
您所在的位置:网站首页 抹香鲸的英语 Alex的生物配置文件教程


2023-09-02 00:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265









  "biomes": [



        "type": "BIOME_DICT",

        "negate": false,             ——是否是黑名单

        "value": "overworld"      ——生成在哪个维度



        "type": "BIOME_DICT",

        "negate": false,    ——是否是黑名单

        "value": "swamp"    ——生成在哪个群系,这里建议复制其他生物生成用的群系名,另外,恶地群系名mesa,不是新改的badland




}   ——这里注意回括号完整,格式正确



#Whether polar bears should target seal mobs.

polarBearsAttackSeals = true ——北极熊是否攻击海豹

#Whether bone serpents are neutral or hostile.

neutralBoneSerpents = false ——骨蟒是否中立

#Makes eagles teleport back to their owner if they get stuck during controlled flight. Useful for when playing with the Optifine mod, since this mod is the fault of many issues with the falconry system.

falconryTeleportsBack = false ——驯服的白头海雕是否会自动传送

#List of dimensions in which spawning void worms via mysterious worm items is allowed.

voidWormSpawnDimensions = ["minecraft:the_end"] ——虚空蠕虫生成维度

#True if straddleboard enchants are enabled.

straddleboardEnchants = true ——跨板附魔是否开启

#Whether Crimson Mosquitoes can transform into Warped Moscos if attacking a Mungus or any listed creature.

warpedMoscoTransformation = true ——诡异蚊鬼转换是否开启

#Whether wild raccoons steal food from chests.

raccoonStealFromChests = true ——浣熊是否会从箱子里偷东西

#Whether mimicream can be used to duplicate items.

mimicreamRepair = true ——复刻凝胶能否修复物品

#Whether acacia blossoms should drop from blocks tagged with #alexsmobs:drops_acacia_blossoms

acaciaBlossomsDropFromLeaves = true ——金合欢花是否从树叶中掉落

#Whether lava can be bottled with a right click of a glass bottle.

lavaBottleEnabled = true ——熔岩能否用瓶子装

#Maximum world y-level that blobfish can spawn at

#Range: 0 ~ 256

blobfishSpawnHeight = 45 ——水滴鱼生成的高度上限

#Whether guster spawns are limited to when it is raining/thundering.

limitGusterSpawnsToWeather = true ——沙漠在下雨时是否生成沙风怪

#Whether all players should get an Animal Dictionary when joining the world for the first time.

giveBookOnStartup = false ——打开游戏时是否给玩家动物图鉴

#Maximum world y-level that cave centipedes can spawn at

#Range: 0 ~ 256

caveCentipedeSpawnHeight = 40 ——洞穴蜈蚣生成的高度上限

#Blacklist for items that mimicream cannot make a copy of. Ex: "minecraft:stone_sword", "alexsmobs:blood_sprayer"

mimicreamBlacklist = ["alexsmobs:blood_sprayer"] ——复刻凝胶不能复刻的东西的黑名单

#0 = no mungus biome transformation. 1 = mungus changes blocks, but not chunk's biome. 2 = mungus transforms blocks and biome of chunk.

#Range: 0 ~ 2

mungusBiomeTransformationType = 2 ——蘑菇君地形转换力度

#Max Health of the void worm boss.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1000000.0

voidWormMaxHealth = 160.0 ——虚空蠕虫最大生命值

#All void worm damage is scaled to this.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0

voidWormDamageModifier = 1.0 ——虚空蠕虫伤害倍率

#Whether the void worm boss is summonable or not, via the mysterious worm item.

voidWormSummonable = true ——开启/关闭虚空蠕虫的生成

#List of all mungus mushrooms, biome transformations and surface blocks. Each is seperated by a |. Add an entry with a block registry name, biome registry name, and block registry name(for the ground).

mungusBiomeMatches = ["minecraft:red_mushroom|minecraft:mushroom_fields|minecraft:mycelium", "minecraft:brown_mushroom|minecraft:mushroom_fields|minecraft:mycelium", "minecraft:crimson_fungus|minecraft:crimson_forest|minecraft:crimson_nylium", "minecraft:warped_fungus|minecraft:warped_forest|minecraft:warped_nylium"] ——有关于蘑菇君的蘑菇侵染能力

#Percent chance for leafcutter ants to break leaves blocks when harvesting. Set to zero so that they can not break any blocks.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0

leafcutterAntBreakLeavesChance = 0.2  ——切叶蚁破坏树叶的几率

#Whether to disable certain aspects of the Lava Vision Potion. Enable if issues with shaders persist.

shadersCompat = false ——熔岩明视是否不起作用

#List of extra(non mungus) mobs that will trigger a crimson mosquito to become a warped mosquito. Ex: "minecraft:mooshroom", "alexsmobs:warped_toad"

warpedMoscoMobTriggers = [] ——绯红蚊子攻击什么动物会变成诡异蚊鬼

#1 out of this number chance for leaves to drop a banana when broken. Fortune is automatically factored in

#Range: > 0

bananaChance = 80 ——香蕉掉落几率,越大越容易掉落香蕉

#Max number of ant entities allowed inside a leafcutter anthill.

