
您所在的位置:网站首页 提建议的英文短语 如何给建议,关键时刻,还得靠这些经典句型~


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Advice can be such an important aspect of life. Sometimes you need help and sometimes you need to help others. Everyone needs advice and suggestions even if you are the most powerful person in the world!忠告是生活的一个重要方面。有时你需要帮助,有时你需要帮助别人。每个人都需要建议和建议,即使你是世界上最强大的人!

Presidents and Prime Ministers have teams set up just to advise them about what they should do or what they could be doing better. So never be scared of advice.总统和总理们成立了专门的小组,就他们应该做什么或可以做得更好向他们提供建议。所以不要害怕建议。

We are going to give you some advice about giving advice and making suggestions. Let’s get started!我们将为您提供一些建议和建议。我们开始吧!

Use a question使用问题给建议

It’s important to remember that sometimes people will not want to hear advice, or they may require it in a delicate manner rather than being told or ordered. You can do this by making it into a question.重要的是要记住这一点,有时人们不想听劝告,或者他们可能要求以微妙的方式,而不是被告知或命令。你可以通过把建议以问题的方式来呈现。

Here are some common phrases to do just that:下面是一些常用的短语:

May I suggest我可以建议.....吗?

A: I am so frustrated with this book I can’t get anywhere near to the end of it and I have to finish it by Wednesday!A:我对这本书感到非常失望,我就是读不到结尾,我得在星期三之前读完它!

B: May I suggest that you set yourself a target and try to read a certain amount of pages per day until you reach your target?B:我能建议你这样做吗?就是给自己定一个目标,每天读一定数量的网页,直到你达到目标为止。

If I may如果可以的话

A: I just don’t know what to do anymore I’m fed up with my boyfriend, he never calls me anymore. He doesn’t care about me.我真不知道该怎么办了,我受够了我的男朋友,他再也不打电话给我了。他并不在乎我。

B: If I may, when was the last time you called him?B:如果可以的话,你能否告诉我,你最后一次打电话给他是什么时候?

Couldn’t you你不能......吗?

A: I’m panicking, I need to get to London on Wednesday to meet up with my friends. They are all driving there but I don’t have a car!A:我很紧张,我得在星期三去伦敦见我朋友。他们在那里都开车,但我没有车!

B: Couldn’t you just get a lift with one of them?B.你不能找其中一个有车的朋友搭便车吗?

Would you consider你考虑......吗?

A: I don’t know what to do. I keep eating and eating but I want to lose weight! The problem is I am always so hungry!我不知道该怎么办。我一直在吃啊吃,但我想减肥!问题是我总是那么饿!

B: Would you consider going to the doctor and getting some medical help?B:你考虑去看医生并得到一些医疗帮助吗?

Wouldn’t it be better......会不会更好呢?

A: I don’t know whether I should take this new job or stay with my current one. It’s a big opportunity for me but it would mean I would need to move house. I don’t know what I want.我不知道该不该接受这份新工作,还是留在现在的工作岗位。这对我来说是一个很大的机会,但这意味着我需要搬家。我不知道我想要什么。

B: Wouldn’t it be better if you take some time to see how you feel, rather than make a decision right now?B:如果你花点时间想想自己的感受,而不是现在就做决定,会不会更好呢?

Shouldn’t you你难道不该......吗?

A: I’m worried, my son hasn’t called me all morning. He went to a party last night and stayed the night. I want to know he is okay.我很担心,我儿子整个上午都没给我打电话。他昨晚参加了一个晚会,过了一夜。我想确保他没事。

B: Shouldn’t you give him a few more hours to call you? It’s still early in the morning.B:你难道不该等他几个小时再打电话给他吗?现在还很早。

Will you你能......吗?

A: I want to improve my fitness but the gym is so expensive! How can I get fit if I don’t have money?我想改善我的体型,但是去健身房太贵了!如果我没有钱,我怎样才能成功塑形?

B: Will you just relax? You can go for a run outside any time you want! The best part os that it’s free.B:你能放松一下吗?你可以随时出去跑步啊!这种方式的最好之处在于它是免费的。

These are very polite ways to give advice and can be used in formal situations as well as informal ones. They might be good ways to approach giving advice to someone that you do not know very well.这些都是非常礼貌的给出建议的方式,可以在正式场合以及非正式场合使用。当给你不太了解的人提建议时,以上这些短语就是很好的方式。

They could also be useful for giving advice to someone who doesn’t like to be advised or told what to do. The best part is, if they reject your advice, you can say I was only asking.这些短语同样也可以适用于那些不喜欢被劝告或告诉他们该做什么的人提建议。这些短语的最好之处在于,如果他们拒绝你的建议,你可以说我只是问问而已。

Use an order使用命令给建议

Using an order can sometimes cut through a problem like a knife through butter. They can make things much simpler rather than asking questions and saying things you don’t really mean. Be careful though, some people might not like being told what to do!使用命令有时可以很容易地解决一个问题。命令可以使事情简单得多,而不是以问题的方式呈现你并非真实表达的意思。但是要小心,有些人可能不喜欢别人告诉他们做什么!

