Free Unlimited Webinar Landing Page Templates That Convert Users into Deals

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Free Unlimited Webinar Landing Page Templates That Convert Users into Deals

2023-04-21 21:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Usually, webinar landing page examples feature the following information blocks.

A sign-up form. Attendees will need to leave their emails there and you will add their contacts to your database.

A registration form. People will need to fill it in, indicating their names, age, place of residence and so on. You will also transfer this data to your database.

Well-structured text information about the event (lists, bullet points and tables).

Video blocks for welcome messages promoting your live webinar.


Add to Cart buttons to purchase tickets.

Dynamic progress bars that motivate clients to complete their registration.

Call to action (CTA buttons) to increase conversion rates.

WooCommerce Integrations to check out quickly.

Custom header and footer. There, you can place your phone number, promo codes or other meaningful information.

Testimonials by people who have already visited your webinars.

Countdown timers that show how much time is left to join the event.

Google Maps to show people your physical location. Even though your webinar will be taking place 100% online, use this chance to remind people about your physical whereabouts.

A comprehensive FAQ section.

Clickable social share buttons and social media buttons. Hopefully, they will help you to attract more participants and make your event go viral.

Many webinar landing page templates will allow you to integrate third-party apps, such as marketing services. The page should be easily customizable: you should be able to add, delete and relocate information blocks, change their size, modify fonts and so on. There should be plenty of pre-built sections and color schemes that you can instantly add to your page. When comparing webinar landing page examples, opt for the ones that are mobile-responsive and SEO-optimized.

Webinar Landing Page Examples that Convert

Those looking for top-notch webinar landing page examples should try Bitrix24. Thanks to this solution, people who lack programming knowledge can build superb sites. This product can cope not only with webinar landings but also with online shops, corporate sites and many other types of resources.

You will not need to pay for a domain and hosting — Bitrix24 will give them to you for free. You will be able to add an unlimited number of pages and sections to your website. All webinar landing page templates effortlessly adapt to the mobile format and displays of any size. Once you create a page, you can immediately preview how it will look on a smartphone or tablet.

Your site will feature a correct markup from the onset. Search engines will be ready to index it right away without any further modifications. Landings built with Bitrix24 can usually boast a high conversion rate.

* Please note that the information may have changed since the publication. For current prices and features please visit Bitrix24 pricing page.

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