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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译中文英语 控制 control   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

从词典的另一端匹配条目主要翻译英语中文 manipulation n (influence, control)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 操控 kòng zhì,cāo kòng   SCSimplified Chinese 影响 kòng zhì,yǐng xiǎng TCTraditional Chinese 影響  This newspaper specializes in the manipulation of public opinion. containment n figurative (restricting spread of sth) (比喻,使其不能传播,使其不会扩散)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制  Containment of the news was our first priority. domination n (power, control)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 支配 kòng zhì,zhī pèi TCTraditional Chinese 支配   SCSimplified Chinese 主宰 kòng zhì,zhǔ zǎi TCTraditional Chinese 主宰  The ruler had complete domination over the land and its inhabitants. keep sth in check v expr (control)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制  The European Central Bank has kept inflation in check. keep a check on sth/sb v expr informal (monitor)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 监视 kòng zhì,jiān shì TCTraditional Chinese 監視  I'm keeping a check on his work to ensure that he's doing it right. take control of sth v expr (take charge or command of)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 掌管 kòng zhì,zhǎng guǎn TCTraditional Chinese 掌管  The cops had a rough time taking control of the situation once the riot broke out. predominate vi (be dominant, prevail)SCSimplified Chinese 统治 tǒng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 統治   SCSimplified Chinese 控制 tǒng zhì,kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 控制 tǒng zhì,kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制  Blue and green colors predominated in the painting. have power vi (have control or influence)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 支配 kòng zhì,zhī pèi TCTraditional Chinese 支配  The army may have power right now, but they cannot govern forever without the consent of the people. dominate sb/sth vtr (have control over)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 支配 kòng zhì,zhī pèi TCTraditional Chinese 支配  The bully dominates the other kids in the playground. It was a struggle, but Barry managed to dominate his emotions.  那个小霸王控制着操场上的其他孩子。// 虽然颇为困难,但巴里还是成功控制住了自己的情绪。 overmaster sb vtr (overpower)SCSimplified Chinese 控制⇒ kòng zhì vtrTCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 征服 kòng zhì,zhēng fú TCTraditional Chinese 征服   SCSimplified Chinese 主宰 kòng zhì,zhǔ zǎi TCTraditional Chinese 主宰 take command vtr + n (take charge, control)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 掌管 kòng zhì,zhǎng guǎn TCTraditional Chinese 掌管  He was the kind of man who always tried to take command even when no-one wanted him to. keep sth down vtr phrasal sep (repress sth)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 抑制 kòng zhì,yì zhì TCTraditional Chinese 抑制   SCSimplified Chinese 压制 kòng zhì,yā zhì TCTraditional Chinese 壓制 / 壓製   SCSimplified Chinese 镇压 kòng zhì,zhèn yā TCTraditional Chinese 鎮壓  The teacher asked the boys to keep the noise down.  老师要求男孩子们小声点。 in possession of sth expr (having)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制  Brian's behaviour was so odd, his friends wondered if he was in possession of his faculties.  布莱恩的行为很奇怪,他的朋友都怀疑他是否能控制自己。 in control of sth expr (in charge) (物)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 掌控 kòng zhì,zhǎng kòng in charge of sth expr (having control of sth)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 掌控 kòng zhì,zhǎng kòng  Wendy is going out tonight, so her husband is in charge of the children's dinner.  温迪今晚要出门,所以由她丈夫负责孩子的晚餐。 control n (restraint, self-control)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 克制 kòng zhì,kè zhì TCTraditional Chinese 克制   SCSimplified Chinese 自控能力 kòng zhì,zì kòng néng lì  The witness showed great control under cross-examination.  这位证人在反诘过程中控制得很好。 seizing n (act of taking control)SCSimplified Chinese 掌控 zhǎng kòng   SCSimplified Chinese 控制 zhǎng kòng,kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 控制 zhǎng kòng,kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制 orchestration n figurative (direction, control)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 编纂 kòng zhì,biān zuǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 谋划 kòng zhì,móu huà take charge of sth v expr (take command or control of sth)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 掌管 kòng zhì,zhǎng guǎn TCTraditional Chinese 掌管   SCSimplified Chinese 负责 kòng zhì,fù zé TCTraditional Chinese 負責  Mara employed an accountant to take charge of her finances.  玛拉雇了一位会计来负责她的财务。 get on top of sth v expr figurative (gain control of a task, situation, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 掌握 kòng zhì,zhǎng wò TCTraditional Chinese 掌握   SCSimplified Chinese 掌控 kòng zhì,zhǎng kòng regulate sth vtr (control: rate, flow)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 管理 kòng zhì,guǎn lǐ TCTraditional Chinese 管理  A series of valves regulates the flow of lubricant. have control of sth vtr (master)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制 keep sb under vtr phrasal sep (keep under oppression)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 压制 kòng zhì,yā zhì TCTraditional Chinese 壓制 / 壓製 in command of sth adj + prep (having control of sth)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制 manage sth vtr (control)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 掌控 kòng zhì,zhǎng kòng  How can one teacher manage a class of thirty-five children?  