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2024-06-07 03:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Hangzhou Kaibo Electrical Power Engineering Co., LTD

Expenses Claim Sheer

Head of Unite: HUANG Examine and verify: YANG Issued by: HE



Number.0077 Number of sort out:

21, Nov, 2011

Person in charge: (Signature) Account supervisor: (Signature)Keeping account: Audit: (Signature) Cashier:

(The financial seal: Cash Paid) (Company Chop: Co. Ltd)



XXX Expense Claims Policy

2011年第1 版 2011-8-01生效

Effective from 1 Aug 2011

1. 目的 Objective


To set standards for identifying acceptable expenses that the company will reimburse, to improve the management and control of travel and entertainment expenses incurred on company business.

2. 范围 Scope


It is company policy to reimburse employees for all ordinary and necessary business expenses incurred by them in the course of their employment on company business.

3. 规定细则 Company Policies


Expense claims need to follow XXX Global Travel & Entertainment Policy, please see intranet for guidelines. It is also required to compliance with the local tax authorities‘ requirement on expense claims and relevant supporting documents/receipts. Finance will reserve the right of rejecting any reimbursement which is not in line with the company‘s reimbursement policies

3,2 报销流程 Expense claims procedure


Print out and fill in expense claim form – paste supporting receipts on separate blank

paper—submit expense claim form with all supporting documents to your manager—approval from your manager—provide all required documents to Finance –payment to account once the documents are approved by Finance

从2011年8月1日起,员工报销在经过财务检查没有问题后,在15日内予以报销。每月提交一次报销单。财务只接受三个月内的报销,超期3个月将不予报销(以报销截止日为准,例如,2011年8月5日为报销截止日,所有2011年5月5日以前的报销将视为过期)。如有特殊情况,需要部门经理的直接上司另行批复。12月的费用要在次年1月5号以前报销完毕。 报销日期为

-员工报销材料上交截止日为每月5号 (如遇周末或者节假日,将顺延至假期后的第一个工作日)


Please be reminded that receipts or supporting documents dated more than 90 days from the cut-off date of the current month requires further approval of the manager/head of your line manager. Expense claims of Dec needs to be processed before 5 Jan of the following year. Effective from August 1, 2011, cut-off for submission of Expense Claims to Finance -

5th calendar day(if 5th is a weekend or public holiday, the deadline will be postponed to the next working day)

Crediting of payment through employees‘ bank account-

20th calendar day of the same month -(if the cut-off date postpone, the payment date will be postponed accordingly)

3.4 报销相关文件和提交 (Expense claims documents & submission)

3.41 员工报销需要按照以下规定按时提交给财务部门

Expense claim and supporting documents should be submitted to Finance as follows:

3.42 员工差旅费报销,需要提供以下额外的文件

? 执行副总裁批复的差旅费表打印件 (TAF) (附件2)

? 采购合同申请表(CSR)(附件3)和批复(PO)打印件。如果购买超过100英镑的

物品时,需要单独进行采购合同(CSR)的申请并取得购买批复号码(PO number)。


For expense claims relating to travel, attach also the following documents:

? Print out of EVP Travel Approval Form (TAF) for travel reimbursements.

(Appendix 2)

? Contract & Spend Request (CSR) Form (Appendix 3) & Purchase Order (PO)

approvals, where applicable. See attached Memo for guidelines(Appendix 4)

3.51 所有在中国大陆地区产生的报销都需要提供正规税务发票,发票要有发票抬头和开票年月日(定额发票、出租车票除外)。所有税务发票,请正确填写我公司名称:迈盛仕国际金融系统科技(北京)有限公司。手机话费凭本人(仅限签约手机)或者公司名字(购买充值卡)发票作为报销凭证。如有需要,公司有权要求员工提供电话清单和业务电话的详细解释作为报销凭据。 Expense claims which happen in China (excluding Hong Kong, Taiwan & Macau) shall provide official tax invoice (fapiao) as the supporting receipts. Fapiao needs to have the title with XXX Beijing Company‘s full Chinese name, issued date and amount (excluding fixed amount fapiao and taxi fapiao). Telephone/Mobile phone expense claims need to provide fapiao with

employee‘s name or company name. An itemized phone bill with detailed explanation on the business related calls might be requested.

3.52 税务发票必须盖有签发单位的有效发票专用章。付款通知书, 收据,超市小票,刷卡小条,押金条一概不作为报销凭证处理。

All fapiao need to be provided with valid fapiao chop. Invoice, receipt, shop/supermarket voucher, credit card slips and deposit slip are not acceptable for the expense claims.


