雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a movie/film that you felt strongly about 超有共鸣的电影

您所在的位置:网站首页 推荐一部电影英文范文 雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a movie/film that you felt strongly about 超有共鸣的电影

雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a movie/film that you felt strongly about 超有共鸣的电影

2024-07-11 05:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a movie/film that you felt strong […]

雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a movie/film that you felt strongly about 描述一部你超有共鸣的电影/感受强烈的电影


这道话题卡的细节要求相对较多,几个需要注意的核心关键词有:heard someone complaining和business place。也就是说,你所描述的经历是你当场听到的。同时,这个场合得是一些商业场合,比如餐馆和商店。诸如此类的场所还包括电影院、游乐场以及其它提供商业服务的场所(会所、酒吧、街市等)。


Describe a movie/film that you felt strongly about

You should say:

What it is about

When you watched it

Where you watched it

And explain why you felt strongly about it




A movie that has made a strong impression on me is “The Lord of the Rings,” which is adapted from J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy novel of the same name.


Honestly, I can’t quite remember the exact date I first saw this film, but I recall it was during a school entertainment activity one afternoon in my ninth grade. Our class teacher had us watch an English movie in the classroom as an opportunity to learn English.


In the first ten minutes or so of the movie, I didn’t really understand what was going on, but I was amazed by the special effects. As the story progressed, this article is from Laokaoya website, I became more engrossed in the plot, and my emotions fluctuated with the storyline. What moved me the most was the beautiful Rivendell, home of the elves, which seemed like a paradise. In that era of less advanced technology, I couldn’t believe how they managed to create such beautiful effects.


At that time, my English vocabulary was not very extensive, but with the movie’s plot and stunning effects, I could grasp the general story. Later, I watched a high-definition version online after returning home. Nowadays, I take some time every year to revisit this classic film.


I think the most important reason why I feel so strongly about this movie is its special effects, which are truly perfect and still hold up even by today’s film production standards. Additionally, Tolkien’s magical world is too enticing, and this movie perfectly captures the enchanting aspects of his magical world.


Part 3 追加问题

Do most people prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema? Why?

What are the advantages of going to the cinema with friends?

Is going to the cinema still popular?

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