经济学的N个笑话[www.rejoiceblog.com].epub 电子书

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经济学的N个笑话[www.rejoiceblog.com].epub 电子书

2023-03-10 08:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

大纲目录 版权信息 编者序 第一部分 经济学笑话     1. Top 9 Reasons to Study Economics     学习经济学的九大理由     2. Nobel Prize in Economics     诺贝尔经济学奖     3. Economists Do It     经济学家们如何行事     4. Where Did the Chaos Come from     混乱来自何方?     5. It All Depends     要看情况而定     6 .What Do Two Plus Two Equal     2加2等于几?     7. Einstein's Question     爱因斯坦的困惑     8. Put Down My Shepherd Dog     放下我的牧羊犬     9. Looking for the Black Cat that Doesn't Exist     寻找一只根本就不存在的猫     10. Where Am I     我在哪?     11. Economist Poem     经济学家之歌     12. Sonnet for Economics     献给经济学的十四行诗     13. A Parrot Can Be an Economist     鹦鹉也可以成为经济学家     14. Give Me a One-Handed Economist!     我需要一位独臂经济学家!     15. Free Lunch     免费午餐     16. Let's Assume     我们假设     17. They Should Be Playing at Night     他们本该在晚上打球     18. The Less You Know, the More Money You Make     知识越少挣钱越多     19. Don't Pick Up the Money on the Ground     别捡地上的钱     20. Three Wishes     三个愿望     21. Even My Driver Can Answer that Question     甚至我的司机都能回答那个问题     22. Questions and Answers     问与答     23. Funny Words from Economists(Part One)     经济学家妙语(一)     24. Funny Words from Economists(Part Two)     经济学家妙语(二)     25. Funny Words from Economists(Part Three)     经济学家妙语(三)     26. Funny Words from Economists(Part Four)     经济学家妙语(四)     27. Funny Words from Economists(Part Five)     经济学家妙语(五)     28. Three Economists One Ticket     三个经济学家一张票     29. What Are Economists(Part One)     经济学家是些什么人?(一)     30. What Are Economists(Part Two)     经济学家是些什么人?(二)     31. What Is Economics     经济学是什么?     32. Economic Forecasters     经济预测师     33. A Game Theorist's Will     博弈论专家的遗愿     34. They Will Never Come to Agreement     她们永远不会和解     35. Competition     竞争     36. Game-Theorist Policeman     懂博弈论的警察     37. Ten Things to Do with a Graduate Economics Textbook     一个毕业生处理经济学教材的十种方法     38. People Respond to Incentives     人们对激励作出反应     39. Trade     交易     40. Which Tire Was Flat     哪只轮胎爆胎? 第二部分 经济学及经济学家逸闻趣事     1. Galbraith Negotiated with Galbraith     加尔布雷思与加尔布雷思谈判     2. Carnegie's Precondition     卡内基的条件     3. Mill's Confession     穆勒的自白     4. Wilson's Response     威尔逊的反击     5. Adam Smith's Reverie     想入非非的亚当·斯密     6. Leacock's Garden     利科克的花园     7. Contented Cows     心满意足的母牛     8. Franklin Roosevelt's Dog Resents Attacks     富兰克林·罗斯福的狗对攻击感到愤怒     9. Rough Estimates     估计数字     10. New Deal     新政     11. Lewis Carroll's Bad Assets     刘易斯·卡罗尔的不良资产     12. Lose or Gain     亏损还是赢利?     13. Depression, Recession and Recovery     萧条、衰退与复苏     14. Keynes'Promise     凯恩斯的诺言     15. Broken Window Story     破窗理论     16. America's First Billionaire     美国第一位亿万富翁     17. Battle of the Sexes     性别大战     18. Social “Science”     社会“科学”?     19. Great Depression     大萧条     20. The New President Was Bent on Shaking Things Up     新总统热衷于闹动静     21. Hecht Carried His Money Through the Crash in 1929     赫克特携带现金渡过1929年的大崩溃     22. Black Tuesday     黑色星期二     23. They Provide an Excellent Contrarian Indicator     他们提供了很好的逆向投资指标     24. Black-Scholes or Black Schools     布莱克—斯科尔斯,还是黑人学校?     25. Dismal Science     沉闷的科学?     26. Deflation Instead of Devaluation     通缩而非贬值     27. Young Keynes Took the Civil Service Exams     年轻的凯恩斯参加公务员考试     28. The Cost of Lucas'Divorce(Rational Expectations, In-deed)     卢卡斯离婚的代价(名副其实的理性预期)     29. Marsh Prediction     马什预测     30. You're Confusing Supply with Demand     你搞混了供给和需求     31. It Could Look Like a “W”     它很可能会像一个W形     32. Chairmen Gone Wild     主席也疯狂     33. Secret to a Happy Marriage     幸福婚姻的秘诀     34. Modigliani Assassination     有人刺杀莫迪利亚尼?     35. Jeffrey Sachs and Bolivia     杰弗里·萨克斯和玻利维亚     36. Enlarged Prostate and Economic Growth     前列腺增生和经济增长     37. You Can Lose Real Big     你可能输得很惨     38. Irrational Economist     非理性经济学家?     39. In the Long Run     长期而言     40. Ivory Tower     象牙塔     41. A Small Price to Pay for Intellectual Nourishment     获得智力鸡汤的小小代价     42. The Only Stable Thing in My Administration     我任期内唯一稳定的东西     43. World Bank Gadfly     世界银行里的牛虻     44. Doctor or Doctor     医生还是博士?     45. I Change My Mind     我改变了想法     46. The Nursery Governess!     简直就是保育员!     47. The Laws     自然规律     48. Schumpeter's Aim     熊彼特的人生目标     49. Economic “Growth”     经济“增长”     50. Management Guru     管理大师?

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