You should你应该......

A: What do I do? I want to have more time off work but I know that the money at this job is fantastic.我该怎么办?我想有更多的休假时间,但我知道这份工作的薪水是诱人的。

B: You should think about what is important to you. Life is short!B:你应该想想什么对你来说是重要的。生命短暂!

You have to/don’t have to你得/你不必.....

A: I might not go out tonight, I’m not ready and I am really tired.A:我今晚可能不出去,我还没准备好,而且我真的很累。

B: You have to go out! We are going to have such a good time!B:你得出来一起玩!我们将玩得很愉快!

A: Painting is so dumb, I don’t know why I bother even trying. I suck at it!A:画画太沉闷了,我不知道为什么我还要费心去尝试。我画画太烂了!

B: You don’t have to be the best artist in the world to enjoy painting! Use it to learn!B:你不必是世界上最喜欢绘画的艺术家!只是学习一下而已!

You must/mustn’t你必须/你千万别......

A: I have a huge exam tomorrow, I don’t know if I have studied enough and I’m worried I might fail!A:明天我有一场大型考试,我不知道我是否已经复习地差不多了,我担心我可能会不及格!

B: The most important thing is to be focused. You must be focused otherwise you have no chance of succeeding.B:最重要的是要聚精会神。你必须集中注意力,否则就没有成功的机会。

A: I should have scored today, I had a really good chance and I messed it up.A:我今天本应该进球,我有一个很好的机会,但我把它搞砸了。

B: You mustn’t keep thinking about it! Just say that next time you will score that chance.B:你千万别老是想着这件事!保证下次你一定会抓住那种机会就行。

You had better你最好......

A: Mum, I don’t want to go to school today!A:妈妈,我今天不想上学!

B: You had better get dressed and get in the car right now. You’re not staying home.B:你最好穿上衣服,马上上车。你不能待在家里。

You have got to/haven’t got to你必须/你不必........

A: I don’t know if I want to go to university, I don’t want to leave home and leave my friends.A:我不知道我是否想上大学,我不想离开家,也不想离开我的朋友们。

B: You have got to think of the future! You will make new friends and your other friends will be here waiting for you to visit!B:你必须为未来考虑!你会结交新的朋友,你的其他朋友也会在这里等着你!

A: I want to go to the party but I am worried that Johnny might be there. I don’t want to see him.A:我想去参加聚会,但我担心乔尼可能在那儿。我不想见到他。

B: Well, even if you do see him, you haven’t got to speak to him! Just go!B:嗯,即使你真的看到他,你也不必和他说话!就去吧!

Think about it考虑一下吧

A: This job would be great pay, but I really like my boss that I have now.A:这份工作薪水很高,但我真的很喜欢我现在的老板。

B: Really? Think about it! Think of what you could do with all that extra cash!B:真的吗?想想看!想想你能用那些多出来的现金做些什么!

You have to你必须.......

A: Everything is going wrong, I don’t know what to do and I’m just fed up with life.A:一切都不顺利,我不知道该怎么办,我真的厌倦了生活。

B: You have to calm down! Things aren’t that bad!B:你必须冷静下来!事情没那么糟糕!

Use an order if you are sure and you should probably reserve orders for friends and family. If you tell someone you don’t know very well what they should do then they may get offended even if you are trying to help!如果你确定的话,可以使用命令提建议。你也许该为朋友和家人储备一些提建议的命令话语。如果你对你并不了解的人说他们应该做什么,那么即使你想帮助他们,他们也会受到冒犯!

Sometimes the truth hurts and people don’t want to hear it!有时候真相很伤人,人们并不想听!

