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#英语:高三重点单词、短语、句型整理新世纪版.doc| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Unit 11. name after以的名字命名2. in celebration of庆祝3. pull down推毁,推翻4. be representative of代表5. putinto practice付诸实践6. under way在进行中7. hold on to 保持,抓住不放8. sea level海平面9. in times of在时期10. take measures采取措施11. civil engineering土木工程Unit 21. be concerned about担心,担忧2. scientific circle科学界3. takefor granted

2、视为理所当然4. medical field医学领域5. quality control质量管理,质量控制6. with doubt 怀疑,有疑问7. in motion运动,运转8. in comparison with与相比9. a minimum supply of最少的供应10. industrialized countries工业化国家11. organic product有机产品12. the manufacture of countless products无数产品的生产13. Roentgen carefully dated the photograph December 22

3、, 1895.(date vt.双宾语,给注明日期)14. a revolutionary system of robot-controlled farming一套由机器人来从事农业的创新系统15. change the face of modern agriculture改变现代农业的面貌16. under completely controlled conditions在完全控制的条件下17. environmentally friendly对环境有利的18. the by-product of chemicals化学物质的副产品19. each weighing 18,000tons;a

4、 shipping container measuring 12 meters by 2.5 meters20. conventional open-field farming传统的露天种植21. meet the growing demand for organic products满足人们对有机产品的日益需求22. Scientists proposed that Hessels invention be used in places where there are difficult weather conditions, high labor costs and rising dema

5、nds for food. 科学家们提议将赫塞尔的发明用在气候条件恶劣、劳动力成本高以及对食物需求大的地区。Unit 31. go into hiding躲藏起来2. in fear of为提心吊胆3. come to ones aid帮助某人4. hold ones ground坚持立场5. weigh down使感到焦虑、沮丧等6. hold fast to 紧紧抓住7. food supply食物供应8. a great deal of 大量的9. declare war on对宣战10. prisoner of war战俘11. be taken prisoner活捉,俘虏12. ma

6、nual labor体力劳动13. by hand手工14. give ones life for为献出自己的生命15. run to ones aid帮助某人16. at risk在危险中17. material possessions物质财富;财产Unit 41. make a difference有很大的关系/影响2. in that case既然是那样3. break off折断;突然停止4. regardless of不管,不顾5. philosophy of life人生哲学6. be prepared to do something有能力而且愿意做7. take on接受的挑战;

7、同较量8. in session开会9. in the field of在领域内10. nuclear arms核武器11. come into existence产生;成立12. be equal to等于;等同于13. by peaceful means通过和平方式14. veto power否决权15. launch an educational program发起一项教育计划16. resolve conflicts peacefully and constructively和平而有效地解决冲突17. the critical knowledge重要知识18. internationa

8、l cooperation国际合作19. balance global interdependence and national interests平衡国际间相互依赖和各国利益20. develop friendly relations between nations发展国与国之间的友好关系21. eliminate poverty, disease and illiteracy in the world在全世界范围内消除贫困、疾病和文盲22. interfere in the domestic affairs of any country干涉任何国家的内政23. carry the weig

9、ht of world governmental opinion影响世界政府舆论24. international territory国际领域25. The purpose of the United Nations is to bring all nations of the world together to work for peace and development, based on the principles of justice, human dignity and the well-being of all people. 联合国成立的目的是联合全世界所有国家,本着公正,维护

10、人类尊严,为全人类谋福利的原则,为和平和发展而努力。Unit 51. catch sight of看到,瞥见2. keep body and soul together仅能维持生活3. beyond ones means超出某人的支付能力4. follow ones example学某人的做法、样子等5. serve somebody right罪有应得,活该6. at the bottom of在底部7. keep oneself warm保暖8. run after追赶,追9. prize book 获奖书籍10. at best最多11. touch upon简单涉及/论述12. sub

11、ject matter主题13. let sb down使失望14. from different aspects从不同的方面15. turn a bit pale脸色有点发白Unit 61. make a bet打赌2. in the name of以的名义;凭的权威3. place sb under arrest逮捕4. cheer sb up鼓舞某人;使(某人)振奋起来5. on top of the world非常愉快或自豪6. in pairs成双地,成对地7. circle of life生命周期8. in the shadow在阴影处9. get ones way 随心所欲10. be up to忙于,正在做11. on the stage在舞台上12. speak out表达,说出13. point of view观点14. dramatic play戏剧15. a vivid representation of生动体现16. a brief introduction to简单介绍




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