操作系统概念 Chap1

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操作系统概念 Chap1

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操作系统概念 Chap1-6 知识结构/期中填空简答判断题库 知识结构Chapter1——导论Chapter2——操作系统结构Chapter3——进程Chapter4——线程Chapter5——CPU调度Chapter6——进程同步Chapter7——死锁 前六章课堂提问题目汇总(期中题库)



















Chapter 1: Introduction

1.What are the operating system goals? 操作系统有哪三个设计目标?

2.What are the four components in a computer system? 计算机系统由哪四部分组成?

3.What operating system do? 操作系统起什么作用?

4._____,____,和____组成了计算机系统的硬件部分? 和Cache相比,Memory有什么特点? Cost, speed, size 和Disk相比,Memory有什么特点?

6.Which of the following would lead you to believe that a given system is an SMP-type system?以下哪项会让您相信给定的系统是SMP类型的系统 A) Each processor is assigned a specific task.每个处理器被分配一个特定的任务。 B) There is a boss–worker relationship between the processors. 存在主从关系 C) Each processor performs all tasks within the operating system.每个处理器执行操作系统中的所有任务。 D) None of the above

7.在分时系统中,当用户数目为100时,为保证响应时间不超过2s (秒),此时的时间片最大应为( ) A、10 ms  B、20ms C、50ms D、100ms

8.What are some other terms for kernel mode? 内核模式还有哪些其他术语? A) supervisor mode 管理模式 B) system mode 系统模式 C) privileged mode 特权模式 D) All of the above

9.A ____ can be used to prevent a user program from never returning control to the operating system.____可用于防止用户程序永不将控制权交还给操作系统。 A) buffer 缓冲 B) job 工作/进程 C) device driver 驱动设备 D) timer 计时器

True or False

1.There is no universally accepted definition of an operating system. 没有操作系统的普遍接受的定义。

2.Interrupts may be triggered by either hardware of software. 中断可能由任何一种软件硬件触发。

3.Solid state disks are considered volatile storage 固态磁盘被是易失性存储

Chapter 2: Operating-System Structures

_____ provide(s) an interface to the services provided by an operating system._____提供操作系统提供的服务的接口。 A) Shared memory 共享内存 B) System calls 系统调用 C) Communication 通信

2.Policy ____. 策略 A) determines how to do something 决定怎么做 B) determines what will be done 决定做什么 C) is not likely to change across places 不太可能发生变化 D) is not likely to change over time

3.Microkernels use _____ for communication. 微内核使用_____进行通信 A) message passing 消息传递 B) shared memory 内存共享 C) system calls 系统调用

True or False

1.Application programmers typically use an API rather than directly invoking system calls. 应用程序程序员通常使用API而不是直接调用系统调用。

2.System calls can be run in either user mode or kernel mode. system调用可以在用户模式或内核模式下运行。

3.A system call is triggered by hardware. 系统调用是由硬件触发的。

4.An initial bootstrap program is in the form of random-access memory (RAM). 初始引导程序采用随机存取存储器(RAM)的形式

Chapter 3: Processes

1.The ____ of a process contains temporary data such as function parameters, return addresses, and local variables. 进程的____包含临时数据,例如函数参数,返回地址和局部变量。 A) text section 文本段/代码段 B) data section 数据段 C) program counter 程序计数器 D) stack 堆栈

2.A process may transition to the Ready state by which of the following actions?进程可以通过以下哪些操作转变为“就绪”状态 A) Completion of an I/O event I / O事件完成 B) Awaiting its turn on the CPU 等待打开CPU C) Newly-admitted process 新加入的进程 D) All of the above

3.If it takes 10 milliseconds to decide to execute a process for 100 milliseconds, then _________ percent of CPU is being used (wasted) simply for scheduling the work. 如果要花100毫秒来决定执行一个100毫秒的进程,则仅将_________%的CPU使用(浪费)用于计划工作。

4.The list of processes waiting for a particular I/O device is called a .*等待特定I / O设备的进程列表称为。* A) job queue 作业队列 B) device queue 设备队列 C) ready queue 就绪队列

5.The ___________ refers to the number of processes in memory.__是指内存中的进程数。 A) program counter 程序计数器 B) long-term scheduler 长期调度 C) degree of multiprogramming 多道程序 D) CPU scheduler CPU 调度

What system call creates a process on UNIX systems?哪个系统调用在UNIX系统上创建一个进程?

