2020东京奥运会产生首金 “首金”英文怎么说?

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2020东京奥运会产生首金 “首金”英文怎么说?

2024-07-06 09:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  受新冠肺炎疫情影响而被迫推迟的2020东京奥运会,于北京时间2021年7月23日晚7点在东京新国立竞技场举行开幕仪式。东京奥运会将于7月23日至8月8日举行,历时17天,最终产生339枚金牌。7月24日是首个比赛日,在女子10米气步枪决赛中,中国选手杨倩夺得冠军,为中国代表团揽入本届奥运会第一枚金牌(first gold medal)。这也是本届东京奥运会诞生的首枚金牌(first gold medal)。


  Instead of a 68,000-capacity crowd cheering as athletes from more than 200 countries parade with flags through Tokyo’s Olympic Stadium, fewer than a thousand foreign dignitaries and diplomats, Olympic sponsors and members of the International Olympic Committee will be present as the Games officially begin.


  Designated to march into the opening ceremony as 110th among the delegations, Team China will be led by two flag-bearers - women's volleyball star Zhu Ting and reigning men's taekwondo champion Zhao Shuai.


  For the first time in Olympic history, each nation will be allowed to have two flag-bearers — a man and a woman — for the traditional Parade of Nations.



  1、口号:United by Emotion直译是:由情感连接起来。“通过奥运会,大家可以不被国籍、种族、性别、文化、宗教甚至残疾等因素所局限,并依托情感连接在一起。”

  The Games Motto encapsulates the Games vision, capturing the essence of the ideas and concepts that the host city wishes to share with the world.



  2016里约奥运会:A new world(一个新世界) 。

  2012伦敦奥运会:Inspire a generation(激励一代人)。

  2008北京奥运会:One world,One Dream (同一个世界,同一个梦想)。

  2006都灵冬奥会:An Ever Burning Flame (永不熄灭的火焰)。

  2004雅典奥运会:Welcome Home (欢迎回家)。

  2000悉尼奥运会:Share the Spirit (分享奥林匹克精神)。

  2、奥林匹克格言(motto)“更快、更高、更强”(faster, higher, stronger)之后,加入“更团结”(together)。


  We have to adapt the motto to our times.


  This is a milestone in our development and sends a clear signal. We want to put special focus on solidarity.


  The Collaborative effort is bringing faster and better results than working in silos and protecting each silo from the progress of the other silo.


  3、东京奥运会吉祥物(mascot):Miraitowa & Someity


  空手道(karate)、运动攀岩(sport climbing)、冲浪(surfing)、滑板(skateboarding)、垒球/棒球(baseball/softball)

  The big Olympic news is there will be five new sports at the Summer Games. They are karate, skateboarding, sport climbing, surfing and baseball/softball. It's hard to think about surfing when it's winter. However, competitive climbing is an indoor sport. Athletes climb walls covered with fake rocks made of hard molded resin.




  6、Individuals must maintain a 2-meter distance from athletes and at least 1 meter from others at all times, including in operational spaces. They should avoid unnecessary forms of physical contact, including hugs, high-fives and handshakes, and should spend time only with the people identified as their regular contacts.



  闭幕式Closing Ceremony

  开幕式opening ceremony

  奥林匹克运动会the Olympic Games

  奥林匹克体育场 Olympic Stadium

  奥运会会歌 Olympic Hymn/Anthem

  奥运火炬 Olympic torch

  奥运火炬塔 Olympic cauldron

  奥运会主场地 main Olympic venue

  奥运村 Olympic village

  国际奥委会 International Olympic Committee (IOC)

  火炬手 torch bearer

  火炬接力 torch relay

  冬奥会 Winter Olympics

  残奥会 the Paralympic Games

  金/银/铜牌 gold/silver/bronze medal

  裁判 referee

  决赛 finals

  半决赛 semifinals

  四分之一决赛 quarter-finals

  药检 dope testing




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