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折磨 [links] Listen: Simplified: 折磨, Pinyin: zhé mó, Traditional: 折磨 ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译中文英语 折磨 torment; torture   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

从词典的另一端匹配条目主要翻译英语中文 ordeal n (difficult experience)SCSimplified Chinese 磨难 mó nàn   SCSimplified Chinese 折磨 mó nàn ,zhé mó TCTraditional Chinese 折磨   SCSimplified Chinese 折磨 mó nàn ,zhé mó TCTraditional Chinese 折磨  The burglars tied Sean up while they robbed his house; his ordeal lasted several hours.  劫匪们入室抢劫时,将西恩绑了起来;他遭受了数小时的折磨。 bedevilment n (act of tormenting someone)SCSimplified Chinese 折磨 zhé mó TCTraditional Chinese 折磨   SCSimplified Chinese 烦扰 zhé mó ,fán rǎo torment sb vtr (make suffer)SCSimplified Chinese 折磨 zhé mó TCTraditional Chinese 折磨   SCSimplified Chinese 烦扰 zhé mó ,fán rǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 使痛苦 zhé mó ,shǐ tòng kǔ  Severe headaches have tormented her for years. tantalize sb, also UK: tantalise sb vtr (tease, torment sb)SCSimplified Chinese 撩拨 liáo bō   SCSimplified Chinese 吊胃口   (使某人望而不及)SCSimplified Chinese 折磨 liáo bō,zhé mó TCTraditional Chinese 折磨  The children weren't allowed any of the freshly baked pie and the smell tantalized them. excruciate vtr (inflict suffering on)SCSimplified Chinese 折磨 zhé mó TCTraditional Chinese 折磨   SCSimplified Chinese 使痛苦 zhé mó ,shǐ tòng kǔ torment n (suffering, anguish)SCSimplified Chinese 烦恼 fán nǎo TCTraditional Chinese 煩惱   SCSimplified Chinese 痛苦 fán nǎo,tòng kǔ TCTraditional Chinese 痛苦   SCSimplified Chinese 折磨 fán nǎo,zhé mó TCTraditional Chinese 折磨  I can't bear the torment of his infidelity. harrow sb vtr rare, literary, usually passive (disturb, distress)SCSimplified Chinese 折磨 zhé mó TCTraditional Chinese 折磨   SCSimplified Chinese 使…痛苦 zhé mó ,shǐ tòng kǔ   SCSimplified Chinese 使苦恼 zhé mó ,shǐ kǔ nǎo TCTraditional Chinese 使苦惱  The death of Michelle's husband had harrowed and aged her.  丈夫的去世让米歇尔感到痛苦,同时也加速她的衰老。 grind sb down, grind down sb vtr phrasal sep figurative (make weary or disheartened)SCSimplified Chinese 压迫, 折磨  The constant criticism from his partner was grinding him down. prey on sb, prey upon sb vi + prep figurative (person: victimize)SCSimplified Chinese 伤害 shāng hài TCTraditional Chinese 傷害   SCSimplified Chinese 折磨 shāng hài,zhé mó TCTraditional Chinese 折磨   SCSimplified Chinese 损害 shāng hài,sǔn hài TCTraditional Chinese 損害  Bullies prey on the weak.  霸凌者一般都会去伤害弱者。 rack sb vtr often passive (pain, sobs: convulse)SCSimplified Chinese 折磨 zhé mó TCTraditional Chinese 折磨   SCSimplified Chinese 使痛苦 zhé mó ,shǐ tòng kǔ  The boxer had taken a real beating during the fight and was racked with pain. Sobs racked the grieving woman's body.  那位拳击手在比赛中被人胖揍,痛苦不堪。  那位女士哀恸地抽泣,浑身颤抖。 torture sb/sth vtr (inflict severe pain on) (肉体上)SCSimplified Chinese 折磨, 拷打   (感情上、精神上)SCSimplified Chinese 折磨, 使痛苦  Prisoners claimed that the guards had tortured them. The man was found guilty of torturing his dog. gnaw at sb vi + prep figurative (worry, trouble)SCSimplified Chinese 折磨, 困扰  The old woman's warning gnawed at me.  老妇人的警告使我很担心。 plague sb/sth vtr figurative, often passive (afflict)SCSimplified Chinese 折磨 zhé mó TCTraditional Chinese 折磨   SCSimplified Chinese 困扰 zhé mó ,kùn rǎo  That country has been plagued by misfortune.  那个国家多灾多难。