
您所在的位置:网站首页 我想了解美国现在几点了 有关时间和日期的英语对话用语


2024-07-09 15:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Useful  Words       第1步   熟悉词汇

midday   正午      fortnight   两星期      timetable    时间表

deadline  截止日期   period   时代         sometimes   有时

pause    暂停       moment   片刻        ancient     古代的

constant  经常的     punctual  准时的      immediate  立即的

modern   现代的     nowadays   当今      continue    继续

postpone   推迟      instant     瞬间      daybreak    拂晓

lately    最近       interval    间隔       century     世纪

Useful  Sentences      第2步    牢记句型

What’s the date today ? 今天是几号?

What day is it ? 今天星期几?

What time is it now ? 现在几点了?

Are you available now ? 你现在有时间吗?

Excuse me , do you have the time ? 打扰一下,你知道现在几点了吗?

What day next week would be best for you ?您下周哪天最方便?

1.       What’s the date today ? 今天是几号?

What day is it ? 今天星期几?

2.       What time is it now ? 现在几点了?

Have you got the time ? 你知道时间吗?

Who’s keeping time ? 谁知道时间?

3.       Are you available now ? 你现在有空吗?

Available   adj. 空闲的

4.       Don’t waste your time , okay ? 不要浪费时间,好吗?

You don’t have any time sense . 你一点时间观念都没有。

5.       It’s the eleventh of July . 今天是7月11号。

The date today is October 2nd , and it’s a Sunday .


6.       It’s a quarter to three . 现在是2:45 。

My watch says a quarter past three . 我的手表上显示是3:15.

What’s the time on your watch ? Mine is 12 o’clock .


7.       The clock is five minutes slow . 这表慢了5分钟。

The clock is five minutes fast . 这表快了5分钟。

8.       There’s a long way to go till 6 o’clock . 到六点还早着呢。

It’s almost noon . 快到中午了。

9.       Three more days to go. 再过3天吧。

What is taking so long ? 怎么花那么长时间?

10.   Time is up . 没有时间了。

Now’s the time . 到点了。

Useful Conversations     第3步   模仿对话

1.       现在是3点    It Is  3  O’clock

Casey : Excuse me , do you have the time ?

Will  : Yes , it is 3 o’clock .

Casey : Hmm . Today is the 22nd , right ?

Will  : No , today is the 21st.

Casey : Oh , no wonder ! I am supposed to meet someone here tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. , but I came today . I thought she was late . Turns out I am just early !

Will  : Oh , that’s too funny !



凯西:嗯。 今天是22号,对吗?




be supposed to 应该,旨在,一般认为

turn out 结果(是),原来(是),证明(是)

2.       确定时间 Fix the Time

Clara : Hello , you have reached the Furniture Warehouse . How can I help you ?

Brian: Hello , yes . I need to schedule a delivery of a sofa next week . I ordered it online yesterday but won’t be home this weekend to receive it .

Clara : That’s no problem , sir . What day next week would be best for you ?

Brian: How about Wednesday ?

Clara : Okay , Wednesday . Wednesday is July 25 , right ?

Brian: Yes , I believe so .

Clara : Great . Our team can deliver the sofa sometime between 9 o’clock a.m. and 3 o’clock p.m.

Brian: Wow , can you be more specific ? I’m not going to be home all day , just in the morning .

Clara : Oh , I see . Well , I will make sure they arrive before noon .

Brian: Okay , thank you .











schedule   v. 安排时间   delivery  n. 递送,投递,交付   specific  adj. 具体的,确切的

Useful Paragraph         第4步    诵读短篇

Happiness is to be felt , not to be compared ; life is to be lived , not to be bargained ; love is to be tied , not to be tested ; sweetheart is to be loved , not to be hurt ; money is to be paid , not to be measured ; life is to be disclosed , not to be glossed ; trust is to be deposited , not to be challenged .


disclose   v. 揭露,泄露      gloss   v. 掩饰    deposit   v. 储存

Cultural  Background       第5步   了解文化


在美国,经常会看到行色匆匆的人,用always on the run (总是不停地奔忙)来形容他们再确切不过了。由于美国人始终处于奔忙中,结果也就养成了他们的世界紧张意思,而这种紧张意识带给他们比较高的办事效率。于是,办事计划是美国人又一个普遍的社会习惯,诸如schedule (时间表)和agenda (议事日程)这样的词语在美国人的生活中都广泛应用。


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