
您所在的位置:网站首页 抗日战争的英语翻译 双语


2024-07-08 14:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


The people of the whole world are attentively following this war, which has no precedent in the history of the East, and which will go down as a great war in world history too.


Every Chinese suffering from the disasters of the war and fighting for the survival of his nation daily yearns for victory.


But what actually will be the course of the war?


Can we win?


Can we win quickly?


Many people are talking about a protracted war, but why is it a protracted war?


How to carry on a protracted war?


Many people are talking about Final victory, but why will final victory be ours?


How shall we strive for final victory?


Not everyone has found answers to these questions; in fact, to this day most people have not done so.


Therefore the defeatist exponents of the theory of national subjugation have come forward to tell people that China will be subjugated, that final victory will not be China's.


On the other hand, some impetuous friends have come forward to tell people that China will win very quickly without having to exert any great effort.


But are these views correct?


We have said all along they are not.


However, most people have not yet grasped what we have been saying.


This is partly because we did not do enough propaganda and explanatory work, and partly because the development of objective events had not yet fully and clearly revealed their inherent nature and their features to the people, who were thus not in a position to foresee the over-all trend and the outcome and hence to decide on a complete set of policies and tactics.


Now things are better, the experience of ten months of war has been quite sufficient to explode the utterly baseless theory of national subjugation and to dissuade our impetuous friends from their theory of quick victory.


In these circumstances many people are asking for a comprehensive explanation.


All the more so with regard to protracted war, not only because of the opposing theories of national subjugation and quick victory but also because of the shallow understanding of its nature.


"Our four hundred million people have been making a concerted effort since the Lukouchiao Incident, and the final victory will belong to China."


This formula has a wide currency.


It is a correct formula but needs to be given more content.


Our perseverance in the War of Resistance and in the united front has been possible because of many factors.


Internally, they comprise all the political parties in the country from the Communist Party to the Kuomintang, all the people from the workers and peasants to the bourgeoisie, and all the armed forces from the regular forces to the guerrillas;


internationally, they range from the land of socialism to justice-loving people in all countries; in the camp of the enemy, they range from those people in Japan who are against the war to those Japanese soldiers at the front who are against the war.


In short, all these forces have contributed in varying degrees to our War of Resistance.


Every man with a conscience should salute them.


We Communists, together with all the other ant-Japanese political parties and the whole people, have no other course than to strive to unite all forces for the defeat of the diabolical Japanese aggressors.


July 1 this year will be the 17th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.


A serious study of protracted war is necessary in order to enable every Communist to play a better and greater part in the War of Resistance.


Therefore my lectures will be devoted to such a study.


I shall try to speak on all the problems relevant to the protracted war, but I cannot possibly go into everything in one series of lectures.


2. All the experience of the ten months of war proves the error both of the theory of China's inevitable subjugation and of the theory of China's quick victory.


The former gives rise to the tendency to compromise and the latter to the tendency to underestimate the enemy.


Both approaches to the problem are subjective and one-sided, or, in a word, unscientific.


3. Before the War of Resistance, there was a great deal of talk about national subjugation.


Some said, "China is inferior in arms and is bound to lose in a war."


Others said, "If China offers armed resistance, she is sure to become another Abyssinia."


Since the beginning of the war, open talk of national subjugation has disappeared, but secret talk, and quite a lot of it too, still continues.


For instance, from time to time an atmosphere of compromise arises and the advocates of compromise argue that "the continuance of the war spells subjugation".[1]


In a letter from Hunan a student has written: In the countryside everything seems difficult.


Doing propaganda work on my own, I have to talk to people when and where I find them.


The people I have talked to are by no means ignoramuses; they all have some understanding of what is going on and are very interested in what I have to say.


But when I run into my own relatives, they always say: "China cannot win; she is doomed."


They make one sick !


Fortunately, they do not go around spreading their views, otherwise things would really be bad.


The peasants would naturally put more stock in what they say.


Such exponents of the theory of China's inevitable subjugation form the social basis of the tendency to compromise.


They are to be found everywhere in China, and therefore the problem of compromise is liable to crop up within the anti-Japanese front at any time and will probably remain with us right until the end of the war.


Now that Hsuchow has fallen and Wuhan is in danger, it will not be unprofitable, I think, to knock the bottom out of the theory of national subjugation.


