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2024-07-09 15:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Shopping Vocabulary购物词汇

Finding the right store / shop找到合适的商店

Opening times开放时间

Selecting goods选货

Making Payment付款

Returns and complaints退款和投诉

Things written on signs写在标牌上的东西

Using a credit card使用信用卡

Prices and numbers价位

Making comparisons作比较

Different ways of asking someone to SHOW you something要求别人给你看东西的不同方式

When you want to TRY something当你想试穿衣服的时候

If you’d like the shop assistant to give you a DIFFERENT SIZE OR COLOUR如果你想让售货员给你换个尺码或颜色

When you finally decide what you want to BUY当你最终决定要买什么的时候

Example conversations between a shop assistant, customer and cashier店员、顾客和收银员之间的对话示例

Phrasal verbs related to shopping与购物有关的短语动词

Whether you love shopping, or just shop when you need to, you can practice your English at the same time!不管你是喜欢购物,还是在需要的时候购物,你都可以同时练习你的英语!

Shopping is a great way to communicate with lots of different people, and it really helps to boost your confidence in speaking English!购物是一个很好的方式与许多不同的人沟通,它真的有助于提高你的信心说英语!

You might hesitate or make mistakes to begin with, if you’re a bit nervous, but that’s completely normal. You may even find it hard to understand what the shop assistant is saying to you, if you don’t understand all the words!如果你有点紧张的话,你可能会犹豫或者犯错,但这是完全正常的。如果你听不懂店员对你说的话,你甚至会觉得很难理解!

If you familiarise yourself with the phrases and vocabulary in this blog, then you’ll know what you should expect to hear from the people you talk to on your shopping spree. It’ll make shopping a more enjoyable experience, and improve your English too!如果你熟悉这个博客中的短语和词汇,那么你就会知道你在购物狂欢中应该从与你交谈的人那里听到什么。它将使购物成为一种更愉快的体验,并提高你的英语水平!

The more you do it, the easier it will get, and the more natural it will feel!你做得越多,就越容易,感觉也就越自然!

shopping vocabulary购物词汇




Cashier / clerk前台人员

Attendant / assistant店员



Wallet (male)钱包(男)

Purse (female)钱包(女)


Till / Counter到/前台



Gift receipt礼品收据


Shelf / shelves架子

Trolley / s推车

Basket / s购物篮

Lift / s电梯

Escalator / s手扶梯

Bag / s袋子

Fitting rooms / changing rooms试衣间

Ways to Pay:支付方式:





Card machine刷卡机

Chop and pin machine切钉机

Credit cards / debit cards信用卡/借记卡

Loyalty card积分卡

Where to Buy:购物地点:

convenience store / general store / newsagents / department store / shop / store便利店/综合店/报刊社/百货公司/商店/商店

chemist / pharmacy药店

toy shop / toy store玩具店

book shop书店

ladies clothing shop / boutique女士服装店

men’s clothing shop / tailor男士服装店

shoe shop / cobbler’s鞋店

jeweller’s / jewellery store珠宝店

opticians / optometrists眼镜店

electrical store电子产品商店

record shop唱片店

ironmonger’s / ironmongery五金商/五金商

charity shop / second hand shop慈善商店/二手商店

haberdasher’s / haberdashery缝纫用品店

shopping centre购物中心

shopping mall / mall购物商场


florist / botanist花店/植物学家


fishmonger’s / seafood store鱼贩/海鲜店

greengrocers / grocery store蔬菜杂货店

baker’s / bakery烘焙店



DIY store / home supply storeDIY店/家居用品店

hardware store五金店


post office邮局


gardening store / gardening centre园艺商店/园艺中心


1. Finding the right store / shop一.找到合适的商店


Can you recommend a good toy shop/store?你能推荐一家好的玩具店吗?

Is there a chemist / pharmacy in this area?这个地区有药剂师/药房吗?

Where can I get pet food from?我在哪里可以买到宠物食品?

Where is the nearest shopping centre?最近的购物中心在哪里?

Could you direct me to the nearest post office please?请问最近的邮局在哪?

