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hope [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈhəʊp/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/hoʊp/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(hōp) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'hope' (v): (⇒ conjugate)hopesv 3rd person singular hopingv pres p hopedv past hopedv past p

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 hope [sth], hope that⇒ vtr (desire) (期望)SCSimplified Chinese 盼望, 期望, 希望  I hope I win the lottery. We hope that you will recover quickly.  我希望自己能中彩票。  我们希望你不久就康复。 hope [sth], hope that vtr (expect)SCSimplified Chinese 期望,希望,预期 qī wàng,xī wàng,yù qī TCTraditional Chinese 期望,希望,預期  We hope that we'll be able to move house before the end of next year.  我们希望能在明年年底前搬家。 hope for [sth] vi + prep (desire sincerely)SCSimplified Chinese 渴望 kě wàng TCTraditional Chinese 渴望  We hope for better news soon.  我们希望能尽快听到更好的消息。 hope n (desire) (憧憬)SCSimplified Chinese 憧憬,期望,盼望,期待,希望 chōng jǐng,qī wàng,pàn wàng,qī dài ,xī wàng TCTraditional Chinese 期望,盼望,期待,希望  He has a lot of hopes for the future.  他对未来满怀憧憬。 hope n (expectation)SCSimplified Chinese 期待,愿望,希望 qī dài ,yuàn wàng,xī wàng TCTraditional Chinese 期待,願望 / 愿望,希望  She has high hopes of getting the job.  她有很大的希望赢得那份工作。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 hope n ([sb], [sth] you rely on)SCSimplified Chinese 可以指望的人或物   SCSimplified Chinese 寄予希望的人或物  You're our only hope! hope⇒ vi (feel [sth] may occur)SCSimplified Chinese 希望 xī wàng TCTraditional Chinese 希望   SCSimplified Chinese 期望 xī wàng,qī wàng TCTraditional Chinese 期望  I don't know if it will work, but we can always hope.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 abandon hope vtr + n (give up all hope forever)SCSimplified Chinese 放弃希望 fàng qì xī wàng TCTraditional Chinese 放棄希望  The relatives of the missing say they are not ready to abandon hope. abandon hope of doing [sth] v expr (give up all hope of doing)SCSimplified Chinese 对...不抱希望, 不再奢望...  Jim abandoned hope of seeing Sarah again. beacon of hope n figurative ([sth] giving hope)SCSimplified Chinese 希望的灯塔   SCSimplified Chinese 带来希望的东西 Cross my heart and hope to die interj infantile (promise) (引入语,强调陈述的事情属实)SCSimplified Chinese 说实话,说到底 shuō shí huà,shuō dào dǐ TCTraditional Chinese 說到底  Mum, I'll clean my room in the morning. Cross my heart and hope to die! cross my heart, cross my heart and hope to die interj (I promise, I swear)SCSimplified Chinese 发誓 fā shì   SCSimplified Chinese 承诺 fā shì,chéng nuò false hope n (misplaced optimism)SCSimplified Chinese 虚假的希望 forlorn hope n (faint hope)SCSimplified Chinese 希望渺茫 xī wàng miǎo máng  Her parents have a forlorn hope that she may still be alive. full of hope adj (very optimistic)SCSimplified Chinese 满怀希望的 mǎn huái xī wàng de   SCSimplified Chinese 充满希望的 mǎn huái xī wàng de,chōng mǎn xī wàng de  She is full of hope that they will discover a cure before it is too late. give up hope v expr (be pessimistic)SCSimplified Chinese 放弃希望 fàng qì xī wàng TCTraditional Chinese 放棄希望   SCSimplified Chinese 悲观绝望  When looking for a job, the key is not to give up hope. give up hope of [sth] v expr (be resigned)SCSimplified Chinese 放弃对…的希望  The team never gave up hope of victory. give up hope of doing [sth] v expr (be resigned)SCSimplified Chinese 放弃做…的希望  The couple had given up hope of