4. During these ten months of war all kinds of views which are indicative of impetuosity have also appeared.


For instance, at the outset of the war many people were groundlessly optimistic, underestimating Japan and even believing that the Japanese could not get as far as ShansI.


Some belittled the strategic role of guerrilla warfare in the War of Resistance and doubted the proposition, "With regard to the whole, mobile warfare is primary and guerrilla warfare supplementary;


with regard to the parts, guerrilla warfare is primary and mobile warfare supplementary."


They disagreed with the Eighth Route Army's strategy, "Guerrilla warfare is basic, but lose no chance for mobile warfare under favourable conditions",


which they regarded as a "mechanical" approach.[2]


During the battle of Shanghai some people said: "If we can fight for just three months, the international situation is bound to change, the Soviet Union is bound to send troops, and the war will be over."


They pinned their hopes for the future of the War of Resistance chiefly on foreign aid.[3]


After the Taierhchuang victory,[4] some people maintained that the Hsuchow campaign should be fought as a "quasi-decisive campaign" and that the policy of protracted war should be changed.


They said such things as, "This campaign marks the last desperate struggle of the enemy," or, "If we win, the Japanese warlords will be demoralized and able only to await their Day of Judgement."[5]


The victory at Pinghsingkuan turned some people's heads, and further victory at Taierhchuang has turned more people's heads.


Doubts have arisen as to whether the enemy will attack Wuhan.


Many people think "probably not", and many others "definitely not".


Such doubts may affect all major issues.


For instance, is our anti-Japanese strength already sufficient?


Some people may answer affirmatively, for our present strength is already sufficient to check the enemy's advance, so why increase it?


Or, for instance, is the slogan "Consolidate and expand the Anti-Japanese National United Front" still correct?


Some people may answer negatively, for the united front in its present state is already strong enough to repulse the enemy, so why consolidate and expand it?


Or, for instance, should our efforts in diplomacy and international propaganda be intensified?


Here again the answer may be in the negative.


Or, for instance, should we proceed in earnest to reform the army system and the system of government, develop the mass movement, enforce education for national defence, suppress traitors and Trotskyites, develop war industries and improve the people's livelihood?


Or, for instance, are the slogans calling for the defence of Wuhan, of Canton and of the Northwest and for the vigorous development of guerrilla warfare in the enemy's rear still correct?


The answers might all be in the negative.


There are even some people who, the moment a slightly favourable turn occurs in the war situation, are prepared to intensify the "friction" between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, diverting attention from external to internal matters.


This almost invariably occurs whenever a comparatively big battle is won or the enemy's advance comes to a temporary halt.


All the above can be termed political and military short-sightedness.


Such talk, however plausible, is actually specious and groundless.


To sweep away such verbiage should help the victorious prosecution of the War of Resistance.


5. The question now is: Will China be subjugated?


The answer is, No, she will not be subjugated, but will win final victory.


Can China win quickly?


The answer is, No, she cannot win quickly, and the War of Resistance will be a protracted war.


6. As early as two years ago, we broadly indicated the main arguments on these questions.


On July 16, 1936, five months before the Sian Incident and twelve months before the Lukouchiao Incident, in an interview with the American correspondent, Mr. Edgar Snow, I made a general estimate of the situation with regard to war between China and Japan and advanced various principles for winning victory.


The following excerpts may serve as a reminder:


Question: Under what conditions do you think China can defeat and destroy the forces of Japan?


Answer: Three conditions are required: first, the establishment of an anti-Japanese united front in China; second, the formation of an international anti-Japanese united front; third, the rise of the revolutionary movement of the people in Japan and the Japanese colonies.


From the standpoint of the Chinese people, the unity of the people of China is the most important of the three conditions.


Question: How long do you think such a war would last?


Answer: That depends on the strength of China's anti-Japanese united front and many other conditioning factors involving China and Japan.


That is to say, apart from China's own strength, which is the main thing, international help to China and the help rendered by the revolution in Japan are also important.


If China's anti-Japanese united front is greatly expanded and effectively organized horizontally and vertically, if the necessary help is given to China by those governments and peoples which recognize the Japanese imperialist menace to their own interests and if revolution comes quickly in Japan, the war will speedily be brought to an end and China will speedily win victory.