More for you:更多:

Advice vs Advise: pronunciation, meaning, examples, related words.Advice vs Advise:发音,意义,例子,相关词汇。

Use an idiom使用俚语

This is a really fun and creative way to give advice. Using an idiom can add a dimension to the conversation that didn’t exist before. It can take the awkwardness away from things and will also mean that you aren’t directly telling somebody what they should and shouldn’t do.这是一个非常有趣和创造性的建议方式。使用俚语可以为以前不存在的对话增加一个维度。它可以消除尴尬,也意味着你不会直接告诉别人他们应该做什么,不应该做什么。

Take a second等一下

This is an idiom that can be used to make people slow down and think about the situation. The expression denotes that you are taking a second and so you will have that time to yourself to think and make a clear-minded decision.这是一个可以用来让人们放慢速度,思考情况的俚语。这个表达意味着你要花一秒钟的时间,这样你就有足够的时间去思考和做出一个清晰的决定。

An example would be:例如:

Jonas: I’ve got so much to do and I don’t know where to start. I have homework, I have to babysit and then I have to go to the gym! How can I do all of this?乔纳斯:我有很多事情要做,我不知道从哪里开始。我有家庭作业,我必须照顾孩子,然后我必须去健身房!我该怎么做?

Tim: Jonas, take a second and stop freaking out. Let’s try to make a schedule that you can follow.提姆:乔纳斯,等下,别再崩溃了。让我们做个时间表以便你能按照它做。

Jonas: Yeah you’re right, I need to calm down. Thanks, Tim.乔纳斯:是的,你说得对,我需要冷静下来。谢谢,蒂姆。

Can I add my two cents我能提提我的拙见吗?

This is a really fun phrase to use and you are effectively asking for permission to give advice and enter the conversation. As I have already mentioned, there are some people that do not enjoy receiving advice and don’t want to be told what to do. If they invite you to enter the conversation, however, then you are free to say whatever you want to them!这是一个非常有趣的短语,你实际上是在请求许可来提供建议并进入对话。正如我已经提到的,有些人不喜欢接受建议,也不想被告知该做什么。但是,如果他们邀请你参加谈话,那么你可以自由地对他们说你想说的话!

The phrase comes from poker. When you go around the table and are ready to start a game, everyone needs to pay into the game to be allowed to play. So, you add your two cents to have a stake in the game. In this case you are paying to have a stake in the conversation. (Although you don’t actually have to pay!)这个短语来自扑克。当你绕过桌子准备开始一场比赛时,每个人都需要在比赛中付出代价才能被允许参加比赛。所以,你加上你的两分钱,就可以在游戏中占有一席之地。在这种情况下,你要花钱在谈话中占有一席之地。(尽管你实际上不必付钱!)


Hamid: This is ridiculous, I’ve been waiting half an hour and still no call from my boss. How am I supposed to know when I need to get to work? It’s so rude!哈米德:这太荒谬了,我已经等了半个小时了,还没有接到老板的电话。我怎么知道我什么时候需要上班?太粗鲁了!

Priya: Hamid, can I add my two cents?普里娅:我能说说我的感觉吗?

Hamid: Sure, Priya.哈米德:当然,普里娅。

Priya: Well, maybe your boss is just busy! They have said that they will call you back and I’m sure they will. Just wait a little bit and if they don’t call now, you can call them back later.普里亚:嗯,也许你的老板正忙着呢!他们说他们会给你回电话,我相信他们会的。稍等一下,如果他们现在不打电话,你可以稍后再打给他们。

Hamid: I suppose you’re right.哈米德:我想你是对的。

Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched别高兴的太早

This is a really funny phrase and it is used to tell someone not to be complacent or cocky.这是一个非常有趣的短语,用来告诉某人不要自满或自大。

Somebody may be really excited about an opportunity that has come their way or will and they may get carried away. This is a way to keep them grounded and concentrated on what they have to do next.有些人可能真的对一个机会感到兴奋,而这个机会已经到来或将要到来,他们可能会被忘却。这是一种让他们坚持到底的方法,集中精力做他们下一步要做的事情。

The phrase very literally comes from hatching chickens. Sometimes, eggs may not hatch properly and even if you start out with 10 eggs, maybe only 7 will hatch properly.这句话字面意思是来自孵出的小鸡。有时,卵可能不能正常孵化,即使你从10个开始,也许只有7个能正常孵化。

James: Ron, did I tell you? I’m starting a business that is going to change the world! I have already had great feedback from people who think it is a great idea! I’m going to be rich!詹姆斯:罗恩,我告诉你了吗?我要开始一项改变世界的事业!我已经从那些认为这是个好主意的人那里得到了很好的反馈!我要发财了!