We will also request you to paste the supporting receipts in bond papers and put numbers on each receipt following the order that they are listed in the Expense Claim Form to prevent losing of the documents. Fapiao needs to be pasted and arranged chronologically, please try to group similar-sized fapiao on one sheet and write down the subtotal in the blank area on that page. For big-sized fapiao (meal & hotel), it‘s allowed to paste 2-10 pieces in on one page whilst 8-20 pieces of small sized fapiao (taxi fare).

3.61 和项目/部门相关费用的报销,请在提交报销申请时把报销凭证的电子版一并提供,项目经理/部门经理会初审相关的发票

For all project/department related expense claims, you need to provide a soft copy of your supporting documents together with your expense claim form to your PM/line manager for their review and approval.

3.62 任何被认为和项目或者部门无关的报销申请,即便项目经理/部门经理已经审核批准,在无法获得合理解释的时候,财务部门仍然有权利拒绝此笔报销。

For the cost which is not related to the project or department, Finance has the authority to reject such claims even it is approved by PM/line manager.

3.63 在批复员工报销单时,应该把员工姓名,报销金额在批复邮件里列出来,举例来说 ?员工李义的报销人民币500已经批准’

Email approval of authorized signatories should clearly indicate the following:




3.71 差旅费-在规定范围内进行实报实销,具体细节请参见内网。

Travel expense-Reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed, only if they are deemed

ordinary and necessary in the course of XXX business. See detailed guideline in XXX intranet.

3.72 交通费-员工在办公室加班到晚上8点后可以向经理申请报销从公司到住所的打车费。其他因公产生的交通费在合理范围内进行实报实销,交通费报销以经理批复为准。

Transportation expense-over time taxi is allowable after 8pm. Other reasonable business

related transportation claims must be submitted as per actual expenses. Claims are controlled and approved by managers.

3.73 餐费-因工作产生的餐费在合理范围内进行实报实销,报销以经理批复为准。

Meal expense-reasonable meal expenses can be reimbursed, only if they are deemed ordinary and necessary in the course of XXX business. It must be submitted as per actual expenses. Claims are controlled and approved by managers.

3.74 电话/手机费-因工作产生的合理电话/手机费可以进行实报实销,报销以经理批复为准。 Telephone/mobile phone expense -reasonable telephone/mobile phone expenses can be reimbursed, only if they are deemed ordinary and necessary in the course of XXX business. It must be submitted as per actual expenses. Claims are controlled and approved by managers.

3.75 业务招待费和客户礼品-请参照?XXX Gifts & Entertainment Policy‘, ?XXX Anti-Corruption & Bribery Policy‘, ?XXX Customer Facing Third Parties Policy‘,‘ Conflicts of Interest Policy‘ and ?Code of Conduct‘相关规定.

Entertainment & Gift – Please refer to ?XXX Gifts & Entertainment Policy‘, ?XXX

Anti-Corruption & Bribery Policy‘, ?XXX Customer Facing Third Parties Policy‘,‘

,?Conflicts of Interest Policy‘ & Code of Conduct‘ for detailed polices & guidelines.

3.8 其他相关规定 (Other polices)

3.81 员工集体餐费报销时,需要列出每名员工的名字和成本中心。 Name of employee Amount claimed Approval Example: ―Expense claim of John Smith amounting to CNY 500 is approved.‖

Group meals – Write down names and cost center/s of all people involved.

3.82 汇率--员工报销有多种货币产生时,请使用适用汇率统一换算成人民币进行报销,适用汇率凭证可以是以下几种,



? 外币兑换处出具的兑换单据/小票 信用卡对账单原件 *

*如果员工不提供相应汇率凭证,财务部门会视同员工默认OANDA的汇率直接进行换算。 Exchange rate used for foreign currency transactions--for multi currency expense claims,

please use approved exchange rate to convert it to CNY, support with valid documents. Any of the following will suffice for the purpose:

? Foreign exchange transaction receipts issued by money changers

? If credit card is used to pay for a transaction, submit original credit card statement

where FX rate is reflected.

? OANDA* rate as of transaction date. These rates are accessible through internet. *if supporting document is not provided, Finance will use the OANDA rate as the default exchange rate.



1. 统一格式报销单

2. 3. 报销批复



6. CSR 和 PO 批复单,如果适用

To summarize the above, before you submit your Expense Claim Form to Finance, please compare all of the following documents to facilitate the review process, minimize questions and ensure payment on time:







Expense Claim Form Supporting receipts/fapiaos Approval from your manager Exchange rate used for foreign currency transactions (see item 7) EVP Travel Approval Form (TAF), where applicable Contract & Spend Request (CSR) Form & Purchase Order (PO) approvals, where applicable

附件 Appendixes

《报销用英文怎么说》出自:百味书屋 链接地址:http://www.850500.com/news/33379.html 转载请保留,谢谢!




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