If these conditions are not realized quickly, the war will be prolonged.


But in the end, just the same, Japan will certainly be defeated and China will certainly be victorious.


Only the sacrifices will be great and there will be a very painful period.


Question: What is your opinion of the probable course of development of such a war, politically and militarily?


Answer: Japan's continental policy is already fixed, and those who think they can halt the Japanese advance by making compromises with Japan at the expense of more Chinese territory and sovereign rights are indulging in mere fantasy.


We definitely know that the lower Yangtse valley and our southern seaports are already included in the continental programme of Japanese imperialism.


Moreover, Japan wants to occupy the Philippines, Siam, Indo-China, the Malay Peninsula and the Dutch East Indies in order to cut off other countries from China and monopolize the southwestern Pacific.


This is Japan's maritime policy.


In such a period, China will undoubtedly be in an extremely difficult position.


But the majority of the Chinese people believe that such difficulties can be overcome; only the rich in the big port cities are defeatists because they are afraid of losing their property.


Many people think it would be impossible for China to continue the war, once her coastline is blockaded by Japan.


This is nonsense.


To refute them we need only cite the war history of the Red Army.


In the present War of Resistance Against Japan, China's position is much superior to that of the Red Army in the civil war.


China is a vast country, and even if Japan should succeed in occupying a section of China with as many as 100 to 200 million people, we would still be far from defeated.


We would still have ample strength to fight against Japan, while the Japanese would have to fight defensive battles in their rear throughout the war.


The heterogeneity and uneven development of China's economy are rather advantageous in the war of resistance.


For example, to sever Shanghai from the rest of China would definitely not be as disastrous to China as would be the severance of New York from the rest of the United States.


Even if Japan blockades the Chinese coastline, it is impossible for her to blockade China's Northwest, Southwest and West.


Thus, once more the central point of the problem is the unity of the entire Chinese people and the building up of a nation-wide anti-Japanese front.


This is what we have long been advocating.


Question: If the war drags on for a long time and Japan is not completely defeated, would the Communist Party agree to the negotiation of a peace with Japan and recognize her rule in northeastern China?


Answer: No.


Like the people of the whole country, the Chinese Communist Party will not allow Japan to retain an inch of Chinese territory.


Question: What, in your opinion, should be the main strategy and tactics to be followed in this "war of liberation"?


Answer: Our strategy should be to employ our main forces to operate over an extended and fluid front.


To achieve success, the Chinese troops must conduct their warfare with a high degree of mobility on extensive battlefields, making swift advances and withdrawals, swift concentrations and dispersals.


This means large-scale mobile warfare, and not positional warfare depending exclusively on defence works with deep trenches, high fortresses and successive rows of defensive positions.


It does not mean the abandonment of all the vital strategic points, which should be defended by positional warfare as long as profitable.


But the pivotal strategy must be mobile warfare.


Positional warfare is also necessary, but strategically it is auxiliary and secondary.


Geographically the theatre of the war is so vast that it is possible for us to conduct mobile warfare most effectively.


In the face of the vigorous actions of our forces, the Japanese army will have to be cautious.


Its war-machine is ponderous and slow-moving, with limited efficiency.


If we concentrate our forces on a narrow front for a defensive war of attrition, we would be throwing away the advantages of our geography and economic organization and repeating the mistake of Abyssinia.


In the early period of the war, we must avoid any major decisive battles, and must first employ mobile warfare gradually to break the morale and combat effectiveness of the enemy troops.


Besides employing trained armies to carry on mobile warfare, we must organize great numbers of guerrilla units among the peasants.


One should know that the anti-Japanese volunteer units in the three northeastern provinces are only a minor demonstration of the latent power of resistance that can be mobilized from the peasants of the whole country.


The Chinese peasants have very great latent power; properly organized and directed, they can keep the Japanese army busy twenty-four hours a day and worry it to death.


It must be remembered that the war will be fought in China, that is to say, the Japanese army will be entirely surrounded by the hostile Chinese people,


it will be forced to move in all its provisions and guard them, it must use large numbers of troops to protect its lines of communications and constantly guard against attacks and it needs large forces to garrison Manchuria and Japan as well.


In the course of the war, China will be able to capture many Japanese soldiers and seize many weapons and munitions with which to arm herself; at the same time China will win foreign aid to reinforce the equipment of her troops gradually.