Do you know where the nearest hardware store is?你知道最近的五金店在哪里吗?


There is a really good book shop just around the corner.拐角处有一家很好的书店。

You can buy that here in the hotel.你可以在酒店里买到。

The nearest one is a few mile away.最近的一个在几英里外。

The best toy shop is in the shopping centre.最好的玩具店在购物中心。

The post office isn’t open on Sundays.邮局星期天不开门。

The convenience store on the corner might sell that.街角的便利店可能会卖这个。

2. Opening times2.开放时间


What time are you open until?你什么时候开门?

What time do you close today?你们什么时候关门?

Are you open on the weekends?你们周末开门吗?

Are you open all day?你们全天营业吗?

What are your opening hours?你们的营业时间是什么时候?

Are you open on Sundays?星期天开门吗?

Are you open every day during the week?你一周内每天都开门吗?

What time do you open tomorrow?你们明天什么时候开门?


We’re open from 9am to 6pm.我们从早上9点到下午6点开放。

We’re open on weekdays only (Monday to Friday).我们平日(星期一到星期五)营业。

We’re open from 10am to 8pm.我们从上午10点至晚上8点开放。

We’re open 7 days a week.我们一星期7天营业。

We’re open 24/7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).我们开24/7(一天24小时,每周7天)。

We’re closed at lunchtime, between 12pm and 2pm.我们午餐时间暂休,中午12点到下午2点之间。

We’re closed on Bank Holidays (national holidays).我们在银行假日(国定假日)关门。

3. Selecting goods3.挑选商品

Clerk’s / Assistant’s Questions:售货员/店员的问题:

Can / May I help you?我能帮你什么忙吗?

Can I help you find something?我能帮你找什么吗?

What colour would you like?你想要什么颜色的?

What size would you like?您要多大尺寸的?

Is there anything else I can help you with?还有什么我可以帮你的吗?

Would you like to try it on?你想要试试它吗?

Is that any good?这个好使吗?

What can I do for you?要点什么呢?

How does it fit?合身吗?

How about this one?那这个怎样?

Anything else?还有别的吗?

Would you like anything else?您还要其他的东西吗?

Customer’s Questions:顾客的问题:

Excuse me, do you work here?打扰一下,你在这里工作吗?

Could you help me please?你能帮我一下吗?

I’m looking for a ….我在找一个……

I’m trying to find a ….我在找一个……

Could you tell me where the …. is, please?你能告诉我……在哪里吗?请问是吗?

How much is this?这个多少钱?

How much are these?这些要多少钱?

How much does this cost?这个多少钱?

How much is that …. in the window?在柜窗里的......多少钱?

Where can I find the …. ?在哪里可以找到......?

Do you sell …. ?Do you have any … ?你们卖/有…吗?

Would you have this in another colour?这个有别的颜色吗?

Have you got anything cheaper?你们有没有便宜些的?

Do you have something less pricey (expensive)?有比较便宜的吗?

Do you have this item in stock?这件商品有存货吗?

Do you have a smaller/bigger/larger size?有小一点/大一点/大一号的吗?

Do you know where else I could try?你知道我还能去哪里吗?

Does it come with a guarantee/warranty?有保修单吗?

Where is the changing/fitting room?更衣室在哪里?

Is there somewhere I can try it/this/them on, please?请问有什么地方可以试试这个吗?

Where can I weigh my groceries?我在哪里可以称量我的杂货?

Do/Can you deliver?你能送货吗?

Do you have a refund policy?你这儿有退款政策吗?

Is this in the sale?这是在打折吗?

Clerk’s / Assistant’s Responses:售货员/店员的答复:

I’m afraid that’s the only colour we have.恐怕这是我们仅有的颜色了。

Sorry, we don’t have any more in stock.   Sorry, we don’t sell those / them here.对不起,我们没有存货了。

I’m afraid we don’t have any more left.恐怕我们已经没有剩下的了。

I have exactly what you’re looking for.我正好有你要找的东西。

This one is on sale right now!这一款现在正在打折!