一个班有35个孩子,一位老师怎么能管得住? harness sth vtr figurative (use the power of sth) (力量等)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 利用 kòng zhì,lì yòng  The new waterworks harnessed the power of the river to bring electricity to the town.  新的自来水厂利用这条河的水能,为城镇供电。 bridle sth vtr figurative (control: excitement, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 约束 kòng zhì,yuē shù TCTraditional Chinese 約束  Try to bridle the children's excitement while we're in the car.  当我们在车里的时候,尝试让孩子们不要过于兴奋。 govern sth vtr (control, restrain)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 抑制 kòng zhì,yì zhì TCTraditional Chinese 抑制  Authorities fear they can't govern the reaction to the new law.  政府当局担心他们无法抑制人们对新法律的反响。 control sth vtr (manipulate: machine) (机械、机器)SCSimplified Chinese 操作 cāo zuò TCTraditional Chinese 操作   SCSimplified Chinese 控制 cāo zuò ,kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制  The crane operator controlled the machine without problem.  吊车员操作起机器来毫无问题。 in control of sth expr (has mastery of sth)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制  Even with the pouring rain, she was very much in control of the car. possess sb vtr (emotion: take control of) (情感)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制  A cold fury possessed Martha.  一阵冰冷的怒火控制住了玛莎。 control sth/sb vtr (restrain)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制  The police struggled to control the crowd.  警方尽力控制人群。 in control of sth expr (mastering emotions) (情绪)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制 grip n figurative (power, hold)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 掌握 kòng zhì,zhǎng wò TCTraditional Chinese 掌握  The coach kept his athletes firmly in his grip.  教练牢牢地控制住他的运动员。 rule sth vtr (maintain discipline over)SCSimplified Chinese 统治 tǒng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 統治   SCSimplified Chinese 控制 tǒng zhì,kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 管理 tǒng zhì,guǎn lǐ TCTraditional Chinese 管理  The king ruled the provinces with an iron fist.  国王用铁腕政策掌控各地。 master sth vtr figurative (control)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 掌控 kòng zhì,zhǎng kòng  If he wants to be taken seriously in business, he must learn to master his emotions.  如果他想在商场上受重视,那他就必须学会控制自己的情绪。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 control n (domination)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 支配 kòng zhì,zhī pèi TCTraditional Chinese 支配   SCSimplified Chinese 管辖 kòng zhì,guǎn xiá TCTraditional Chinese 管轄  The island came under state control.  这个岛由国家管控。 control n (prevention)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 防止 kòng zhì,fáng zhǐ TCTraditional Chinese 防止  Pest control is difficult in hot climates.  炎热气候下害虫防控很难。 hold n (mental grasp)SCSimplified Chinese 把握 bǎ wò TCTraditional Chinese 把握   SCSimplified Chinese 控制 bǎ wò,kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 左右 bǎ wò,zuǒ yòu TCTraditional Chinese 左右  The new president's hold on difficult policy issues was not strong.  新总统对棘手的政策问题还不太吃得透。 mastery n (of opponents)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 掌控 kòng zhì,zhǎng kòng  The martial artist worked hard to achieve mastery over his opponents. take sth vtr (get control)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 拥有 kòng zhì,yōng yǒu TCTraditional Chinese 擁有  The generals took power and exiled the President. check sth vtr (restrain sth)SCSimplified Chinese 抑制 yì zhì TCTraditional Chinese 抑制   SCSimplified Chinese 控制 yì zhì,kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制  The boxer needs to check his aggression. check sth vtr (control sth)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 止住 kòng zhì,zhǐ zhù  Try to check the flow of water by turning the valve. control sb vtr (manipulate: person)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 操控 kòng zhì,cāo kòng  He left his girlfriend because she tried to control him too much. stay sth vtr (hold back)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 抑制 kòng zhì,yì zhì TCTraditional Chinese 抑制  This bread will stay your hunger for a while. manage sth vtr (handle: a tool or weapon)SCSimplified Chinese 操纵 cāo zòng TCTraditional Chinese 操縱   SCSimplified Chinese 控制 cāo zòng,kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制  He manages the lathe very skilfully. master sth vtr (conquer)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 征服 kòng zhì,zhēng fú TCTraditional Chinese 征服  Napoleon was able to master many countries. master sth vtr (rule)SCSimplified Chinese 统治 tǒng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 統治   SCSimplified Chinese 控制 tǒng zhì,kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制  The dictator mastered his nation through fear and threats. contain sth vtr (hold back feelings) (感情等)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 克制 kòng zhì,kè zhì TCTraditional Chinese 克制  It was hard to contain her emotions. Contain your excitement! contain sth vtr (hold back, restrain)SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 遏制 kòng zhì,è zhì   SCSimplified Chinese 抑制 kòng zhì,yì zhì TCTraditional Chinese 抑制  The doctors tried to contain the disease.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: 控制  kòngzhì 动 control

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