Therefore China will be able to conduct positional warfare in the latter period of the war and make positional attacks on the Japanese-occupied areas.


Thus Japan's economy will crack under the strain of China's long resistance and the morale of the Japanese forces will break under the trial of innumerable battles.


On the Chinese side, however, the growing latent power of resistance will be constantly brought into play and large numbers of revolutionary people will be pouring into the front lines to fight for their freedom.


The combination of all these and other factors will enable us to make the final and decisive attacks on the fortifications and bases in the Japanese-occupied areas and drive the Japanese forces of aggression out of China.


The above views have been proved correct in the light of the experience of the ten months of war and will also be borne out in the future.


7. As far back as August 25, 1937, less than two months after the Lukouchiao Incident, the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party clearly pointed out in its "Resolution on the Present Situation and the Tasks of the Party":


The military provocation by the Japanese aggressors at Lukouchiao and their occupation of Peiping and Tientsin represent only the beginning of their large-scale invasion of China south of the Great Wall.


They have already begun their national mobilization for war.


Their propaganda that they have "no desire to aggravate the situation" is only a smokescreen for further attacks.


The resistance at Lukouchiao on July 7 marked the starting point of China's national War of Resistance.


Thus a new stage has opened in China's political situation, the stage of actual resistance.


The stage of preparation for resistance is over.


In the present stage the central task is to mobilize all the nation's forces for victory in the War of Resistance.


The key to victory in the war now lies in developing the resistance that has already begun into a war of total resistance by the whole nation.


Only through such a war of total resistance can final victory be won.


The existence of serious weaknesses in the War of Resistance may lead to many setbacks, retreats, internal splits, betrayals, temporary and partial compromises and other such reverses.


Therefore it should be realized that the war will be an arduous and protracted war.


But we are confident that, through the efforts of our Party and the whole people, the resistance already started will sweep aside all obstacles and continue to advance and develop.


The above thesis, too, has been proved correct in the light of the experience of the ten months of war and will also be borne out in the future.


8. Epistemologically speaking, the source of all erroneous views on war lies in idealist and mechanistic tendencies on the question.


People with such tendencies are subjective and one-sided in their approach to problems.


They either indulge in groundless and purely subjective talk, or, basing themselves upon a single aspect or a temporary manifestation, magnify it with similar subjectivity into the whole of the problem.


But there are two categories of erroneous views, one comprising fundamental, and therefore consistent, errors which are hard to correct, and the other comprising accidental, and therefore temporary, errors which are easy to correct.


Since both are wrong, both need to be corrected.


Therefore, only by opposing idealist and mechanistic tendencies and taking an objective and all-sided view in making a study of war can we draw correct conclusions on the question of war.




9. Why is the War of Resistance Against Japan a protracted war?


Why will the final victory be China's?


What is the basis for these statements?


The war between China and Japan is not just any war, it is specifically a war of life and death between semi-colonial and semi-feudal China and imperialist Japan, fought in the Nineteen Thirties.


Herein lies the basis of the whole problem.


The two sides in the war have many contrasting features, which will be considered in turn below.


10. The Japanese side.


First, Japan is a powerful imperialist country, which ranks first in the East in military, economic and political-organizational power, and is one of the five or six foremost imperialist countries of the world.


These are the basic factors in Japan's war of aggression.


The inevitability of the war and the impossibility of quick victory for China are due to Japan's imperialist system and her great military, economic and political-organizational power.


Secondly, however, the imperialist character of Japan's social economy determines the imperialist character of her war, a war that is retrogressive and barbarous.


In the Nineteen Thirties, the internal and external contradictions of Japanese imperialism have driven her not only to embark on an adventurist war unparalleled in scale but also to approach her final collapse.


In terms of social development, Japan is no longer a thriving country; the war will not lead to the prosperity sought by her ruling classes but to the very reverse, the doom of Japanese imperialism.


This is what we mean by the retrogressive nature of Japan's war.


It is this reactionary quality, coupled with the military-feudal character of Japanese imperialism, that gives rise to the peculiar barbarity of Japan's war.


All of which will arouse to the utmost the class antagonisms within Japan, the antagonism between the Japanese and the Chinese nations, and the antagonism between Japan and most other countries of the world.