It comes with a manufacturer’s warranty. It comes with a 1-year guarantee.它附带一个制造商的保证书。

The changing / fitting rooms are that way.更衣室在那边。

The scales are by the counter over there. That’s where you can weigh your groceries.天平在那边的柜台上。你可以在那里称量你的杂货。

That one is ….(price).They’re ….(price) each.它们是……(价格)一个。

You can get a refund if you keep the receipt safe, and bring it back within 2 weeks.如果你保管好发票,2个星期内拿回来就可以得到退款。

Customer’s Responses:顾客的回复:

I don’t need any help. I’m just browsing, thanks.我不需要帮助。我只是随便看看,谢谢。

No, I’m just looking, thanks.不,我只是随便看看,谢谢。

Wow, that’s cheap!哇,太便宜了!

That’s good value.这物有所值。

Oh, that’s expensive.哦,那太贵了。

That’s quite reasonable.那很合理。

That’s a little over my budget.这超出我的预算了。

That’s not exactly what I’m looking for.那不是我正找的。

I’ll take it.I’ll take this, please.我要这个。

It’s too long / too short.太长/太短了。

It’s too tight / too loose.太紧了/太松了。

4. Making payment4.付款

Cashier’s / Clerk’s Questions:收银员/售货员的问题:

Are you in the queue?Are you being served?你在排队吗?/有人招呼你吗?

Who’s next?/Next, please!下一个是谁?

How would you like to pay?请问您怎样付款?

Will that be cash or credit?使用现金还是信用卡?

Do you have a loyalty card?你有积分卡吗?

Would you like a bag?你想要一个袋子吗?

Can I help you with anything else?我还能帮你做点什么吗?

Will that be all?请问那是所有吗?

Would you like a gift receipt for that?你想要一张礼物收据吗?

Would you like me to gift wrap it for you?你要我帮你包起来吗?

Would you like that gift wrapped?你想把那个礼物包起来吗?

Would you like any cashback?你想要什么卡?

Put your card into the machine, please.请把你的卡放进机器里。

Enter your PIN, please.请输入您的密码。

That comes to ….(price), please.那就……(价格),拜托了。

The total is ….(price).That’s ….(price), please.总共是……(价格)。

Customer’s Questions:顾客的问题:

Do you take credit cards?接受信用卡吗?

Can I pay by cheque, please?请问我可以用支票付款吗?

Could I have a receipt, please?能给我开个收据吗?

Could I have a gift receipt, please?请给我一张礼品收据好吗?

Could you gift wrap that for me please?请你帮我包装一下好吗?

Can I put one item back, please? I’ve changed my mind about this one.请给我退回一件东西好吗?我改变了主意。

Could I leave my bags here, and pick them up later, please?我可以把包放在这儿,晚些时候取吗?

Do you offer a cash discount?你们提供现金折扣吗?

Does it have a warranty / guarantee?有保修单吗?

Cashier’s / Clerk’s Responses:收银员/售货员的回复:

We take / accept all major credit cards.我们接受所有主信用卡。

Sorry, we don’t accept cheques.对不起,我们不收支票。

I’m afraid we take cash only.我们只收现金。

We’re offering 6 months credit, with no deposit, if you’re interested.如果你感兴趣的话,我们提供6个月的信用,没有存款。

Customer’s Responses:顾客的回复:

I’ll pay in cash/I’ll pay by card我用现金/卡支付。

Here’s ….(money), keep the change!这是……(钱),不用找了!

That’s it for today.今天就这些吧。

That’s all, thanks.就这些吧,谢谢。

Thank you. Have a good day!谢谢您.祝您今天过得愉快!

5. Returns and complaints退货和投诉


Who can I speak to about making a complaint?我可以向谁投诉?

Could I have a refund please?请给我退款好吗?

Can I speak to the manager please?我能和经理讲话吗?

I’d like to return this please.我想退货。

I’d like to make a complaint.我想投诉。

I’d like to change this for a different size please.我想把这个换成不同尺寸的。

Do you have the original receipt?你有原始收据吗?

