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2023-01-03 02:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”人数增长“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Population growth。以下是关于人数增长的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Population growth

The demand for birth control methods has only recently developed, and many women hope to be more aware of the rapid growth of the world's population while they want to have children. The growing problem of the world's population is mainly due to the reduction of mortality due to the improvement of medical skills. At the same time, the birth rate has been increased by increasing the number of live births and infants living in early childhood Recognizing that food production can't keep pace with these increases has led to the fact that in some countries, people have starved to death and more people are malnourished, which is more complicated because in places like the United States and Europe, we get more food and consume more oil through trade than the average Indian, so we leave them less food and resources The population of the developed regions is growing at a rate of 2% per year, which means an increase of one million people per year on the basis of the current population of over one million.

There are obvious regional differences in the trend of population growth. The fastest growing region is Latin America, including southern and southern Central America and the Caribbean. Although Africa and Asia follow Latin America closely, Asia has the largest absolute increase in population, accounting for about three fifths of the world's population.




(world population explosion) human beings have experienced continuous population growth since the beginning of history, and famine and disease have little impact on future generations. Every year, too many people are added to the world's population, so the reasons and results of population growth are the same. At the beginning of human development, cultural evolution was the main factor leading to population growth.

Later, people invented tools for hunting animals. Later, they built shelters to protect themselves step by step, life easier and reducing the number of deaths caused by natural forces Less, such as bad weather and disease in the past, when the population grew, there were undeveloped territories to live in, but now, almost all of the habitable land has been developed, and the world population may reach one billion. Obviously, the population of the world is a serious problem that needs serious attention.

Human beings are unique and can be solved through cultural evolution. In the near future, we must implement family planning in order to save mankind and the world.




A new study by a private American group called Population Action International says more than 3.5 billion people lack enough water, and now people live in 28 countries, most of them in Africa or the Middle East Engelman said about a year ago 300 million people were likely to be short of water, and at least more countries were expected to face serious water problems, with increasing demand for water while the amount of water on earth remained unchanged. Mr. Engelman said population growth in water deficient countries was faster than in the rest of the world.

He said population growth reports in these countries said water shortages could lead to problems in the future and could increase health problems Water shortage usually means unsafe drinking water. Mr. Engelman said that there are diseases all over the world, such as cholera.

Water shortage may lead to more international conflicts. In the future, some countries may have to compete for water resources. Some countries now have 60% of their fresh water from other countries such as Egypt, the Netherlands, Cambodia, Syria, Sudan, Iraq and the report that water shortage will affect the economic improvement of developing countries This is because new industries often need a lot of water at the beginning of development.

The international population action research has proposed several ways to solve the water problem. Another way is to teach people not to waste water. The third way is to reduce agricultural water use.

The report also says long-term solutions to the water problem must include controlling population growth. The report says the country can't provide clean water unless population growth is slowed down. People are growing by limiting the number of children.


一个叫做国际人口行动组织的美国私人组织做了一项新的研究,它说超过35亿的人缺乏足够的水现在人们生活在28个国家大多数国家都在非洲或者中东pai的研究者robert engelman说大约xx年前3亿人可能缺水至少更多的国家预计将面临严重的水问题对水的需求不断增加而地球上的水量保持不变恩格曼先生说缺水国家的人口增长速度比世界其他地区快他说这些国家的人口增长报告说,未来缺水可能会导致一些问题,可能会增加健康问题缺水通常意味着饮用水不安全恩格曼先生说全世界都有疾病,如霍乱,缺水也可能导致更多的国际冲突,未来一些国家可能不得不争夺水资源一些国家现在60%的淡水来自其他国家埃及、荷兰、柬埔寨、叙利亚、苏丹,和报告说,缺水会影响发展中国家改善经济的能力,这是因为新工业在开始发展时往往需要大量的水。国际人口行动研究给出了几种解决水问题的方法,另一种方法是教人们注意不要浪费水第三种方法是减少农业用水。报告还说,水问题的长期解决方案必须包括控制人口增长。


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