The reactionary and barbarous character of Japan's war constitutes the primary reason for her inevitable defeat.


Thirdly, Japan's war is conducted on the basis of her great military, economic and political-organizational power, but at the same time it rests on an inadequate natural endowment.


Japan's military, economic and political-organizational power is great but quantitatively inadequate.


Japan is a comparatively small country, deficient in manpower and in military, financial and material resources, and she cannot stand a long war.


Japan's rulers are endeavouring to resolve this difficulty through war, but again they will get the very reverse of what they desire;


that is to say, the war they have launched to resolve this difficulty will eventually aggravate it and even exhaust Japan's original resources.


Fourthly and lastly, while Japan can get international support from the fascist countries, the international opposition she is bound to encounter will be greater than her international support.


This opposition will gradually grow and eventually not only cancel out the support but even bear down upon Japan herself.


Such is the law that an unjust cause finds meagre support, and such is the consequence of the very nature of Japan's war.


To sum up, Japan's advantage lies in her great capacity to wage war, and her disadvantages lie in the reactionary and barbarous nature of her war, in the inadequacy of her manpower and material resources, and in her meagre international support.


These are the characteristics on the Japanese side.


11. The Chinese side.


First, we are a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country.


The Opium War, [6] the Taiping Revolution, [7] the Reform Movement of 1898, [8] the Revolution of 1911 [9] and the Northern Expedition [10]--the revolutionary or reform movements which aimed at extricating China from her semi-colonial and semi-feudal state--all met with serious setbacks, and China remains a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country.


We are still a weak country and manifestly inferior to the enemy in military, economic and political-organizational power.


Here again one can find the basis for the inevitability of the war and the impossibility of quick victory for China.


Secondly, however, China's liberation movement, with its cumulative development over the last hundred years, is now different from that of any previous period.


Although the domestic and foreign forces opposing it have caused it serious setbacks, at the same time they have tempered the Chinese people.


Although China today is not so strong as Japan militarily, economically, politically and culturally, yet there are factors in China more progressive than in any other period of her history.


The Communist Party of China and the army under its leadership represent these progressive factors.


It is on the basis of this progress that China's present war of liberation can be protracted and can achieve final victory.


By contrast with Japanese imperialism, which is declining, China is a country rising like the morning sun.


China's war is progressive, hence its just character.


Because it is a just war, it is capable of arousing the nation to unity, of evoking the sympathy of the people in Japan and of winning the support of most countries in the world.


Thirdly, and again by contrast with Japan, China is a very big country with vast territory, rich resources, a large population and plenty of soldiers, and is capable of sustaining a long war.


Fourthly and lastly, there is broad international support for China stemming from the progressive and just character of her war, which is again exactly the reverse of the meagre support for Japan's unjust cause.


To sum up, China's disadvantage lies in her military weakness, and her advantages lie in the progressive and just character of her war, her great size and her abundant international support.


These are China's characteristics.


12. Thus it can be seen that Japan has great military, economic and political-organizational power, but that her war is reactionary and barbarous, her manpower and material resources are inadequate, and she is in an unfavourable position internationally.


China, on the contrary, has less military, economic and political-organizational power, but she is in her era of progress, her war is progressive and just, she is moreover a big country, a factor which enables her to sustain a protracted war, and she will be supported by most countries.


The above are the basic, mutually contradictory characteristics of the Sino-Japanese war.


They have determined and are determining all the political policies and military strategies and tactics of the two sides; they have determined and are determining the protracted character of the war and its outcome, namely, that the final victory will go to China and not to Japan.


The war is a contest between these characteristics.


They will change in the course of the war, each according to its own nature; and from this everything else will follow.


These characteristics exist objectively and are not invented to deceive people; they constitute all the basic elements of the war, and are not incomplete fragments;


they permeate all major and minor problems on both sides and all stages of the war, and they are not matters of no consequence.


If anyone forgets these characteristics in studying the Sino-Japanese war, he will surely go wrong;


and even though some of his ideas win credence for a time and may seem right, they will inevitably be proved wrong by the course of the war.


On the basis of these characteristics we shall now proceed to explain the problems to be dealt with.


傅雷家书 译林版(新课标本)

作者:傅雷 朱梅馥 傅聪著 傅敏编返回搜狐,查看更多




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