Eclipse IDE中 各种小图标的含义

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Eclipse IDE中 各种小图标的含义

2023-08-25 00:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Eclipse 各种小图标的含义

 从其他地方抄录总结一下Eclipse 各种小图标,这个还是挺有用的,记录在这里


Eclipse的Package Explorer和Outline中用图标表示了很多内容,其实能看懂这些图标在编程中也是很有用的。

      绿色的小圆表示公有类型:如果是实心的就是函数(),如果是圈就表示是变量()。      红色的矩形表示私有类型:如果是实心的就是函数(),如果是空心就表示是变量()。      保护类与保护函数用的是黄色的菱形:大菱形表示是函数(),小菱形表示是变量()。

      如果有一个向上的小三角就表示这是个函数,并且会抛出异常。()      如果有一个类似表型的圆圈就表示该变量或函数是synchronized(线程同步)。(

      如果小图标出现一个C,就表示这是构造函数()。      如果小图标出现一个A,就表示这是抽象函数(abstract)()。      如果小图标出现一个F,就表示这是抽象函数(final)。()      如果小图标出现一个S,就表示这是静态函数(static)(

      类的图标是一个大C,表示一个类(),如果带一个放音键似的三角,那就代表这个类是存在main函数的类( Objects Compilation Unit (*.java file)compilation unit (*.java file)File ending with .javaJava file which is not on a build pathclass fileclass filegeneric file (unknown content type)generic file (unknown content type)unknown objectunknown objectJava scrapbook page (*.jpage file)Java scrapbook page (*.jpage file)Java scrapbook page (evaluation in progress)Java scrapbook page (evaluation in progress)JAR description fileJAR description fileJUnit test result fileJUnit test result file Java working setJava working setJava modelJava modelLibrary containerlibrary containerJAR file with attached sourceJAR file with attached sourceJAR file without attached sourceJAR file without attached sourceClass folder with attached sourceclass folder with attached sourceClass folder without attached sourceclass folder without attached sourcesource foldersource folderpackagepackageempty packageempty packagelogical packagelogical packageempty logical packageempty logical packagepackage only containing non Java resourcespackage only containing non Java resources package declarationpackage declarationimport containerimport containerimportimport Class (public)class (public)Interface (public)interface (public)Enum type (public)enum type (public)Annotation type (public)annotation type (public) package visible classpackage visible classprivate classprivate classprotected classprotected class default field (package visible)default field (package visible)private fieldprivate fieldprotected fieldprotected fieldpublic fieldpublic field default method (package visible)default method (package visible)private methodprivate methodprotected methodprotected methodpublic methodpublic method


Object adornments Java Overlaymarks project as Java projectJava Overlaydecorates files and folders if they are on the build path of their enclosing Java project build path error decoratordecorates Java projects and working sets that contain build path errorsAbstract Overlaythis Java element causes an errorWarning Overlaythis Java element causes a warningDeprecation Overlaythis Java element is deprecated Constructor OverlayconstructorAbstract Overlayabstract memberFinal Overlayfinal memberStatic overlaystatic memberDefault overlaydefault methodSynchronized Overlaysynchronized memberNative Overlaynative methodTransient Overlaytransient fieldVolatile Overlayvolatile fieldRun Overlaytype withpublic static void main(String[] args) Implementor overlayimplements methodOverrides Overlayoverrides method Focus Overlaytype with focus in Type Hierarchy or Quick Outline/HierarchyMaximal Expansion Overlaymaximal expansion level in Call HierarchyRecursive Overlayrecursive call in Call Hierarchy Abstract Compilation Unitcompilation unit containing an abstract class as primary typeInterface Compilation Unitcompilation unit containing an interface as primary typeEnum Compilation Unitcompilation unit containing an enum as primary typeAnnotation Compilation Unitcompilation unit containing an annotation as primary type


Build path class path variableclass path variableJAR with attached sourceJAR with attached sourceJAR without attached sourceJAR without attached sourcesystem librarysystem librarybuild path orderingbuild path ordering inclusion filterinclusion filterexclusion filterexclusion filteraccess rulesaccess rulesJavadoc locationJavadoc locationsource attachmentsource attachmentnative library locationnative library locationoutput folderoutput folder