#Range: 2 ~ 100000

leafcutterAntColonySize = 20 ——有关切叶蚁巢穴最大规模,值越大规模越大

#Whether soul vulture spawns should be restricted solely to the nether fossil structure or to whatever biome is specified in their respective biome config.

soulVultureSpawnOnFossil = true ——复刻怪是否只在下界化石附近生成,填否会让它生成在整个灵魂沙峡谷

#Makes Tarantula Hawks fireproof, perfect if you also want these guys to spawn in the nether.

fireproofTarantulaHawk = false ——沙漠蛛蜂是否会生成在下界

#Percent chance for fungus to grow per each leaf a leafcutter ant returns to the colony.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0

leafcutterAntFungusGrowChance = 0.3 ——有关切叶蚁真菌生长几率,值越大生长越快

#Whether fish oil gives players a special levitation effect.

fishOilMeme = true ——鱼油是否提供油腻腻效果

#Whether mimicubes spawns should be restricted solely to the end city structure or to whatever biome is specified in their respective biome config.

mimicubeSpawnInEndCity = true ——复刻怪是否只在末地城里生成,填否会让它生成在整个末地

#Whether bananas should drop from blocks tagged with #alexsmobs:drops_bananas

bananasDropFromLeaves = true ——丛林树叶是否掉落香蕉

#Relative volume of cachalot whales compared to other animals. Note that irl they are the loudest animal. Turn this down if you find their clicks annoying.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0

cachalotVolume = 3.0 ——抹香鲸声音大小

#Whether emu should target skeletons.

emuTargetSkeletons = true ——鸸鹋是否主动攻击骷髅(也包括掠夺者)

#Lava Opacity for the Lava Vision Potion.

#Range: 0.01 ~ 1.0

lavaVisionOpacity = 0.65 ——熔岩明视效果的透视几率,越大熔岩在效果下越透明

#Whether spiders should target fly mobs.

spidersAttackFlies = true ——蜘蛛是否攻击苍蝇

#Whether wolves should target moose mobs.

wolvesAttackMoose = true ——狼是否攻击驼鹿

#Percent chance for emu leggings to dodge projectile attacks.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0

emuPantsDodgeChance = 0.45 ——内陆护腿闪避弹射物概率

#How many feedings of leaves does a leafcutter colony need in order to regain a worker ant, if below half the max members.

#Range: 2 ~ 100000

leafcutterAntRepopulateFeedings = 25 ——一只切叶蚁需要喂食多少片树叶才可以重新生成一只。(切叶蚁总数在最大可容纳数量的一半以下)

#Whether wandering traders offer items like acacia blossoms, mosquito larva, crocodile egg, etc.

wanderingTraderOffers = true ——流浪商人是否售卖Alex的生物的里物品,例如金合欢花,蚊子幼虫以及鳄鱼蛋等。




#Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning

#Range: > 0

stradpoleSpawnRolls = 3  ——各种生物的SpawnRolls,一般在0到10之间,值越大,生物生成可能性越低,抱团的可能性越低。

#Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn

#Range: 0 ~ 1000

mantisShrimpSpawnWeight = 30  ——各种生物的SpawnWeight,一般在0到100之间,值越大,生物生成可能性越高。


#Delay (in ticks) between attempts to spawn beached cachalot whales. Default is a single day. Works like wandering traders.

#Range: > 0

beachedCachalotWhaleSpawnDelay = 24000 ——搁浅的抹香鲸生成间隔的游戏刻

#Percent chance for leafcutter anthills to spawn as world gen in each chunk. Set to zero to disable spawning.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0

leafcutterAnthillSpawnChance = 0.004999999888241291 ——切叶蚁蚁后生产几率,越大,产生新蚂蚁越快

#Whether to enable beached cachalot whales to spawn on beaches during thunder storms.

beachedCachalotWhales = true ——搁浅的抹香鲸是否生成

#Percent chance increase for each failed attempt to spawn a beached cachalot whale. Higher value = more spawns.

#Range: 0 ~ 100

beachedCachalotWhaleSpawnChance = 10 ——搁浅的抹香鲸生成几率,越大越容易生成。




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