FAT32、exFAT 还是 NTFS?如何格式化 SD 卡、记忆棒和硬盘驱动器

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FAT32、exFAT 还是 NTFS?如何格式化 SD 卡、记忆棒和硬盘驱动器

2024-07-14 20:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

我应该如何格式化我的SD 卡(SD card)、我的USB 记忆(USB memory)棒、USB外置硬盘或我的新SSD 驱动器(SSD drive)?我应该使用旧的FAT32 文件(FAT32 file)格式还是新的NTFS 文件(NTFS file)格式?还是我应该尝试 exFAT?对于大多数人来说,这是一个棘手的问题,正确答案因您需要格式化的设备类型以及使用方式和使用地点而异。阅读本文,您将了解如何最好地格式化任何设备:


如果您需要有关如何使用Windows 计算机(Windows computer)格式化存储设备的指南,请阅读本教程:如何在 Windows 中格式化SD(Windows)卡(SD Card)、USB 记忆(USB memory)棒或分区。另外,如果您需要每个文件系统(file system)的特性,请阅读这些教程:

什么是 FAT32,它为什么有用? 什么是 exFAT,为什么有用? 什么是 NTFS,它为什么有用? 速度比较(Speed comparison):FAT32 vs. exFAT vs. NTFS

我们想在三个文件系统之间进行速度比较(speed comparison),因此我们采用了三个不同的闪存驱动器并在它们上运行速度基准测试:金士顿 DataTraveler Elite G2(Kingston DataTraveler Elite G2)、金士顿 DataTraveler(Kingston DataTraveler) microDuo 3C 和IronKey D300。

首先(First),我们使用Kingston DataTraveler Elite G2,使用FAT32、exFAT 和 NTFS(exFAT and NTFS)格式化,在每种格式之后,我们运行CrystalDiskMark,看看它测量的速度。我们注意到 exFAT 总是比FAT32快,而NTFS也往往更快,有时速度更快,但并非在所有测量中都如此。


(Than)然后,我们使用了金士顿 DataTraveler (Kingston DataTraveler)microDuo 3C,使用FAT32、exFAT 和 NTFS(exFAT and NTFS)格式化,在每种格式之后,我们运行CrystalDiskMark,查看它测量的速度。我们可以看到,在CrystalDiskMark(CrystalDiskMark)运行的大多数测试中,exFAT 比FAT32快,而NTFS在某些测试中比(NTFS)FAT32快,而在其他测试中比FAT32稍慢。


最后,我们使用IronKey D300并进行了相同的活动和测试。在这个记忆棒上, (memory stick) NTFS是大多数测试中最快的文件系统(file system)。



FAT32文件系统最大的优势就是兼容(The biggest advantage of the FAT32 file system is compatibility)各种操作系统和设备。几乎(Almost)所有类型的设备都知道如何使用FAT32,从智能手机和平板电脑到计算机、数码相机、监控摄像头等等。但是,此文件系统存在一些重大限制,(there are some significant limitations to this file system,)例如它适用于最大大小为 4GB 的文件和最大容量为 8 TB 的分区。其他缺点包括在断电(power loss)的情况下缺乏数据保护,或者缺乏对加密的支持。与 exFAT 和 NTFS 相比,(when compared with exFAT, and NTFS)另一个缺点是传输数据时速度下降(a decrease in speed)。


exFAT 修复了 FAT32 文件系统(exFAT fixes the downsides of the FAT32 file system)在最大文件大小和分区大小(file size and partition size)方面的缺点。另一个优点是它保持(it keeps the high compatibility)与许多操作系统和设备的高度兼容性。另一个好处是与 FAT32 相比,(when compared with FAT32)传输数据的速度有所提高(increase in speed)。它最大的缺点是缺少日志功能(biggest downside is the lack of a journaling feature),这使得克服数据损坏变得容易。


NTFS 修复了 FAT32 文件系统(NTFS fixes the downsides of the FAT32 file system)在最大文件大小和分区大小(file size and partition size)方面的缺点。此外,它还添加了更多功能,例如支持为现代计算机设置权限和其他有用的东西。与 FAT32 相比,(when compared with FAT32)另一个优点是传输数据时的速度有所提高(increase in speed)。

最大的缺点是与移动设备的兼容性(The biggest downside is compatibility with mobile devices)。此文件系统(file system)适用于所有版本的Windows以及Xbox One控制台。Linux在NTFS上运行良好已有一段时间了,但Mac OS X不能,除非您安装第三方驱动程序。最大的缺点是移动设备往往无法使用NTFS 文件系统(file system)。例如,Android智能手机和平板电脑无法使用NTFS,除非您对其进行 root 并修改多个系统设置。大多数数码相机和其他智能设备不支持NTFS任何一个。如果您使用的是移动设备,可以安全地假设它可以使用 exFAT 或FAT32而不是使用NTFS时。

如何格式化 SD 卡?答案:使用 exFAT

各种形状和尺寸的 SD 卡(microSD、miniSD 或 SD(miniSD or SD))用于智能手机、平板电脑、数码相机、监控摄像机等移动设备。格式化 SD 卡时,最好的选择是使用 exFAT 对其进行格式化。

如何格式化USB 记忆(USB memory)棒?答案:使用 exFAT

USB 记忆(USB memory)棒主要用于台式电脑和笔记本电脑。您最好的选择是使用exFAT 文件系统格式化(exFAT file system)USB 记忆(USB memory)棒,这样您就可以享受存储大文件的乐趣。