Code assist HTML tagHTML tagJavadoc tagJavadoc taglocal variablelocal variabletemplatetemplateSWT templateSWT template


Compare fieldfieldmethodmethod


Debugger debug launchdebug launchrun launchrun launchterminated run launchterminated run launchprocessprocessterminated processterminated processdebug targetdebug targetsuspended debug targetsuspended debug targetterminated debug targetterminated debug target threadthreadsuspended threadsuspended threadstack framestack framerunning stack framerunning stack frameadornment that marks a stack frame that may be out of synch with the target VM as a result of an unsuccessful hot code replace adornment that marks a stack frame that may be out of synch with the target VM as a result of an unsuccessful hot code replaceadornment that marks a stack frame that is out of synch with the target VM as a result of an unsuccessful hot code replace adornment that marks a stack frame that is out of synch with the target VM as a result of an unsuccessful hot code replaceadornment that marks a stack frame that may be out of synch with the target VM as a result of an unsuccessful hot code replaceinspected object or primitive valueevaluated expressionwatch expressionlocal variablelocal variable monitormonitora monitor in contentiona monitor in contentionin thread in contention for a monitora thread in contention for a monitora monitor that is owned by a threada monitor that is owned by a threada thread that owns a monitora thread that owns a monitor current instruction pointer (top of stack)current instruction pointer (top of stack)current instruction pointercurrent instruction pointer enabled line breakpointenabled line breakpointdisabled line breakpointdisabled line breakpointadornment that marks a breakpoint as skippedadornment that marks a breakpoint as skippedadornment that marks a line breakpoint as installedadornment that marks a line breakpoint as installedadornment that marks a breakpoint as conditionaladornment that marks a breakpoint as conditionaladornment that marks an entry method breakpointadornment that marks an entry method breakpointadornment that marks an exit method breakpointadornment that marks an exit method breakpoint field access watchpointfield access watchpointfield modification watchpointfield modification watchpointfield access and modification watchpointfield access and modification watchpointadornment that marks a watchpoint as installedadornment that marks a watchpoint as installed exception breakpointexception breakpointruntime exception breakpointruntime exception breakpointdisabled exception breakpointdisabled exception breakpointadornment that marks an exception breakpoint as caughtadornment that marks an exception breakpoint as caughtadornment that marks an exception breakpoint as uncaughtadornment that marks an exception breakpoint as uncaughtadornment that marks an exception breakpoint as scopedadornment that marks an exception breakpoint as scopedadornment that marks an exception breakpoint as installedadornment that marks an exception breakpoint as installed


Editor implementsimplementsoverridesoverridesquick assist availablequick assist availablesearch matchsearch match


JUnit testtestcurrently running testcurrently running testsuccessful testsuccessful testfailing testfailing testtest throwing an exceptiontest throwing an exceptionignored testignored testtest with an assumption failuretest with an assumption failure test suitetest suitecurrently running test suitecurrently running test suitesuccessfully completed test suitesuccessfully completed test suitetest suite with failing testtest suite with failing testtest suite with exception throwing testtest suite with exception throwing test caught exceptioncaught exceptionstack frame elementstack frame element


NLS tools skipped NLS keyskipped NLS keytranslated NLS keytranslated NLS keyuntranslated NLS keyuntranslated NLS key


Quick fix quick fixable errorquick fixable errorquick fixable warningquick fixable warning addaddchangechangechange castchange castfix multiple problemsfix multiple problemsmove to another packagemove to another packageremoveremoveremove importremove importrenamerenamerename in filerename in filesurround with try/catchsurround with try/catch


Refactoring general changegeneral changecomposite changecomposite changetext changetext changefile changefile changeStop errorStop errorErrorErrorWarningWarningInformationInformationInformationChange filter


Search Java SearchJava Searchsearch for declarationssearch for declarationssearch for referencessearch for references


Search - Occurrences in File general matcha general matchread access to local or fieldread access to local or fieldwrite access to local or fieldwrite access to local or field


Type Hierarchy view


type outside of selected packagetype outside of selected packageinterface outside of selected packageinterface outside of selected package




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