牛津译林版(2019) 必修 第一册Unit 3 Getting along with others lntegrated skills课件 (共27张PPT)

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牛津译林版(2019) 必修 第一册Unit 3 Getting along with others lntegrated skills课件 (共27张PPT)

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(共27张PPT)Unit 3 Getting along with othersIntegrated skills BTime and I talked a lot about his problem today,and I’m so glad that I could help my best friend.时间和我今天谈了很多关于他的问题,我很高兴我能帮助我最好的朋友。talk a lot谈论许多talk about谈论关于be glad to do sth 很开心想做某事Integrated skills BIt aslo left me thinking about what it really means to be a good friends.这也让我思考什么才是真正的好朋友。leave sb doing sth :让某人继续做某事:指让某人继续进行某项活动,而自己离开或不再参与。Integrated skills BIn my opinion ,the following qualities form the basis of a friendship.在我看来,下列品质构成了友谊的基础。in one’s opinion在某人看来in one’s viewform:形成the basis of...的基础Integrated skills BA good friend needs to be supportive.I can see that Tim is having trouble balancing his project and his schoolwork,and I can see thta both are important to him.好朋友应该支持你。我能看出蒂姆在平衡他的项目和功课方面有困难,我能看出两者对他都很重要。need to do sthhave trouble doing sth 做某事有困难balance sth and ..Integrated skills BI must respect and support the choices he makes.我不需要尊重和支持他的决定make a choice 做出选择make a decision=make desicions做决定support sb 支持某人Integrated skills BI should also encourage hime to take action to get over these difficulties.我应当鼓励他去采取行动克服这些苦难encourage sb to do sth 股利某人做某事take action to do sth 采取措施做某事get over克服Integrated skills BA good friend also needs to be selfless.Tim is someone whom I should try my best to help,even if it means more work for me.一个好朋友也需要无私。蒂姆是我应该尽力帮助的人,即使这对我来说意味着更多的工作。try one’s best to do sth 尽力做某事Integrated skills BWhen he’s srtuggling with his schoolwork,I should do all I can to help him become a more efficient learner.当他在努力做功课时,我应该尽我所能帮助他成为一个更有效的学习者。struggle with:努力应对:指在面对困难或挑战时,付出努力去解决或克服。learn to do sth 学会做某事Integrated skills BIt’ll take up some of my spare time,but this friendship is worth my extra time and effort.这会占用我一些业余时间,但这份友谊值得我付出额外的时间和努力。take up占据in one’s spare timebe worth doing sth 值得做某事extra time额外的时间Integrated skills BI'm sure that Tim would do the same for me.To me,a good friend brings out the best in a person.我相信蒂姆也会为我做同样的事。对我来说,一个好朋友能激发出一个人最好的一面。bring out the best in sb:激发出别人最好的一面Integrated skills BThrough our conversation today,I know that our friendship will grow stronger than ever.通过我们今天的谈话,我知道我们的友谊将比以往更加牢固。than ever:比以往I’ll always value these qualities of a good friend and try to measure myself by these standards as our friendship delevops.我将永远重视一个好朋友的这些品质,并试着用这些标准来衡量自己,因为我们的友谊发展。try to do sth 尝试做某事Extended readingAs we talk the path of life,we may sometimes wish to be alone with our own thoughts,for quiet periods of reflection can lead to personal improvement.当我们谈论人生之路时,我们有时可能希望独自思考,因为安静的反思可以带来个人的进步。wish to do sth 希望做某事lead to :导致personal improvement:个人发展Extended readingHowever,when we seek to be alone,we must be careful that we do not always escape into our own world.然而,当我们寻求独处时,我们必须小心,不要总是逃避到自己的世界里。seek to do sth :寻求做:努力尝试或想要去做某事。escape into:逃遁进入:从现实生活中逃避,投入到某种活动、兴趣或幻想世界中。Extended readingSocial life is also important to us.More often than not,close friendship will help smooth out the sometimes rocky road that we are all meant to travel.社交生活对我们也很重要。通常情况下,亲密的友谊会帮助我们抚平崎岖不平的道路。more often than not:多半,往往:表示某事在大多数情况下都会发生或成立。smooth out:抚平,使平滑:消除表面的皱纹或凹凸不平,使之变得平滑。