Ron: That’s great, James, but don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched.罗恩:太好了,詹姆斯,但别高兴的太早。

One thing about this phrase is that you may seem very negative by saying this to someone! Make sure you are doing it with the best intentions. Don’t be too negative!这个短语的一个特点是,你对某人说这句话可能会显得很消极!确保你是怀着最好的意图去做的。不要太消极!

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush一鸟在手,胜过二鸟在林

This is a cool phrase that comes from the hunting world of times gone by. In the past, people would use falcons to hunt animals that might be in the bush. The saying here is that the falcon is more valuable than the prey that is in the bush.这是一个很酷的短语,来自过去的狩猎世界。在过去,人们会用猎鹰猎杀可能在灌木丛中的动物。据说猎鹰比丛林中的猎物更有价值。

It is used in modern times to say that perhaps the current situation is better than gambling for a new situation whilst also taking the risk of losing everything. It’s a difficult one to explain so lets look at an example.在现代,人们常说,也许现在的情况比为新情况赌博要好,同时也冒着失去一切的风险。这是一个很难解释的问题,所以让我们来看一个例子。


Graham: I have a dilemma, Pip, I am doing very well in my current job and I’m receiving a lot of phrase for my work, but I’m thinking about trying to get a job in a new company for even more money.格雷厄姆:我左右为难,皮普,我在目前的工作中做得很好,我在工作中收到了很多表扬,但我正在考虑去一家新公司找一份更高薪的工作。

Pip: That’s a tough one, Graham. Have they made you an offer or is it just an idea?皮普:这很难,格雷厄姆。他们给你发过价吗?还是只是个主意?

Graham: No they haven’t, it’s just my idea, I think I could do it.格雷厄姆:不,他们没有,这只是我的主意,我想我能做到。

Pip: Well, I think that it’s always good to have ambition but if you leave this job now and you don’t get the other job then you might lose everything. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.皮普:嗯,我认为有抱负总是好的,但是如果你现在离开这个工作,而你没有得到另一份工作,那么你可能会失去一切。一只鸟在手胜过两只鸟在林中。

Graham: Yeah, maybe you’re right. I will give it some thought.格雷厄姆:是的,也许你是对的。我会考虑的。

Don’t bite off more than you can chew不要好高骛远

Don’t think too much about this one! It means literally what it says.别想太多了!它的字面意思是说什么。

If you bite off more than you can chew it means that you have committed to doing too much and you should probably get rid of a few commitments to give you more time.如果你咬掉的比你能咀嚼的更多,这意味着你已经承诺做太多了,你应该摆脱一些承诺,给你更多的时间。

Check the example:检查示例:

Kate: Hey, Wayne, I want your opinion. I’m thinking about taking another job so that I can have a bit more money to spend.凯特:嘿,韦恩,我想听听你的意见。我正在考虑换一份工作,这样我可以有更多的钱花。

Wayne: Well, Kate, I know that being a nurse takes up a lot of your time right now. Do you think you have the spare time in your life for that?韦恩:好吧,凯特,我知道现在做护士要占用你很多时间。你觉得你的生活中有空余时间吗?

Kate: Yeah, I don’t know really. All I know is I want some more money!凯特:是的,我真的不知道。我只知道我想要更多的钱!

Wayne: Well, money isn’t all that matters, so just make sure you don’t bite off more than you can chew.韦恩:好吧,钱不是一切,所以只要确保你没有好高骛远就行了。

A really useful and simple phrase.一个非常有用和简洁的短语

Rome wasn’t built in a day罗马并非一天建成的

Think about the massive Roman empire that used to exist throughout the world and then think about how long that must’ve taken to build! It takes time, like most good things in life! So be patient with all your endeavours and try to build your own empire.想想曾经存在于世界各地的巨大罗马帝国,然后想想它要花多长时间才能建立起来!这需要时间,就像生活中最美好的事情一样!所以,要有耐心地做你所有的努力,努力建立你自己的帝国。

The example will help to explain this one:这个例子将有助于解释这一点:

Remy: Hey Tom, how’s it going?雷米:嘿,汤姆,怎么样?

Tom: Not too bad, Remy, I’ve just started a new business so I’m very busy at the moment.汤姆:不错,雷米,我刚开了一家新公司,所以我现在很忙。

Remy: Oh cool!雷米:哦,酷!

Tom: Yeah, it’s tough though, it’s still a very small business and I would like it to grow a bit quicker.汤姆:是的,虽然很难,但它仍然是一个非常小的企业,我希望它能增长得更快一点。

Remy: Well, take your time! Just remember. Rome wasn’t built in a day!雷米:好吧,慢慢来!记住。罗马不是一天建成的!

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