Did you buy it from one of our other stores?你是从我们其他的商店买的吗?

Can I ask why you’re returning it please?我能问一下您为什么要退吗?

Can I ask why you’ve changed your mind please?我能问一下您为什么改变主意吗?


It doesn’t work.它不起作用。

It doesn’t fit.它不合适。

It was a gift, but I don’t like it.这是个礼物,但我不喜欢。

It was a gift, but the person I bought it for doesn’t like it.这是一个礼物,但是我买的那个人不喜欢它。




Open 24HRS (HOURS) a day24小时营业

Special offer特价


Clearance sale清仓甩卖

Closing down sale停业甩卖

Everything must go!一切都甩卖!

Liquidation sale清盘甩卖

Great value products高价值产品

Good value物有所值


BUY 1 GET 1 FREE买一赠一

Buy one get one half price买一个另一个半价

Half price sale半价销售


Reduced to clear降价清仓

Out for lunch外出午餐

Back in 15 minutes15分钟后回来

Back at 2PM2点回来

Shoplifters will be prosecuted扒手将被起诉

CCTV in operation电视监控区


enter your pin输入您的密码

please wait请稍等

remove your card请取出您的卡片



£5.99 = “Five pounds and ninety-nine pence” (long way)5.99英镑:“五磅九十九便士”(全称)

£5.99 = “Five, ninety-nine” (short way)5.99英镑:“599”(简写)

$12.75 = “Twelve dollars and seventy-five cents” (long way)$12.75=“十二美元七十五美分”(全称)

$12.75 = “Twelve seventy-five” (short way)$12.75=“1275”(简写)

€3.20 = “Three euros and twenty cents” (long way)3.20欧元:“3欧元20美分”(全称)

€3.20 = “Three twenty” (short way)3.20欧元:“320欧元”(简写)


Example Conversation 1:示例对话1:

A: Which sofa should we buy? I can’t decide!A:我们应该买哪张沙发?我不能决定!

B: This one is larger, but it’s more expensive. I prefer the smaller one.B:这个比较大,但是比较贵。我喜欢小一点的。

Example Conversation 2:示例对话2:

A: I need a new watch, but I don’t know which one to get. Can you give me any suggestions?A:我需要一块新表,但我不知道该买哪块。你能给我一些建议吗?

B: Rolex watches are better than Sekonda, but they’re not as affordable. Sekonda watches are better value for money.B:劳力士手表比塞康达好,但价格不太实惠。Sekonda手表性价比更高。

Example Conversation 3:示例对话3:

A: I like the red sweater. What do you think?A:我喜欢这件红色毛衣。你怎么认为?

B: I like the red one too, but I think the blue one is better, and the green one is best. The green colour really suits you.B:我也喜欢红色的,但我觉得蓝色的比较好,绿色的比较好。绿色真的很适合你。

Example Conversation 4:示例对话4:

A: What do you think of this dress? Does it suit me?你觉得这件衣服怎么样?它适合我吗?

Different ways of asking someone to SHOW you something要求别人给你看东西的不同方式

Can you show me the ….. please? (Informal)你能给我看看…。。拜托?(非正式)

Could you show me the ….. please? (Informal / Formal / More Polite)你能给我看看…。。拜托?(非正式/正式/更有礼貌)

Would you be so kind to show me the ….. please? (Formal)你能不能给我看看…。。拜托?(正式)

I’d like to see the ….. please.我想看看…。。拜托。

Could you direct me to the …. aisle please?你能告诉我去…。请走道?

When you want to TRY something, you can say:当你想尝试某事时,你可以说:

Do you have any testers for these (lipstick) colours?你们有没有测试(唇膏)颜色的测试器?

Can I try it / them on, please?我能试穿一下吗?

Could I try it / them on, please?我可以试穿一下吗?

Is it okay if I try this / these on?我试试这个/这个可以吗?

Where can I try it / them on?我在哪里可以试穿?

Where are the changing rooms, please?试衣间在哪里?

