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2024-07-14 05:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

莫高窟的英文:The Mogao Grottoes Mogao Caves Dunhuang Caves


参考例句:In the murals which form a rich heritage of classical Chinese art can be detected the peculiar styles of different ages莫高窟的壁画,显示出各个时代的不同风格,是一份巨大的古典艺术遗产。The Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is surely a shining pearl on the Silk Road.丝路明珠敦煌莫高窟The Kizit Thousand Buddha grottoes in Baicheng county are next only to the famous Mogao grottoes in scale.新疆拜城县克孜尔千佛洞是规模仅决于著名莫高窟的石窟。Construction of the Mogao Grottos began in 366 and reached a peak in the Tang Dynasty (618-907)莫高窟始建于前秦建元二年(366),唐代达到最盛The entire Mogao Grottos extend for 1,600 meters, and are enshrined with more than 50,000 literary documents莫高窟全长达1600米,藏有文书五万多件。In act Two, "Magic Brush" Zhang was painting his daughter in dance in the Mogao Caves.2场:莫高窟中,画工神笔张描绘女儿的舞姿In the murals which form a rich heritage of classical Chinese art can be detected the peculiar styles of different ages.莫高窟的壁画,显示出各个时代的不同风格,是一份巨大的古典艺术遗产。"The Mogao grottoes has about 500 caves with 45,000 square meters of murals and over 2,000 painted statues."莫高窟有洞窟约500个,壁画45,000平方米,彩塑2000多身。grottoes是什么意思:[ grotto ]的复数形式The cry proceeded from the grotto.那声音是从地洞那面传过来的。The people of hope to visiting grotto come from Africa.希望参观岩洞的人们来自非洲。The dancing images in grottoes differ according to their regions and periods.石窟舞蹈形象各地不同,各个时期有别caves是什么意思:(1)运费保险费在内价格条件 〔法语〕cout,assurance,fret的简称,相当英文的cost,insurance,freight,即*CIF.(2)币值调整因素 currecy adjustment factor,见currency surcharge.They found a refuge in a cave.他们避难于一个山洞中。The guide flashed a light into the cave.导游用手电筒照射洞穴。The cave roof collapsed.洞顶坍塌了。


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