外部(External)硬盘驱动器用于存储许多文件,以及超出FAT32 文件系统(file system)限制的大文件。此外,如果您使用FAT32 或 exFAT(FAT32 or exFAT)并且在写入数据时断开它们,它们很容易出现数据更正问题。因此(Therefore),您最好的选择是使用NTFS。如果您在Mac(Mac)上使用外部硬盘驱动器,最好使用Apple的(Apple)Mac文件(Macs)系统(file system):HFS Plus。

如何格式化HDD 和 SSD(HDDs and SSDs)的磁盘分区?答:使用NTFS(除非您使用的是Linux 或 Mac(Linux or Mac))

如果您谈论的是计算机硬盘驱动器或 SSD 驱动器(disk drive or SSD drive)上的分区,那么NTFS应该始终是默认选择(default choice)。除非您使用的是NTFS ,否则您无法利用(NTFS)操作系统(operating system)必须提供的所有功能。这适用于Windows计算机和设备。对于Mac(Macs),请使用Apple开发的本机文件系统(file system)HFS Plus。对于Linux计算机,您应该使用像ext4这样的本机文件系统,它是专门为此操作系统设计(operating system)的。

FAT32, exFAT or NTFS? How to format SD cards, memory sticks and hard drives

How should I format my ЅD card, my USB memory stick, USΒ external hard disk or my new SSD drivе? Should І use the old FAT32 file format or the newer NTFS filе format? Or shoυld I try exFAT? It is a tough question for most people, and the right answer differs depending on the type of device that you need to format, as well as how and where you use it. Read this article, and you will understand how it is best to format any device:

Before we start, read this

If you need a guide on how to format storage devices using a Windows computer, read this tutorial: How to format an SD Card, a USB memory stick or a partition, in Windows. Also, if you need the characteristics of each file system, read these tutorials:

What is FAT32 and why is it useful? What is exFAT and why is it useful? What is NTFS and why is it useful? Speed comparison: FAT32 vs. exFAT vs. NTFS

We wanted to make a speed comparison between the three file systems, so we took three different flash drives and ran speed benchmarks on them: Kingston DataTraveler Elite G2, Kingston DataTraveler microDuo 3C, and IronKey D300.

First we took the Kingston DataTraveler Elite G2, formatted using FAT32, exFAT and NTFS, and after each format, we ran CrystalDiskMark, to see the speed that it measures. We noticed that exFAT was always faster than FAT32, while NTFS tended to be faster too, sometimes by a more significant margin, but not in all measurements.


Than, we took the Kingston DataTraveler microDuo 3C, formatted using FAT32, exFAT and NTFS, and after each format, we ran CrystalDiskMark, to see the speed that it measures. We can see that exFAT was faster than FAT32 in most of the tests ran by CrystalDiskMark, while NTFS was faster than FAT32 in some tests, and slightly slower than FAT32 in others.


Lastly, we took the IronKey D300, and performed the same activities and tests. On this memory stick NTFS was the fastest file system in most tests.


FAT32: Pros and cons

The biggest advantage of the FAT32 file system is compatibility with all kinds of operating systems and devices. Almost any kind of device knows how to work with FAT32, from smartphones and tablets to computers, digital cameras, surveillance cameras and more. However, there are some significant limitations to this file system, like the fact that it works with files that have a maximum size of 4GB and with partitions that have a maximum capacity of 8 TB. Other downsides include the lack of data protection in case of power loss, or the lacking support for encryption. Another downside is a decrease in speed when transferring data when compared with exFAT, and NTFS.

exFAT: Pros and cons

exFAT fixes the downsides of the FAT32 file system regarding maximum file size and partition size. Another advantage is that it keeps the high compatibility with many operating systems and devices. Another upside is the increase in speed when transferring data when compared with FAT32. It's biggest downside is the lack of a journaling feature, which makes it easy to overcome data corruption.

NTFS: Pros and cons

NTFS fixes the downsides of the FAT32 file system regarding maximum file size and partition size. Also, it adds more features like support for setting permissions and other useful things for modern computers. Another upside is an increase in speed when transferring data when compared with FAT32.

The biggest downside is compatibility with mobile devices. This file system works with all versions of Windows, as well as Xbox One consoles. Linux has worked well with NTFS for some time now, but Mac OS X does not unless you install third-party drivers. The biggest downside is that mobile devices tend not to work with the NTFS file system. For example, Android smartphones and tablets cannot use NTFS unless you root them and modify several system settings. Most digital cameras and other smart devices do not work with NTFS either. If you are using a mobile device, it is safe to assume that it will work using exFAT or FAT32 and not when using NTFS.

How to format SD cards? Answer: using exFAT

SD cards of all shapes and sizes (microSD, miniSD or SD) are used in mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, digital cameras, surveillance cameras and so on. When formatting SD cards your best choice is to format them using exFAT.

How to format USB memory sticks? Answer: using exFAT

USB memory sticks are used mostly on desktop computers and laptops. Your best choice is to format USB memory sticks using the exFAT file system, so that you can enjoy being able to store large files.

How to format USB external hard drives? Answer: using NTFS (unless used on Macs)

External hard drives are used to store many files, as well as large files which go beyond the limitations of the FAT32 file system. Also, they are prone to data correction problems, if you are using FAT32 or exFAT and you disconnect them while writing data. Therefore, your best choice is to go for NTFS. If you are using external hard drives on a Mac, it is best to use Apple's file system for Macs: HFS Plus.

How to format disc partitions for HDDs and SSDs? Answer: using NTFS (unless you are using Linux or Mac)

If you are talking about partitions on your computer's hard disk drive or SSD drive, then NTFS should always be the default choice. You can not take advantage of all the features that your operating system has to offer unless you are using NTFS. This applies to Windows computers and devices. For Macs, use HFS Plus, the native file system developed by Apple. For Linux computers, you should use a native filesystem like ext4, which was designed specifically for this operating system.




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