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 the works expr informal (unpleasant treatment)SCSimplified Chinese 折磨 zhé mó TCTraditional Chinese 折磨   SCSimplified Chinese 苦头  She forgot his birthday, and he gave her the works.  她忘记了他的生日,所以他让她尝尽了苦头。 trouble sb vtr (afflict, cause pain)SCSimplified Chinese 使遭受 shǐ zāo shòu   SCSimplified Chinese 使痛苦 shǐ zāo shòu,shǐ tòng kǔ   SCSimplified Chinese 折磨 shǐ zāo shòu,zhé mó TCTraditional Chinese 折磨  The athlete's Achilles tendon was troubling her. tear sb vtr figurative (distress)SCSimplified Chinese 折磨, 使痛苦   (比喻折磨)SCSimplified Chinese 撕碎 sī suì  I'm torn as to whether I should go or stay.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 复合形式:英语中文 afflict sb/sth vtr (affect badly)SCSimplified Chinese 折磨,使…痛苦,使…苦恼 zhé mó ,shǐ tòng kǔ,shǐ kǔ nǎo TCTraditional Chinese 折磨,使…苦惱  This disease afflicts more and more people every year.  每年,这种病症让越来越多的人受苦。 agonize, also UK: agonise vi (struggle to decide) (为作出决定)SCSimplified Chinese 挣扎,困扰,折磨 zhēng zhá ,kùn rǎo,zhé mó TCTraditional Chinese 掙扎,折磨  Paul agonized for days before handing in his resignation. bedevil sb/sth vtr literary (plague, trouble)SCSimplified Chinese 使…折磨 shǐ zhé mó   SCSimplified Chinese 使…苦恼 shǐ zhé mó,shǐ kǔ nǎo TCTraditional Chinese 使…苦惱   SCSimplified Chinese 使…困扰 shǐ zhé mó,shǐ kùn rǎo  Financial problems have bedevilled the project since it was first announced.  自这个项目第一次公布以来,一直受到财政问题的困扰。 ill-use sb/sth vtr (treat badly, abuse)SCSimplified Chinese 虐待,折磨 nüè dài ,zhé mó TCTraditional Chinese 虐待,折磨 prey on sth/sb, prey upon sth/sb vi + prep figurative (worry, preoccupy)SCSimplified Chinese 烦扰,折磨,使…痛苦 fán rǎo,zhé mó ,shǐ tòng kǔ TCTraditional Chinese 折磨  The thought of my upcoming appointment preyed on my mind. The stress of his financial worries was preying upon Carl.  即将到来的预约萦绕在我脑海,烦扰着我。对自己财务状况的担忧带来的压力折磨着卡尔。 punishment n figurative (rough treatment)SCSimplified Chinese 粗暴对待,折磨,虐待 cū bào duì dài,zhé mó ,nüè dài TCTraditional Chinese 粗暴對待,折磨,虐待  The woman told the rider he should let his horse rest as she did not think it could take any more punishment.  那位女子告诉骑手说,他应该让自己的坐骑休息一会儿,她不认为那匹马还经得起任何折磨。 rack sb vtr often passive (cause mental suffering) (精神上)SCSimplified Chinese 使遭受痛苦,折磨 zhé mó TCTraditional Chinese 折磨  Jeremy was racked by guilt over betraying his best friend.  背叛自己最好的朋友所带来的内疚之情,让杰里米饱受折磨。 suffer from sth vi + prep (be ill with) (疾病)SCSimplified Chinese 患有,为…所苦,受…折磨 huàn yǒu,shòu zhé mó  He's suffered from diabetes all his life.  他一生都受糖尿病的折磨。 suffering n (pain: emotional) (感情、精神上)SCSimplified Chinese 痛苦,折磨,苦难 tòng kǔ,zhé mó ,kǔ nàn TCTraditional Chinese 痛苦,折磨,苦難  After his wife's death, George thought the suffering was unbearable.  妻子去世后,乔治觉得痛苦难耐。 torture n (physical: infliction of pain) (肉体上)SCSimplified Chinese 折磨,严刑拷打 zhé mó ,yán xíng kǎo dǎ TCTraditional Chinese 折磨  Sadly, torture is still commonplace in quite a few countries. torture n figurative (emotional: anguish) (感情上、精神上)SCSimplified Chinese 折磨,痛苦 zhé mó ,tòng kǔ TCTraditional Chinese 折磨,痛苦  Waiting to learn whether he was dead or alive was torture.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: 折磨  zhémó 动 torment 她身体(體)虚(虛)弱,经(經)常遭受疾病的折磨。 Tā shēntǐ xūruò,jīngcháng zāoshòu jíbìng de zhémó. She's in poor health and often tormented by illness.

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