having a child. glimmer of hope, gleam of hope n (optimistic sign)SCSimplified Chinese 微弱的希望 wēi ruò de xī wàng   SCSimplified Chinese 一线希望 wēi ruò de xī wàng,yí xiàn xī wàng TCTraditional Chinese 一線希望  Recent data has offered a glimmer of hope that the European economy is improving. hold out hope (of (doing) [sth] v expr (stay optimistic)SCSimplified Chinese 抱希望   SCSimplified Chinese 心存希望  Police do not hold out much hope of catching the culprits. hope against hope v expr (stay optimistic)SCSimplified Chinese 抱有一线希望  We are hoping against hope that one day he'll come home to us. hope chest n dated (woman's wedding trunk)SCSimplified Chinese 嫁妆箱子 jià zhuāng xiāng zi TCTraditional Chinese 嫁妝箱子   SCSimplified Chinese 未婚少女珍藏布料或首饰的箱子 hope for the best v expr (be optimistic)SCSimplified Chinese 抱最好的希望 bào zuì hǎo de xī wàng  I'm not sure whether it will rain; we'll just have to hope for the best. hope to God, hope to God that v expr (hope sincerely)SCSimplified Chinese 对上帝的希望 duì shàng dì de xī wàng   SCSimplified Chinese 真心希望  Tim hoped to God the Wifi was working in the hostel. I hope to God that Anna will forgive me.  蒂姆真心希望青年旅社的无线网能正常工作。  我真心希望安娜会原谅我。 in the hope that [sth] (eagerly anticipating that)SCSimplified Chinese 希望能 xī wàng néng   SCSimplified Chinese 怀着 ... 希望  I am writing to you in the hope that you will be able to offer me a job. lose hope vtr + n (become pessimistic)SCSimplified Chinese 丧失希望 sàng shī xī wàng TCTraditional Chinese 喪失希望  It's been three days, I'm losing hope of ever finding my puppy again. no hope n (grim prospect or outlook)SCSimplified Chinese 希望渺茫 xī wàng miǎo máng  There's no hope for him, his illness is too severe. no hope n (not a chance)SCSimplified Chinese 没希望 méi xī wàng   SCSimplified Chinese 不可能 méi xī wàng,bù kě néng   SCSimplified Chinese 没机会 méi xī wàng,méi jī huì TCTraditional Chinese 沒機會  My watch fell into the river, there's no hope I'll get it back. nurse a hope that v expr (hope)SCSimplified Chinese 怀抱希望 nurse a hope of doing [sth] v expr (dream of doing [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 梦想做某事 only hope n informal (sole potential solution or remedy)SCSimplified Chinese 唯一希望   SCSimplified Chinese 唯一解决方案  There's no other choice; this is our only hope. ray of hope n (reason for optimism)SCSimplified Chinese 一线希望 yí xiàn xī wàng TCTraditional Chinese 一線希望  There was a ray of hope for the economy when the stock market improved. The advances in medicine give a ray of hope for a cancer cure. some hope n (a degree of optimism)SCSimplified Chinese 有希望 yǒu xī wàng   SCSimplified Chinese 存在希望 yǒu xī wàng,cún zài xī wàng  I answered all the questions, so I have some hope I'll pass the exam. some hope interj ironic, informal (that is unlikely) (反语,非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 不太可能,毫无希望,妄想,别指望 bú tài kě néng,háo wú xī wàng,wàng xiǎng,bié zhǐ wàng TCTraditional Chinese 毫無希望,妄想  “This time next year I'll be a millionaire.” “Ha! - some hope!” without hope adv (desperately, helplessly)SCSimplified Chinese 毫无希望地 háo wú xī wàng de  After being stranded in the woods for three days, the hikers felt their situation was without hope. without hope adj (desperate, helpless)SCSimplified Chinese 毫无希望的 háo wú xī wàng de   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: hope [həup] I vt 希望 xīwàng I sat down, hoping to remain unnoticed.我坐下,希望没(沒)有被人注意到。 