7.Producer-Consumer Problem基于什么通信模型? 生产者-消费者问题 A. Shared Memory 内存共享 B. Message Passing 消息传递

8.Imagine that a host with IP address wishes to download a file from the webserver at IP address Select a valid socket pair for a connection between this pair of hosts. 假设IP地址为150.55.66.77的主机希望从Web服务器下载IP地址为202.28.15.123的文件。为这对主机之间的连接选择一个有效的套接字对。 A) and B) and

True or False

1.The difference between a program and a process is that a program is an active entity while a process is a passive entity. 程序与过程之间的区别在于,程序是主动实体,而过程是被动实体。

Chapter 4: Threads

1.The ____ multithreading model multiplexes many user-level threads to a smaller or equal number of kernel threads.____多线程模型将许多用户级线程多路复用为更少或相等数量的内核线程。 A) many-to-one model 多对一 B) one-to-one model 一对一 C) many-to-many model 多对多 D) many-to-some model

2.The _____ model maps many user-level threads to one kernel thread._____模型将许多用户级线程映射到一个内核线程。 A) many-to-many B) two-level C) one-to-one D) many-to-one

3.The _____ model maps each user-level thread to one kernel thread._____模型将每个用户级线程映射到一个内核线程。 A) many-to-many B) two-level C) one-to-one D) many-to-one

4.Cancellation points are associated with ____ cancellation.取消点与____取消有关。 A) asynchronous 异步 B) deferred 同步 C) synchronous D) non-deferred

5.Which of the following would be an acceptable signal handling scheme for a multithreaded program?以下哪项是多线程程序可接受的信号处理方案? A) Deliver the signal to the thread to which the signal applies.将信号传递到该信号所应用的线程。 B) Deliver the signal to every thread in the process.将信号传递到进程中的每个线程。 C) Deliver the signal to only certain threads in the process. 仅将信号传递给进程中的某些线程。 D) All of the above

6.LWP is ____. 轻量级进程是 A) short for lightweight processor 轻量级处理器的缩写 B) placed between system and kernel threads 放置在系统和内核线程之间 C) placed between user and kernel threads 放在用户和内核线程之间 D) common in systems implementing one-to-one multithreading models 在实现一对一多线程模型的系统中很常见

True or False

1.A thread is composed of a thread ID, program counter, register set, and heap. 线程由线程ID,程序计数器,寄存器集和堆组成。

2.Each thread has its own register set and stack. 每个线程都有自己的寄存器集和堆栈。

3.Deferred cancellation is preferred over asynchronous cancellation. 同步取消优于异步取消。

4.The single benefit of a thread pool is to control the number of threads. 线程池的唯一好处是控制线程数。

Chapter 5: CPU Scheduling

____ is the number of processes that are completed per time unit.____是每个时间单位完成的过程数。 A) CPU utilization CPU利用率 B) Responsetime 响应时间 C) Turnaround time 周转时间 D) Throughput 吞吐量

2.A CPU-scheduling algorithm determines an order for the execution of its scheduled processes. Given n processes to be scheduled on one processor, how many different schedules are possible? Give a formula in terms of n.CPU调度算法确定执行其调度进程的顺序。 给定要在一个处理器上调度的n个进程,可能有多少种不同的调度? 给出一个关于n的公式。

3.The ______ occurs in first-come-first-served scheduling when a process with a long CPU burst occupies the CPU. _当CPU区间周期长的进程占用CPU时,_____发生在先到先服务的调度中。 A) dispatch latency B) waiting time 等待效应 C) convoy effect 护航效应

4.Suppose that the following processes arrive for execution at the times indicated. Each process will run for the amount of time listed.

ProcessArrival TimeBurst TimeP10.08P20.44P31.01

What is the average turnaround time/average waiting time/average response time for these processes with the FCFS scheduling algorithm?

5.Suppose that the following processes arrive for execution at the times indicated. Each process will run for the amount of time listed.

ProcessArrival TimeBurst TimeP10.08P20.44P31.01

What is the average turnaround time for these processes with the Non-Preemptive and Preemptive SJF scheduling algorithm, respectively?

8.Which of the following scheduling algorithms must be nonpreemptive? 什么调度算法是非抢占的 A) SJF B) RR C) FCFS D) priority algorithms

9.____ scheduling is approximated by predicting the next CPU burst with an exponential average of the measured lengths of previous CPU bursts. ____调度是通过使用下一个CPU突发的测量长度的指数平均值来预测下一个CPU突发而得出的。 A) Multilevel queue B) RR C) FCFS D) SJF

10.The ____ scheduling algorithm is designed especially for time-sharing systems.____调度算法是专为分时系统设计的。 A) SJF B) FCFS C) RR D) Multilevel queue

11.Which of the following scheduling algorithms could result in starvation?哪种算法导致饥饿 A. First-come, first-served B. Shortest job first C. Priority

12.Which of the following is true of multilevel queue scheduling?多级队列调度中以下哪项是正确的? A) Processes can move between queues. 进程可在不同队列中跳转 B) Each queue has its own scheduling algorithm. 每一个队列都有自己的调度算法 C) A queue cannot have absolute priority over lower-priority queues. 队列不能比低优先级队列具有绝对优先级。 D) It is the most general CPU-scheduling algorithm.它是最通用的CPU调度算法。