be meant to :注定要:表示某事是命中注定或计划好的,通常用于描述某人或某事的目的或预期结果。Extended readingAs we live in social groups,there are many benefits of friendship that we can enjoy.当我们生活在社会群体中时,我们可以享受友谊的许多好处。Generally speaking 一般来说close friends have three furits:they many comfort the heart,advise the head and help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves.亲密的朋友有三种好处:安慰心灵,忠告头脑,帮助我们实现自己设定的目标。Extended readingThrough friendship,we can become happier,wiser and more satisfied humans.通过友谊,我们可以变得更快乐、更聪明、更满足。be satisfied with 对...满意The first fruit of friendship is the peace that comes from sharing with friends our joy,sadness,success and failure.友谊的第一个果实是和平,这种和平来自于与朋友分享我们的喜悦、悲伤、成功和失败。come from来自share sth with sbExtended readingHere,friendship has a double advantage-happiness takes on a greater meaning and a trouble shared becomes a trouble halved!在这里,友谊有双重好处——快乐有了更大的意义,分担的麻烦减半!Naturally,this kind of openness results from a close friendship.当然,这种坦诚来自于亲密的友谊。Extended readingWith true friends,we feel free to share our joy and sadness in full measure.有了真正的朋友,我们可以自由地分享我们的快乐和悲伤。feel free to do sth 自由做某事in full measure 充分地Extended readingWe know that our friends will both respect our feelings and treasure these moments of closeness.Indeed,the human heart depends on such opportunities for comfort and protection.我们知道我们的朋友会尊重我们的感受,珍惜这些亲密的时刻。的确,人类的心依赖于这样的机会来获得安慰和保护。moments of closeness亲密地时刻depend on sth 依赖某物Extended readingThe second fruit of friendship is the better understanding and judgement that may be achieved through conversations with well-meaning and wise friends.友谊的第二个成果是,通过与善意和明智的朋友交谈,可以获得更好的理解和判断。We often find it easier to recognize other people’s weaknesses than our own.我们常常发现发现别人的弱点比发现自己的要容易。find+it+adj+to do sthrecognize 识别weakness弱点Extended readingAs a result,if we are guided only by our own feelings,our judgement might be one-sided.因此,如果我们只被自己的感觉所引导,我们的判断可能是片面的。as a result:因此be guided by 被...引导On the other hand,our friends are better able to offer advice on important decisions that we all have to make.另一方面,我们的朋友更能在我们必须做出的重要决定上提供建议。offer advice提供建议Extended readingAlso,when we want to talk our problems over with a friend,we have to put our thoughts into words first.此外,当我们想和朋友讨论我们的问题时,我们必须先把我们的想法用语言表达出来。This alone helps make our thoughts clearer and brings us a more thorough understanding or our problems.这本身就有助于使我们的思想更清晰,使我们对我们的问题有更全面的了解。Extended readingThe third fruit of friendship is the help that a friend may offer in many different ways.Sometimes a friend is even known as our second self.There are so many things in life that can only be achieved with the help of friends.友谊的第三个成果是朋友可以以许多不同的方式提供帮助。有时朋友甚至是我们的第二个自我。生活中有很多事情只有在朋友的帮助下才能完成。be known as 被看作是with the help of...在...的帮助下Extended readingFriends may have many different ideas and skills.They can help us achieve what we want during life and,perhaps,even after death.朋友们可能有很多不同的想法和技能。它们可以帮助我们在生前,甚至在死后,实现我们想要的东西。Finally,it should be pointed out that enjoying the compnay of a crowd is not the same as being with friends.最后,应该指出的是,享受人群的陪伴与与朋友在一起是不一样的。point out指出the same as和...一样Extended readingFriends should be carefully chosen and relationships carefully developed.In this way,we can better walk the path of life with the comfort,advice and help from our trusted friends.选择朋友要慎重,发展关系要慎重。这样,我们可以更好地走在生活的道路上,从我们信任的朋友的安慰,建议和帮助。Extended readingThank you!






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