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Unit 1 Great Possibility 无限可能

Lesson 1 It Happened to Me! 发生在我身上的事!

Lesson 2 Lucky Breaks 好运来临

Lesson 3 Sharing a Short Story 分享生活中的那些小故事

Lesson 4 Talented Child 天才儿童

Lesson 5 Success Stories 成功故事

Unit 2 Gestures and Signs 手势符号大辨识

Lesson 6 Body Language 肢体语言

Lesson 7 Different Expressions to Show Your Feelings 多样方式表达感觉

Lesson 8 What Does This Sign Mean? 这个符号代表什么?

Lesson 9 Speaking About Rules and Regulations 聊一聊规章与制度

Lesson 10 Pearls of Wisdom 至理名言很出彩

Unit 3 Imaginary Events 奇思妙想谈生活事件

Lesson 11 Stories of Honesty 诚实的故事

Lesson 12 I Should Have Done Something. 我本应该做些事情的。

Lesson 13 Jessica’s Radio Talk Show 杰西卡的独特脱口秀

Lesson 14 You Learned a Lesson. 你受益匪浅。

Lesson 15 Different Situations in Life 生活中的多样事件

Unit 4 Giving Reasons and Explanations 有理有据谈理由

Lesson 16 I Was Just Buried in Work. 我陷入了工作的深渊。

Lesson 17 You Told Us to Meet at… 你告诉我们在……见面。

Lesson 18 Are You Doing Anything on Friday? 你周五晚上会做什么呢?

Lesson 19 He Said that He Would Be Out of Town. 他说他会出城。

Lesson 20 Telling White Lies 善意的谎言

Unit 5 Different Personalities 性格大不同

Lesson 21 What Kind of Guys Do You Like? 你喜欢什么样的人?

Lesson 22 He’s Hard to Predict. 他这个人捉摸不透。

Lesson 23 Who’s the Ideal Person? 谁是那个理想中的人?

Lesson 24 Things Make You Get Annoyed 惹恼你的那些事儿

Lesson 25 We Have to Have Friends. 我们一定要有朋友。

Unit 6 Various Careers多彩职业生涯

Lesson 26 Designing Clothes Sounds… 设计服装听起来……

Lesson 27 Career Choices for Your Personality Type 职业选择,因人而异

Lesson 28 That Sounds Fantastic! 那听起来好棒!

Lesson 29 Which Job Is More Interesting? 哪一个工作更有意思呢?

Lesson 30 Strategies for Keeping Your Job 应对工作大计策

Unit 7 Please Do Me a Favor! 请帮我一个忙!

Lesson 31 Would You Mind…? 你介意……吗?

Lesson 32 Do You Agree to the Request? 你赞成这个要求吗?

Lesson 33 Golden Rules of Favor Asking 寻求帮助的黄金规则

Lesson 34 Could You Tell Justin…? 你可以告诉贾斯汀…吗?

Lesson 35 Will You Say “Yes” or “No”? 你会说“是”还是“不是”呢?

Unit 8 Telling Stories 说说你我的故事

Lesson 36 What Type of Stories Are They? 它们是什么类型的故事?

Lesson 37 I Watched News Broadcast Yesterday. 我昨天看了新闻报道。

Lesson 38 What Happened? 发生了什么事?

Lesson 39 What a Terrible Misfortune! 真是太不幸啦!

Lesson 40 Could This Really Be True? 这是真的吗?

Unit 9 Cultural Exchange 文化交流,沟通你我

Lesson 41 One Thing I’d Really Miss Is… 我最想念的就是……

Lesson 42 What’s the Custom? 那里的习俗是什么?

Lesson 43 Going Abroad 出国

Lesson 44 When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do. 入乡随俗

Lesson 45 Dealing with Culture Shock 应对文化冲突

Unit 10 Life Problems 大小问题话生活

Lesson 46 They Had a Stain on Them. 他们在上面留下了污迹。

Lesson 47 Can I Return This Item? 我能退掉这件商品吗?

Lesson 48 What’s the Tenant’s Problem? 房客的问题是什么?

Lesson 49 What’s the Typical Problem? 典型问题是什么?

Lesson 50 Do You Know Trading Spaces? 你知道“交换空间”吗?

Unit 11 World Problems浅谈世界纷繁问题

Lesson 51 Problems in Our City 城市里的各种问题

Lesson 52 Serious Environmental Problems 环境问题不容忽视

Lesson 53 What Can Be Done About it? 我们可以为之做些什么呢?

Lesson 54 Make Your Voices Heard! 让我们的声音得到聆听!

Lesson 55 Cities About to Sink 将要沉没的那些城市

Unit 12 Learning Styles 学习方式大不同

Lesson 56 Popular Majors 最受欢迎的专业

Lesson 57 Classes Expanding 不断丰富的课程

Lesson 58 I Should Try That! 我应该尝试下!

Lesson 59 How Do They Develop Their Skills? 他们如何提升技能?

Lesson 60 Learning Styles 多样学习方式




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