分数)和表示整时、半小时、一刻钟的数需要用英文字母书写。

Examples如:-- about half the students; a quarter of the university; four times as often; hundreds of times1.一半的学生、四分之一的大学校园、频率比平常多四倍、数百次。-- six o’clock, half past six, quarter past seven, quarter to nine, midday, midnight2.六点、六点半、七点一刻、九点差一刻、正午、午夜。

2. How to avoid confusion with numbers in a sentence二、避免数字导致的表意不清

• Avoid confusion when using two numbers together (run-on numbers) or when dealing with several numbers in a single sentence超过两个数字连写,或在一个句子中有多个数字

Examples如:-- There were 32 third-grade students participating in the test. (run-on numbers)1.这场考试有32名三年级学生参加。(数字连写)-- The computer laboratory has 24 thirty-centimeter monitors. (run-on numbers)2.这间计算机实验室有24台三十厘米的监视器。(数字连写)-- At least 28 million people lived in the region where a 1500 dollar a year support allowance was given for each student’s education fees. (Be consistent—write both numbers in digits or words)3.该区至少有2800万人居住,区内的每名学生都可获得每年1500美元的教育津贴。(一致性原则:句子中的数字,统一用英文字母或阿拉伯数字表示)

3. When to use digits for numbers三、使用阿拉伯数字

• Use digits for numbers greater than one hundred and in the following situations大于一百的数与以下情况中的数字,使用阿拉伯数字书写:

Numbers above 100 1.大于一百的数 Use digits (e.g. counted 3968 books on the shelves). 使用阿拉伯数字(如:书架上有3968本书。) Money 2.钱数 Use digits for exact amounts (e.g. $24.28), but use digits and words for rounded and large amounts (e.g. 98 dollars; $15 million). 1.精确数额用阿拉伯数字(如:24.28美元) 2.取整与大额数目用阿拉伯数字与英文字母组合(如:98美元、1500万美元) Measurements 3.度量与尺寸 Use digits with a measurement symbol (e.g. 32°C or 32 degrees centigrade; 6 cm or 6 centimeters). 有度量符号的数,用阿拉伯数字书写(如:32°C或32摄氏度、6cm或6厘米) Percentages 4.百分比 Use 55%, 55 percent or fifty-five percent (e.g. Over 55% of students passed the examination.). 以下表述任选其一:55%、百分之55、百分之五十五(如:超过55%的学生通过了测验。) Fractions & decimals 5.分数和小数 Fractions: Write in digits or words. If you use words, join the fraction parts with a hyphen (e.g. ⅔ or two-thirds). 1.分数:使用阿拉伯数字与英文字母均可。如果使用英文字母,需加连字符(如:2/3、two-thirds) Decimals: Give exact amounts in digits (e.g. 0.45 not .45; 2.36) 2.小数:精确数目使用阿拉伯数字(如:0.45、2.36;不可表述为:.45) Surveys 6.调查样本 Write survey results in digit form (e.g. A survey of participants revealed that 4 out of 5 students worked.). 取样结果使用阿拉伯数字(如:对参与者的调查显示,5名学生中的4名××。) Scores 7.比分 Write scores in digit form (e.g. Students scored from 8 to 75 out of 100.) 得分和比分使用阿拉伯数字(如:学生的得分在8分至75分之间,满分为100分。) Statistics 8.统计数据 Use digits to describe statistical information (e.g. The survey focused on 90 teachers, 10 principals and 24 auxiliary staff from 20 different schools.). 统计信息使用阿拉伯数字(如:对90名老师的调查、来自20所不同学校的10名校长和24名辅助人员) Eras (time spans) 9.时代(时间跨度) Choose from a variety of formats, but be consistent (e.g. the eighteenth century or the 18th century; from the 1960s to the 1990s; during the 2000s; in 2300 BC [before Christ]; in 1770 AD [anno Domini, after Christ]). 多种形式均可,但需保持一致(如:十八世纪或第18世纪、60年代到90年代、在2000至2009年间、公元前2300年、公元1770年) Dates 10.日期 Use this order (day/month/year) consistently (e.g. Tuesday 23 February 2008). 日期格式:日、月、年(如:星期三,23日,二月,2008年) Time of day 11.钟表上的时刻 Choose from a variety of formats, but be consistent ( e.g. 9 am or 9.00 am or 8.22 pm). IF you are NOT using ‘am’ or ‘pm’, THEN WRITE OUT THE TIME IN WORDS (e.g. the eight-thirty bus; four o’clock in the afternoon). For midday and midnight, write in words—do not use 12 am and 12 pm). 多种形式均可,但需保持一致(如:9 am或9.00 am或8.22 pm)。如果不加am或pm,则使用英文字母书写(如:八点三十分的公交车、下午四点)。正午(midday)和子夜(midnight)使用单词书写,不可写成12am或12pm。 Spans of numbers 12.数字跨度 Use digits (e.g. pages: 56–74, 115–117; years: 1864–1899, 1998–2008; streets 36–99 Spa St). 使用阿拉伯数字书写(如:页码:56-74页、115-117页;年份:1864-1899年、1998-2008年;圣斯帕大街36-99号) Divisions in a book 13.书籍分隔 Use digits to refer to divisions in books and plays (e.g. volume 5, chapter 6, page 45; act 2, scene 4). 书籍或戏剧中的位置,使用阿拉伯数字书写(如:第5卷、第6章、第45页、第2幕、第4场)

4. How to write numbers correctly


• Use particular conventions if you are required to write digits


a. Numbers 1–9999 do NOT use spaces or commas (e.g. 3333–no spaces for four-digit numbers).1.书写1至9999之间的数,不使用空格和逗号。(如:3333,四位数无空格)b. Numbers 10 000–999 999 have a single space between the hundred and thousands (e.g. There were 287 701 participants in the survey.).2.书写1万至99万9999之间的数,百位和千位数之间空一格。(如:该调查有287 701人参与。)c. Numbers from 1 000 000 have a single space between millions and thousands, and between thousands and hundreds (e.g. The population of this Australian city was 2 467 789 on the 3 December 2008.).3.一百万和以上的数,百万位和十万位之间、百位和千位数之间各空一格。(如:截止到2008年12月3日,澳洲市的人口数量为2 467 789。)

• Use particular conventions if you are required to write numbers in words(二)使用英文字母书写数字时遵循相应规范

a. Numbers greater than 999 that are written in words have a comma after the word thousand and after the word million (e.g. 3 206 411 = three million, two hundred and six thousand, four hundred and eleven).1.书写大于999的数时,在“百万”和“千”的单词后各有一个逗号。(如3206411,用英文字母书写为:三百万,二十六千,四百一十一)b. Two-digit numbers and fractions use hyphens (e.g. 94 = ninety-four; ⅜ = three-eighths).2.两位数和分数使用连字符。(如:94,用英文字母书写为:ninety-four;3/8,用英文字母书写为:three-eighths)






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