13.A significant problem with priority scheduling algorithms is ___.优先级调度算法的一个重要问题是 _。 A) complexity 复杂 B) starvation 饥饿 C) determining the length of the next CPU burst 确定下一个CPU区间周期的长度 D) determining the length of the time quantum 确定时间量的长度

14.In Little’s formula, λ, represents the ____ 。在利特尔的公式中,λ代表___。 A) average waiting time in the queue 队列平均等待时间 B) average arrival rate for new processes in the queue队列中新进程的平均到达率 C) average queue length 平均队列长度 D) average CPU utilization 平均CPU利用率

15.______ allows a thread to run on only one processor. 什么让线程只在一个处理器上运行。 A) Processor affinity 处理器亲和性 B) Load balancing 负载平衡

16.The two general approaches to load balancing are __________ and ____________ 。负载平衡的两种通用方法是__________和___________。 A) soft affinity, hard affinity 软亲和性,硬亲和性 B) coarse grained, fine grained C) soft real-time, hard real-time D) push migration, pull migration 推动迁移,拉动迁移

True or False

1.In RR scheduling, the time quantum should be small with respect to the context-switch time. 在RR调度中,相对于上下文切换时间,时间量应该较小。

2.Round-robin (RR) scheduling degenerates to first-come-first-served (FCFS) scheduling if the time quantum is too long. 如果时间量太长,则循环调度(RR)调度会退化为先到先服务(FCFS)调度。

3.The multilevel queue scheduling algorithm allows processes to migrate between different queues. 多级队列调度算法允许进程在不同的队列之间迁移。

4.Load balancing algorithms have no impact on the benefits of processor affinity. 负载平衡算法不会影响处理器亲和力的好处。

Chapter 6: Process Synchronization

1.A race condition ____. 竞争条件 A) results when several threads try to access the same data concurrently.当多个线程尝试同时访问同一数据时,将导致结果错误。 B) results when several threads try to access and modify the same data concurrently.当多个线程尝试同时访问和修改相同数据时产生结果。 C) will result only if the outcome of execution does not depend on the order in which instructions are executed.仅在执行结果不取决于指令执行顺序的情况下才会产生结果。 D) None of the above.

2.What is the term for describing the situation where shared data may be manipulated concurrently and the outcome of the execution depends upon the order of access?用什么术语来描述共享数据可以被同时操纵并且执行的结果取决于访问顺序的情况?

3.What is the term used to describe the segment of code where shared data is accessed and possibly manipulated?用于描述访问共享数据并可能对其进行操作的代码段的术语是什么?

4.What are the three requirements a solution to the critical-section problem must satisfy?解决临界区问题必须满足的三个要求是什么?

5.What is critical-section? What is critical-section problem?什么是临界区,什么是临界区问题

6.A counting semaphore ____. 计数信号量 A) is essentially an integer variable 本质上是一个整数变量 B) can be modified simultaneously by multiple threads 可以被多个线程同时修改 C) cannot be used to control access to a thread’s critical sections 无法用于控制对线程关键部分的访问

7.A mutex lock . *互斥锁。* A) is exactly like a counting semaphore 像计数信号量一样 B) is essentially a boolean variable 一个布尔型变量 C) is not guaranteed to be atomic 不保证是原子的 D) can be used to eliminate busy waiting 可用于消除忙等待

8._____ is not a technique for handling critical sections in operating systems.___不是用于处理操作系统中重要代码段的技术。 A) Nonpreemptive kernels 非抢占式内核 B) Preemptive kernels 抢占式内核 C) Spinlocks 自旋锁 D) Peterson’s solution 彼得森的解决方案

9.A solution to the critical section problem does not have to satisfy which of the following requirements?解决临界区问题不必满足以下哪个要求? A) mutual exclusion 互斥 B) progress 空闲让进 C) atomicity 原子性 D) bounded waiting 有限等待

10.A(n) _______ refers to where a process is accessing/updating shared data. A(n)_______指的是进程访问/更新共享数据的位置。 A) critical section 临界区 B) entry section 进入区 C) mutex 互斥 D) test-and-set 测试并设置

True or False

1.A nonpreemptive kernel is safe from race conditions on kernel data structures. 非抢占式内核在内核数据结构上不受竞争条件的影响是安全的。

2.Race conditions are prevented by requiring that critical regions be protected by locks. 通过要求关键区域受锁保护,可以防止竞争

3.The value of a counting semaphore can range only between 0 and 1. 计数信号量的值只能在0到1之间。

4.Mutex locks and binary semaphores are essentially the same thing. Mutex锁和二进制信号量本质上是同一件事。

5.A nonpreemptive kernel is safe from race conditions on kernel data structures. 一个非抢占式内核在内核数据结构上不受竞争条件的影响是安全的。




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