
您所在的位置:网站首页 我刚吃完饭的英语翻译 英语怎么表达“吃完、喝完”?


2024-06-10 22:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1.eat up: to eat all of something and not leave anything


Come on, boys - eat up your supper and get to bed. (孩子们,赶快把饭吃完,上床睡觉。)

eat something/it/them up

Margaret ate it all up and then asked for more. (玛格丽特都吃完了,还要再吃。)

We were always taught to eat our vegetables up. (我们从小就被教育要把每餐的蔬菜吃光。)


2.finish: to finish eating something


Are you finished? (你吃完了吗?)

You may not leave the table until you've finished your supper. (没吃完晚饭不准下桌。)

I finished my lunch, repacked my backpack, and set off again. (我吃完午饭,把背包重新整理了一下,然后又出发了。)

Hurry up and finish so we can make the 7 o'clock show. (赶紧吃完,我们好赶上7点的演出。)


3.finish off/up: to finish eating the rest of the food that is still on the plate, in the pan etc.


Who finished off the cake that was left after the party? (谁把派对剩下的那个蛋糕吃完了?)

Can someone finish up these strawberries so I don't have to throw them away? (谁能把这些草莓吃完?要不扔掉浪费。)

Finish those carrots off and you can have dessert. (把那些胡萝卜吃完,你就可以吃甜点了。)


4.demolish: to eat all of something very quickly - used humorously


The kids demolished the cake and then ran back outside to play. (孩子们狼吞虎咽地吃完蛋糕就跑出去玩了。)

I've seen Marian demolish a big box of chocolates in one sitting! (我曾看见玛丽安一次就把一整盒巧克力吃完了。)


5.clean up:


The teenagers cleaned up the pizza in a matter of minutes. (这些少年几分钟内就扫光了披萨。)




1.drink up:


Come on, drink your milk up. (快把牛奶喝完。)

She drank up her brandy and signaled to the waiter to bring another. (她把白兰地喝完,示意服务生再来一杯。)


2.knock back: to quickly drink large quantities of an alcoholic drink

备注:''knock back''是非正式的用法。


He knocked back the last of the bourbon, and then lit his last cigarette. (他喝光了剩下的波本酒,点了最后一支香烟。)

When his whiskey arrived, he knocked it back in a single gulp. (他把端上来的威士忌一饮而尽。)


3.down: to drink all of a drink fairly quickly, especially an alcoholic drink一口闷


The servant brought a glass of water, which I downed in a single mouthful. (佣人端来一杯水,我一饮而尽。)

After downing a whole bottle of tequila, she swallowed several dozen sleeping tablets. (她喝了一整瓶龙舌兰酒,而后吞下了几十颗安眠药。)


4.drain: to drink everything that is in a bottle, a glass, a cup etc., including the last few drops


Jim drained his glass then offered to buy everyone another one. (吉姆喝光了自己的酒,然后给大家都再点了一杯。)



polish off: to eat everything that is available, with great enjoyment, until there is none left; to finish something that you enjoy drinking, especially quickly or before someone else can drink it

备注:''polish off''可以表示“很开心地吃光”,也可以表示“在别人来喝前自己快速喝光”。


(1)At dinner he polished off six brownies and then asked for some more. (晚饭时,他吃光了所有的6块布朗尼饼,还要再吃。)

If anyone wants more pizza, come and get it before Dan polishes it all off. (还想吃披萨的人过来拿,要不丹就全吃了。)

(2)Did you polish off all the wine last night?(你昨晚把酒都喝完了吗?)

I think I'll polish that last beer off before George gets in. (我想我会在乔治回来前把啤酒喝完。)




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