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挤 [links] Listen: Simplified: 挤, Pinyin: jǐ, Traditional: 擠 ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译中文英语 挤 squeeze   crowded   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

从词典的另一端匹配条目主要翻译英语中文 squeeze sth vtr (compress with the hand)SCSimplified Chinese 挤压 jǐ yā TCTraditional Chinese 擠壓   SCSimplified Chinese 挤 jǐ yā,jǐ TCTraditional Chinese 擠  Robert squeezed the ketchup bottle, trying to get the last bit out.  罗伯特挤了挤番茄酱瓶子,想把最后那点番茄酱挤出来。 jostle sb, justle sb vtr (shove, push) (人群)SCSimplified Chinese 推, 挤, 推搡   SCSimplified Chinese 推搡着前行, 挤进 备注: "Justle" is an archaic form of "jostle." The crowd jostled him into the subway.  人群将他挤入了地铁。 jostle, justle n (push, shove)SCSimplified Chinese 推 tuī TCTraditional Chinese 推   SCSimplified Chinese 挤 tuī,jǐ TCTraditional Chinese 擠   SCSimplified Chinese 推搡 tuī,tuī sǎng  A jostle from her colleague caused Audrey to spill her tea. A firm jostle is needed to get the door to shut.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 squash n (crush in confined space)SCSimplified Chinese 挤 jǐ TCTraditional Chinese 擠   SCSimplified Chinese 拥挤 jǐ,yōng jǐ TCTraditional Chinese 擁擠  It was a bit of a squash to get six people in the car, but they managed it. squeeze n (crush in tight space)SCSimplified Chinese 挤 jǐ TCTraditional Chinese 擠   SCSimplified Chinese 拥挤 jǐ,yōng jǐ TCTraditional Chinese 擁擠  It was a bit of a squeeze to get six people in the car, but they managed.  6个人都要坐进车里会有点挤,不过他们还是做到了。 crush vi (move by pressing or crowding)SCSimplified Chinese 挤 jǐ TCTraditional Chinese 擠   SCSimplified Chinese 推挤 jǐ,tuī jǐ  After the concert, the crowd crushed towards the exit doors.  音乐会结束后,人群推挤着往出口涌去。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 复合形式:英语中文 milk sth vtr (draw milk from an animal)SCSimplified Chinese 挤(牛羊的)奶 jǐ niú yáng de nǎi   SCSimplified Chinese 给…挤奶 jǐ niú yáng de nǎi,gěi jǐ nǎi  The farm boy milked the cows every morning.  每天早上,那名农家少年都要给奶牛挤奶。 squeeze sth vtr (fruit: extract juice from) (果汁等)SCSimplified Chinese 挤,榨 jǐ TCTraditional Chinese 擠,榨  William squeezed the oranges to make juice for breakfast.  威廉姆为早餐榨了橙汁。 squeeze n (tight grasp)SCSimplified Chinese 紧握,紧抱 jǐn wò,jǐn bào   (按压动作,如:捏碎,捏脖子)SCSimplified Chinese 捏,挤 niē,jǐ TCTraditional Chinese 捏,擠  Leon felt the squeeze of Glenn's hand on his shoulder.  里昂感受到格伦的手在自己的肩膀上用力地捏了一下。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: 挤(擠) jǐ 动 1 (=拥挤) crowd 公共汽车(車)很挤(擠)。 Gōnggòng qìchē hěn jǐ. The bus is very crowded. 过(過)道里(裡)挤(擠)满(滿)了人。 Guòdào li jǐmǎnle rén. The passageway was packed with people.2 [时间集中] be close 两(兩)个(個)会(會)议(議)都挤(擠)在一起。 Liǎng gè huìyì dōu jǐ zài yīqǐ. The two meetings are very close to each other. 事情都挤(擠)在一块(塊)儿(兒)了。 Shìqing dōu jǐ zài yīkuàir le. Everything's happening at the same time.3 (=推人) elbow one's way 他挤(擠)上拥(擁)挤(擠)的汽车(車)。 Tā jǐshàng yōngjǐ de qìchē. He elbowed his way onto the crowded bus.4 (贬) (指社交) push one's way 她拼命想挤(擠)进(進)上层(層)社会(會)。 Tā pīnmìng xiǎng jǐjìn shàngcéng shèhuì. She worked hard to push her way into top society.5 [+ 牙膏、颜料] squeeze …out 挤(擠)奶(嬭) jǐ nǎi milk6 [+ 时间] make; (pt, pp made) 他挤(擠)时(時)间(間)学(學)英语(語)。 Tā jǐ shíjiān xué Yīngyǔ. He made time to study English.7 (=排斥) rob …of 他的晋(晉)升机(機)会(會)被挤(擠)掉了。 Tā de jìnshēng jīhuì bèi jǐdiào le. He was robbed of his opportunity for promotion.

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