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#‘说话绕圈子’用英语怎么说?| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

English Idioms 英文成语

1. the last straw

(the last straw = the final thing that causes everything to collapse:最后导致一切崩溃的事)

英文解释:Dried-out grain or grass is called straw. Imagine a camel with a lot of very heavy bags on its back. If the camel is already at its limit and you add just one straw, the extra weight will break the camel's back. 干枯的谷物或草被称为稻草。想象一下,一只骆驼背上背着很多很重的袋子。如果骆驼已经到了极限,你只加了一根稻草,额外的重量就会压断骆驼的背。

This idiom is used when there is a long series of problems, and the final one that makes everything completely fail or collapse is "the last straw" or "the straw that broke the camel's back." 这个成语用在有一连串的问题,而最后让一切彻底失败或崩溃的是“最后一根稻草”或“压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草”。

例句:I put up with my boyfriend's messy habits for months for the sake of the relationship. However, when I traveled for a month and he didn't wash a single dish during that whole time, that was the last straw - I told him to move out. 为了这段感情,我忍了男朋友几个月乱七八糟的习惯。可是,当我外出旅行一个月而他却一个盘子也没有洗,这个就是最后一根稻草,我叫他搬了出去。

2. beat around the bush 

(beat around the bush = avoid talking about the important point:避免谈论重点)

英文解释:A bush is a plant that grows close to the ground. In the past, hunters often "beat" (hit) the ground around the bushes in order to scare any animals out of the bush so that they would be easier targets. 灌木是一种靠近地面生长的植物。在过去,猎人经常“打”(打)地面为了吓走灌木丛中的任何动物,使它们更容易成为目标。

However, they didn't hit the bush directly; they kept some distance from the bush just in case a dangerous animal came out. The idiom "beat around the bush" therefore means not talking directly about the main point; instead, you give details on related topics and avoid addressing the main topic. 然而,他们并没有直接击中灌木丛;他们与灌木丛保持着一段距离,以防有危险的动物跑出来。因此,“beat around the bush(拐弯抹角)”这个成语的意思是不直接谈论主要问题,而是给出相关话题的细节,避免触及主要问题。

例句:Stop beating around the bush and just tell me how much it cost to repair the car. 别拐弯抹角了,告诉我修这辆车到底花了多少钱。

3. the cream of the crop

(the cream of the crop = the best of all:最好的;最顶尖的)

英文解释:This idiom actually comes from a mixture of two other idioms. The "cream" is considered the best part of the milk, and there is another expression in English "the cream rises to the top" - meaning the best will always become apparent. The word "crop" refers to any plant that is cultivated in agriculture, like rice, corn, fruit, vegetables, etc. The best part of the crop was originally called "the pick of the crop" - but at some point the two idioms mixed and became "the cream of the crop" meaning the best among many others. 这个习语实际上是由另外两个习语混合而来的。“奶油”被认为是牛奶中最好的部分,英语中还有另一个表达“the cream rises to the top”——意思是最好的东西总是显而易见的。“crop”一词是指任何在农业中种植的植物,如米、玉米、水果、蔬菜等。庄稼中最好的部分最初被称为“the pick of the crop”——但后来这两个习语混合在一起,变成了“the cream of the crop”,意思是众多事物中最好的。

例句:You have to be an extremely talented musician to get into that program. They only take the cream of the crop. 你必须是一个非常有天赋的音乐家才能参加这个项目。他们只接受最顶尖的人。

4. out of the woods

(out of the woods = have passed a critical or dangerous phase:已度过了关键或危险的阶段)

英文解释:The word “woods” refers to a small forest. The woods can be a dangerous place, so if you go "out of the woods" you are safe, you are out of danger, and you can relax. “woods”一词指的是一片小树林。“woods”可以是一个危险的地方,所以如果你“go out of the woods”,那你就是安全了,你脱离了危险,你可以放松。

The idiom "out of the woods" can be used in both the positive and negative. For example, if someone was really sick, but is recovering and no longer in danger of dying, you could say "The doctors say she's out of the woods." If you have taken three final exams, but you still have two more to take, you could say,"I still have two final exams to take. I'm not out of the woods yet"- meaning you are not yet past the critical period of exam-taking:“out of the woods”这个成语可以用在正反两个方面。例如,如果某人真的病了,但正在康复,不再有死亡的危险,你可以说 “医生说她已经脱离危险了。” 如果你已经考了三门期末考试,但还有两门没考,你就可以说:“我还有两门期末考试没考,我还没有脱离危险” -意味着你还没有过考试的关键时期




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