If you’d like the shop assistant to give you a DIFFERENT SIZE OR COLOUR, you could say:如果你想让店员给你换个尺码或颜色,你可以说:

Do you have it / them in size ….. please?有尺寸的吗…。。拜托?

Do you have this/these in a smaller / bigger / larger size please?这个/这些有小号/大号/大号的吗?

Can I try the larger / small one please?我可以试试大的/小的吗?

Do you have it / them in a different colour please?请问有不同颜色的吗?

This is a little too tight / loose, do you have another one?这个有点太紧/太松了,你还有别的吗?

When you finally decide what you want to BUY, you can say:当你最终决定要买什么时,你可以说:

Wow, this one is great. I’ll take it!哇,这个很棒。我来拿!

This one is perfect, I’ll take it thanks.这个很好,谢谢。

I’ll have this one, please!请给我这个!

Can I buy the …. , please?我能买…。,拜托?

How much is it / are they?它们多少钱?

I’d like to buy this one, please.我想买这个。

I’d like to buy it / them, please.我想买它/它们。


A: Hi there, can I help you with anything?A:你好,有什么需要帮忙的吗?

B: Yes please, I’m looking for a T-shirt.B:是的,我在找一件T恤衫。

A: What size are you?A:您的尺码是多少?

B: I’m a medium.B:我是中等身材。

A: What colour would you like?A:您要什么颜色的?

B: Maybe a blue or green one.B:可能是蓝色或绿色的。

A: Here you are. How about these?A:给你。这些怎么样?

B: Thank you. Can I try them on anywhere?B:谢谢。我可以在任何地方试穿吗?

A: Certainly, the changing room is over there.A:当然可以,更衣室在那边。

B: Thank you.B:谢谢。

A: How do they fit?A:它们合身吗?

B: They’re both fantastic. I really like them.B:它们都很棒。我真的很喜欢他们。

A: Yes, the blue looks nice on you, it really brings out your eye colour.A:是的,蓝色在你身上看起来很漂亮,它真的让你的眼睛看起来很漂亮。

B: Thank you. I’ll buy both of them!B:谢谢。这两样我都买!

A: Great! Please go to the tills, and pay over there.A:太好了!请到收款台那儿付款。

B: Alright, thank you for your help.B:好的,谢谢你的帮助。

C: Who’s next please!C:请问下一位是谁!

B: Hi there, I’d like to buy these please.B:你好,我想买这些。

C: OK, how would you like to pay?C:好的,您想怎么付款?

B: Do you take credit cards?B:你收信用卡吗?

C: Yes, we do.C:是的,我们有。

B: Okay, here’s my credit card.好的,这是我的信用卡。

C: Enter your pin number into the machine please.C:请在机器上输入您的密码。

B: Okay, done.B:好的,完成了。

C: Thank you. Shall I put your receipt in the bag?C:谢谢。我把你的收据放在包里好吗?

B: Yes please.B:好的。

C: Here you go. Have a nice day!C:给你。祝您有个美好的一天!

B: Thank you, goodbye!B:谢谢,再见!


A: Are you next in the queue sir?先生,您是下一个排队的吗?

B: Yes, I’d like to buy this watch as a gift for my wife please.B:是的,我想买这块手表作为礼物送给我妻子。

A: Okay, would you like me to gift wrap it for you?A:好的,要不要我给你礼品包装?

B: Yes please, that would be great!B:好的,那太好了!

A: Are you sure this is the right size for your wife?A:你确定这是适合你妻子的尺码吗?

B: I’m not sure, it’s just a guess!B:我不确定,只是猜测而已!

A: I can print a gift receipt so she doesn’t see the price, but can bring it back to change the size if she needs to. Would you like me to do that?A:我可以打印一张礼品收据,这样她就看不到价格了,但如果她需要的话,可以把它拿回来换尺码。你想让我这么做吗?

B: Yes please, that would be amazing!B:是的,太棒了!

A: Okay, that’ll be sixty-five dollars and ninety-five cents for the watch please.A:好的,请给我六十五美元九十五美分的手表。

B: Can I pay by cheque please?B:我可以用支票付款吗?