Wǒ zuòxià,xīwàng méiyǒu bèi rén zhùyì dào. They hope that a vaccine will be available soon.他们(們)希望很快能有疫苗。 Tāmen xīwàng hěnkuài néng yǒu yìmiáo. II vi 盼望 pànwàng Nothing can be done except to wait, hope, and pray.除了等待、期望和祈祷(禱)外,什么(麼)都没(沒)用。 Chúle děngdài,qīwàng hé qídǎo wài,shénme dōu méiyòng. III n 1 [u] 希望 xīwàng She never completely gave up hope.她从(從)来(來)没(沒)有完全放弃(棄)希望。 Tā cónglái méiyǒu wánquán fàngqì xīwàng. 2 [c] (=aspiration) 期望 qīwàng [种 zhǒng] the hopes and dreams of reformers改革者的期望和梦(夢)想 gǎigézhě de qīwàng hé mèngxiǎng I hope so/not 希望是这(這)样(樣)/希望不会(會) xīwàng shì zhèyàng/xīwàng bùhuì to hope that… 希望… xīwàng… I hope you don't mind希望你不介意 Xīwàng nǐ bù jièyì to hope to do sth希望能做某事 xīwàng néng zuò mǒushì to hope for the best保持乐(樂)观(觀) bǎochí lèguān to have no hope of sth/doing sth对(對)某事/做某事不抱希望 duì mǒushì/zuò mǒushì bù bào xīwàng in the hope of/that…希望… xīwàng… to hope against hope that…抱有一线(線)希望… bàoyǒu yī xiàn xīwàng… 在这些条目还发现'hope': 在英文解释里: abandon hope - anticipation - beacon of hope - bleakly - bleakness - dash - death warrant - deliver - despair - despairingly - desperation - despond - dim - dream - encouraging - faint - flush - forlorn hope - hope to God - hopeful - hopefully - hopeless - in despair - nurse a hope - trust - wish - wishful - with an eye to - Write soon 中文: 冀 - 希望 - 指望 - 望 - 寄予 - 寄托 - 希 - 愿 - 期盼 - 欲 - 祷 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Verbs followed by an infinitive, PET Vocabulary List - H, 更多……同义词: wish, want, desire, anticipate, expect, 更多……习惯性搭配: hope to [be, see, achieve, get], a false hope (of), hope to hear from you (soon), 更多……

标题中含有单词 'hope' 的论坛讨论:

Hope you enjoy your stay hope you're having fun in Germany Hope your family is alright I hope badminton starts up again soon! I hope school's going well for you! I hope that I'll be fully fluent in Chinese one day! I hope that one day I'll eventually be able to speak Chinese as well as you speak English! I hope that when you see it, you will remember me, so always keep it close to you. I hope there will be a second season! I hope this letter finds you well. I hope to be welcome by the Chinese society I hope you are all safe over there! I hope you are enjoying the class I hope you are fine I hope you are not saying what i think you are saying I hope you did well (on the test)! I hope you do well on your exam/interview! I hope you get the job! I hope you had a good trip in the South of France! I hope you had a great weekend I hope you're feeling better! I hope your wife's back gets better soon! It's our first Bed and Breakfast (Homestay) experience and we hope to see you here The more you hope, the more disappointed you get. Which language can express ideas in the least amount of words? I hope to enjoy a good discussion. ''I hope the weather is treating you well'' - English Only forum 'do' in affirmative sentences: I do know .... / I do hope .... - English Only forum 'Fine I hope' or 'Fine, I hope'? - English Only forum 'I hope + Present' vs 'I hope + Future' - English Only forum 'I hope all is well. We all miss him' I wonder if this sentence is good enough, or is it a little intricate? - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'hope'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "hope" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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