A: No, I’m afraid we don’t accept cheques.A:不,恐怕我们不接受支票。

B: Okay no problem, I’ll pay by debit card then.好的,没问题,那我就用借记卡付款。

A: Please insert your card into the machine, and then enter your PIN.A:请将您的卡插入机器,然后输入您的密码。

B: Okay, done.B:好的,完成了。

A: Would you like me to put the gift receipt in the box with the watch?A:要我把礼品收据和手表放在盒子里吗?

B: Yes please, that’ll be perfect.B:好的,那太好了。

A: Here you go sir. Enjoy the rest of your day.A:给您,先生。好好享受余下的一天。

B: Thank you very much!B:非常感谢!



PUT ON (to place something on a surface or person)穿上(把某物放在表面或人身上)

Put your items on the counter please.请把你的东西放在柜台上。

Why don’t you put on that new jacket you bought yesterday?你为什么不穿上昨天买的那件新夹克呢?

TRY ON (to test an item to see if it is suitable)试穿(测试一件物品看是否合适)

Can I try these dresses on somewhere please?我可以在什么地方试穿这些衣服吗?

TRY OUT (to test something to see if you like it)试一试(测试一些东西看你是否喜欢)

I’d like to try out this lipstick colour please, do you have a tester for it?我想试一试这口红颜色,你们有试验器吗?

THROW ON (to wear something casually)穿上(随便地穿上)

I’m looking for a simple, comfortable dress that I can just throw on.我在找一件简单舒适的衣服,我可以穿上。

DROP IN (to visit someone casually)来访(随便拜访某人)

Drop in during your lunch break when you have more time, and I’ll help you find the right pair of shoes for you.午休时间多过来看看,我帮你找一双合适的鞋。

POUR IN (enter in high quantity)涌入(大量输入)

The supermarket was so busy over the Christmas weekend. The customers started pouring in, as soon as the doors opened!圣诞节周末超市很忙。顾客们一开门就蜂拥而至!

POP IN (to visit someone, informal)突然进来(拜访某人,非正式的)

I’ll book you an appointment, and you can pop in for a consultation with one of our opticians.我给你预约,你可以过来和我们的一位眼镜商会诊。

BROUGHT IN (to make something new for the first time)带进来(第一次做新的东西)

We have brought in a brand new summer collection now, so the old winter range is on sale.我们现在带来了一个全新的夏季系列,所以旧的冬季系列正在出售。

CAVE IN (to surrender or give up to persuasion)屈服(投降或放弃说服)

The shop assistant was so convincing that this dress was the best one for me, that I caved in and bought it, even though it was so



THROW IN/CHUCK IN (to include in addition to something – ‘chuck’ is more informal than throw)扔进/扔进(除了某些东西之外还包括–“CHUCK”比扔进更非正式)

If you buy this laptop, I’ll chuck in a free laptop case for you.如果你买这台笔记本电脑,我就给你送一个免费的笔记本电脑包。

END UP (to finally make a decision abut something, after lengthy consideration)最后(经过长时间的考虑,最终作出决定)

I couldn’t decide which one to buy, so I ended up buying both of them我没法决定买哪一个,所以最后两个都买了

COME UP (when something is approaching/arriving)上来(当有东西接近/到达时)

I need to buy a gift for my friend, his birthday is coming up.我要给我朋友买件礼物,他的生日快到了。

TAKE UP (to choose to start doing something new)开始(选择开始做新的事情)

I’m thinking of taking up the violin, could you buy one for my next birthday please?我想学小提琴,你能为我的下一个生日买一把吗?

BRING DOWN (reduce the amount of something)降低(减少某物的数量)

We have brought down the prices, because we’re having a huge sale before the winter!我们已经把价格降下来了,因为我们在冬天前有大减价!

TURN DOWN (to refuse or reject something)拒绝(拒绝或拒绝某物)

He bought a really expensive watch for me, but I turned it down. I couldn’t accept it!他给我买了一块很贵的手表,但我拒绝了。我不能接受!

POP OUT (to leave to go somewhere for a short time)突然出来(离开去某个地方呆一会儿)

I’m just going to pop out to the cash machine, could you save these items for me please?我正要去提款机,你能帮我把这些东西存起来吗?

I’m just popping out to buy some bread and milk from the local store.我正要从当地商店买些面包和牛奶。

OPT OUT (to choose not to be a part of something)选择退出(选择不参与某事)

They gave me the option of getting everything on credit, but I opted out because I prefer buying things upfront, than being in debt.他们给了我赊账的选择,但我选择了不赊账,因为我更喜欢提前买东西,而不是欠债。

RULE OUT (to decide that something is not suitable / remove something from a list of options)排除(决定某事不合适/从选项列表中删除某事)

I’m not sure which laptop to buy. I think I’ll rule out this one, because it’s too expensive. Now I just have to decide between these two.我不知道该买哪台笔记本电脑。我想我不买这个,因为太贵了。现在我得在这两者之间做出决定。

PHASE OUT (to gradually remove something from existence in one place)逐步淘汰(在某处逐渐脱离某物)

Sorry, we don’t sell those anymore. We phased them out last year, because they weren’t very popular.对不起,我们不再卖了。我们去年淘汰了他们,因为他们不太受欢迎。

SELL OUT (to sell the whole supply of something)卖完(卖掉全部的东西)

I’m afraid all those watches have sold out now; they were very popular over Christmas!恐怕那些手表现在都卖完了,圣诞节期间很受欢迎!

HELP OUT (to assist someone)帮助(帮助某人)

Could you help me out please? I can’t do the zip up on this dress!你能帮我一下吗?我不能把这件衣服的拉链拉上!

DO UP (to fasten something)上(两件系紧的东西)

Could you do the zip up on this dress for me please?你能帮我把这件衣服的拉链拉上吗?

STAND OUT (to be distinctive or more noticeable than others)脱颖而出(与众不同或比其他人更引人注目)

This sweater stands out from the rest. I love the vibrant colours!这件毛衣与众不同。我喜欢鲜艳的颜色!

WALK OUT ON (to abandon someone angrily)走开(愤怒地抛弃某人)

I was so disappointed with their service, that I just walked out on them, and I didn’t pay!我对他们的服务非常失望,所以我就离开了他们,我没有付钱!

PAY OFF (to pay back all you owe)还清

I have finally paid off all the money I owed on my credit card! It’s such a relief!我终于还清了信用卡上的所有欠款!真是如释重负!

PULL OFF (to succeed in doing something difficult)成功(做困难的事)

Wow, not many people can pull off that outfit, but you look stunning in it!哇,没多少人能脱掉那套衣服,但你穿上它看起来真漂亮!

TOP OFF (to end or finish something in a special way)结束(以一种特殊的方式结束或完成某事)

I got an amazing deal on this computer, and to top it off, they gave me an extra three years free warranty!!我在这台电脑上得到了一笔惊人的交易,最重要的是,他们给了我额外的三年免费保修!!

RIP OFF (to charge someone excessively)敲诈(过分地收费于某人)

They ripped you off! I bought that for half the price in a different store!他们把你宰了!我在另一家商店以半价买的!

GIVE BACK (to return something)回馈

I’ll have to give this ring back to Tom, because he broke off the engagement.我得把这个戒指还给汤姆,因为他取消了订婚。

TAKE BACK (to decide on returning something in the near future)收回(决定在不久的将来归还某物)

I’m going to take this back to the store, and see if I can get a different colour.我要把这个带回商店,看看能不能换个颜色。

PAY BACK (to pay what you owe)还(债)

If you get our loyalty card now, you won’t have to pay the whole amount today, instead you can pay us back in installments each month.如果你现在拿到我们的会员卡,你今天就不用付全部的钱了,你可以每个月分期还我们。

TALK OVER (to discuss something before making a decision)讨论(做决定前讨论某事)

I do love this sofa, but I’ll need to talk it over with my wife before committing to buying it.我真的很喜欢这沙发,但在我决定买它之前,我得和我妻子商量一下。


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